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12406183 No.12406183 [Reply] [Original]

Hey lads

I'm quitting drinking, smoking weed, and to a lesser extent coke and MDMA cold turkey. I have no friends or family where I live I'm feeling like total shit.

Can anyone recommend any good or comfy books (preferably also actually worth reading) to help get me through this? I've mostly been reading quite pessimistic stuff like A Short History of Decay and Maldoror, which has not been helping my mood at all.

Thanks for any help you can give guys

>> No.12406190

Infinite Jest, why not. It's long and relevant, and as much as DFW claims it's a sad book, it's pretty funny at times

>> No.12406192

Jake Vance Dying Earth series and books

>> No.12406202

The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
Good luck, friend

>> No.12406204

That’s not a bad shout. I have a book of his essays which always makes me laugh. Plus I’m pretty sure addiction is a pretty central theme of IJ isn’t it?

>> No.12406214


Thank you both, I’ve not heard of either of these but they both look promising

>> No.12406223

Stay strong brother!

>> No.12406231
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If you want super comfy and don't mind reading what some kids books, read pic related m8

>> No.12406241

It is. With my limited knowledge, I can't think of a better book to read in your situation.

Also, the comfiest book I've ever read is Swann's Way by Proust. Might work.

>> No.12406273

Yeah TGE is a huge personal favorite of mine. Nothing else has done as well communicating how keeping at the little things can snowball. Also some background, it's not ancient China, it's shortly before the boxer rebellion, but that only matters a tiny bit

>> No.12406317

14 days sober here. Count of monte cristo is treating me nicely.

>> No.12406348

My momma used to read these to me as a kid. Now I watch the Moomins with my nephew and his grandma :')

>> No.12406457

The Odyssey
The Illiad
White Fang
Call of the Wild

>> No.12406476

Good job man. You are an inspiration for me right now. What are you sober from if you don’t mind me asking?

>> No.12406610


Very relevant for you would be the short story "Morphine" by Mikhail Bulgakov my good man. There is also a Russian film based on it with subtitles by the same name and it is good. Stay strong. Fyi this does not have a happy ending but the story is about addiction and withdrawal and maybe will help motivate you.

>> No.12406634

I'm 3 days off opies and 2 days off alcohol. It's so painful but i want my self back, or as much as i can salvage. Good luck bro I'm cheering for you.

I might read some calvino. Marcovaldo was one of my favorites.

>> No.12406635

Fix your fucking grammar my God.

>> No.12406648


Stay strong bro

>> No.12406662

Booze. I have no control over it and was blacking out every weekend, often times more than once. Can’t even began to tell you how much stupid and cringey bs I’ve done because of the impaired judgement.

>> No.12406815

cocteau wrote les enfants terribles while quitting opium cold turkey

>> No.12407569

Give me a break I’m in withdrawal dickhead lol

>> No.12407583

He also wrote a book about his opium withdrawal if I’m not mistaken right?

>> No.12407593

Yeah booze fucking sucks man. That’s probably the biggest one for me. It has literally ruined my life because of the stupid stuff I’ve done. Like, irreparably ruined. Stay strong.

>> No.12407600


>> No.12407652

I feel you, guys. I have had plenty of trouble with alcohol and drugs over the course of my life and I'm awed by your courage and resolution. It's never too late to sober up and once you get through the living hell of deintoxication you'll perceive and live so much more wholly. I can't even put it into words; it is a kind of rebirth. Sending y'all the best wishes from my hole.

>> No.12407655

Dostoyevsky was a huge gambling addict so probably some of his works.

>> No.12407662

Also I really recommend The book of Monelle.

>> No.12407966


Thank you my friend. A few years ago, I actually had been voluntarily sober since my teens and I felt really great, but then either my life fell apart and then I started drinking, or I started drinking and then my life fell apart. I forget. Perhaps both somehow.

I’m sorry you’re feeling in a hole. I hope you’re able to find a way out. I don’t have Monelle, but I’ve read a few a few things by Schwob. Love him, but I think he might be a bit dark for me right now.


I’ve not read any Bulgakov, but I’ve always been meaning to. Dated a Russian student in university who thoroughly put me off Russian literature for a few years haha.


That’s really nice man, must be really cool to be able to pass that on :)

>> No.12408282

Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun.

>> No.12408301

It took a DUI to stop me from drinking. Unironically reading Blood Meridian got me through the shittiest part.

>> No.12408310

Good luck bro, I know what it's like trying to quit bud in the void, I wish you the best.

>> No.12408338
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Thats how it starts. Today I am browsing non pornographic pictures of actresses, tomorrow nude pics, and in a qouple of days I will be having another 5 hour edging session. Proceeded by wondering why I am so pathetic, why I don't have any achievements, and how I wasted my mid 20s, and wasting late 20s. I really hate myself. My addiction became a part of me. The stimulation is too rewarding. I became a wanker, destroyer of ambition. There are no books on this. When I read naked lunch I didn't even felt disgust, I knew that mind can walk those insanely perverted paths. And I did it to myself, my drug was pixelated stimulus, that surge of dopamine. Like I was lobotomized by pleasure for a couple hours. I embraced it, the thought of doing it, despite all rational thoughts became another tiny part, of carefully crafted kink mechanism, that IS my sexuality. The worst part is that i can't write WAS. I want to blame technology, I want to blame porn accepting culture, I want to blame our animalistic minds, lusting for pleasure, but there is only me to blame. I am afraid that if I will quit, the guilt will kill me, five fucking years. Five years of youth, five years of misery cultivation. Five years of life, five years of being dissconected from life almost every day. Books for THIS fucking feel?

>> No.12408507

fuck man, Marcovaldo
what a nice fucking book

fuck man
stay strong

>> No.12409088
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Good luck friends. The church was the thing that saved me personally when I was going down a path of alcoholism and wastefulness. I hope you all find your way.

>> No.12409102

alcoholics are so disgusting, what a self hating animal existence you lead. constantly falling asleep smelling like an outhouse-tavern-hospital ward

>> No.12409164

Lol go back to /pol/ you fucking edgelord

>> No.12409215
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Read Burgess, Waugh and pic related and stop being such a self-pitying pussy.

>> No.12409263

reading catch-22. It's a funny, fairly long satire of pretty much everything. it reads as a sitcom if you want something cheerful to read.

>> No.12410348

You probably won't, but if you do prepare to gain a lot of weight.

>> No.12410384
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A Million Little Pieces - James Freye

I really enjoyed it, easy read and has some great parts about the pains of withdrawal and how he deals with it.

Junky - William Burroughs

Less comfy, but has some crazy parts about withdrawal.

Good luck bro, you got it. And if struggling I would try just cutting out all except weed, least harmful of them.

>> No.12410398

Unironcally Maps of Meaning