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/lit/ - Literature

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1239991 No.1239991 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you buy your books, /lit/? I usually get books from the library or find ebooks, but I'm interested in starting a collection. Can you recommend any good sites with really cheap books?

>> No.1240001

Buying used from Amazon is good. Alibris is also really cheap. If you're not in the United States there's bookdepository or something like that.

>> No.1240003

Goodwill and used book stores.

>> No.1240004

I use Amazon and Abebooks.

>> No.1240019

I steal books from homeless people whom I have beaten up.

That way, the words warm me twice.

>> No.1240106

I got 10 "classics" from a goodwill once (don't remember the titles, in class right now) for like 2 bucks. decent quality too. feels good man.

>> No.1240131

I give books to homeless people once I've finished reading them. Do you live in LA? You might have some of my books.

>> No.1240138
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I've only bought a handful of books in my life as my dad has everything worth reading already. He normally gets them at library sales. Make sure to get there early. The condition will be well used most of the time but its the content that counts.
If you want nice leather bound books ebay can be quite good.

>> No.1240149

Thrift stores, Amazon Marketplace, Abebooks.

>> No.1240162
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just got these from amazon for £20:
- Ulysses
- Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
- Brothers Karamazov
- Complete novels of Kafka
- Golden Bowl by Henry James

all because im sick of looking like a freak using my PSP to read in public + also so i can show off what im reading.

>> No.1240269

>implying homeless people can read

>> No.1240302

I almost always shop at used book stores. Find one near you. Generally the people working at used book stores love books and are well read. Every time I go to my local book shop I get into a conversation about books with either an employee or fellow customer.

If I can't find it at a local bookstore, I almost always go to Amazon.

My library is full of homeless people. A fair number of them are obviously literate.

>> No.1240382

Jack Kerouac
William Burroughs
Jack Black
Jim tully
George Orwell

A shitton more authors were hobos or homeless at some point. Fuck you.

>> No.1240385

By the way, I'm a homeless man, and I'm posting this from a library.

>> No.1240405

buy a kindle

>> No.1240410

solves the first part, but doesnt impress people with the heady hipster shit that you're reading. though they are pretty in a Apple hardware design sort of way (more smart than lovable).

think i might find love on the train.

>> No.1240420

I got a Kindle recently. The first day I took one with me on my way to school, I was first approached by a man on the train station when I tried to read some with it. We chatted for a bit, my train arrived and I boarded. I sat down, started to read, and a woman approached me. We also chatted, and I got no reading done on my way to school today. Felt bad man, but at the same time I guess it was pleasant enough.

>> No.1240425

you guys ever have the feeling your veins are full off needles that will pop out all at the same time making you bleed from everywhere?

>> No.1240448

hmm, weird. dont you think it would be cooler with an actual book every week though? like ppl think ur soo deep & "the one" for them if you both hav the same tastes sometimes.

>> No.1240502

I wouldn't know about that. I read primarily because I like the books, so I haven't really given much thought to what people might think of me. I don't particularly care when I see people reading on the subway, even when they are reading something I'd like.

>> No.1240532

Kindle + Torrents

>> No.1240537

Homeless people go to the library because its heated in the winter and air conditioned in the summer. If you give a homeless guy war and peace, he'll tear out all the pages, crumple them up, and use them as a pillow. Might as well give him the Fountainhead.

>> No.1240545

I'd say a good 75% of them are reading, 20% are eating lunch, and 5% are looking at porn on the computers.

So, there are homeless people who read. I am sure of it.