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12389293 No.12389293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are there any modern examples high iq bigotry in literature?

>> No.12389305

this board is proof he's right.

>> No.12389312

Even though I hate molymeme, he is right in a way

>> No.12389317

high IQ is a better indicator of who has autism/aspergers or some other social ineptness and pattern seeking behavior

>> No.12389319

Anon, please. I know you're just being ironic but please, don't give these clowns more attention than they deserve - be it positive or negative.

>> No.12389324

no, he isn't

>> No.12389329

Goddamn Molyneux needs to get the shit beat out of him

>> No.12389352

Do you have any evidence for this claim?


>> No.12389357

Yes he is. Only pseuds pretend to be intelligent. Most intelligent people play down their intelligence, seldom share knowledge, so as to obscure their true intelligence.

>> No.12389361


>> No.12389366

Agreed. Have you read anything about his anti-family cult?
I want this man's blood to spill.

>> No.12389373

This, it's classic DK effect in action. A fool believes he's a wise man, while a wise man believes he's a fool.

>> No.12389383

He’s using code language for “white people”

>> No.12389399

Molyneux actually unironically believes that he has written the great canadian novel

>> No.12389400

nope, not really

>> No.12389412
File: 34 KB, 326x294, ding ding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nope, not really
*ding* *ding*

>> No.12389421

145+ iq ama

>> No.12389427

Aren't Jews the group of people with the highest IQ on average?

So you are trying to pretend to be smart by playing dumb?

Hmm, if an idiot knows to be an idiot is he smarter than a person with above average intelligence claiming to be smart.

>> No.12389428

How come you don't got a gf?

>> No.12389429

nope, not really

>> No.12389433

what a high iq post, fellow white man

>> No.12389434

High IQ comment desu

Violent, impulsive low IQ comment. Kys commie

True and that's a good thing!

>> No.12389439

Its a scam like high IQ Chinks

>> No.12389448

>Aren't Jews the group of people with the highest IQ on average?
you haven't been to jerusalem, i see

>> No.12389453

It’s complicated. I’d rather stay single and flirt with every girl I see, maybe sleeping with some of them some of the time, than be in some complicated committed relationshit. I don’t want babies for 15 years and girls my age want babies now. Plus time away from study monk-ing.

Basically sex isn’t worth what they’re charging for it. So I remain single, but popular.

>> No.12389455

Which? He has written a bunch of books

>> No.12389458

>Aren't Jews the group of people with the highest IQ on average?
WRONG. First off, there are many Jewish ethnicities. Ethiopian jews have an average IQ of 70. Sephardic jews have an average IQ of 90. Ashkenazi Jews in Israel have an average IQ of 100. Only the Ashkenazi Jewish diaspora has an average IQ of 110. Now stfu

>> No.12389468

any sources, mon ami?

>> No.12389943

>this post
You write like an idiot. Confirmed low IQ larper

>> No.12389995

High IQ people are the most oppressed group on earth

>> No.12390003

Mensa genocide when?
t. Low IQ'er

>> No.12390031

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.12390045

>doesn’t want wholesome young Christian wife-for-life

>> No.12390125

but only because gamers are all high IQ

>> No.12390136

More and more IQ people are losing their jobs to robots every day, but rather than cooling it on the capitalism high IQ people just say that they don't work hard enough.
Fuck high IQ people. They ruin the world for everybody.
Midwits, dimwits, dipshits, and retards are the ONLY truly good people on Earth.
Any poor behavior on the part of the low IQ population can be directly linked to the nefarious influences of high IQ individuals on the world.

>> No.12390161

How can prejudice against high iq people be real if iq isn't real?

>> No.12390171

high iq is code word for non-niggers

>> No.12390185

What if we're all niggers?

>> No.12390194

that's a very ambitious speculation on your part desu

>> No.12390330

>Violent, impulsive

>> No.12390343

in addition, Ashkenazi jews have "prep" classes where they study the answers for the tests they take, and have disproportionate high crystalized/verbal intelligence rather than fluid.

>> No.12390380

This is completely false.

>> No.12390460

>Only the Ashkenazi Jewish diaspora has an average IQ of 110
They still make up at least half of the jewish population though

>> No.12390512

>My IQ is all that I have

>> No.12390522

High IQ people are CEO's, doctors, and lawyers. They aren't /pol/tards or Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.12390532

Is Molyneux autistic? He doesn't really seem unintelligent but there's definitely something off with him

>> No.12390619
File: 297 KB, 1356x1198, taleb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is a fraud.

>> No.12390640

fuck this nigger and his black swan. swans can't even fly, these turds are even too incompetent to act like actual birds.

>> No.12390668
File: 509 KB, 1050x640, 03e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this, how do we stop gamer genocide?

>> No.12391588

Who is this arab?

>> No.12392873

Serious answer:
The Black Monk by Anton Chekov.

>> No.12392879

Why do people still take this little cult leader seriously?

>> No.12392887

Molyneux is certainly not talking from experience

>> No.12392896

I think Chinks and Koreans and Nips and Singaporeans are smart. However, the Chinese are heavily wounded and uncaring towards their neighbors.

Imagine what the Asians will be like when they convert to Christianity or the next great religion!

