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12412034 No.12412034 [Reply] [Original]

You've been tasked to adapt one of your favorite works of literature into a film/tv series. Budget is not a concern. What do you adapt and how will you do it?

>> No.12412039

I adapt Bear by Marian Engel. You know the one.

>> No.12412052

hogg by delaney with op as the boy and me as hogg

>> No.12412065

Gravity’s Rainbow as an HBO or worst case scenario, Netflix series. One season per part of the book. And it would be awesome

>> No.12412066

my diary desu with danny devito as the protagonist

>> No.12412071

My books desu into a multi episode weekly miniseries

>> No.12412080
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I'd love to shoot an Invisibles TV series.

>> No.12412083
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This, but actually following the plot.

Make it a miniseries. Maybe produced by Hallmark. Or maybe a Japanese anime.

>> No.12412095
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I've always thought Cronenberg could pull off a wonderful "Book of Revelation" flick.

>> No.12412118

Wuthering Heights, except this time it's an HBO series, 100% faithful to the text, not shit and not directed by some bitch who wants to make it into some pulp-fiction-vampire-porn. Just a completely fleshed out Yorkshire drama at its peak.

>> No.12412132
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>> No.12412147

I don't like Hemingway much but I feel like For Whom The Bell Tolls could be adapted into something great.

>> No.12412158

I make Blood Meridian into an anime epic directed by peak Madhouse

>> No.12412373

Mutli-season HBO adaption of Dune that actually follows the plot to a T. While I'm excited to see how the new adaption turns out, I can't for the life of me understand why they're doing movies instead of long-form.

>> No.12412455

A hero of our time, but pechorin is a british officer in India, instead of a Russian officer in the Caucasus

>> No.12412461

Since it wouldn’t make sense to have English speakers playing a Russian.

>> No.12412469

The Silmarillion

>> No.12412470

First law trilogy and then the followups as an HBO serie. I've been waiting for that to happend for too damn long

>> No.12412488

Tristram Shandy as a period sitcom

>> No.12412531

I always thought Mason & Dixon would fair well as a three-movie project on the scale and budget of Jackson's Lord of the Rings.

I've thought about this, too, but I feel like it would only work if it was animated. CGI nose-boners are out of the question, and I feel like classic special effects wouldn't quite capture it.

No idea what style of animation would be optimal, though

>> No.12412659
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Excellent, for some reason I always thought Lynch would be perfect for Sterne, likewise with Don Quixote.

>> No.12412913

Yeah, the only thing that kept the sci fi series from being great was the budget. replace a few actors here and there, dump some more SFX and it would have been goat.

>> No.12412926

Les Miserable that isnt a gay ass musical. The Coen bros could probably do a good adaptation of a short story collection since Ballad of Buster Scruggs was really good. 2666 that isnt a gay ass theater play.

>> No.12412932


Dumb thread

>> No.12412964

That and change the design of the stillsuits. While Lynch's were missing the hood and goggles, they looked a lot better than the weird turquoise ones in the miniseries.

>> No.12412985

When I say SFX I include all that. Still, there were plenty of cool shit in the miniseries from a visual standpoint. Arrakis, the city, The Harkonnen (if a little cartoonish) the worms and the fremen, were handled pretty well. Even the set design was good. You could tell it was a passion project even with their shit budget.

>> No.12413000

>Budget is not a concern.
Then I would invest the budget in a time machine and get Kubrick to direct it.

>> No.12413002
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Grendel with Jack Nicholson starring.

>> No.12413240

>because only money raise the dead

nice trips

>> No.12413259

Finnegans Wake

It'll be like an Eric Rohmer movie, but all characters will be babies.

I'd capture the essence of the book by diminishing the distance between though & speech. Hence babies.

>> No.12413446

The Shadow Over Innsmouth by H. P. Lovecraft. I would hire Cary Joji Fukunaga to direct/write/produce it and S. T. Joshi to co-produce it. Joshi and I would make sure Fukunaga stays super close to the source material. It would be set in the late 1920s and no expense would be spared on getting the period right. CGI would be very minimal and there wouldn't be any greenscreen.

>> No.12414224

New BBC series is a non musical

>> No.12414349
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so kinda like this but they're all Irish?

>> No.12414356

The Bungalow House by Thomas Ligotti with Jörg Buttgereit directing it.

