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12389088 No.12389088 [Reply] [Original]

I'm convinced 90% of this board is borderline autists and retards socially. Beyond the occasional good lifting advice, all social advice is shit on this board. If you listen to any advice or "wisdom" about women or interacting with people on this board then you're a full fledged retard.

>> No.12389098

Wrong board fag

>> No.12389109

Wrong board?
This is not /adv/

>> No.12389113


>> No.12389116

>tfw have gf and am socially and emotionally mature
>tfw I refuse to share my wisdom with this board because most people would call me a fag or a normie anyways
Why bother giving advice if people will flat-out refuse it anyway?

>> No.12389118
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t. roastie

>> No.12389120

You are correct, but you have no proof.

>> No.12389145

Let me guess: you are normal looking, not a neet, don't have mental issues.

>> No.12389166

I'm a 6-7/10, have a comfy library job and am for the most part sane apart from mild ADD

However I do have a very degenerative form of arthritis so arguably my future is gonna be pretty shitty despite my normie status, sorry for blogpost

>> No.12389176

ADD isnt real, its a codeword for mild retardation

>> No.12389181

It's OK to be normal, have a job and have no mental issues. It's NOT OK to have mental issues AND burden others with nonsensical posts. Keep your mental issues to yourself.

>> No.12389188

I am an absolute chad, both in terms of socialability and intellectual capacity.

>> No.12389189

Well then, at least I'll be right at home on this board.

>> No.12389195

>haha mental illness isn't real nigga just close your eyes haha
Terrible advice. Why do you think suicide is the most common death for men of a certain age? It couldn't be the culture of silence surrounding mental health that you're promoting here, could it?

>> No.12389199

Lack of ambition and achievement.

>> No.12389209

wtf is that guy doing why does he hates babbys

>> No.12389211

>culture of silence surrounding mental health
On what fucking bizarro planet is this still a thing and how do I get there?

>> No.12389214
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well its like I always say, good riddance

>> No.12389220

>I'm convinced 90% of this board is borderline autists and retards socially
Welcome to 4chan you retard, nice digits.

>> No.12389223

I'm not saying otherwise you stupid namefag.
What i'm saying is that he is not in a position to give advice, since he was never in the same situation as some of us are.

>> No.12389227

There's your problem, no wonder you want to kill yourself

>> No.12389231

Maybe they did not close their eyes.

>> No.12389239

Look you can complain about Adorno being right about jazz and nobody listening to him but it's still the best way to meet loose moralled androgynes.

>> No.12389240

female posters are so easy to spot

>> No.12389245

Some imaginary situation you dreamed up one day is just that, imaginary.

>> No.12389246

but how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real ??

>> No.12389247
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thos are not suicides
this is the murder and killings of Anita Sarkeesian DISGUISED as suicides by hitwomen and femsasins