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/lit/ - Literature

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12406188 No.12406188 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading?

>> No.12406228
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it to be an enjoyable novelization of based Japs killing christ-cucks so their nation won't be subverted by Semitic trash

>> No.12406378

the movie was really good
Made me think there's an actual actor somewhere inside the guy who plays the new star wars baddie

>> No.12406423

The movie was pretty good.
Adam Driver was the only good part of The Last Jedi, though.

>> No.12406424

Adam Driver is a really good actor. Him and Oscar Isaac are the only Disney Wars stars who will have respectable careers after the current Disney Wars trilogy wraps up.

>> No.12406426

I loved it. That book was literally the reason I started going back to church.

>> No.12406435

Really good, japs were fucking savages.

>> No.12406436

Yeah I like him, he's had an interesting career and takes decent roles. Oscar Isaac tends to be pretty good in my opinion but I really did not like him in the one star wars movie I watched a bit of on netflix.

>> No.12406438

Yes, I loved it.

>> No.12406441

i know at least one Japanese guy who converted to Catholicism because of this book. it's pretty good

>> No.12406471

Poe Dameron is such a hollow character only a truly masterful actor could make him interesting. And Oscar Isaac is great but he isn't that great. Fun fact: Poe was supposed to die in The Force Awakens but J. J. Abrams liked Isaac so much he decided to keep Poe alive. And since then neither J. J. or Rian Johnson have been able to figure out what to do with the second-rate Han knockoff.

>> No.12406475

anon, he's the spark that will light the fire that will burn the something or other down

>> No.12406479

Did you see Isaac in that coen brothers movie with the folk music? It was great, he carried that movie.
Cool to see that a real situation on set actually backed up my dislike of his character. I also did not like john bodega's performance, but I feel like a lot of /pol/tier dudes who have no idea what differentiates a good and poor performance dislike him for racist reasons so I'm less inclined to share that one. The girl wasn't actually that bad for a breakout role either.

>> No.12406522

HE WILL BEAT THE EMPIRE, uh, I mean, FIRST ORDER WITH LOVE! NOT VIOLENCE! Also, never forget that you should blindly follow your officer's orders even if it looks like she's leading you into suicide. And it's perfectly fine for her to keep all of her plans secret from you for no reason whatsoever. The Last Jedi is such a mess.

>> No.12406547

>open thread about book i like
>anons talking about star wars


>> No.12406560

It’s never okay to apostasize, (((Shusaku Endo)))

>> No.12406571

Isn't that character just a self insert for one of the writers?

>> No.12406575

You do know you are on a christian image board.
I suppose you are a weaboo.
Japs are not so different from western people today.
>Semitic trash
You should study a little before writing about a topic you don't know

>> No.12406580

doesn't the church say that it's perfectly fine to apostatize when under threat of torture

>> No.12406581

Beautifully moody heroes journey applied to a priestly rather than martial character. Very powerful story of faith, even if you aren't religious like myself.

Sent from my iPhone.

>> No.12406583

Now they do, it wasn't so set in stone in the 1500s

>> No.12406585

Yeah, Inside Llewyn Davis was a good film. Isaac was also excellent in Ex Machina.
I would guess Holdo is Kathleen Kennedy's self-insert.

>> No.12406602
File: 341 KB, 1176x1210, Selfinsert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the images from a /tv/ thread I noticed yesterday. Pretty cringey stuff, like you'd expect from a really sad DnD campaign.
Here's uno

>> No.12406608
File: 872 KB, 1500x600, Holdo homeworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y dos
Just makes me wonder how these people find their way into these jobs, like I'm a way better writer than this and would work for 50k less than whatever they're paying her so what gives

>> No.12406622
File: 110 KB, 1920x1090, twin peaks laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government: Council of Mothers

>> No.12406623

>You do know you are on a christian image board.
Wrong, /lit/ is a Traditionalist board, most of Christianity is decrepit, the only areas of it worth anything anymore are Christian mystics that the Church barely promotes anyways

>> No.12406657

holy hell. this is some deviantart oc shit.

>> No.12406663

How could you be traditional in 2019? Any traditional faiths have been lost to time, all that's available now are revivals based on poor translations completely divorced from social context and any intellectual tradition/shamanic practices.
You are not a traditionalist, the odds of you practicing a traditional religion as it is traditionally practiced are astronomically low even if you try your hardest.
You're never going to recapture the firelight, the shamanic chants, the ritual, the tribal cohesion. It's gone.

>> No.12406675

>Fiction affected my life

>> No.12406679

He's on an anime imageboard. Weeaboos are more at home here than christlarpers like you.

You people are so cancerous you actually compel me to take the side of frogposters.

>> No.12406684

>I also did not like john bodega's performance, but I feel like a lot of /pol/tier dudes who have no idea what differentiates a good and poor performance dislike him for racist reasons so I'm less inclined to share that one.
This. He isn't boring because he's black, he's just boring.

>> No.12406696

Very good choice of reaction pic

>> No.12406706

Yep they could have cast a decent black actor.
I suspect they cast him because some chinese factory could get them a deal on action figures with a specific facial structure based on some shitty burt reynolds mold they had lying around from the 90s and they just cast whoever's face looked the most like the toys they could generate for 10% off.

>> No.12406709

/lit/ is first and foremost a LARP board.

Also 4chan "traditionalists" are all chubby 15-year-olds who don't know shit about their heritage or history but read somewhere that it's "the new edgy" and bought into the blanket pepe. Fucking meme cucks

>> No.12406716


>> No.12406726

>Any traditional faiths have been lost to time, all that's available now are revivals based on poor translations completely divorced from social context and any intellectual tradition/shamanic practices.

We have 100,000+ cumulative pages of mystic and metaphysical writings from all these traditions, even just counting what's translated into English. The fact that immorality and irreligion have become widespread does not change the fact that one can still read all of these texts and massively benefit from them as long as you are not a helpless brainlet.

>> No.12406735

>Also 4chan "traditionalists" are all chubby 15-year-olds who don't know shit about their heritage or history but read somewhere that it's "the new edgy" and bought into the blanket pepe. Fucking meme cucks

nice projection, I'm sorry that you feel that way about yourself anon, try reading literature that discusses transcending the ego or the 'little self', it'll help you get past such negative self-perceptions

>> No.12406791
File: 57 KB, 645x729, BRAINLET2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty blackhole brain if you can't learn anything from fiction buddy. Myth and fiction are foundational toward identity and worldview.

>> No.12406817

No wonder they didn't manage to put down the remnants of the Empire and got their ass kicked if they put people who dye their hair to "express themselves" in important military positions.

>> No.12406850

Nah, contextless mysticism is useless, you benefit nothing.

>> No.12406859

The mysticism served a purpose- providing numinous experiences. You're just reading.

>> No.12406897
File: 18 KB, 306x315, IMG_6633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>semitic trash
You people are so fucking boring with your forced memes...

>> No.12406924

>no u
Guess I hit a nerve lol

>> No.12406929

Absolutely. Good even if you’re not catholic.