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12381530 No.12381530 [Reply] [Original]

Did he make a genuine contribution to political philosophy? Or was he just some blogger?

>> No.12381543

He's a blogger who took thousands of words to complain that democracy must be bad because black people are involved

>> No.12381554
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If they objectively make life worse for everyone is he really wrong?

>> No.12381561

Democracy isn’t bad but it certainly isn’t an end goal in and of itself. The purpose of Democracy is to replace hereditary politics so that we don’t have a Dynastic war every time the family line dies.
The problem with Democracy is that the majority isn’t always right, in fact they are probably wrong just as often as they’re right. A voice in politics can’t be given freely, it should be earned by proving you are an individual with a healthy, educated mind.
Bureaucracy done right > Democracy > Monarchism

>> No.12381567

life would be equally as shit with or without them

>> No.12381581

He looks like he watches blacked porn

>> No.12381648

Wrong, without them America would drastically lower violent crime, endemic poverty and STD rates

>> No.12381677

Jews are very often victims of their own poison. Sad!

>> No.12381694

He slightly improved on Rothbard albeit mostly by ignoring everything Rothbard would have considered a matter of principle.

>> No.12381706

Note: Rothbard is pretty limited to begin with, so this is barely an accomplishment

>> No.12381761

Thanks, Wikipedia.

>> No.12381790
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>The problem with Democracy is that the majority isn’t always right, in fact they are probably wrong just as often as they’re right. A voice in politics can’t be given freely, it should be earned by proving you are an individual with a healthy, educated mind.
You forgot to mention that Obama is not your president

>> No.12381817

>dude just let everyone vote lmao
Nice policy there,

>> No.12381941

>Rothbard is pretty limited to begin with

The guy wrote something like 35 books on everything from Colonial America to Eastern Taoism.

>> No.12382068
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>it should be earned by proving you are an individual with a healthy, educated mind
And who sets the criteria for what a healthy and educated mind is?
>Bureaucracy done right > anything
Shoo shoo

>> No.12382112

He was an expositor of the thought of others, not an original contributor to political thought in an real way

>> No.12382141

His treatment of the JQ, and the subject of HBD generally, renders the rest of his contributions nearly worthless.

>Everything MM said
>but with Hitler (hail) as CEO-king
NOW we're getting somewhere

>> No.12382214

>And who sets the criteria for what a healthy and educated mind is?

the same people who elevated "democracy" to a sacred level i'd imagine. not the guy you're responding to though, democracy for the most part is a nice-sounding word, entirely supplementary, secondary, adjunct, not actualized in practice with the same reverence its treated in propaganda. there exist no democratic processes in the so-called "west," that preeminent big other that sets the global standard for acceptable societal behavior like the world's aristocracy. i see no democracy in america, i see no democracy in europe, just suits and bureaucrats who wield that word as both weapon and shield. as far as actual democratic processes are concerned, they're buried beneath layers of moneyed manipulation, propagandization and brute tribalism.

the truth is, true democracy has never been tried.

>> No.12382233

His name sounds like a Harry Potter character.

>> No.12382291

akchyually he says it's bad because
1) parties in a democracy are more concerned with gaining (more) power than with actually getting things done, causing a civil war-like state (when not a proper civil war) that renders the government both ineffective and unsafe
2) politicians only have nominal power anyway, as it's the polygon (through the cathedral i.e. universities and press) that dictates the agenda by manipulating the public opinion which in turn manipulates public policy
3) race only comes to play in that certain subsets of population (which happen to be mostly blacks and mexicans) for some reason find themselves at the bottom of the social ladders and thus are more prone to rely on welfare and thus rely on the cryptocalvinists tenets of progressives that makes the government grow larger, more ineffective and more wasteful in resources

>> No.12382297

>Done right

>> No.12382680

Elves aren't green, loser

>> No.12382692

Those things aren't bad unless you're a racist who thinks it's bad for the government to distribute resources to black people. The purpose of government is not to be efficient, its to improve the lives of its citizens

>> No.12382700

sure thing Pablo

>> No.12383263

I have never read anything by him or know any of his ideas but I hate his name and face so I never will

>> No.12383295

No. He was just a blogger.

>> No.12383513

The first two points have nothing to do with race you hysterical retard

>> No.12383547

Well it certainly is bad for the government to distribute resources to black people on the virtue of them being black, which is the central point of a lot of his critiques
>b-b-but you're racist for not wanting a percentage of your income to go to those with group interests diametrically opposed to your own
Take another swing, kid. Keep your eye on the ball.

>> No.12383563

What? You actually believe that? This life has a big 90 grit dick to slam up your ass my poor virgin friend, but smile because we have all taken it.

>> No.12384072

Genuine insight ruined by obstinate support for retarded bullshit like "liberty" and other nonsense.

>> No.12384185

His argument seems to be that democratic government is incompetent, this opinion based seemingly on the existence of the welfare state and government spending.
Why is that bad? You don't really explain your position

>> No.12384205

Are you genuinely retarded? Serious question.

>> No.12384212

I would argue that we don't have democracy, voting once in the 4 years for some dude or party isn't democracy.

>> No.12384274

Kill yourself edgelord

>> No.12384377

>His argument seems to be that democratic government is incompetent, this opinion based seemingly on the existence of the welfare state and government spending.

It's a little more complicated than that. His claim is that democratic government is a bloviated mass precisely because it has degenerated into massarchy, in which the progressive civil service has taken the reins of power from the executive branch and uses its power to manipulate procedural outcomes. It is the civil service-press-academia axis that has displaced the military-industrial complex over the last century and have used its power to implement its universalist agenda at home and abroad. The disasters of Wilsonianism (nationalism, irrendentism, Iraq, Arab-Israeli conflict, etc.) result from this tendency. Democracies encourage low-level electoral warfare in which no side ever triumphs, leaving everyone permanently discontented and diminishing the effectiveness of government. The decay of the American (or French or British) hinterlands in favor of financialized citadel cities constructed on the back of a hat-trick of a financial system that deals only in imaginary digitized numbers floating around on someone's computer are the abject consequence of the West's universalising tendencies and will ultimately collapse in on itself like the Soviet Union through the backlash of its flyover citizens.

Coming a decade after he made these posts, his predictions can hardly seem outlandish. The only thing he seemed to get wrong was in underestimating the rage of vaiysas (working class conservatives) and their ability to capture their countries' respective electoral systems.

>> No.12385275

I think he made some good points which got lost in his pretentious wankery and inability to seriously consider the shortcomings of his pet theory. He was also annoyingly irrational when it comes to his 'just read old books bro' shtick. Hopefully someone in the future filters through his bullshit and condenses the good bits into a new theory.

>> No.12385377

Are hey even green?

>> No.12385380


>> No.12385384
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>> No.12386055

>Hopefully someone in the future filters through his bullshit and condenses the good bits into a new theory.
they already did, they're called lawrence auster, murray rothbard and thomas carlyle.

>> No.12386506

No such collapse has taken place, and the West is safer and less involved in wars than its ever been. His thesis doesn't stand up, just looks like standard eschatology

>> No.12386870


>> No.12386987

Our society wold be marginally better without jazz and blues.

>> No.12387015

Country and heavy metal are greater crimes against music

>> No.12387052

Both are descendants of blues. When it comes down to it, house.is by far the worst and most destructive form of music ever conceived.

>> No.12387063


>> No.12387262

It's funny to look back on "degenerate music" and realize they were right all along.

>> No.12387308

in warcraft 3 they are, pedro gonzales

>> No.12387575

It was all downhill once they introduced equal temperament

>> No.12387576

What about electing local government and state representatives?