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File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12390314 No.12390314 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm a Hegelian
What type of person do you imagine?

>> No.12390317


>> No.12390319

U the guy who broke his gf using hegel

>> No.12390342
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This looks like the kind of bloke I'd expect to have read Hegel's entire Science of Logic.

>> No.12390364

a wise man of intellect and reason. also absolutely based.

>> No.12390384
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>> No.12390402


>> No.12390403

Schopenhauer was the one who wrote The World as Will and Representation. Hegel rejected all forms of picture thinking as inferior to the formation of true Notions by the means of reason.

>> No.12390406

Where do I start with Hegel?

>> No.12390409

Introverted, schizoid tendencies, good at creating personas, not aggressive, low sex drive

>> No.12390410

a guy with a huge but eternally flaccid cock

>> No.12390413
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>> No.12390415


>> No.12390420

Also stoic with high conscientiousness, high intellect, high withdrawal, low agreeableness, low empathy, detached from emotion, not easily amused

>> No.12390423

Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Then either his lectures on the Philosophy of History or the Philosophy of Right. The Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences is best enjoyed if read alongside the Phenomenology of Spirit, and vice-versa.

>> No.12390427
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His lectures are a good introduction to his thinking that isn't too hard to understand. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/51635/51635-h/51635-h.htm

>> No.12390437
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>> No.12390440
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Rarely angry. When angry they burst but are quick to apologize. These people love a beautiful life, because life is beautiful, they are reasonable and kind because of their vast intelligence. They understand the notion of moments, are able to live, correct and react to calamity with vigorous patience and curious optimism. They are night and day.

>> No.12390445

Very high sex drive

>> No.12390496
File: 56 KB, 688x560, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marxist or stormfag

>> No.12390524

A British gay communist who threatens to beat people up over the internet.

>> No.12390545

Have you seriously ever heard of a Hegelian nazi?

>> No.12390555
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>> No.12390561

Yes, all of them.

>> No.12390565

>yes all of them


>> No.12390612

Someone who tries to mash “muh synthesis” into every conversation. It’s a fucking sandwich Tom, no one cares.

>> No.12390634

Pretty cool how they put that in there even though it was such a vague explanation.

>> No.12390638

Synthesis comes from Fichte not Hegel

>> No.12390679

You mean Kant

>> No.12390706
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>> No.12390714
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Pseudointellectual. Same people who "read" Finnegans Wake


>> No.12390719

Whose the other guy

>> No.12390726

Marx, young Marx

>> No.12390733

Someone who hasn't read Hegel

>> No.12390736
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>> No.12390737

Finnegans Wake is just Joyce having fun with language. It makes more sense if you have an autistic love of language like him.

>> No.12390773


>> No.12390801


>> No.12390819
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>> No.12390957

Artist who hasn't read Hegel but still references him in artist's statements

>> No.12391114

An incel.

>> No.12391129

>habitual reader

>> No.12391136

What I don't get about Hegel is, if his writing is indeed so terrible, and his ideas not even that great, how'd he blow up so big? like, if you're some nobody who then writes some book that nobody can even understand, how the heck do you become famous by it? doesn't the philosopher have to work very hard to ensure they'll be understood? why would the public or academics care about deciphering someone who wasn't even famous yet?

>> No.12391166

He was super fucking famous dude. He was the rector of the University of Berlin when he died which was the most prestigious education institution in the world at the time.

>> No.12391175

pseud who hasn't actually read hegel

>> No.12391196

A literal Satanist and probably a child rapist

>> No.12391202

So he was famous before he wrote his book(s)? How, though? Was he already known for his original ideas before these books, or did he only come up with them later?

>> No.12391218

He wrote his greatest books I believe in either late 40s or early 50s. He was famous for lecturing on the philosophy of history, but he was always doing extremely well among his peers. From an early age Hegel was excelling in education and went to school with lots of other great intellectuals from this period, like Fichte and Schelling. His first major work (I believe) was the Spirit of Christianity and its Fate, which was already pretty popular, when Hegel was 25. From there he wrote quite a bit on religion and theology and started getting really popular while teaching in his mid-30s on the history of philosophy and philosophy of history, as well as world history. He wasn't famous in the world like he was through Marx, but he was famous in Germany while teaching in Berlin and very popular within the major intellectual circles. Hegel wasn't only a genius, he was also a good dancer and popular with artists.

>> No.12391223

And Hegel was also very important within German politics for hopes of reinstating the Prussian empire

>> No.12391273

such a fucking pseud

>> No.12391333

either a northern european white man or a jewish man, everyone else is too stupid to understand him.

>> No.12391340

>an hegelian

>> No.12391344


>> No.12391350

>a gay alien

>> No.12391358
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Devil worshipper.

>> No.12391669

The fuck are you on about?

The Phenomenology was when Hegel's first real independent work, first major publication of a book, and was in his mid 30s. It was published to near absolute silence, Hegel was unknown and rather uncared for. The Spirit of Christianity was never published, nor was its prior part, The Positivity of the Christian Religion.

