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12382636 No.12382636 [Reply] [Original]

What is the opinion of /lit/ about Žižek?

>> No.12382643

seems like a legit philosopher but tones down his messages for pleb audiences

>> No.12382659

Based and Althusser-pilled

>> No.12382668

based as fuck and the most entertaining public intellectual of the past 50 years

>> No.12382717

Philosophical talk show clown.

>> No.12382728

Hes benefited hugely from the end of the cold war, and the shift in representation of East European accents shifting from heartless villains to loveable eccentrics with homespun wisdom

>> No.12382734

One trick pony

>> No.12382856

He's like the darth maul of contemporary philosophy, except with more personality. Duel-wields hegel and lacan while doing impressive (mental) gymnastics. No point trying to cut him in half though as he's already an ontologically incomplete entity

>> No.12382863
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I'm eagerly anticipating his inevitable public embrace of White nationalism.

>> No.12382881

C'mon that column writes itself
>why white nationalism is the true anti-racist revolutionary force

>> No.12382926

It wouldn't ever happen, but being the contrarian he is he's talked a lot about how the left needs to reclaim the populist energy that white nationalists have managed to reinject into politics.

Also, his attitude to open borders is very deceptive but there's a strong logic to it. His idea that we shouldn't open our hearts to refugees isn't because he agrees with nationalism, but rather because he thinks an emotional or sentimental response prevents us from adequately dealing with or even realising the problems which create refugees, which are explicitly political rather than a humanitarian issue

>> No.12382994

He seems pretty cool. I am still working my way through the earlier heavyweights if philosophy but I definitely want to check his stuff out one day.

>> No.12383578

He's funny and interesting to listen to but he's a communist so don't take him seriously

>> No.12384325

He's only respected among lit students.

Philosophy students don't take him seriously. Continental trash.

>> No.12384350

Cant watch his videos because he is physically disgusting

>> No.12384360


>> No.12385143

Why do you think Lacan appealed to him so much? Is it because he's obscurantist and difficult to read, or does he really see him as the answer to all of our questions?

>> No.12385332

>Continental trash
okay I'll bite, what good philosophy isn't continental?

>> No.12385340

also he rejects political correctness and anti-racism as an end.

>> No.12385419


>> No.12385437

coked up fraud

>> No.12385547

There are two Slavoj Zizeks. One is a popular Youtube star with a heavy online presence. The other writes long books on Hegel and Lacan.

The Youtube star is very popular among pseuds who invoke Lacan and Marx but find Plato (and Marx and Lacan) dreadfully boring. I hear no opinion of Zizek the writer, because I cannot read him having so little familiarity with the authors he engages.

>> No.12386468

Just spend about a week reading secondary materials and introductions on Lacan and Marx, and then read Zizek you plebian tripfag

>> No.12386604

Does it have to be one extreme or the other? He certainly has valuable contributions to make, if you’re able to navigate his dense prose, that is. People don’t like him because he can be quite provocative, arresting mathematical concepts from their scientific context and applying them as metaphorical structures. For example, when he claims desire is “asymptomatic”, he’s not using the term in it’s intended context but rather to describe how desire is infinitely approaching but never reaching its satisfaction. Even though his language might rub a lot of people the wrong way, he really isn’t saying anything overtly complicated or absurd. His ideas are most appropriate when used to talk about the nature of entertainment and cinematic pleasure, a la Laura mulvey or Slavoj zizek.

>> No.12386860

Maybe some of you have read my books, i love this *sniff* joke. I always tell this joke, like, coffee without cream, you know


And this to me is the critical point. Coffee? Without cream? I will not repeat my little joke here, for those of you who have read my books-raise your hands. No one dares admit it? Ah what the *sniff* hell- this then is the crucial distinction between late Hegel and Marx, this coffee, no cream.


Eh, err, uh, do you err, remember *sniff* and maybe i am too old, that film from the french, au hasard balthasard? For those who have not seen, a donkey lives a life- an ass! *sniff*- and is whipped and beaten while the daughter of the donkeys owner falls in love. Of course I am not calling *sniff* Donald Trump an ass, but can we not see that whipping post of a buffoon in him? And err, uhh, you know, the girl as the media, and so on

And *sniff* do i dare say that our coffee, our hegel, would not find the decaf of donald trump distasteful? *sniff*

I asked my black friends in the united states, some of whom i know for a *sniff* long time, what is it about trump you admire? And they said he is rrradical. *sniff* they were unconcerned about his supposed racism, intolerance, disrespect of women, etc. *sniff* i cannot help, but why does the black like the decaf? Is this a partial return to Marxist *sniff* dogmatism, through right wing kubuki populism?

