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1240439 No.1240439 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about this book? I just finished it today.

Thought the ending was a bit of an asspull, and a bit sudden (as in everything just ends as they walk out). No explanation on the leatherheads. So basically the Dome was just an ALEUM EXPURIMANT. I guess King is still all about the journey and nothing about the ending. I still liked the book though, so blah :\

>implying anyone else has read it

>> No.1240449

That's the problem with people today, the book has to have an orlando boom ending.

>> No.1240450

Wow, a King book with a bad ending. Shocking!

>> No.1240453

Not at all. I was just expecting a bit more than
>turn the page
>three sentences

>> No.1240455

Planning to buy it this week. Worth it?

>> No.1240460

Aye. It's an enjoyable adventure.

>> No.1240463


>> No.1240464

don't you guys find it confsuign that one of these guys is called stephen hawking and the other stephen king? is hawking what you get when you train your king a lot and it evolves? if so, i dont really think its an improvement since the man is paralyzed. i dont know where i was going with this

>> No.1240473

I loved that book, especially when the one asshole (can't remember names, been awhile since I read it) dies in the shelter, just like the fucker he is.

The build up to the end, where they find the box and have to breath from the tire and by sucking air through the dome itself. It got really emotional and human at that part.

Then it all fucking falls apart at the end with the god damn leatherheads. I still don't fucking understand it. No one questioned it. The ending almost ruined the entire fucking book.

Such a great read, overall.

>> No.1240480

Eh, I thought his death was a bit stale. I mean, you spend the entire book hoping he dies to something WORSE than fucking suffocation, and yeah, the leatherheads just wat'd all over that city.

>> No.1240560

Bump for discussion.