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/lit/ - Literature

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12388810 No.12388810 [Reply] [Original]

What would Dostoyevsky's favorite anime be?

>> No.12388829
File: 147 KB, 500x375, cynical asuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Welcome to The NHK and Evangelion

>> No.12388831

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.12388835

Would he be a rei or asuka person?

>> No.12388838


>> No.12388871

Considering the women in Crime and Punishment and TBK, I’d say Rei.

>> No.12388881

unironically My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

>> No.12388899

But only the awkward, mean-spirited anime, and not the yuri-harem manga.

>> No.12388900


Reminder that the only reason Dostoevsky is popular with the Anglos is shit like this. Empty irony, self-deprecation, pointless sarcasm, etc. It's practically ALL YALL LIL LOL.

>> No.12388909

Oh do lay an egg.

>> No.12388927
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yall dumb in the brain

>> No.12389132



>> No.12389377

based and the only correct answer.

>> No.12390255

>yuri-harem manga
I stopped following Watamote a long time ago but now you’ve piqued my interest.

>> No.12390556

Shit translation.

>> No.12390596
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>> No.12390608

NHK is spot on. I think he might be into Tatami Galaxy too.

>> No.12390642

The anime for Dazai's No Longer Human duh.

>> No.12390657

NHK is far too simple to fit

>> No.12390904

Both NHK and Tatami Galaxy which rely on a lot of post-modern conceptions would probably be incomprehensible to Dostoevsky if he was suddenly transported to today. Something like Monster or Kino’s Journey would really fit the mark though

>> No.12390927

What's the anime equivalent of Confessions of a Mask?

>> No.12392234

Evangelion because he's based.

>> No.12392253

Rei 100%

Misato is the only intellectual choice though

>> No.12392347
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>not Kaeled Liner

>> No.12392436

Evangelion. He'd be one of the very few people that understand it.
He'd love both

>> No.12392472

Is anime /lit/? As someone who never watched it as a kid will I get anything out of it? If so rec me the best animes

>> No.12392477

Dostoevsky is Rai-fag
Kierkegaard is fond of Asuka

>> No.12392483

>Kierkegaard is fond of Asuka
Explain how. Kierkegaard would be a raging waifufag for sure, I just can't see him liking Asuka.

>> No.12392485

He himself had a very troubled childhood and would undoubtedly see himself in her.

>> No.12392489

What would Homer's favourite soundcloud album be?
Who would Joyce's favourite pornstar be?
Milton's favourite video game? Proust's favourite car? Nabokov's favourite youtube channel

>> No.12392494

True but Asuka's troubles aren't nearly extensive enough to make him really empathise. The pathos of Kierkegaard's problems is that he thought them up all by himself, and furthermore at every point realised that clearly. To Asuka, caught in comparatively easy lines of wanting-to-be-a-good-child-by-killing-angels, he could feel nostalgic pity, but not a possibility of mutual understanding.

>> No.12392500

Its braindead garbage that sometimes borrows the aesthetics of deeper western media.

>> No.12392510

Anime is at its highest when it borrows from Eastern themes and aesthetics to be quite honest. Mono no aware and all that.

>> No.12392512
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>hey /lit/, what's the anime equivalent of ____?

>> No.12392515

Evangelion. No questions asked.

>> No.12392519

Why is everyone assuming he would like the deepest anime. What if he was the kind who just wanted a comfy SOL

>> No.12392531

It's not about depth, it's about the commentary about the human condition, the feeling of self loathing and interpersonal relationships. In those regards Evangelion takes the opposite approach though.

If Shinji were a Dostoevskij's character, in the end, he would lose.

>> No.12392541
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most of it is trash, but there are a few good ones

>> No.12392544

>it's about the commentary about the human condition, the feeling of self loathing and interpersonal relationships
And also waifus.

>> No.12392554

I always find it funny how NGE became so popular despite all the psychological depth and experimental direction, just because it also happens to have top-tier waifus and fight scenes

>> No.12392560

Kinda reminds of Seducer's Diary. But really, Dosto would surely appreciate the waifus.