>> No.12386864

A bit boring really. Sometimes I enjoy listening to what he has to say but the gimmick and cult around him is contrived, stupid, cringe. Annoying personality.

>> No.12387369

Accurate and based.

>> No.12387372
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>he's already an ontologically incomplete entity

>> No.12387398

he's the RMS of /lit/

>> No.12387403

Based and accurate.

>> No.12388174

He's actually really dumb but studied philosophy until he went schizophrenic. Reading him is akin to that metaphor about monkeys typing a novel eventually. No nuance to his writing, terrible wit. A mediocre jester

>> No.12389333

He was the best thing about The Last Jedi.

>> No.12390321

you haven't read an ounce of his philosophy

>> No.12390344


>> No.12390388

Have not watched him for a couple years. But the impression I got was full of shit.

>> No.12390392

I do like the guy though. Also he is not bound by pc culture like everyone else. I saw him at my university and he critcized how femenists rarely talk about Islam or something along those lines.

>> No.12390397

if he was truly based he would have called out feminism for the massive shit test that it is and that women desire nothing more than to submit physically and mentally to a virile and strong man.

>> No.12390419

Someone called him out for talking about the testimonials of rape victims, when really he was using their factual inconsistency in recalling the event to justify the validity of the traumatic claim.

He pretty frequently makes a joke about how he is a "good feminist boy". Hard to tell whether he's being serious or just playing up to the role of a eunuch.

>> No.12390467

Well I'm not saying he is some secretly right wing guy. But he is like an old fashioned leftist.

>> No.12390497

>he thinks an emotional or sentimental response prevents us from adequately dealing with or even realising the problems which create refugees, which are explicitly political
America invading Israel's enemies isn't political it's spiritual.

>> No.12391635

Now that's a chin-scratcher.

>> No.12391658
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He has incredible staying power for an intellectual. I remember riffing about Zizek as an edgy and cool thinking back in high school in 2003, and the old-timers then had known about him since the 80s.

>> No.12392490

Root Mean Square?

>> No.12392997

I wouldn’t want him to prepare my food

>> No.12393040

I saw him on YouTube and he looked like he was on death's door. A stroke, slurred speech and a swollen eye? Is he going to make it?

>> No.12393091

He is a top marxist thinker. Which means he is a disgusting smelly bumbling idiot who should live in a cardboard box on the streets instead of giving tenure and a platform.

>> No.12393290

Don’t worry, I saw that clip too, as far as I’m aware it wasn’t a stroke and he’s since recovered.

>> No.12393324


>> No.12393408

youtube philosopher

>> No.12394378

Richard Stallman

>> No.12394496

Having seen a lot of Zizek's videos, my thoughts are that he's a very entertaining and charismatic guy who when he's on his game can bring up some insightful points. He can also be very frustrating to listen to because of his extremely tangent-riddled style of delivery. Oftentimes it feels like he takes 10 minutes to say something that could have been said more clearly in two or three.

>> No.12394511

You should read some of his books, they literally recycle so much content from previous books someday somebody is going to compile his complete bibliography into a single sub-500 page book.

>> No.12394559

just his book on Hegel is 1000 pages, don't understimate the breadth of his thought. he does recycle jokes and examples through his work though

>> No.12394575

you forgot to include *grabs nose* and *pulls shirt* x100

>> No.12394643

>white nationalism

>> No.12394700

It's basically indistinguishable from modern progressive intersectional identitarianism. The only difference is that the identitarian scope is white people instead of blacks, jews, muslims, trans, whatever.

>> No.12394707

are you trying to say both are racist or neither are racist?

>> No.12394728

Depends on your definition of "racist".

>> No.12394733

How about anti-identitarianism? Including white.

>> No.12394741

is this a jedi mind trick? I'm asking you, so your definition.

>> No.12394838

That would have been anti-racism before intersectionality became a thing. Now it's considered racist to erase another person's group identity. You are whitewashing their lived experience of systemic oppression, which can only exist in their identitarian context.
Also culture is owned by specific ethnic groups. If you participate in activities that are associated with a specific identitarian group of which you are not a part, then you are culturally appropriating their culture which is also racist.

My definition, which used to be the most common definition a few decades ago is:
"Prejudice and/or differential (often bad) treatment based on ethnicity or skin color".
I am an individualist who is against identitarianism altogether. I think the individual should be the smallest unit of judgement.

