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/lit/ - Literature

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12394227 No.12394227 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best version to download and read

its been shilled a lot lately on some shows I've been watching and I have to ask if it's merely bluepilled drivel? If so I won't waste my time

>> No.12394243
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>don quixote

>> No.12394256

Fucking Cervantes trying to steal my shekels

>> No.12394287

The Spanish version.

>> No.12394328

I only know a moderate amount of Spanish tough

No English translations?

>>12394243 maniac and another show called (you) both on Netflix so now its piqued my interest

>> No.12394334

what shows?

>> No.12394341

How can a classic be "shilled"?

>> No.12394360

Don't read the old translations, tons of ideas get lost in translation.

Read Rutherford or Grossman. Rutherford writes in more literary prose and takes some liberties while keeping it in line with the original meaning. Grossman is more of a literal translation but pretty close.

>> No.12394363

my best guess is Maniac, which I really liked. Totally flew under everyone's radar, but it looks beautiful and has some great scenes.

>> No.12394376

Smollett. It's the classic translation and what barnes and noble uses.

>> No.12394381

do they really mention don quixote in that? seemed popular lots of people at my uni watched it but i assumed it was some stupid black mirror type stuff

>> No.12394425

yeah, it's a recurring theme throughout the show. I recommend watching it, it does some really interesting stuff and it looks great all throughout. I can't really say too much without spoiling, but just be aware that the first minute of the show (which I really dislike) is entirely irrelevant to the rest of the show and doesn't set the tone at all. Aside from that literal 1 minute though, the show is really good.

>> No.12394466

ps lee el original wey

>> No.12394486

When it gets brought up a lot in other unrelated mediums

>> No.12394497

But who's making the money from it by shilling it.

>> No.12394543

Propoganda isn't designed to turn a financial profit but rather to shape people's thoughts and opinions

Me personally books tend to leave more lasting impacts on me than films, maybe because I'm a brainlet so i have to avoid bluepilled shit as much as I can lest I get influenced by it

>> No.12394544

>1000 pages

Yikes. Is this book actually worth reading in current year? I don't want to waste my time

>> No.12394589

go back to /tv/

>> No.12394599

Miguel de Cervantes is paying them to do this

>> No.12394654

kys pleb

>> No.12394666

Ok anon, I'm sure this early XVIIth century novel is being used to brainwash people.

>> No.12394670

there's literally a story in the middle of the book warning against the dangers of cucking

>> No.12394826

So I'll just take your word for it Satan?

All I'm saying is that anything featured in modern kike media you have to be wary of and so I made this thread to be informed

>> No.12394845

Suuure, nice try Satan

>> No.12395250
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Don Quixote is literally one of the five most based characters in all of literature along with Socrates, Abraham, Agamemnon, and Yeshua Hamashiach.

>> No.12395341

>if it's merely bluepilled drivel?

don q is an sjw.he sees prisoners being transported in chains and declairs no man should live in chains and attacks the guards,the prisoners then beat the shit out of don and rob him.it has many examples like this but don is a total bad ass and is red pilled

>> No.12396238

Same question as OP but for Spanish?
The best online copy is from
so I'm looking for something close to that.

>> No.12397520

The Ormsby translation.

>> No.12399336

people been shilling it ironically ever since 1600 so that one day a zoomer that does nothing but masturbate, watch anime and play online games all day would waste his time reading it

>> No.12399345

Samuel Putnam's translation is the GOAT

>> No.12399385


This post hits the nail on the head. I read Don Quixote recently and switched between these two translations. It was one of the most enjoyable books I've ever read.

>> No.12399387

>Be Spanish speaking
>Start reading it online
>It's in old Spanish, love the writing
>Buy a big, beautiful physical copy
>It's in modern Spanish

Half of the charm is gone anons. I don't want this at all.

>> No.12399391

didn't it say "adaptation" or something on the cover?

>> No.12399395
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This is the best translation.

>> No.12399419

No, and it looks so classic and well-presented most people would think this is the original Quixote.
But I know I read the true original version online, where words kind of flow like water and change forms in unconventional ways, making the story enter graciosuly into your head. Too bad most people don't value these forms and reject old ways of speaking because they find them weird. Things like "Él le dijo" were actually "díjole". No one says díjole today but fuck if it doesn't sosund good in a story.

>> No.12399631

The wordsworth translation was kind of awful, i couldn't make it very far. Google says this is the Ormsby one.

Downloaded a Grossman translation recently though and I'm enjoying it quite a bit more. It keeps the antiquated language, not as a product of when the translation was done, but in the context of the book - what would sound antiquated to the reader of 1616 she translate to "thees" and "thys". Quite faithful i believe and its regarded as one of the better translations.

>> No.12399779

>The Ormsby translation.

>> No.12401192

I mean, it's the original text with optional "footnotes" that give lots of context to everything from the time period to the use of language and much more. Basically, the best version I've come across.

>> No.12401653

You're just shitposting, but honestly part 1 is a bit too long.

>> No.12401819

I just tried to watch the new movie with adam driver, its absolute garbage

>> No.12401822

it's perfect for /lit/. don quixote goes nuts because of reading too much and not going out and experiencing life, and then when he's finally out of his basement his delusions and autism lead him to do dumb shit (>>12395341, the windmills, etc.)
then in part 2 once people start expecting don quixote to do crazy wacky things because they've heard of him, he starts looking at them like the idiots they are.