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File: 113 KB, 600x392, big-government-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12378062 No.12378062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on why Americans are so scared of the big gubmint?

>> No.12378064

why aren't you scared anon?

>> No.12378068

I mean we have like one of the most powerful ones in the world

>> No.12378085

The gubmint isn't after you.

>> No.12378117

Past a certain point there's an antagonistic relationship between government and individual liberty.

Individual liberty — which, since America's rise, has become the status quo of the western world — has lead to a massive increase in quality of life. The benefits speak for themselves.

>> No.12378134


Do you think the government has stopped collecting taxes, or that Congress is going without pay, during this "shutdown"?

Read Bernays' Propaganda. Or Kalergi's Practical Idealism, which was the inspiration for a united Europe at the cost of their own sovereignty.

>> No.12378139

This sounds smart but means nothing.

>> No.12378151

fatty piggie boy you going to work. Yes. YES, work with the sun that will burn, and blister your pink flesh.
"But I want my milky! I want my gamebox! I want my prostate vibrator! I CAN'T SURVIVE MISTER!"

>> No.12378163

To give an example, look at health care (at least here)

We have doctors that never use 99% of what they learn in school yet need to charge patients a cost that pays for and justifies their education.
It doesn't take much training at all to give stitches / apply the skin adhesive (and to recognize a problem where a doctor may be necessary), yet we're forced to go to overpriced hospitals to legally get that treatment. It's inefficient. Practically everything the government is involved in is seriously inefficient. This is because it limits what would otherwise be free market innovation.

Big government is unnecessary at best, oppressive at worst.

>> No.12378173

They may not be now (they definitely are, but for the sake of argument) but they could decide to in the very near future. And with the infrastructure that is in place and with a complacent populace such as yourself, there would be nothing to protect us and they would effortlessly crush us in minutes. Fag.

>> No.12378204

>hey buddy, big gubmint bad. freedumbs good! I'm a good christian and luv me cuntry. GO USA, MAGA!!!
Why would the government care about you, a loser that wanks off to cartoon girls?

>> No.12378205

You are describing issues with capitalism, not government.

The doctor doesn't decide what they charge, the board of directors and accountants do.

In many parts of the country, not only is it possible to find non-doctors to perform these tasks you are describing, it is actually IMPOSSIBLE to find a doctor to do them.

Your personal lived experience is not a barometer of average or normal, it is only yours.

>> No.12378215


>> No.12378216
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>> No.12378218

honestly the rest of the world should be more afraid of big government in america than americans are. if you think america has its boot on the throat of the world now, imagine if all that power was centralized under retarded mutt politicians obsessed with moral crusades.

>> No.12378224

>>hey buddy, big gubmint bad. freedumbs good! I'm a good christian and luv me cuntry. GO USA, MAGA!!!
I hope you remember, when you're giving 70% of your paycheck, that you helped make it happen.

>Why would the government care about you, a loser that wanks off to cartoon girls?
I don't.

And try not paying taxes. IRS will show up on your doorstep with guns. Believe me, they care about each and every revenue producing unit.

>> No.12378239

Anon, the citizens decide who is in charge and how to run things. Just don't be so deluded as to think that is done via voting.

>> No.12378242


>> No.12378244

I hope you smoke and have tons of processed meat so you enjoy the freedom of cancer over the government telling you it will kill you. Otherwise you're using your individual liberty to pick the government standards for their benefits.

>> No.12378265

>hey buddy, I'm a Christian and a good republican, been voting against them big communist dems just like my daddy, daddies daddy, daddies daddy daddy!
Fuck off cleetus

>> No.12378269


>> No.12378279

>I want 70% of my labor -- that is, time I could be spending with family or loved ones, time that I spend standing, working, sweating, working for someone else -- I want 70% of my day to go to Congress so they can spend it on pointless wars. I don't want it for myself.
Your stereotypes reveal your ignorance, not mine.

>> No.12378293
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Welcome to the real world.

>> No.12378311

the 70% number you are using reveals that you are responding to the AOC marginal tax rate bill.
Your analysis of how it would affect you is completely incorrect.
Look up marginal tax rates.

>> No.12378318

>you just don't like Ocasio-Cortez!!!!1`
no, I'm using that figure because it is about what some European nations have had for years. it is proven there that people will tolerate it.

>> No.12378327

are you implying that European nations, on the whole, DON'T have a better quality of life than the United States?

>> No.12378330

People in Europe and Canada live better than mericans.

>> No.12378333

>t. francois le cuck sportif

>> No.12378359

>box truck attacks
>surveillance state
>right to self-defense is denied and outlawed
>erasure of national identities
>70% of your work goes to fund programs

Do you know what a slave is, anon? Someone who gives 100% of their labor to someone else. Europe is objectively less free than America. Liberty is the only thing that can guarantee a good quality of life. Not handouts, not programs, and not centralized state-run industries. Read the books I told you about.