>> No.12392578

>no YKK
They had one job, one!

>> No.12392585

Came here to post this

>> No.12392607

>one guys opinion


>> No.12392626

Is Samurai Champloo any good?

>> No.12392678

it's a fun, stylish adventure series but not very /lit/
you'll probably like it if you liked Cowboy Bebop

>> No.12392705

I'm gonna watch it for Nujabes

>> No.12392743


>> No.12392753

Which /lit/ figure would be the biggest fan of each of the following?
>Death Note
>Tatami Galaxy
>Welcome to the NHK
>Perfect Blue
>Haibane Renmei
>Hunter x Hunter

>> No.12392784

> Nabokov's favourite youtube channel
There was a lot of pedophilic shit on youtube recently, so there is a chance you could legitimately find one.

>> No.12392853

He'd be a patrician that watches exit-tier anime such as Precure, like me.

>> No.12393108
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Bet he'd love Hatoba Tsugu
>exit-tier anime such as Precure
Same exit as exit bag, amirite? Precure's great tho

>> No.12393111


Monogatari is pretty post-modern along with Tatami Galaxy I can imagine Pynchon really taking to their narratives and story structure.

>> No.12393154
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>> No.12393177

This is the exact reason the rebuilds exist. Anno is dissapointed that everyone lost the point of what he was saying about anime, escapism, unrealistic characters (case in point tsunderes, which anno pointed out with asuka that an actual tsundere would be emotionally broken). He made them as a reaction to the way people reacted to his work, it’s his indictment of anime, weebs and the way people responded to the original. It becomes very clear once you look at the rebuilds.
No real changes, basically exact same
This is where it goes bonkers. The existence of mari as a stereotypical anime girl without any real depth is an early warning sign. The next signs are Asuka name change and way of acting, her name was changed to shikinami. If Im not mistaken, -nami as a suffix means normal. The way she acts changes, she becomes a cardboard cutout of a tsundere to the point of cooking for shinji to get his attention, in other words she becomes a normal tsundere which anno hates for being a fantasy. Theres also the case of Rei, who becomes far more open and attempts to reach out to everyone and come out of her shell. This inverts the original, it gives weebs what they want and makes her get with shinji. Their fantasies came true. Pt1

>> No.12393182


I agree. A lot of Kaiji and Dostoyevsky even Tolstoy to an extent share a lot of similarities with how they portray human behavior and the human condition. Zola also fits in this category.

>> No.12393187

What are the most /lit/ anime?

>> No.12393194
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>> No.12393226

This. I can see Stepan Tropfimovich and other corny characters from Demons on this show

>> No.12393229

So now we get to what happens at the ending, Rei is dead more or less and instead of shinji’s mother being the one that causes eva 01 to reactivate it’s shinji’s desire to get Rei back. What happens happens and he pulls her out of the angel. This all happens, to quote Ritsuko, “because of one boy’s wish”. He causes third impact and everything that follow because of his own desire for Rei. Anno is using Rei and shinji as a proxy here for weebs and waifus. Shinji is basically saving his waifu, even though she tells him not to and that there will be others just like her. Its wish fulfillment for weebs, they finally get what they want. Then comes Kaowru to cut it all short. What he says is important, “I will show you true happiness”

Everyone hates this one because they choose not to understand it. This whole movie is anno saying “your wishes came true, now deal with the consequences”. To start with, the other characters are furious with him for his actions. He caused all their suffering out of his own selfishness. Its all not a coincidence that its been 14 years and nothing has changed. It was about 14 years in reality between EOE and 3.0, Anno is saying the characters haven’t changed in that time and neither have you. You’ve done nothing since then and you cannot redo (making sense now?) what’s happened. Of course this is not an entirely negative tale and kaowru makes good on his promise. pt 3

>> No.12393239

>people ITT actually pretend Evangelion is in any way profound
lurk two years before posting

>> No.12393250

What would be Schopenhauer's favorite late quartet by Beethoven?