But the contemporary academic definition, which is also used in progressive movements and journalism is that racism is institutionalized in hierarchies of societal power.
The famous quote is "Racism = Prejudice + Power".
Therefore an oppressed group cannot be racist against an oppressor group. If a black person calls white people a racial slur, then that is not racism because he is a member of an oppressed group punching upwards against an oppressor group with institutional power.
It becomes more complex when intersectonality comes into the mix. Since people usually are members of several groups with oppressor/oppressed dynamics, e.g. a person being a disabled trans woman with Latin American heritage would be such a set of intersectional categories which all need to be taken into account when deciding whether something is racist or not.

>> No.12394914

>The Ziz is like Darth Maul
JBP will be his Qui-Gonn

>> No.12394936

>to erase another person's group identity.
By anti-identitarianism I'm not talking about erasing identity but rather being against all kind of identitarianism (separatism, supremacism, racism, ethno-nationalism, etc. based on ethnies, religions, gender, sexual identity etc.)

>You are whitewashing
Why white?

>Also culture is owned by specific ethnic groups
Culture is never owned.

>If you participate in activities that are associated with a specific identitarian group of which you are not a part, then you are culturally appropriating their culture which is also racist.
You sound like a SJW, cultures always comes from from other cultures, culture itself is cultural appropriation.

>My definition, which used to be the most common definition a few decades ago is:
"Prejudice and/or differential (often bad) treatment based on ethnicity or skin color".
I am an individualist who is against identitarianism altogether. I think the individual should be the smallest unit of judgement.

But the contemporary academic definition, which is also used in progressive movements and journalism is that racism is institutionalized in hierarchies of societal power.
The famous quote is "Racism = Prejudice + Power".
Therefore an oppressed group cannot be racist against an oppressor group. If a black person calls white people a racial slur, then that is not racism because he is a member of an oppressed group punching upwards against an oppressor group with institutional power.
So by anti-racism, which definition are you using? You seems to disagree with the whole intersectionality movement but you also use their definitions, if you really disagree with them you should also oppose their semantics.

>> No.12394972

I've listened to a podcast where he was debating with Alain Finkielkraut and I found it interesting even though I'm "alt-right", I'd like to read more of his stuff but I don't want to jump too fast as I'm reading Heidegger now and I've skipped Hegel and Marx

>> No.12394985

>skipped Hegel and Marx
you need them for Zizek though. Lacan also

>> No.12395002

I know, that's why I don't think I should read him yet

>> No.12395023
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>he's already an ontologically incomplete entity

>> No.12395045

You should drop Heidegger and return to Hegel and Marx.

>> No.12395061

No thank you, i'm only mildly interested about hegel and marxist lit so I'll read things that actually really appeal to me first then i'll come back to hegel

>> No.12395068

crypto fascist

>> No.12395072

When he writes articles on current events and political economy, zizz brings the biz. I haven't delved too much into his books, but in Sublime Object he does compare the act of thinking to pooping in the preface, and it sort of makes sense.
His speaking engagements can be insightful but I think he falls too much into being a caricature of himself.

>> No.12395164

I do disagree with the underlying ideology of the intersectional definition, but it is still widely used and accepted as the gold standard.
My preferred (the old) definition is the fringe one in most circles where racism is getting researched, legislated or talked about seriously. I don't like that, but it would be weird for me to argue with people and use a different definition for words, without agreeing on a common definition first.

>Why white?
The etymology of that word isn't specifically tied to race. It means to erase or gloss over.

>Culture is never owned.
>You sound like a SJW, cultures always comes from from other cultures, culture itself is cultural appropriation.
I don't disagree with you, but you need to be able to accurately represent ideas. Even if you disagree with them.

I think the embrace of identitarianism by the progressive movement its academic fields is incredibly destructive. Pitting races/classes against each other to compete for what is perceived to be a limited supply of power can only pull them further apart rather then bring them closer together. Which is something we are observing at the moment in wider society, especially in the US.
And the rise of white identitarianism is just the logical conclusion of this mind set. If all other ethnic groups get encouraged to band together to fight for their grievances and their piece of the pie, then it is only logical that white people do the same to protect their own group interests. White people will want to protect their "own" culture the same way black idenititarians protect their "own" culture and white people will want to have their own white only clubs if there are black only clubs. Especially when individual white people become victims of prejudice that would have been considered outright racism by the old definition of the word, but does not count as racism by the new definition of the word.
I think the progressive social justice movement unleashed a pandora's box with their support of identitarianism. If I was into conspiracy theories, I would think this entire ideology is designed to destabilize western liberal society and bring about revolutionary change. But it is probably just incompetence and stupidity.

