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/lit/ - Literature

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12386017 No.12386017 [Reply] [Original]

As a result of my self-hatred and low self esteem, I have minimal confidence in myself. My identity is frail and built upon something I don't even truly believe, I second guess myself in everything I do, and employ excessive invective against myself whenever I do anything wrong. I'm too scared of failure to even begin trying things, and as a result there is nothing I am passionate about. Are there any books that can remedy this?

>> No.12386049

beyond good and evil
epictetus' discourses

>> No.12386059

Self esteem is a stupid fake idea invented by the sinister institution of psychology.

I can't tell you what your "low self esteem" refers to, but you don't have a fucking vial in your brain filled with self esteem liquid and yours is low.

>> No.12386062

12 Lines of Coke

>> No.12386089

Where do you find cool atmospheric pics like yours OP

>> No.12386090

i don't think reading will help much with any of this. Believe in yourself, whenever doubt creeps into your thoughts, immediately cast it away and don't be afraid to make a mistake, everyone does and no one should judge you for trying and failing.

>> No.12386091

In the depths of my asshole desu

>> No.12386096

I bet it's not even the deep

>> No.12386106

tbqh study eastern philosophy OP, no amount of 'self-help' or 'confidence-building' books will help you like the inner peace and calm that can come from eastern philosophy

>> No.12386112

become a ruthless fuckmachine and go on an anal conquest

>> No.12386129


Look in the mirror and say, Goddess, most beautiful, please sendeth me the spirit to dab upon all.

>> No.12386469

It was one of the first ones I saw on /wp/ when looking for an image to upload

>> No.12386472

OP here. What are your thoughts on Gurdjieff?

>> No.12386482

what's your point?

>> No.12387094

Rene Descartes(that's actually me,or you If you want to)

>> No.12387259
File: 1.09 MB, 1284x688, Phantom Thread (2017).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12387390

You need to be inspired OP. For example, after watching Sora Yori (yes it’s anime sue me) I was suddenly inspired to work hard, pass my exams, and then go on a holiday, where I actually met my current gf.

It doesn’t just have to be books. It’s all about witnessing something amazing and thinking “God I bet I could do that, being I have the will now to do so”.

>> No.12387414

people want to hurt other people more than not

>> No.12387417

How can you watch an anime where the main characters are females living on easy mode and be inspired?

>> No.12387944

It’s about the journey anon. Besides, I wouldn’t exactly call that completely easy-mode considering the girl worked everyday for multiple years of her childhood just to get the trip.