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/lit/ - Literature

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12384143 No.12384143 [Reply] [Original]

I have to write a research paper this semester on one of these five books:

> Eugene Zamiatin’s We
> Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World
> George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
> Kurt Vonnegut’s Player Piano
> Walter M. Miller’s A Canticle for Leibowitz

I've never read any of these books. Some I haven't even heard of. I know that 1984 and Brave New World are both gay memes that are pushed on high schoolers.

Anyways, which of these books is the least gay and retarded and fruitful for a 10-15 page paper?

Dubs can pick the book only if he says why I should choose it.

>> No.12384173

I hate you. But We and ACFL are the best

>> No.12384206
File: 9 KB, 257x196, kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you read a book before passing judgement on it? Fucking pseuds man

>> No.12384209

1984 and BNW aren't bad books. Just because they are very popular doesn't mean they are bad.
Just look up all 5 books and pick the one that appeals to you the most.
>also calling things gay

>> No.12384216

all of those are absolute shit

like not even


they're shit

>> No.12384219
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I was thinking that We looked cool since the author actually lived in a society approximating a dystopia.

And I know my post is kind of troll-y; I've avoided the dystopian genre like the plague and now I'm forced to read it for a grade. In my dystopian future, all high schoolers and college students will be forced to read dystopian literature over and over that will subvert the true ugliness in the world. They're be thinking about Big Brother, meanwhile I'll be putting my own personal semen in the tap water! Just wait, buddy. You think the ZOG is bad? You ain't seen nothing yet, pal.

>> No.12384233
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I read usually 2-3 hours a day. I just haven't gotten around to reading entry-level dystopian fiction yet. Not my cup of tea!

Which of the two would you choose to write a paper on?

>> No.12384234

Jesus man, just stop trying to be so edgy when you're posting.

>> No.12384238


>> No.12384250
File: 77 KB, 720x430, LineUp2009_SilversunPickUps_Large_Landscape-720x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when you're posting

I'm like this all the time, indiscriminate of who I'm talking to and where. You scared, moralfag?

>> No.12384259

I would personally choose BNW, but that's just my preference. Again, I would really look up every book to see which one sounds the most interesting to you.
Also, unrelated to you but goddamn it's ugly to change Yevgeny to Eugene

>> No.12384273

it's like talking to a try hard 15 year old

>> No.12384277

I agree. I just wrote it how my professor wrote it. I'll keep BNW in mind. The Vonnegut book seemed cool since it seems to deal with the effects of the industrial revolution and automatizing everything (Kaczynski pine-tree gang here).

>> No.12384279

You got first dubs you have to choose the book yourself

>> No.12384289

So the majority of people who save Pepe and post Pepe images, are they all teenagers?

>> No.12384300
File: 25 KB, 600x600, crying-pepe-toddler-t-shirt-light-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got dubs twice!


Damn it!! I wanted someone else to make this choice for me.

>> No.12384307
File: 64 KB, 750x545, Dew1cMsW0AAlVqS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me.

>> No.12384696

Why not read all five and then make up your mind? :^)