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12405559 No.12405559 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed a lot of modern writers have a propensity to overuse em dashes. Every article, piece of fiction, blog etc. has them now, in seemingly every paragraph.
Where does this come from? And am I a retarded for thinking of it as a basedboy thing to do?

>> No.12405576

>am I a retarded for thinking of it as a basedboy thing to do?

>> No.12405595

It's just a new stylistic usage convention, likely a phenomenon because long clausal connecting sentences died to prosaic minimalism and the short statement in most popular English writing post 1960ish but authors still need to be able to connect complex thoughts -- like this one, with interruptions that kind of match spoken English but are more formally structured without getting exhausting -- and em dashes are super fucking flexible

>> No.12405611

What's your alternative - spaced en dashes?

>> No.12405614

yes, yes you are retarded

>> No.12405616
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>using only periods and commas

>using periods commas emdashes colons and semicolons

>using no punctuation markings at all

>> No.12405620

what these guys said

>> No.12405624

Commas and semicolons. They have their place, but I hate seeing them shit up the page. They're too broad, and take up too much vertical space.

>> No.12405625

Greentexting is punctuation.

>> No.12405702

To Punctuate — remain —
Across the — Silence — speak —
Between the — River — stones
Dehusk — a pomace — run —

>> No.12405715

Why don't more people use parantheses to convey additional thoughts? Is it autistic?

I'm a fan of the semi-colon myself.

>> No.12405732

using any interpunction at all already is soi as fuck
i am ashamed of you
also if you don't triple space you're sentences your a numale bitch who probably believes manspreading is real

>> No.12405741

>>using only periods and commas
Kill yourself. Semi-colons are pretentious periods.

>> No.12405805

this is how yeats wouldve written if he were a chad

turning and turning in the widening gyrethe falcon cannot hear the falconer;things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywherethe ceremony of innocence is drowned;the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.
the falcon cannot hear the falconer;the centre cannot hold;mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywherethe ceremony of innocence is drowned;the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.
things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywherethe ceremony of innocence is drowned;the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.
mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywherethe ceremony of innocence is drowned;the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.
the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywherethe ceremony of innocence is drowned;the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.
the ceremony of innocence is drowned;the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.
the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.
are full of passionate intensity.turning and turning in the widening gyrethe falcon cannot hear the falconer;things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywherethe ceremony of innocence is drowned;the best lack all conviction, while the worstare full of passionate intensity.

>> No.12406401

When used correctly, it really shows ability in the best writers. Read some Nabokov and you'll know what I mean.

>> No.12406419


>> No.12406819

>not FVCK

>> No.12407250


true only cucks cucked by chuck use punctuation