>> No.12414387

The Magic Mountain by Malick
50% pseud 50% kino.

>> No.12414388

The lord of the rings would be kino

>> No.12414545

Not Lynch, maybe Gilliam.

>> No.12414563

I'd do The Setting Sun and have Park-Chan Wook do it. I want it with the same aesthetic style as The Handmaiden

>> No.12414617
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The Simarillion.

Animated series with at most 50 episodes. All done by Studio Ghibli, all directed by Miyazaki, with an older looking art style like their earlier movies. No CGI, no computers involved in the animation. I leave casting choices up to them, the english script will be supervised and signed off directly by christopher tolkien.

>> No.12414659

>Jack Nicholson
why? He's worn-out at this point, only plays a parody of himself

Also, Grendel, weirdly enough, already had a film adaptation: an animated movie made in Australia

>> No.12414665
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>> No.12414726

Impossible to adapt Moby Dick for the screen

>> No.12414727

You didn't like the actual cartoon?

>> No.12414753

two movies based on Lolita. One from HH perspective and one from Dolores.

>> No.12415007

Les Miserables as a TV series, it'll incorporate all the songs from the musical but also delve into all the cool shit the musical didn't have time for and include new songs for the new story elements. It'll even include an episode that's just a documentary about the Battle of Waterloo as a nod to Victor Hugo's tangents about history.

>> No.12415039

Hyperion without ever directly showing the metal guy because he was so transcendental on paper until I actually visualized the story and realized that it's just a three meter tall guy with spikes. So I guess it would be an insane CGI worldbuilding (or of course actually building all the spaceships and worlds with my unlimited budget but i don't mind really great cgi) with spending an eternity on figuring out shapes of light and color that would convey an appropriate feeling without resorting to text on screen.

>> No.12415147

State of Fear. I would love to do this in the current political climate. No pun intended. Although being able to squish it down enough but still keeping all the required speeches and data so it doesn't just seem like a cheap action flick might be hard.

>> No.12415193

Cary Fukunaga directing a 10 episode series on Nostromo

>> No.12415211

Any Gombrowicz book directed by Masaaki Yuasa. Overall style of his animations just fits perfectly to insanity of Gombrowicz's stories.

>> No.12415244
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Hire Paolo Sorrentino and comission him to produce a 100+ episode series of Boccaccio's Decameron as the tits n' ass Italian film masterpiece it was meant to be. Hours upon hours of medieval bunga bunga:

>> No.12415267

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0cc7bPsL10

>> No.12415321

Stuntbear with a peter north style tongue. I envision lots of rolling wet pink mouth slurps.

>> No.12415388

1. Dune: snagging the best parts of all the adaptations and attempted adaptations, I would instill an extra layer of serious Baroque depth to it. The emperor can now be safely, cost effectively, by Salvador Dali exactly as he invisioned it, pet flaming giraffes and all.

2. Julian: For maximum results I’d have to go back in time and get Stanley Kubrick to direct a Gore Vidal script just after he finished Barry Lyndon.

I’ve others. Like >>12414617
The creation myth needs to be animated, not necessarily by Ghibli. Though they’d make some of the other episodes look really nice.

>> No.12415449
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>Book of the New Sun
>Director: Terrance Malick
>Producer: David Cronenberg
>Executive Producers: Gene Wolfe, David Lynch, Mel Gibson
>Screenplay: Gene Wolfe, Jeff Nichols, Terrance Malick
>Production Company: Icon Productions
>Props and Set Design: WETA Workshop
>Distributed by: HBO
>Four Season series with each season covering a single book in the tetraology
>Severian: Adam Driver or a young Guy Pierce (Zac Efron would be an ideal look but doesn't have the acting ability...same with Robert Pattinson)
>Vodalus: Joseph Finnes
>Thecla: Jennifer Connelly
>Jolenta: Christina Hendricks
>Jonas/Miles: Tadanobu Asano
>Master Ultan: Bob Peck
>Baldanders: Conan Stevens
>Dr. Talos: David Thewlis
>Father Inire: Gene Wilder
>Hildegrin: Pedro Pascal
>Agia: Olivia Wilde
>Agilus: Joaquin Pheonix
>Dorcas: Judy Greer
>Master Malrubius:Conleth Hill
>Typhon: Tom Hardy
>Hethor: John Lithgow
>Ossipago, Barbatus, Famulimus: Gene Wolfe