>> No.12393265

Kaowru is meant to show that yes you can still change and improve through human connection as well as through creating and adding to the world. He finally makes shinji happy, showing weebs the light. Of course theres also rei to deal with. Rei in this movie is what a waifu actually is, a blank slate, nothing. She won’t reject you, she won’t act for herself, she is not real. You got what you wanted, and now you get to see the real downsides. Everything circles back to wish fulfillment and fantasies. To those who want to undo those 14 years? Too bad, you can’t. By removing the spears and rushing into things in an attempt to fix the world and undo it all, Shinji fucks it up even more. His one friend dies and he is left broken again as Mari tells him to get his shit together. It ends with Asuka dragging shinji along because he simply wont do anything for himself in his shocked state because his actions caused even more pain for those around him.
Tl;dr Stop with the fucking waifus and get a life you retard weebs.

>> No.12393266

Someone post the collage of the best shots from Evangelion

>> No.12393319

Well fuck you too Anno, I will continue masturbating to anime characters including Asuka, Rei, Shinji and Misato, and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me.

>> No.12393341
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I was going to post anno but he didn’t look smug enough. Asuka is best girl btw

>> No.12393347

Haibane Renmei
Bernard-jō Iwaku

>> No.12393354

I don't get it. The guy who wrote it already said the religious imagery does not mean anything and just looks cool (in his opinion).

I don't even hate Evangelion, but it's just pleb tier philosophy.

>> No.12393369

Its depth is in psychology, not religious imagery. Though Anno may well have borrowed the latter from Kierkegaard

>> No.12393463

>The guy who wrote it already said the religious imagery does not mean anything and just looks cool (in his opinion).
According him, that was just a joke people took too seriously.

>> No.12393597

>don"t be a hikki you fucking loser
anno is literally the weeberson of the 90s

>> No.12393612
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why do so many people see this as an argument agains NGE?
watch the show to see what its real appeal is, the christian / kaballah symbollism is just a neat theme

>> No.12393621

Someone showed me that Hatoba channel a while ago, it's very unusual.
Kept picturing her in mind as I read V. In Love from Pynchon's first.

>> No.12393628

There's nothing exceptional about the psychological themes in any of the characters. If there's no correlation with the religious imagery, NGE is just a Peterson-tier 'clean your room, shinji' self helpy waste of time.

>> No.12393835

Lol they won't include masterpieces like Dead Leaves or Redline because they're not super-serial enough

>> No.12394257

they did include some lighter stuff like Kaiji and Porco Rosso tho
also, is Dead Leaves really that good? I've been wanting to watch it for the artstyle, but is it any good besides the visuals?

>> No.12394375
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>not using the P&V translation

>> No.12394416

Dunno about P&V but OP's translation is awful. It preserves none of the tone, none of the Underground Man's playfulness that mixes lackeyry with bitter sarcasm all of the time. His ramblings should read as something you'd find on 4chan, full of irony, spite, self-consciousness about spite and spite about self-consciousness.

>> No.12394424
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, [UTW-THORA] Evangelion 2.22 - You Can (Not) Advance [BD][1080p,x264,DTS-ES][8B521921].mkv_snapshot_00.05.45_[2016.01.28_02.24.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I was too stupid for the Rebuild movies

>> No.12394452

I like your characterization of the narrator anon :)

>> No.12394802

Which translation would you recommend then?

>> No.12394809


>> No.12394855

No idea, my first language is Russian so I did not use any.

>> No.12395142

he wouldn't bother

>> No.12395199

How many of you anons don't actually have english as your first language, but still read foreign, non-english books translated to it?

>> No.12395542

I do it when translation to my first language either does not exist or is godawful.

>> No.12395902
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Which Philosopher would be a Jojo fan?
My pick is Kant.

>> No.12395922
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Most definitely NGE.

>> No.12395923

Same, but for romance languages I try to stick to Spanish translations.

>> No.12395958

YKK has the best ending in any piece of media that I've found.