>> No.12378364

so you'd say that people in Germany or Sweden have awful lives, unlike african countries with much lower taxes?

>> No.12378366

Yes, that’s what we are implying

>> No.12378368

No you fucking moron, a slave is a person who is owned by another person.

>> No.12378376

>>box truck attacks
>>surveillance state
>>right to self-defense is denied and outlawed
>>erasure of national identities
Same thing in burgertown, but much worse, mr 56% face.
>>70% of your work goes to fund programs
Fake. But it's true that there are programs, which is one thing makes Europe and Canada superior.

>> No.12378377

must be some book. you can't even restate the arguments?

>> No.12378379

And are Europeans owned by their wives/mothers? Yes

>> No.12378387


>wacky world’s take

>> No.12378388

No, idiot. That's property. Slave implies work. For example, American prisoners are literally slaves. Read the 13th Amendment. They work for free, but they still have some rights. Property does not have rights.

I think the comparison you are making is cherry picked because Germany and Sweden have centuries of massive wealth spent in infrastructure building behind them, and the parts of Africa you are talking about do not.

>> No.12378389
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t. 56% creatura.

>> No.12378391

Well, you are incorrect. It is hard to realize the call is coming from inside the house if you refuse to acknowledge the existence of other houses

>> No.12378398

What work does a babe in arms do?

>> No.12378399

>Saying the same thing over and over again in an attempt to be funny
Ah, Europe, never change.

>> No.12378402

Clem's Bait and Tackle
Formerly Chuck's

>> No.12378403

You are so close to understanding imperialism but are willfully choosing not to

>> No.12378404

>comparing prisoners to infants
I knew you were mentally challenged, or 19, or both. Leaving this dumb thread, you're welcome to whatever shithole world you create.

>> No.12378413
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>give me your whiteness, bbbllleeeerugggghhhhhh!!!

>> No.12378414

I'm sorry, are you saying slaves in America had rights?

>> No.12378421

>>box truck attacks
I'm sure nothing like this happened during any demostration in recent memory
>>surveillance state
Patriot Act, using a plane means letting the government take naked pictures of you and they can detain you for hours if they doubt you. Everything you do can be monitored by everything in your phone. SWAT teams might kill you because someone was doing a prank. The police has armored trucks as if they were fighting ISIS
>>right to self-defense is denied and outlawed
>>erasure of national identities
all whites being a single identity, all blacks are the same identity, is much worse than sharing your country with people who are openly different
>>70% of your work goes to fund programs
that include things that you'd have to pay as an american, like student loans or medical bills.
On the other hand what the state takes from you goes mostly to the army to go impose police states in other countries.

>> No.12378423

Did slaves live under the 13th Amendment I mentioned? You fucking moron?

>> No.12378425

Are you intentionally ignoring the historical connotation of the world slave in America?? Babies born of slaves are slaves because they are owned by other people.

>> No.12378430

The definition changed after the reconstruction. Why are you faggots so ignorant? Are you Americans?

>> No.12378454

On one hand, you acknowledge that definitions are not fixed. On the other, you insist that slave now means what you say it means.

But -- you defer to the legal definition? You are letting the government define how you use words?

What words mean to you are not the only thing that words mean--does that help?

>> No.12378456


>> No.12378458

Because fuck you, that's why

>> No.12378460
File: 195 KB, 2128x778, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 9.02.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my shit up senpai

>> No.12378534

no, greenhorn. I was giving you a (You). a pity (You). because your argument is so weak that is the only response it deserves. how new are you

>> No.12378575

Why are European cartoons so ugly?

Why do big gubermint Europeans still so attached to the idea of a state?
They don’t work any better than a capitalist economy. Austerity policies aren’t owing away. The only way to truly unify Europe is to dissolve all the states

>> No.12378580

*why are
*arent going away
I should have said

>> No.12378588

It's a meme so only the left wing has access to the state apparatus for effectualizing their goals and winning public support. This is why they've won the past 80 years. Anyone who believes in fiscal conservativism is a cuck. That only works if you have a single party state.

>> No.12378591

Why do you suck dick and eat ass?

>> No.12378593

As a lurker, just know you look like a stupid fuck with your greentexts

>> No.12378601

Hello mutt. What percentage of you is European, African, etc?

>> No.12378604

Anyone who protests government interference in their lives is an inbred rural retard. The elected government depends on the people for legitimacy so they only have our best interests and safety at heart.

>> No.12378617
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go back to /his/

>> No.12378626

boy you really are chugging that onions aren't you.

democracy was developed for small communities, where individual votes and voices could matter. "the elected government" you are defending is an un-elected plutocracy. a deep state.

>> No.12378628

I'm not American you're just shitposting

>> No.12378653


>> No.12378659

I do not

My questions still stand.
I know there are Anarchists in Europe, but the rest of hem need to wake up to the beasts these nations have become
(Nothing as beastly as the US of course, but still)

>> No.12378690

The homosexuality in this statement is palpable.

