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/lit/ - Literature

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12383141 No.12383141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the most /lit/ college major other than english

>> No.12383148


>> No.12383790

Philosophy and classics

>> No.12383799

Honorable mention to theology

>> No.12383804

Computer Science.

>> No.12383809

Art History

>> No.12383828

>needing a college major to be /lit/

Do STEM and don't fuck yourself out of a job. If you're too much of a brainlet to be /lit/ of your own accord, your opinion was worthless to begin with

>> No.12383829

Finish the damn books Knuth

>> No.12383842

It's so easy to spot the posters who never went to college

>> No.12383851
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Keep projecting

>> No.12383902

They had something called American Studies back at my school that was a hybrid of American History and American literature. I didn’t bother with it because it sounded even more meme than my English degree

>> No.12383907

Projecting what?

>> No.12383946

Even STEM undergrad degrees now are worthless. You need to go to graduate school to make college worth it unless you're rich/well connection to begin with.

>> No.12383962

Do I have to spell it out for you, brainlet?
STEM isn't useless unless you do something stupid like a pure science

>> No.12384004
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Why the fuck would I make fun of your post for betraying your lack of a degree if I didn't have one myself?

>> No.12384018

I have a degree, faggot. And I question the validity of yours, considering the level of intelligence present in your shitposts

>> No.12384029
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Classics or mathematics. Philosophy in college is mostly a meme.

t. philosophy major whose college doesn't have a classics department.

>> No.12384041


classics also seems to kind of shite

i am sure mathematics is just fine

>> No.12384073

>ke college worth it unless you're rich/well connection to begin with.

About to graduate with engineering.. no it's not useless. Where I live I would have been stuck making 30k-40k a year for the rest of my life tops. I have entry level 55-60k with my STEM. 96% job placement from my uni too.

>> No.12384087

On a side note, to anyone looking for a major, After experiencing 4 years of Engineering I can still recommend it. You will see how worthless degrees like business, english, philosophy, and etc. are through your peers. You can learn what they learn from /lit/ and actually reading a few books instead of looking at sparknotes to cram for that quiz.

It sucks because a lot of times when your friends might be going out you are forced in to study or etc., but you are learning a genuine skill and toolset to interact with the world through engineering. 99% of us are going to be wageslaves, anyway, if it was up to me I'd be a touring musician or author but I see nothing wrong with getting my solid STEM degree so that I can live the rest of my life's hobbies out well among family and friends, and hopefully raise a few kids too.

>> No.12384092

>96% job placement
96% job placement of flipping burgers.
55k entry level as as the best figure you can quote is absolute shit. You're better off going for a trade.

>> No.12384112


What do you read tho?

>> No.12384113

t. brainlet who couldn't get into engineering

>> No.12384129


What do you read?

>> No.12384134

The Greeks

>> No.12384154

Nope, sorry! It's a very reputable program actually! Implying I have an incentive to lie? lol.

>> No.12384158


& you are twenty-two? i think you overestimate your level of erudition

philosophy & classics graduates even in the weakened state of their departments - at least a third of them will know more than you & anyone who is actually bothered to regularly discuss philosophy seriously even on the net is going to be part of that portion

You really think you are going to fulfill yourself intellectually as an engineer reading some entry-level translations of some stuff i doubt you even fully understand after a tired day of work?

embrace poverty mayn

>> No.12384171

I have been working my way though the classics. Dostoev books, Paradise Lost, Noam Chomsky, Daniel Quinn, Kerouac, Sartre Wheel of Time series, lots of music biography, many one of classic books, and now getting into poetry. Starting with Whitman.

>> No.12384177

Wasn't me. See above :-)

>> No.12384191

Is accounting /lit/? Need to get a good job after college if i want to live with any shred of dignity in my city.

>> No.12384192


milton isn't exactly a walk in the park & i often see people mentioning him without really knowing what they are talking about

I don't know mayn you've already graduated & are only @ this level?

i don't mean to be rude but you are denigrating literature as a serious field of study so it has to be pointed out

>> No.12384236

I took my time through milton and I think I got a lot out of it.

