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12413822 No.12413822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books for this feel?

>> No.12413855

The Trial by Franz Kafka

>> No.12413856

Mein Kampf

>> No.12413859


>> No.12413866

*breathes in & sighs

>> No.12413874


>> No.12413875

Moby Dick, with Captain Ahab representing the British public and Moby Dick representing their own past.

>> No.12413909

Fuck countries for wanting their own borders and laws amirite?

>> No.12414119

So we want our own borders, but not between Ireland and North Ireland, that is a no-no, and we want make our own laws but also wanna be in a single market, also we want a Norway deal but we dont wanna pay and we dont really know what a Norway deal means but Norway is rich so it means Norway deal is nice.

>> No.12414136

>tfw there's probably going to be a no deal Brexit now

>> No.12414157

>wanting something is the same as having a viable praxis for implelementing it
Of course people want to have their cake and eat it too. Only trouble is brexit was a failure from the outset, we have zero leverage over the EU to get a “good deal” and anything we make now will be a compromise that is almost certainly gonna leave us worse off.

>> No.12414175


>> No.12414180

Fuck off Socrates

>> No.12414184

I hope that discourages the reactionary populists and scum that supports them. Europe has one chance to not let fascism crawl back from its grave, it better not fuck it up.

>> No.12414187

You can just unilaterally drop all tariffs and restrictions on imports/exports at any moment, no deal needed and you'll be flooded with cheap goods.

>> No.12414202


>> No.12414205

>spreading your legs for literally anyone who walks past: the post
I really don’t want aids or chlorinated chicken thanks

>> No.12414238

Kek people like this make fascism sound like its the natural dtate of things and will just come back whenever it wants. Its the most btfo dead as doornails ideology.

>> No.12414253

It can only mean extra calories for the underclass regardless of harm to middle class sensibility, the genetic stock (it's not that impressive to begin with) won't be damaged

>> No.12414539

He was right you know

>> No.12414556


tony blair was a para-fascist

>> No.12414754
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Unironically this

>> No.12414989

shut up

>> No.12414994

>disrupt (((system)))

>> No.12415126

We should be passed countries at this point in history

>> No.12415135
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Crush all continental systems.

>> No.12415144

Move to South Africa then.

>> No.12415417

Political parties only exist to divide the nation.
A nation can only be defined as a nation if it has ethnic and cultural borders, defined by individuals and generations bound together by a moral law and common traditions that are implicit.
Democracy elects the men who are most effective at selling or manipulating their ideas into the minds of the public, rather than true visionaries or geniuses.
Man is man only by virtue of the spiritual process to which he contributes as a member of the family, the social group, the nation, and in function of history to which all nations bring their contribution. Outside history man is a nonentity.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.12415447

Didn't realize the EU forced the UK to join them at gunpoint.

>> No.12415476

You dont know what the EU is or why anyone would want to leave it, just be honest

>> No.12415541
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Books on Anglo-Russian friends steamrolling euroscum together?

>> No.12415568

Fucking lol.
Even if that was true, if people wanted fascism wouldnt democracy have to give it to them?

>> No.12415573
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>implying we aren't going even deeper

We're bringing back monarchy and aristocracy Anon, do try to keep up. Fascism is so 20th Century.

>> No.12415577


>we have zero leverage over the EU to get a “good deal”
This deal was completely decent. Tories fucked up

>but not between Ireland and North Ireland
You want but you can't.
>we want make our own laws but also wanna be in a single market
You can be in that market by your own laws
>we want a Norway deal but we dont wanna pay
Not sure if true

Anyway you were never a full member of the EU and the EU is and even more so will be Germany's playground

>> No.12415590

I agree with the assessment of political parties but I feel like I and the majority of my generation in the west are detached from and disillusioned by the ethnic and cultural adhesion you're claiming.
I'm a white mutt from America whose family has been here so long that I have no idea what my actual ethnic heritage is. I've never lived in a single city for more than four years or a single state more than ten. I and everyone around me are deracinated transplants that have never felt at home. My culture was sold out to jingoism and corporate adspace before I was even born, and most don't care.
I don't have a home, I don't have a culture, I don't have an ethnicity. Nobody has ever presented me with anything to believe in.

>> No.12415593

Fascism can have a monarchy or an aristocracy
There is no set form of government
Fascism is above all else a philosophy and attitude

>> No.12415594

Europe fucked that chance up when they started letting in massive amounts of useless violent third world parasites. Right wing nationalism is an inevitable response to that.

>> No.12415596

Is that just the philosophy of struggle or what?

>> No.12415606

I think Musslini explains it best

"Fascism wants man to be active and to engage in action with all his energies; it wants him to be manfully aware of the difficulties besetting him and ready to face them. It conceives of life as a struggle in which it behooves a man to win for himself a really worthy place, first of all by fitting himself (physically, morally, intellectually) to become the implement required for winning it. As for the individual, so for the nation, and so for mankind (4). Hence the high value of culture in all its forms (artistic, religious, scientific) (5) and the outstanding importance of education. Hence also the essential value of work, by which man subjugates nature and creates the human world (economic, political, ethical, and intellectual).

