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/lit/ - Literature

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12396056 No.12396056 [Reply] [Original]

now that korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to music, cinema, and technology, how long until they do the same with literature?

>> No.12396115

>now that korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to dancing girls, how long until they do the same with literature?


>> No.12396172

Eventually we’re going to have to carpet bomb them for the way they treat puppers.

>> No.12396241

>the entire country has so little identity and culture that they have to LARP as japanese

>> No.12396246


>> No.12396261

It's a fad.
It's relevance in the West will diminish in a few years, after the fans grow past adolescence.

>> No.12396270

You overestimate the quality of the taste and judgement of the average adult

>> No.12396314

In the 60/70s it was France.
I grew up when anime, j-pop, j-rock and Nip films were hugely popular. Fuck, after some years every horror movie was a remake or a rip off of Japanese horror.
During the early 2000s and only a few years back there was a huge boom of Japanese literature.

That popularity is mostly gone, replaced by ultra American bullshit (hip hop, capeshit) and Gook shit. In 10 years it will be something different. Take my word for it.

>> No.12397004
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When it's Unified under glorious Juche liberation.

>> No.12397027

Kpop's song Gee is unironically as great an artistic creation as Joyce's Ulysses. You can't prove me wrong.

>> No.12397051

i don't disagree with you.
But so far, Red Flavor remains the supreme achievement of the popular music enterprise. It touches on aesthetic sublimes that rival Mozart's 41st. You can absolutely not prove me wrong.

>> No.12397053

Some Korean movie directors are pretty great, it makes me wonder If they actually have good lit or not.

>> No.12397170

The Vegetarian is breddy gud

>> No.12397623

iu is unironically based

>> No.12397633

Why does every kpop song sound the same?

>> No.12397662
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>tfw no iu gf

>> No.12397668

I’ve been to probably 100 orchestral concerts in my life (mid 20s, socal) and western art music has been an important factor in my life.

That being said, the best multimedia extravaganzas that kpop has produced do truly reach the levels of sublimity that Bach’s goldberg variations, Brandenburg concerti, or late Beethoven symphony realize.

Glad you anons understand.

Red Velvet’s songwriting team in particular deserves a lot of credit

>> No.12397676

It is true that derivation and redundancy seem writ into the genre itself, but red velvet imo do a great job of incorporating different styles into their eps and albums

>> No.12397682
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>this thread

>> No.12397686

actually amazed enlightened people are posting on /lit/
I've seen Der Ring des Nibelungen in full at Bayreuth. and the only thing i've experienced that transcended that was seeing TWICE at KCON 2018.

>> No.12397689

I think you're neglecting the recent musical phenomena that is Mo Bamba. I know you people look down on rap to some degree, but this musician is the top notch of the top notch, puts some of the lower tier, mainstream classical musicians like Liszt to shame.

>> No.12397702
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kim ji young, 1982 born just made 50k sales in japan by a month, which is a significant record in japan publishing market. Soon or later this would be published in major languages.

>> No.12397716

Only if you meant Kim ki duk. Else are poor hollywood summer movie knock offs with much less budget.
t.the only real korean itt

>> No.12397752

>the only real korean itt
how is red velvet live?

>> No.12397770

they had a film renaissance in the early 2000s but aside from that they're nothing special.

>> No.12397778

Mediocre at best. We're too entitled to the average quality of girl groups. It's like quantity makes quality.

>> No.12397805


>> No.12397831

The real problem is our publishing market is too small and strained old school literature academia rules the whole literature attention of reader and writers without any result or development. All we do is just making another annual 'new writer awards' to choose who would be allowed to have 'literary career', because major publishers prefer writers with 'literary career' for pretentious, elitist soccermoms judging book by which college author came from, for their kids. Did you know nobody among us gives a shit about the Vegeterian before it gets menbooker?

>> No.12397888

I can't read Korean well enough to read anything serious anymore, but when I was better I got the impression that the "Korean lit scene" basically existed to huff its own farts and wouldn't exist at all without government cultural funding.

>> No.12397998

You have a quite accurate interpretation. Our autistic academic lit scene soley exists by the gov's funding to the liberal art schools, and all 'qualified' writers and pop essay hacks became lit professor to promote our traditional factorized writer education system. Even if they sincerely want to teach young writers gov&uni don't want anything out of their routine for bureaucratic reason. It's like a writer workshop but the worst, replaces the entire actual liberal art education.

>> No.12398008

Are you trying to say kpop has any relation to Korean identity and culture? I think you're the one that is lacking. The entertainment industries of both countries derive from the same time, up-and-coming economies of the 80-90s, from copying the West of that time and, being East Asian, not knowing how to do anything beyond that. All change within this scope is from siphoning off other music industries.

>> No.12398017


>> No.12398121

generational blah blah, it's rare and usually frowned upon etc. but anyway fuck off, humans got where we are by eating other mammals anyway.

>> No.12398420
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>> No.12399138

stop posting this

>> No.12399141
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old and tired bait. koreans are all bugmen. kys op.

>> No.12399148

Ok their dancing girls are fucking epic I'm just going to say it

Kpop girl groups are not just "generic pop music". It's like hyper feminine turbo pop on stereroids with esoteric dance choreography, I don't think it's ever been done.

