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12406558 No.12406558 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Celtic mythology so fucking shit in comparison to Germanic/Norse mythology?

>> No.12406593

Did you read the Celtic Revival instead of the Gaelic?

>> No.12406633

Why would I read something in a servile race language?

>> No.12406700

Best books for Germanic/Norse mythology?

>> No.12406713
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saged and retardpilled

>> No.12406749

Snorri Sturluson’s Edda. It’s a compilation of many orally transmitted myths and poems and the most complete overview of norse mythology that we have.

>> No.12406780

>Why do so many Celtic victories start with their opponents saying "and then they said something odd and unitelligible and laughed so we assumed we were on good terms"
>Also please ignore Irish monks had invaded Denmark to write Danish and Irish myth into canon
You really don't have to read it since there are real scholars and small schoolchildren who do it better, so tradition will probably be fine without you. Don't feel pressed.

>> No.12406792

Thanks boss.

>> No.12407007

more importantly, best books for gaelic mythology?

>> No.12407021

Varg Vikernes YouTube videos

>> No.12407024



>> No.12407078

Because the Celts didn't write shit and became Christians quite fast (the oral tradition disappeared). Irish folklore isn't really Celtic. And the best books about the Celts are written in French and don't get translated in English.

>> No.12407082
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>Because the Celts didn't write shit and became Christians quite fast (the oral tradition disappeared). Irish folklore isn't really Celtic.
How can you be so brazenly wrong?

>> No.12407087

>so fucking shit in comparison to Germanic/Norse
>in comparison to Germanic

Nice bias/superiority complex bro.

>> No.12407104

>Oral tradition disappeared
See the problem with finding the annual competitions which still run for oral tradition is that you need to not read translations.
>Celts became Christians
>Not doctored the Christian books during the fall of Rome
Kek, yes, of course the Jews originally wrote the Hebrew word for "Irish witches" into their gloss long before insular Latin became the only Classical Latin left alive.

>> No.12407115

what are you talking about

>> No.12407120
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>whole thread of SEETHING micks
Feels great to be culturally superior.

>> No.12407134

Providing provenance on written tradition for Christianity. Ireland became obsessed with the written word and hoarded manuscripts, which otherwise would have been lost to both the Roman and Eastern Churches during that whole degeneration by leaving the Germans in that most people call the dark ages.

>> No.12407138

Wow, I couldn't disagree more. I spent years studying and writing about mythologies across time and throughout the world (not just Europe) and Celtic mythology always stood out to me as the most fascinating, inventive, and mysterious.

>> No.12407142


>> No.12407144

>Anglo thinks he's culturally superior to Irish on a literature board
Further proof Cogito ergo sum has some distinct flaws against the earlier Fallor ergo sum.

>> No.12407147
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Okay but what does monks hoarding manuscripts in their round towers have to do with Oral tradition allegedly dying and Irish folklore not being Celtic.

>> No.12407217

The monks who hoarded manuscripts basically changed some of the meaning because the Irish tradition was doing direct from Hebrew and Greek translations to Latin and their glosses through Irish have changed the content of the Christian Vulgate, rather than Christianity having a one way impact.

Regarding oral tradition, it continued well into the industrial age as a mass culture and is well documented and maintained despite Christianity. The Irish probably pumped more Irish myths into first century and medieval scholarship than anyone else, including the theory that they were an independent branch of Noah and the only white sons of Israel on Earth, which they propagated through mistranslating Irish to foreigners who understood Hebrew for centuries. Most of the Christianised versions of their myths, unlike the Norse, did not replace oral tradition but at best join it.
>Tl:Dr the Irish are more likely to have rewritten Christianity than Christianity has its traditions

>> No.12407225

Indirect* translations (through Irish)

>> No.12407233

>and Eastern Churches
citation needed

>> No.12407236


>> No.12407242

How does Bede prove that the Byzantines had lost classical texts?

>> No.12407251

Bede discusses the interIrish church arguments of the date of Easter and more strongly supports argument for the Eastern dating than the Roman one. You know, shit you would know if you weren't just asking questions to see if you can gotcha someone on the internet. There are volumes written about this (many by the Irish, so YMMV)

>> No.12407254

>buttflustered paddy thinks everyone is an anglo
Kek. The Famine never happened, but it should happen again.

>> No.12407255
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Sorry but your posts are coming across like schizo ramblings, are you English Second Language or something?

>The Irish probably pumped more Irish myths into first century and medieval scholarship than anyone else
>which they propagated through mistranslating Irish to foreigners who understood Hebrew for centuries.
what are you saying nigger

>> No.12407257

Because Celtic mythology is full of autistic shit like having so many gotcha moments via their retarded curses, anime tier "and then Paddy McNeill did a backflip that killed 300 kings" bullshit and cringe worthy dialogue.
Norse mythology is far more grand in scale and has everything you could want.

>> No.12407259

I'm sorry using Latin or referring to a Frenchman broke your brain to this point.

>> No.12407296

>more strongly supports argument for the Eastern dating than the Roman one.
I know this. The part I quoted said that texts had been lost in the East and West and were only preserved in Ireland. I don't see the evidence for this. The original texts were never lost in the East and and Greek language was maintained so they could be accurately read.

>> No.12407297

I'm referring to a major medieval myth that the Irish were descended from Japheth. You can Google it if you think it will be more comprehensible from them.
You could also Google Halloween. I will apologise for saying century though, as that was a slip of the fingers and I meant to write millennium.
You know, if you learn Ancient Greek, you can handle more complex syntactical structures and subjugated clauses in English as well? It helps with understanding Irish texts also, and I really should tell you about the time I was in the process of settling down to read the memoirs of one young gentleman by the name of Tristram when
it's a funny reference pretend you keked like a good frog or anon will think you slow witted

>> No.12407303

>u mad
Ex lingua stulta veniunt incommoda multa, Sean. Go cope elsewhere.

>> No.12407341

The Eastern Church adopts Irish dating above French on the basis of the argument in the book (I'm saying they wrote a foundational precept of the Eastern split, not that they saved it, but created it. It's possible they saved it and there's just not a chain of provenance from Byzantium to Western Ireland to Northern England, but Byzantium chose to trust the Irish on the dating when they did split.) If they saved it as the Orthodox Church claims, then it oddly never really showed up in the Eastern Churches before. If it were not saved but rather interjected by the Irish, it's still as likely to be "direct" tradition as if they saved it from 33AD (by which I mean they tampered with everything they could which was almost everything either church wound up using).

>> No.12407349

Is the fool Descartes or Augustine? You ought to be clearer.

>> No.12408134

cringe thread

>> No.12408521

Start with Kinsella's Táin, but know that this is only a part of the larger Ulster Cycle, which is itself only one of the great branches of Irish mythology.

These stories come down from a very old oral tradition; there are no true written primary sources which is why you don't see /lit/ latching onto Gaelic mythology as with the ancient epics. Many people down the years have made their own forays into the mythology, most notably during the 19th century period of Gaelic revival before all of our cultural memory was lost to us. Look into Douglas Hyde and Lady Gregory but for the most part anybody looking to learn much will have to conduct their own research. There are many overlapping collections of stories with minute differences owing to that oral tradition.

Irish mythology was never of any interest to British academia, representing a history of a people they would rather assimilate into their own. You may not find your studies very rewarding.

>> No.12408539

Please stop posting in this thread.