"This positive conception of life is obviously an ethical one. It invests the whole field of reality as well as the human activities which master it. No action is exempt from moral judgment; no activity can be despoiled of the value which a moral purpose confers on all things. Therefore life, as conceived of by the Fascist, is serious, austere, and religious; all its manifestations are poised in a world sustained by moral forces and subject to spiritual responsibilities. The Fascist disdains an “easy " life (6).

>> No.12415608

Fascism is just corporatism with cute outfits

>> No.12415619

dumb boomer

>> No.12415621

Fascism also has no set economics
Corporatism just fits nicely with the philosophy
But it can by syndicalist, socialist, really anything other than free market capitalism
There must always be a degree of state oversight and it must always comply with a set of ethics
The common idea is that the economy should be there to improve the lives of the people, ideology is removed from economics and it simply matters what works at the time and what doesnt

>> No.12415623
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Whats the use in voting consciously if only giant systemic computer overlords have already generated the result for the elites?

>> No.12415633

My o key is sticky

>> No.12415642

Seems to me you're the first one to have no idea about it considering the british isles are not even part of the Schengen area, a no-deal brexit would threaten the borders of Northern Ireland and Gibraltar more than any other outcome.

>> No.12415659

If the elites were in full control we would have no brexit and hilldawg for pres

>> No.12415662

unfortunate, isn't it

>> No.12415668
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>populists bad
>socialists good

>> No.12415701

>implying that brexit wasn’t just the elites solidifying their position

>> No.12415702

It literally did though, we had a referendum to join the EEC (which was a good idea) and then it became a political union without our say so. People act like it’s been here for ever and it’s too old to fail but it’s literally just 40 years odd. We don’t even need it for trade anymore as the nature of trade has changed so much that (thanks to computers and the internet) that you don’t only trade with/through your direct neighbours.

>> No.12415707

Fuck off Ivan, no one likes you.

>> No.12415712
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>> No.12415713

>implying the eu isn't just a tool for the elites to subjugate lesser nations and the working class

>> No.12415721

GOP/Dems are one in the same, only one had the backing of one of the richest men in the world (Putin)

>> No.12415741

I mean, maybe hold referendums to ratify the new accords. Stop blaming others for your own politicians’ mistakes.

>> No.12415751

My only hope is that someone has the balls to commit to no deal. I think if anyone can defy the EU, it will be Britain. They tried to con us into the Euro but we got out of that.

>> No.12415752

>implying that doesn’t happen no matter what

>> No.12415771

That would be chaos. I don't feel a second referendum coming even if May gets replaced internally

>> No.12415773

I don’t believe in referenda, the general populous doesn’t have a clue about politics, not to mention international relations and trade. Whilst I supported Brexit, I concede that a bulk of its supports were uninformed racists. Though Remain did also have their own uninformed idiots who thought the world was going to callopse the day after.

>> No.12415783

Why would it be chaos?

>> No.12415802

>I don't believe in food tasting, the general populous doesn't have a clue about flambeing, not to mention sous vide and liquid nitrogen

Customs, for instance

>> No.12415805

Then don’t pick politicians who drag you to places you don’t want to go. You could have gotten out or dragged your feet when the EEC became EU, no one tricked you or forced you into anything, your own democratically elected goverments put you where you are.

>> No.12415811

All I can really say is, that sucks man. But seriously, I do hope you find a place to call home. Might sound like too much of a romantic idea at this time, but why not try.

>> No.12415855

Your meme is actually correct though. There are specialist food reviewers for a reason because some people have more sensitive taste buds and also acquired a varied palate.

Customs would be a 3 month issue, max. The only difference is paperwork, since we live on an island (ignoring NI/IRE for a second) everything is already screened. So we’d just need to formalise the process for EU countries. We could argue who would be hurt worse but Germany in particular can’t afford for us to not to be trade partners. For everyone outside the EU we would seek to formalise similar if not the same customs deals already in place (as with all the EU laws) for a starting point to move on from.

>> No.12415863


>Your meme is actually correct though. There are specialist food reviewers for a reason because some people have more sensitive taste buds and also acquired a varied palate.
And those would be the media at best. The politicians are the chefs. Read some Aristotle

>> No.12415882

I'm about to graduate from college and try to find a place to carve out, so thanks anon.
It saddens me to see /pol/acks fall into the same identity politics trap that they mock tumblr for, but I do understand why. They have the same suffering and see some vague "white culture" as the answer to it when they never really had enough of an attachment to it to understand what it means, conflating the entire continent of vastly different groups into their subsuming vaporwave white blob.

>> No.12415886

There are many problems with our particular flavour of democracy but I honesty couldn’t tell you what I’d rather have in its place. We’re constantly blasted with propaganda and you once you realise they are all bad options, you’re left to vote for the least worse.

>> No.12415898

He was staturising my view on the general populous voting. Personally I wouldn’t think it was a bad idea to test everyone and only accept votes from those with a base level of competence.