>> No.12392937

koreans are already christcucks

>> No.12392960

Is it the story of a well endowed intellectual (writer or thinker, can't remember) who ends up getting married and somehow failing at life? I had a hard time seeing the whole point. I still have, actually.

>> No.12393020

Algorithm worshipers don't count.

>> No.12393033

Some Chinese are smart but most of them are peasant retards who are mutts of a broad swathe of non-Han groups

>> No.12393035

flips are catholics if you're wondering what a papist asia would be like

>> No.12393038


>> No.12393054

In a way he’s right. Outright equating IQ with cognitive capabilities is stupid, there is no bigotry against high IQ scores but against capable people. The same hatred existed long before psychometry.

Then again smart people literally rule and create everything. The rage is just therapeutic.

>> No.12393082
File: 51 KB, 542x441, 1ad86-adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh IQ
>The modes of behaviour appropriate to the most advanced state of technical development are not confined to the sectors in which they are actually required. So thinking submits to the social checks on its performance not merely where they are professionally imposed, but adapts to them its whole complexion. Because thought has by now been perverted into the solving of assigned problems, even what is not assigned is processed like a problem. Thought, having lost autonomy, no longer trusts itself to comprehend reality, in freedom, for its own sake. This it leaves, respectfully deluded, to the highest-paid, thereby making itself measurable.

>> No.12393190

Sometimes I wonder if free men remain on this Earth.

>> No.12393193

yeah like 200 of them.

>> No.12393198

>have dick
>would rather have vagina instead
>read critical theory
>feel better

>> No.12393299

>. Sephardic jews have an average IQ of 90

i´m sephardic and i have 106 iq

>> No.12393323

or like 30 % of south korea

>> No.12393336

>would rather have vagina instead
Orgasms might be better, but the monthly loss of sanity (either meaning) isn't good.

>> No.12393357

You're proving it with this post

>> No.12393364

>Only the Ashkenazi Jewish diaspora has an average IQ of 110.
Worldwide, or in New York / London? It must be segmented.

>> No.12393368

>what is an average

>> No.12393377

Go easy on him, he only has 106 IQ

>> No.12393382


>> No.12393470
File: 80 KB, 770x561, Cygnus_buccinator_-Riverlands_Migratory_Bird_Sanctuary%2C_Missouri%2C_USA_-flying-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swans can't even fly
What the fuck are you talking about? Some swans migrate thousands of kilometres. The swans in your local park probably don't fly around because they don't have enough space to take off; they're some of the largest flying birds in existence.

>> No.12393786

High IQ Induviduals have a high tendency to be smug.

>> No.12393799
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, 1533476680975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lazy people say being athletic is fucking stupid, unnecessary, and athletic people are assholes for caring about being athletic
>There are more lazy people than athletic people, culture of inferiority complex develops
>shitting all over athleticism becomes normal, popular media and normie echo chambers reinforce this

>Fat people say being thin is fucking stupid, unnecessary, and thin people are assholes for caring about being thin
>There are more fat people than thin people, culture of inferiority complex develops
>shitting all over thinness becomes normal, popular media and normie echo chambers reinforce this

>Low IQ people say having a high IQ is fucking stupid, unnecessary, and high IQ people are assholes for caring about IQ
>There are more low than high IQ people, culture of inferiority complex develops
>shitting all over IQ becomes normal, popular media and normie echo chambers reinforce this

He's not wrong, it happens every time you have a sizeable demographic of people better off than the rest. It happens with everything; how often you have sex, how much money you have, how often you travel, what neighborhood you live in, anything, there will always be people rationalizing how your good thing is actually bullshit and their bullshit is actually a good thing because it's the only way they can avoid feeling bad about their lives. Threatening their point of view by saying "actually evidence shows that IQ..." results in violent backlash.

The fact that he can't make a post like that without a shitload of people going "Pfffft, look at this asshole, thinking he's a big deal and talking about IQ, he thinks he's so smart" or something like that is proof that this culture of belittling your superiors is firmly entrenched in our society. They're the crabs in a bucket of intellect.

>> No.12393806

>Ethiopian Jews

Listen, nobody is talking about the fucking Ethiopian "Jews" when they talk about the Jews, they are talking about either Sephardic or, primarily, Ashkenazi. They are talking about the groups which are half-European and half-semitic by genetic admixture who have sleepy eyes, large noses, and wide-set mouths with tendencies towards curly, dark hair.

>> No.12393870

>this is a sizable bigotry, wouldn't you say?
>yes, a rather big bigotry
>very big bigotry

>> No.12393878

Excuse me Mr. Molyneaux, there is a bigger prejudice against Gamers.

>> No.12393909

Don't forget the ears, man. The ears are the biggest giveaway.

>> No.12394045

>fooled you, I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.12394094

It didn't say to play down your intelligence so low that people think you're a retard, retard.

>> No.12394126

No, transsexuals are.

>> No.12394164
File: 150 KB, 960x960, lmao i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise there's /pol/tards who will nod in agreement to that tweet

>> No.12395280

>tfw too dumb to cut off my penis

>> No.12395293

>so as to obscure their true intelligence.
To what end?

>> No.12395296

lima barreto works (not sure they're translated in english tho)