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12384967 No.12384967 [Reply] [Original]

give it to me straight /lit/
will I still be able to write if I medicate my depression? I don't want to DFW myself (I mean I do, but you know what I mean)

>> No.12384973

yes, amphetamines help with depression and with writing

>> No.12384977

>medicate my depression
why would you do that? are you just looking for excuses to use drugs. Degenerate

>> No.12384987
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I don't want to DFW myself
I mean I do
But you know what I mean

>> No.12385007

he wrote all those years on meds
without meds, he didn’t do so good

>> No.12385031

This is the most retarded thing since "music theory will hurt your musical creativity"

>> No.12385262

it was switching meds that fucked him up I'm pretty sure

>> No.12385269

obviously it depends on your condition, and whether or not you have the discipline to continue to write

>> No.12385331

How can depressed people even write? First of all, you're probably apathetic to any pursuit due to your condition. Secondly, if you can't appreciate the lows of life, you aren't being very romantic about living. That probably stifles creativity.

>> No.12386539


>> No.12386550

speak for yourself mate I'm at my happiest and most carefree when I'm not taking them. But that might be because of my ADD. I certainly get more shit done with them.

>> No.12387003

major depression is anhedonia
like saying why can’t diabetics overcome insulin shortage

>> No.12387031

yeah I bet diagnosing depression is as precise as diabetes. once they're depressed there's no way to overcome the apathy, just like how diabetics can't overcome insulin shortage. nobody has EVER fixed themselves without medication

>> No.12387250

It was going off them and then being unable to get them to work again

>> No.12387261

music theory hurts your creativity and anti-depressants lower your iq and creativity and shrink brain hemispheres permanently
Having a high verbal iq and instinct for poiesis helps a lot. being manic is the key really

>> No.12387551

Yeah you're right. Manic people could actually write depressed. I genuinely concede

>> No.12387678

it’s biological as well as psychological
you don’t understand the major symptom—anhedonia
there’s a treatment to lower blood pressure that depletes norepinephrine—patients get majorly depressed
you need neurotransmitters like norepinephrine to feel any pleasure

>> No.12387683

>I need to be mentally ill to be an artist
You have already failed. Utterly repulsive and pitiful

>> No.12387815

and why somebody is depressed?. because the neurotransmiters dont work?. or because some stupid middle term between biological and psychological.
>it’s biological as well as psychological
when psychology start to treat this serious to his own stupidity is the moment when they give me legitimate fear. like im talking with a total psychopath who dont know he is.

>> No.12387935

Sapolsky is an atheist monkey lover, but tell me where he’s wrong about depression:

>> No.12387942

I don't think that's what OP saying at all.

>> No.12388471
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im not gonna see a 50 minutes video... he say the psychological reason to be depressed in all that time?.... or all the reasons are ultimate biochimical?.
i repeat, they give me legitimate fear when they admit they dont have nothing to say about the psychological part of the mind and at the same time they are the official experts in the mind. (they separate themselves of pure psychological reasons because in the end if you gonna put order in the mind you need to have some kind of opinion of the mind, and that is the rabbit hole who goes on forever and if all your prove to your psychological equipment is a dialectical one basically you are the same as any philosophical theory without really solid arguments that do not end in some kind of opinion..) (you know in this world and time materialism is not discussed, so here you go...)

>also, depression is not bad, is not something to combat.

>> No.12388498

this might be a record for amount of typos and grammatical errors in a single paragraph

>> No.12388512

im horrible at english, anyway i hope the message stay understandable. (i know it isnt)

>> No.12388516

Biological risks:
stress, low levels of a handful of neurotransmitters, Glucocorticoids (his specialty), loss of parent at young age
Psychological risks:
aggression turned inwards (improper mourning), learned helplessness

>> No.12388564

i dont know exactly what do you mean by "risks". risks of your outcome like a person if you are in a depression?, or some weird form of saying motives?.
>loss of parent at young age
i think this should be in the psychological part.
>aggression turned inwards
this is practically global, something not limited to depression. you not have to end in depression if you turn your agression inward.
anyway, what i want to say is that the psychological motives to say is bad to be depressed are shit.
what is really bad in learned helplessness?, why the sane person have to be confident?, where all those ideas are coming from?. is something so simple, so social, so vain really if you think a little why people dont want depressed people. i mean, is not something bad "in itself". i know is subjectivist bullshit what im saying, but the psychological people do the same and anybody say nothing.

basically the psychological reason for things and thoughts are just too big. psychology and psychatry is scam. they end neurotransmiting your ass if all goes like this.

>> No.12388716

Learned helplessness is why you don't let babies cry. The baby is doing the only thing he can do to help himself.

>> No.12389291


>> No.12389334

>music theory hurts your creativity
Yeah, really fucked up Bach

>> No.12389526

who is the modern bach?

>> No.12390789

Look at Marc Fisher

>> No.12390804


Then that's not an argument against theory but a discussion about deployment of theory in modern practice

>> No.12390817

did he kill himself from medication or lack of medication?