1 semester from graduation. Yep I guess I am just dumb! I just read for my personal knowledge and leisure. I don't have a dick measuring contest complex about this lol.

Literature IS a serious field of study. Is it a practical field of study for a perspective college attendee? No. I think you can receive a BA level of knowledge with self education. I also think this of my Engineering degree but I think it is a lot harder to teach yourself Thermodynamics or Calc II than what seems to be taught (at least at my school) in the BA curriculum(s).

>> No.12384261

I think finance and accounting is a good option!

>> No.12384285

You can sense the butthurt in these post. Probably americans.

>> No.12384319

Thanks, encouragement is appreciated. I can stomach Accounting, but I don't have a passion for it. I just know that if I graduated with a degree in literature or philosophy I wouldn't be making enough money for everything I want to do in life + very high cost of living in my city.

>> No.12384324

Really, no mention to history? I think that's much closer than Classics. History is so holistic, it's essentially learning to write convincing arguments. Sure, you have fuddy duddy professors in the medieval history department that care about names and dates. Walk into any modern history seminar and you are discussing motives, meanings, morals, and values. You can even get history courses like "History of radicalism in Russian literature" or "Foucault for Historians", things that operate on abstract levels. I've taken both of those courses, my first history course in university was even "Intellectual origins of the contemporary west" where we reviewed people like Plato, St. Augustine, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche. I've taken "History of French Culture" wherein we read Camus, Zola, and Hugo. I think I've read more assigned literature than history in my history undergrad.

>> No.12384420

Protip: don't conflate your passion with your career. Probably the biggest con that's been run on generations born since the 1960s is this idea that whatever you do for a living should be something that fulfills you emotionally or spiritually, and that there's nothing wrong with taking on massive amounts of debt if you're chasing a "dream." If you have something that you're passionate about that pays decent money then by all means go for it, but I'm guessing for most /lit/ types that's not the case.

I work in IT, I'm not particularly passionate about it, but I like it well enough, I'm good at it, and it pays well. That's what ultimately matters in a career. When I first started school I wanted to write novels and was going for a History/English major/minor, then I decided to switch to Computer Information Systems. Probably the best choice I ever made. A lot of times trying to do something you're passionate about kills your enthusiasm for it, especially if you're not successful.

>> No.12384459

Very wise. “Do what you love” is stupid advice, did the farmers of olden days love farming? No, they did what they had to to survive. Modern man is too far removed from the soil, he lives in a castle in the air without foundations, and when the wind howls and the floods rise it comes crashing down.

>> No.12384484

Thanks Anon, I appreciate the advice. Hopefully accounting will leave me with enough time for hobbies too.

>> No.12384490

Hey those are my majors

>> No.12384628

Thanks Anon you're so smart I wanna s*ck your c*ck>>12384484>>12384459
Protip: don't take advice from people your age, and don't take advice from people that work at computers all day doing what they hate. The mixture of youth and pragmatism leads to unfulfillment later in life. That's why people pursue their dreams, by the way. Fulfillment, not financial security

>> No.12384704

Obviously you shouldn’t sacrifice your life on the altar of work, but neither can you follow your dreams into zero income and massive debt. You have to find something in the intersection of enjoyable and valuable to the economy.

>> No.12384726 [DELETED] 

I got a CS degree and I hate it. I wish I did humanities. I'm never going to work a job in it because anyone who does is horrible.

>> No.12384738

>I got a CS degree and I hate it. I wish I did humanities. I'm never going to work a job in it because anyone who does is horrible.

>> No.12384743

>Spending thousands on a degree you could've gotten for free at the library

>> No.12384758
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>> No.12384779

How ya like them apples

>> No.12384788

Alright but I think "following your passion" is the wrong attitude altogether. If you can bring it with you wherever you go then your free to have financial security too

btw this is the internet you can spell out "suck your cock" without mom knowing