Hegel grew famous not through academic debates or controversy, you hardly see a response to the Phenom at all, he grew famous because he was a personality and thinker unlike any other when it came to his lectures. Not only was he an autist, he was an autist that could dazzle people with his encyclopedic knowledge, that had a thought and response to virtually everything, was talking about things people actually gave a fuck about, and who if you could bear through the lectures you would eventually glimpse some crystal clear insight that blew your mind even if it was the only thing you ever got from him.

Basically, Hegel accomplished to be a very rare religious-philosophical phenomenon because he came at the right time to the right place with the right ideas, and with the right personality (strange as it was). Read about what people who went to his lectures had to say: he was to them like a religious prophet of modernity who offered a legitimization of reason and religion as a possible unity. He was as a lecturer really odd, but as a person he was a fucking social chad who had no troubles dealing with anyone and was apparently quite charming when he wanted to be. It should be noticed that this is not unique to Hegel. Kant had the same effect, but mainly with academic followers (Rheinhold being the main one), Fichte had the same effect on academics (less than Kant), Schelling had the same effect, and Hegel was not even the last one to have this effect though he had the biggest of them all (Germans seem to just have a thing for this).

>> No.12391733
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>> No.12392770


>If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.

>> No.12392794 [DELETED] 

● Undecided me There is an apartment in naiob dumpling! 2019/1/5 at 16: 09 ●
● Muto Koji Cardinal (Bishop) had a bad influence on me in mathematics due to the poison idea of Koi Saman (Mt. Koji)! 15: 59 ●
● Nodame Cantabile's Shy Turn = Infinite Power Hara Man 15: 28 ● My internal organs are frozen! Pinch notes? 15: 29 ●
● To make me a penal institution, Tsubuyuki put the shy turn of Nodame Cantabile into Codex (Beast Belt)! 15: 28 ●
● To make my emblem into a penalty on my head! The coat of arms is dead (Genba Kazuaki) has arrived! 5: 24 ●
● It was a strange (Genba Kazushi)) caused by the swelling of my belly because it compressed the torsion bar with Apoitakara 15: 17 ●
● Torsion Bar Spring (Vietnam · France) to give me a penalty! Niobium is the core of the torsion bar. 15: 17 ●
● The identity of the sensation that the hole of the nose spreads is an infinite Invincue with a feeling of degeneration! 2019/1/5 at 10: 01 ●
● Masumi Kuwata tried to break me with Jupiter's abramerin. Or degenerate into a monkey. 2019/1/5 9: 14 ●

>> No.12393037
File: 1.15 MB, 1700x1360, organicité.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but he's French

>> No.12393059
File: 128 KB, 1139x1125, 1546994436298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upper middle class white SJW/NeoNazi/Communist who has never worked a single day in their life and can do nothing except bitch about the the enlightenment despite its indisputable glory.

>> No.12393070
File: 9 KB, 175x287, zizek pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12393122

Caesar from the hit obsidian videogame new vegas

>> No.12393237

Actually surprised a AAA game could formally mention and explore philosophical ideas while the player chose how to respond to each statement an NPC proposed.

I don't believe we'll get this again considering how Fallout 4's speech mechanica turned out.

>> No.12393238

Marxist doing a handstand desu

>> No.12393268

yeah but as in "dialectical" synthesis

>> No.12393302

A relatively happy person whom good literature really jacks. The very person that belongs here. Well done, anon.

>> No.12393329
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Maybe I'm a little late to the party here, but I literally know some orthodox academic Hegelians and they're pretty terrible human beings all things considered. They're libertarian/conservative at all costs, even when it makes them sound ridiculous as if someone has a gun to their heads forcing them to be the opposite of the "Left" (whatever pure evil they mean by that) no matter what. They're completely prudish and traditional or even reactionary when it comes to social mores and art, they strawman every philosopher who isn't Hegel (although they're condescendingly respectful towards Kant, they sort of pet Kant on the head like in pic related) and judge every concept based on how Hegel used it and every philosopher who uses it differently is wrong from the start. They are willing to accept even authors like Jung or Lacan as long as their concepts fit their traditional worldview (archetypes, sexuality as a failure etc.) Also they constantly accept can't-know-nuffin' transcendental arguments when it suits them and constantly claim they're using reason even when shouting irrationally at one another.

>> No.12393346

Not him, but it's still Kant. The Transcendental Architectonic in The Critique of Pure Reason introduces the thesis-antithesis-synthesis triad iirc. Although for Kant it's more like a formula of how things usually go rather than some ontological mechanism as it seems to be associated with Hegel.

>> No.12393439

Too bad the playerbase is too brainlet to this very day to understand Ulysses

>> No.12393490

You kidding? Not nazi, but most fascist thinkers were readers of Hegel, especially his metaphysics.

>> No.12393514

what the fuck is this queer shit

>> No.12393810
File: 31 KB, 429x547, jesus_laughing21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light.

>> No.12395176

Looks like my type of guy

>> No.12395743

hegelian synthesis = nazbol gang

>> No.12395756

A pseud who most likely hasnt read hegel