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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 400x526, toni-morrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12405271 No.12405271 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of pic related?

>> No.12405274

shitty bait, delete your thread before it gets awkward

>> No.12405279

OP here.

I am serious, I could not escape her during uni and I can not find any negative critiques of her online (which is saying something) and I would like to see You what You guys got on her raw.

>> No.12405290
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1545831013921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12405297


Superlatives aside, she deserves to be recognized and remembered. The African-American experience is pretty unique.

All this talk of best this and most important that is to be avoided. It misses the point.

>> No.12405302

OP here.

It is my mistake that I chose exactly this pic. I am not interested in /lit/'s opinion on why TIME chose her as "The Great American Novelist".

TO CLARIFY: What does /lit/ think of her as a writer/novelist?

>> No.12405307


>> No.12405312

Toni Morrison.

>> No.12405321

Resolutely second-rate. Not worthy of a Nobel but competent nonetheless. First 2 novels are pure Faulkner worship though.

t. not an american

>> No.12405771

A non-entity. Means absolutely nothing to me.

>> No.12405811

never heard of him

>> No.12405851

Isn't that a dude's name?

>> No.12405913
File: 35 KB, 750x720, 1512047425037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a nigger with inferiority complex that´s pushed by the media

no thanks

>> No.12405971

Has she written anything good other than Beloved?

>> No.12406015

She's a compelling and evocative novelist writing pretty unique stories in neo-Faulknerian styles and one of the only modern writers who can bridge the literary-fiction vs popular book gap. (And she's much better than her peers there, writers like Franzen.) Anyone interested in lit should read her and judge her themselves

A Mercy
Song of Solomon

Imo, A Mercy > Beloved > SoS, altho I know that's not a popular ranking style.

>> No.12406199

Another nigger shitty writer pushed by the media.
What the media fail to understand in his efforts to make this nigger writers relevant is that the negro cannot write anything meaningful because the negro doesn't have the introspective complexity that the white man can achieve, and for that the negro work ultimately becomes the spotting of some ideological talking point that a non negro man created

>> No.12406298

Will be completely forgotten in time, a propaganda piece propped up by the left. Also looks like a silver-back.

>> No.12406324

best living american writer

>> No.12406366


>> No.12406462

Quick rundown?

>> No.12406499

what is her best work? I guess I have to try her eventually, but all her titles and covers make them look like romance trash which always turns me off in the book store.

>> No.12406577
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1531854455608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally never read a single book written by a black """"""""""""person""""""""""

>> No.12406594

have you read the bible?

>> No.12406609

When was the last time she wrote anything good?

>> No.12406647

I only read a short novella byer her, it was better than expected. I don't expect much from women in general, and even less if they got a Nobel prize, and even less again, obviously, if a writer is black (because there's always a chance that a 'minority' writer doesn't deserve the recognition that he gets).
Anyway, I remember that my parents used to read her a lot a some time, so I gave it a try and it's decent. I'll certainly read some more. Thanks >>12406015 for the recs.

Generally speaking, I think the Nobel draws attention who people who are not great writers, and the well-read public audience can react with resentment. It's a shame indeed. Toni Morrison is not worse than 50% Nobel prize winners.

>> No.12406651


>> No.12406888

her work hasn't aged well. it's pretty clear that most of her accolades came out of a desire for her to be a Great Epochal Novelist rather than her actually being one. in retrospect she was fair-middling to good, but nothing extraordinary

>> No.12406943

Basic bait

>> No.12407043
File: 84 KB, 960x960, 1489197802043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i thought that was maya angelou

>> No.12407156

She's not a bad author by any means and deserves recognition for not only presenting a somewhat unique experience, but doing it in a way that's well-written. By far the greatest African-American writer right now, maybe ever.

But on the other hand
>The Great American Novelist

>Not Pynchon
>Not DeLillo
>Not McCarthy
>Not Roth (pbuh)

>> No.12407216

Invisible Man was better than anything she’s done imo

>> No.12407387

Stuff like Sounder, Roll of Thunder, etc is good for young adults. After that you need to ascend. Raisin in the Sun ain't that bad.

>> No.12407521 [DELETED] 

blackity blackity black professional affirmative action racial huckster with a 100 IQ, making her a genius among blacks. An imbecile. No chance in hell she isn't at least 1/8 white.

"I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman."
Imagine being stupid enough to say this and think you sound smart.

"Too much tail. All that jewelry weighs it down. Like vanity. Can't nobody fly with all that shit. Wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down."
Next time you don't get published, remember this ape won the Nobel for flinging feces.

>> No.12407531

>The African-American experience is pretty unique
How is it unique?

>> No.12407533



>> No.12407610

try being enslaved for 200 years and indentured for another 50

>> No.12407693

What percentage of American blacks are fully descended from slaves? I bet you don't know! Remember how Barack became the first black president despite being 50% white and having EXACTLY zero American black ancestry?

Slavery is awesome, but totally irrelevant to all living American blacks, regardless whether they had slave ancestors or not, in the vast majority of cases they don't even know.

My people were enslaved by the British for twice as long, where's my gibs?

>> No.12407720

Based. Some of my ancestors were driven out of Sout Africa by the uppity blacks rioting, looting, and torching. Is my family not the real victim here?

>> No.12407743

My people were enslaved by the french, spanish, austrians, dutch and to this day we don't have self-determination because of angloids and cryptofrench.

Who wins in the opression olympics? Who cares?

>> No.12407812

Like someone said, she bridges the gap between Faulkner's stylized chorus and more general narratives. Her use of the metaphor and free indirect are masterful, though.

Here's what to read from her:
The Bluest Eye
Song of Solomon
A Mercy

Paradise reads like american GGM too.

>> No.12407839


>> No.12407906

So you wanted to hear criticism on her based on race? You got that. In the real world, in terms of who will remain in the canon and will still be respected and still studied in centuries to come? She’s there and deserves it.

>> No.12407928

Cont. essentially the writer that Maya Angelou wanted to be and got very close to being. Same upbringing, same ideas, compelling as well but the writing is Nobel prize winning for a good reason.

>> No.12407992

Even Song of Solomon?

>> No.12409437

Yeah but not in America, tard boy