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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 220x247, 220px-Alfred_North_Whitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12404220 No.12404220 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the new Deleuze?

>> No.12404221

If you mean is he taking deleuze's place as a /lit/ meme: yes.

>> No.12404225

deleuze is a better meme desu

>> No.12404227

No. No one cares about your clumsily forced shit. Neck yourself.

>> No.12404259

>whitehead is now /lit/s flavour of the month
god this board is so petty

>> No.12404286

if it gets even a few more people reading and appreciating him i think it's a net win for everyone

>> No.12404294

except it doesn't, what we actually get is skimmed wikipedia articles and atrocious spamming

>> No.12404300

we get spamming for like a month
then it dies down
in that time maybe a handful of people--none of whom did any of the shitposting--decide to pick up Science and the Modern World
so what?

>> No.12404304

What insight does he have that Deleuze did not expound upon?

>> No.12404309

dear god whiteheadfags are multiplying

>> No.12404313

a ton, honestly, they're only tangentially related by this idea of 'process'
and that's
a good

>> No.12404463

can someone explain to me what is process philosophy actually about?

>> No.12404494

tldr metaphysical reality=change. everything is ina state of flux
being IS becoming

basically anglo version of chink philosophy

>> No.12404499

someone is trying to meme him even though process theology is a big gay

>> No.12404567

very incorrect

>> No.12404625
File: 21 KB, 455x390, http___www.fanphobia.net_uploads_actors_8130_alfred-north-whitehead-latest-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world would be a better place if Whitehead was the new meme. We could have a beautiful society if Whitehead was the new meme. We have a moral duty to make Whitehead the new meme.

>> No.12405860

>basically anglo version of chink philosophy
what chink philosophy exactly?

>> No.12405906

imagine caring this much about deleuze

>> No.12405933


>> No.12405945

I don't get it man, if i do a summary of whitehead down to 3 sentences I probably do the same as >>12404494 did
can you tell me what exact part did anon missed it

>> No.12406038



>> No.12406157

Analytics blow anglo cock.

Read "Nomad Thought" by Deleuze.

>> No.12406167


>> No.12406181

he isnt an analyitic

>> No.12406894

>it's not that simple;

>> No.12406927

>skimmed wikipedia articles and atrocious spamming
in other words, what we get is /lit/

>> No.12406976

As a constituent of experience, 'objecthood' and permanence must be preserved in our highest flights of abstraction, i.e. when we do metaphysics.
From Process and Realtiy, Chapter 10, titled 'Process':
>"That 'all things flow' is the first vague generalization which the unsystematized, barely analysed, intuition of me has produced...Without doubt, if we are to go back to that ultimate, integral experience, unwarped y the sophistications of theory, that experience whose elucidation is the final aim of philosophy, the flux of things is *one* ultimate generalization around which we must weave our philosophical system.
>The elucidation of meaning involved in the phrase 'all things flow' is one chief task of metaphysics.
>*But there is a rival notion, antithetical to the former*...This other notion dwells on the permanences of things--the solid earth, the mountains, the stones, the Egyptian Pyramids, the spirit of man, God.
>The best rendering of integral experience, expressing its general form divested of irrelevant details, is often found in the utterances of religious aspiration. One of the reasons of the thinness of so much modern metaphysics is its neglect of this wealth of expression of ultimate feeling. Accordingly, we find in the first two lines of a famous hymn a full expression of the union of the *two* notions in one integral experience:
>Abide with me;/ Fast falls the eventide.
>Here the first line expresses the permanences, 'abide,' 'me and the 'Being' addressed; and the second line sets these permanences amid the inescapable flux. Here at length we find formulated the complete problem of metaphysics. The philosophers who start with the first line have given us the metaphysics of 'substance'; and those who start with the second line have developed the metaphysics 'flux'. But, in truth, the two lines cannot be torn apart in this way..."

>> No.12407889