>> No.12395193

>Racism = Prejudice + Power
okay, so by this definition, white nationalism is racist, and progressive identitarianism isn't.
>Prejudice and/or differential (often bad) treatment based on ethnicity or skin color
according to this, both white nationalism and progressive identitarianism is racist.
So how did you get to the conclusion that white nationalism isn't racist? neither of those definitions support that reading...

>> No.12395198

meant for

>> No.12395239

Identitarianism and segregation based on race/ethnicity would be considered racist by itself under the old definition. By the new definition it is encouraged. And being against it is by itself racist. So white identitarianism is not racist by the new definition if you follow its line of logic.

And by the new definition all it takes is white people seeing themselves as an oppressed group and they are automatically justified in any "punching up" against their oppressors.

>> No.12395285

>By the new definition it is encouraged
in specific instances of power imbalance, yes. If white people were underrepresented it could be considered fair to positively-discriminate towards white people. but you would have to first consider power imbalances, you can't just assume everyone's equal. basically, if you were in China and being discriminated against for being white, then under the progressive definition you deserve positive-discrimination to balance the scales. you can't just say "it gives positive-discrimination to them so me too!", as it is only predicated on power relationships. literally by that definition, in america, black nationalism isn't racist and white nationalism is. you can argue that's not a good way to determine what is and isn't racism (I would agree) but you can't say it supports white nationalism, that's nonsense.

>> No.12395298

>I do disagree with the underlying ideology of the intersectional definition, but it is still widely used and accepted as the gold standard.
>I don't like that, but it would be weird for me to argue with people and use a different definition for words, without agreeing on a common definition first.
So you want to discuss with a definition we both disagree with?

>I don't disagree with you, but you need to be able to accurately represent ideas. Even if you disagree with them.
I disagree with them because I represent ideas differently than them.

They are still wrong even if they are hegemonous.

> I would think this entire ideology is designed to destabilize western liberal society and bring about revolutionary change. But it is probably just incompetence and stupidity.
I would say the opposite, identitarianism is a byproduct of western liberalism to prevent revolutionary change by amalgamating identitarianism with revolutionnary movements, because identitarianism does not challenge the status quo at all and divide the working class.

>> No.12395305

there's always that left-to-leftist maggot

>> No.12395338

>If white people were underrepresented it could be considered fair to positively-discriminate towards white people

Not him, but I would submit it would still be racist.

>> No.12395439

It just depends on who decides who is oppressed and who isn't. For instance white people actually are already underrepresented due to quotas in some places at this point, just like women dominate universities and women below 30 make more money than men. But there is no counter balancing.

And if white people decide they are oppressed then who are you to question that? It is their own lived experience after all. It is not quantifiable by scientific means. Only a white person can understand what a white person goes through according to interesectional progressive logic. If a white person feels oppressed then they are oppressed.

Alright let's dive into white nationalist talking points while applying progressive intersectionalist logic.

According the progressive intersectional mindset power is a limited resource and groups fight over it. Groups only fight for their own interest, the majority group needs to be institutionally disadvantaged because that is the only way to give the other groups a chance. Because in this mindset there can not be people treating each other as equals beyond group borders, or people in power being good to the disadvantaged on their own volition. Minorities are oppressed per definition and everything is about power politics.

White people will be a minority in the US by 2045. How long until there is a bigger minority than white people? This is a direct attack against the white group. White nationalists call it "white genocide". If we believe in the progressive intersectional mindset then this is correct. Whoever facilitates this is directly attacking the white group. Therefore the white group needs to prevent this from happening. It's only logical.

And if western meritocratic capitalist liberal democracy is a function of "whiteness" and part of white culture then having other people besides whites in your country is a direct threat to these systems. They cannot possibly maintain these systems without white people being in charge. They could only implement the archaic tyrannical systems of their host cultures. With this it is only logical to create a nation for each group. It is the only way to avoid violent conflict, ensure the rights of white people and prevent the groups from committing genocide against each other.

>> No.12395643

Not sure what we would discuss. I think we are both against identitarianism. And we both prefer the old definition for ideological reasons.

I guess we could talk about the motives behind this new surge of identitarianism coming from the progressive movement. Since there we actually seem to have differing views.
But like I said that might turn into conspiracy theories.