They have now passed America up in terms of pop music 100%

>> No.12399153

cool :)

>> No.12399154

>and the only thing i've experienced that transcended that was seeing TWICE at KCON 2018.

I'm so fucking jealous. If I saw those girls dancing in front of my eyes I would probably pass out like the teenage girls did when seeing the beatles

>> No.12399159

Gee is an adorable song.

I love the pre-chorus and chorus melodies

>> No.12399162

The spot of exceptional cinema is currently in the hands of the Chinese not the Koreans. And that's without question.
As for literature they are still way behind chinks again and especially the Japs.

>> No.12399164

what did you expect from peasant people until japan colonized and modernized them

>> No.12399171
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>kpop stars are LITERALLY fashion mannequins devoid of personality
you're right, it's based

>> No.12399192

>you're right, it's based

This. People say "But kpop is so fake!". But there's something charming and authentic about being unashamedly fake like kpop groups are.

Western pop tries so hard to be "meaningful" they just look like assholes. Kpop cuts right to the chase and just gives you a product.

>> No.12399194

You are looking at it from the wrong point of view.
The idols aren't the artists, they are the art. They are individuals shaped by the hands and tireless work of producers and managers until something emerges that is simply a thing to behold.

>> No.12399246

A few of their films I quite like but they are nowhere near the same level of quantity or quality of Japanese films

>> No.12399258

So they are human bonsai? Now I'm turned on.

>> No.12399568
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yeah and stan loona

>> No.12400871

umm sweetie... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8LxORztUWY&t=

>> No.12401034

s.korea has to be the country with the least amount of culture relevance ever. Just a plastic copy of all of their influences while making nothing original.

>> No.12401124

All of these dancing girls will be dead one day and the skin will be rotting off of their bones.

>> No.12401138

How is it that Japan and China have these towering literary traditions while Korea has nothing even remotely comparable?

>> No.12401139
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Came to post this. Simulacra-gazing is the programmer's endgame bluepill, which sleepers gorge themselves to bloatation on.

>> No.12401144

They didn't even have a written language until the 15th century.

>> No.12401161

Sorry. Japan is the cultural king in the East.

>> No.12401437

As I much as I hate to admit, kpop is the most accelerationist thing out there

>> No.12401502

The most /lit/ booktuber out there is Korean
You have to use the shitty auto translate unfortunately

>> No.12401532

If DFW were still alive, this would make him kill himself.

>> No.12401549

>auto translate of voice recognition is somewhat usable
holy shit

>> No.12401567

Korean is an ugly language and they have stupid sounding names
>park jong yoo
lmao retarded sub humans

>> No.12401568

Every time I've watched these K-pop videos I feel anxious, dizzy, and even a little nauseous. There's something deeply troubling about K-pop that I haven't bothered trying to articulate. It's truly repulsive.

>> No.12401583

Yeah it's pretty impressive actually. I mean it's shit and you have to piece together most of it and try and figure out what it's saying, but the fact it's doing it real time is so impressive.
Especially because she didn't sub it herself, it's making captions off what it hears her say in Korean, then translating it to English

>> No.12401584

It's pop music and videoclips, plastic surgery and fashion.
How is any of that relevant to the advancement of the human race / technology?

>> No.12401592

Kpop is whatever, sometimes there's some good stuff but most of it is just an overproduced mess. However, Korean indie music is fucking amazing

>> No.12401649

This, but semi-unironically..

>> No.12401780
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>foremost country with respect to music

>> No.12401786

>Korean indie music is fucking amazing

Got any reccomendations?

>> No.12401817

Mid-Air Thief - Crumbling (one of my favorite albums ever)
Aseul - Asobi
Hyukoh (Comes and Goes is my favorite song)

Also if you like Mid-Air Thief, he has another album listed under a different name of Gongjoong Doduk

>> No.12402462

Check out IU - Bbibbi

>> No.12402549

kino af

>> No.12402584

Where do you download/watch chinese cinema anon? I've been meaning to watch some chinese films but haven't been able to because I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.12402627

>human race
Lmaoing @ ur life
Its pure capitalism

>> No.12402683

saw this before
great video

>> No.12402697
File: 27 KB, 261x400, hong gildong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Story of Hong Gildong is pure kino and you can snatch a copy from #bookz from the /lit/ sticky.

But I know this thread will just be autism unrelated to literature.

>> No.12402745

IU isn't indie although she is based.
Good day or 23 is her best song

>> No.12402753

Any recommendations for Korean literature?

>> No.12402803


>> No.12402836

Anymore friendo? Any authors I should pay attention to?

>> No.12402849

The Cloud Dream of the Nine by Kim Manjung
Our Twisted Hero by Yi Munyol
The Vegetarian by Han Kang

>> No.12402858

Thanks lad, I'll have a look into them

>> No.12402859

>dancing girls
+ know how to sing + act + most beautiful woman in the world.
thanks for helping, OP!

>> No.12402871

Overexageration and desinformation. Cringe. The Alex Jones version of /lit/.

>> No.12402929

The Koran.

>> No.12403011

Korean girls also have the best ASMR desu.

>> No.12403615

>Tfw not /lit/ Korean gf