>> No.12415912
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>Food analogies

>> No.12416013

>american mutt speaks on europe

>> No.12416182

>We're bringing back monarchy and aristocracy Anon
I unironically think this needs to happen

>> No.12416214

All I said was that Europe has never been the retarded monolithic white utopia that Americans believe it to be. If you think a 16th century Swede and a 19th century Spaniard have a closer shared cultural experience than a white 21st century American and a brown 21st century American, you're retarded.

>> No.12416231

Here is the full reading https://youtu.be/TEqRtjpTqhE
I wish it weren't so misunderstood

>> No.12416285

You're conflating American White Nationalism with a lot of groups here
/pol/ is not one person or one ideology
You have many types there, white nationalists, civic nationalists, libertarians, capitalists, socialists, fascists, nazis, and a whole lot of LARPers.
I used to go on /pol/ years ago but since the '16 election its mostly been full of these hipster alt-right types, libertarians, and the group I like to call "internet nazis" or "internet fascists" who dont really know anything about the ideology they promote they just follow memes and infographics.

I consider myself a fascist, and I dont consider myself a white nationalist or anything like that. In my mind the nation isnt strictly biologically racial. It is ethnic and cultural however. Just like Julius Evola I believe that biological race is the least important aspect of race. The race that can be moulded by the state and by the society is the race that matters. Ancient Rome was made up of many biological races, but its state was one race, the Roman race. Even when its Emperors were bioligically Spanish or Greek they were spiritually Roman, and expressed the Roman soul.
I hope that makes sense.

>> No.12416289

Brexit has been exposed as undeliverable. All the Brexiteers ran away from government. There was no clear vision of brexit and contradictory things were promised. The Russians hacked the referendum and the vote leave campaigns were censured by the unbiased electoral commission and fined.

No deal would mean food and medicine shortages. We need a people's vote. Our future our choice! Young people are the most affected so we should lower the voting age to 14.

Why are we revoking people's right to live, learn, and love in the EU? British people won't pick fruit. Brexit would destroy the supply chains of companies.

The backstop is needed to stop a repeat of the troubles. Ireland didn't vote for brexit, so the border is the UK's problem

>> No.12416294

>the russians
Stopped reading immediately
Please get a lobotomy

>> No.12416314
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I don't think Moldbug was right about everything, but I do think he was right about the idea that we've gotten rid of the official aristocracy, only for it to be replaced by an unofficial aristocracy that's just as powerful and entrenched but isn't self-aware about it, and wants to be a bit secretive about it when they are. I mean, if I have to choose between bowing to Eduard Habsburg and Henri of Paris or Jeff Bezos and Donald Tusk, I know who I'm picking.

>> No.12416317

nobody implied any of this but sure a strawman sure is pleasant to argue against

>> No.12416323


The referendum was non-binding. The polls currently clearly show a majority for staying in the EU. People have changed their minds. Turnout wasn't even 100 % in the referendum.

Why should we give in to populism? We live in a rules based international system.

>> No.12416339

>populism as coheerent ideological movement
>welfare bonuses+more immigration=socialism

>> No.12416359

>why should we have democracy
Good question
But seriously, the vote was already passed. If you want to keep having votes until you get the result you wanted, well, I dont think I need to explain the flaw in that logic.
You're being extremely irrational and completely ignoring the gripes people have with the EU. You can strawman and blame it on bad turnout and russian hackers all you want but you're screaming in a wind tunnel.
People voted for national sovereignty. So they werent under the boot of an international empire that governs their nation. Nobody voted for mass illegal immigration, nobody voted to have their industries sold overseas, nobody voted to become an ethnic minority in their own land in which they have been the 99% for over a thousand years, and yet these things happened or are happening anyway.
For you to ignore that and blame it on your spooky scarecrows is doing yourself a disservice.

>> No.12416361

>actually wanting more welfare and immigration

>> No.12416408


We have repeated general elections and nobody finds anything wrong with that. We don't even need another referendum because parliament can cancel brexit. Isn't parliamentary sovereignty exactly what you uneducated Brexiteers wanted?

Oh, and I don't care about Dazza from Grimsby's complaints about the EU, which he only got from the Sun.

The UK chose not to implement temporary controls on Eastern European immigration. And if you don't like non whites, then non-EU migration can be stopped without leaving the EU

>> No.12416420

>no EU = Isolationism
You're a fucking retard.
You can still have alliances and trade with other nations without being in the EU. Many countries in Europe already do and they are doing just fine. Many more will be leaving the EU in the years to come as well. Very likely the bureaucratic mess that is the EU will dissolve and will be replaced with something else that isnt as oppressive and powerful.
I bet you're 14 which is why you want the vote age lowered.
Its set high for a reason, so only mature people with developed brains can vote on matter that will change the lives of everyone.

>> No.12416422

>We have repeated general elections and nobody finds anything wrong with that.
Doesn't mean that they're not wrong or that that anon isn't correct. Continuing to vote until the "correct" option is chosen isn't voting at all.

>> No.12416429

Not if those non-whites get German passports you daft cunt

>> No.12416462

There wasnt an argument against anything I said anywhere in this post
Just a bunch of strawmans and unrelated rants
Can you try again?