>identitarianism is a byproduct of western liberalism to prevent revolutionary change by amalgamating identitarianism with revolutionnary movements
>identitarianism does not challenge the status quo at all and divide the working class
I agree, that the neoliberal establishment of both parties in the US take advantage of identitarianism so they can claim to speak for these groups and pit them against each other while ignoring actual issues based on wealth disparities. It is a way to obfuscate the actual issues, which are almost always based on economic class rather than race/sex/gender. That seems kind of obvious and easy to observe.

But if I am understanding you correctly, then you are saying that the revolutionary movements that used to make up a big part of the progressive movement in the past were actively directed towards identitarianism by the neoliberal establishment? And this change did not occur naturally. Do you have some examples of that influencing? And why did the revolutionary thinkers who informed these movements not speak out against this?

>> No.12395686

I don't think you finished reading the post anon
>Minorities are oppressed per definition and everything is about power politics.
>White people will be a minority in the US by 2045
then according to these facts white nationalism will be racist until 2045. I think it's stupid anon, I disagreed with it in my post, I just think you don't quite understand why it's stupid. all that said, white nationalism is literally equally as cringe as progressive intersectionality; reactionary ideology is brainlet tier.

>> No.12395695

Dear /lit/izens,

For years now I have wondered, why must the giant of lubey yana (sorry amerishits just dont know how to make that noise) roleplay as a die hard communist with tourettic facial tics/movements?

I recently discovered that hes not the only genius with tourettes. I give you: Samuel Johnson!

“while talking or even musing as he sat in his chair, he commonly held his head to one side towards his right shoulder, and shook it in a tremulous manner, moving his body backwards and forwards, and rubbing his left knee in the same direction, with the palm of his hand. In the intervals of articulating he made various sounds with his mouth; sometimes giving a half whistle, sometimes making his tongue play backwards from the roof of his mouth, as if clucking like a hen, and sometimes protruding it against his upper gums in front, as if pronouncing quickly under his breath, 'Too, too, too.' All this accompanied sometimes with a thoughtful look, but more frequently with a smile. Generally when he had concluded a period, in the course of a dispute, by which time he was a good deal exhausted by violence and vociferation, he used to blow out his breath like a whale”


“His mouth is almost constantly opening and shutting as if he were chewing. He has a strange method of frequently twirling his fingers and twisting his hands. His body is in continual agitation seesawing up and down; his feet are never a moment quiet; and in short, his whole person is in continuous motion.”

“He had compulsive habits like, touching each and every lamp post in London while walking and in case he overlooked one, he used to stop all conversations with his fellow-travellers and rush back in order to feel it, as if to get rid of some kind of inner urge.”


Inner urge indeed! These tics are no longer the sign of demonic possession! But the sign of greatness emanating from the great man, a man subsumed by the light of our father, Literati!

>> No.12395698

Wouldn't it be permissible to be racist to prevent greater racism?

>white nationalism is literally equally as cringe as progressive intersectionality
We agree on that then

>> No.12395739
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permissible by whom? ethically I would say no but I'm a dirty universalist. real change comes from Zizekian violence not social regulation

>> No.12395775

>But if I am understanding you correctly, then you are saying that the revolutionary movements that used to make up a big part of the progressive movement in the past were actively directed towards identitarianism by the neoliberal establishment?
It depends of what you means exactly by "progressive movement".
Revolutionary movements in the past were not based on identitarianism but on class. Ideologically, identitarianists movements are not part any of revolutionary movement, "identitarianist movement" only looks revolutionary but they are in fact counter-revolutionary because they divide revolutionaries and distract them.

>And this change did not occur naturally. Do you have some examples of that influencing?
A shift happen in the sixties when the revolutionary movements of 68 were all derailed by the new "individualist" lifestyle (who also replaced the conformism of the 50's) mixed with the french theory who became popular, especially in Americans colleges.
This was the base for the nowadays identitarianist movement.

>And why did the revolutionary thinkers who informed these movements not speak out against this?
Identitarianism is hegemonous, like you've said in one of you previous post, we are fringe, a small as fuck ideological "minority", when a revolutionary try to talk about the danger of identitarianism he often get called a reactionnary or even a fascist.

>> No.12395827

Fun and somewhat thought provoking but half-retarded.

>> No.12395857
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The more relevant question is what is Zizeks opinion on 4chan?
If you skip to 30 min in this clip you can see that he has read 'Kill all normies' :