>> No.12378707

>I do not.

Well then, can I eat your ass? Live a little.

>> No.12378709

lurk moar fagget

>> No.12378792

I'm talking about more nuanced regulation for healthcare, where capitalism would be the solution.

I'm not a libertarian nor did I ever claim to be.

Government, as a coalition of the people, should ensure baseline health and safety standards.

>> No.12378809

I didn't read the last part. I said 'overpriced hospitals'. Not "doctors".

Though like a yearly physical preformed by a doctor is very sub par by any standard in the US. A doctor - and subsequent cost - isn't required for that level of care.

>> No.12378816

Thomas Paine

>> No.12378821

based schizo poster

>> No.12379513
File: 20 KB, 219x220, sneed tuxedo pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about that shop name... I feel... drawn to it...

>> No.12379523

based euro police getting bullied and pushed around by shitskin twigs.

>> No.12379526
File: 16 KB, 262x276, the nose knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board of directors and accountants do.
what did he mean by this

>> No.12379685

Why do you write like this? Are you mentally retarded? Do you take dicks up your ass? Are you a tranny who thinks you're being cute and kawaii?

>> No.12379703

So you're going to ignore historical evidence of governments going rouge (even though you guys have been through that)? Doesn't seem like there's any point in talking to a moron like you.

Here's hoping Trump ends up being the fascist you losers claim him to be, and that he kills every single last one of you leftist losers.

>> No.12379731

European here. I'm paying ~70% of my total income in taxes, and I would much prefer to live in the states since I'm not getting much - if anything - for all the taxes I pay here. Housing and accommodation is almost impossible to get unless your parents are well off, you have to wait ~8-9 weeks before you get to see a doctor where I live etc.

There is not a single country in the history that's greater than USA, save for Finland of course.

PS: Nordics who move to USA see between a 50-80% increase in living standards as compared to when they lived here, proving that your system is better. It's not perfect, nothing is, but it's better than what we have.

>> No.12379745

>the regularly scheduled amerilard copeflag

>> No.12379755

>European here. I'm paying ~70% of my total income in taxes
guess you meant to post in a sci-fi thread

>> No.12379795

>governments going rouge
>america going red ever

>> No.12379806

Read The Federalist Papers and then ask the question.

>> No.12379810
File: 899 KB, 440x248, glad sosse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Institute for Private Economy/Swedbank (a bank here) came up with the following figures when using someone who earns 25 000SEK/month (~$2500):

>17 200SEK/month total in tax, divided upon:
>7 400SEK municipal taxes
>1 750SEK pension fees
>7 860SEK social fees

The report also counted that you pay 3 580SEK/month in VAT, when spending your money.

This report was published in 2012 though. Taxes have gone up since then.

It's nice to see you idiots have no real arguments, or any clue at all as to what you're talking about.

Yeah, was supposed to be 'rogue'. But I guess (khmer) rouge is fitting for you guys, so whatever.

>> No.12379811

American dislike of government stems from so many different sources it's impossible to pin down just one.

>> No.12379815

Lets tax everything that's bad for people to the point that only the wealthy can afford it and not call ourselves soft authoritarians.

>> No.12380087

They've inherited the fears of their founders. Seeing as the political philosophy of founders of the US was based on the experiences of Europe it was naturally focused on restricting the states ability to abuse the polis.

>> No.12380106

The Jason Compson narrative in The Sound and the Fury

>> No.12380327

pinkos ITT BTFO

>> No.12380343
File: 740 KB, 840x1171, doorofperception.com-moebius-color-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold the superior european drawing style
how can americucks ever compete

>> No.12380359

>It's nice to see you idiots have no real arguments, or any clue at all as to what you're talking about.
t. the guy who thinks waiting times at his doctor is somehow pertinent to taxes

>> No.12380367

When your healthcare system is publically financed through taxes and made available for everyone, it turns out that demand exceeds supply and thus you get longer waiting lines.

Some people prefer to pay in waiting times (and money), some in money. If I were to have a serious illness, I know which one I'd prefer.

>> No.12380476
File: 551 KB, 700x515, 24068169_1568685806508483_6847863003982917116_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god america came upon the world, otherwise my mind and body wouldn't get poisoned every chance the companies would get and we all would have no LIBERTY.
dog bless

>> No.12380586

Germany has universal public healthcare and the waiting times on average are lower than in the US. It comes down to organizational prowess, not type of primary funding, brainlet.
>If I were to have a serious illness, I know which one I'd prefer.
Public healthcare doesn't mean patients aren't prioritized by condition severity. Your posts are frankly embarrassing.

>> No.12380587


>> No.12380626

I'm not saying the system in America is good - it's not, it's actually a horrible example. But that's because you guys are doing what we're doing, just in a different way.

And take into account that the entire world is subsidized by American healthcare since they're the ones doing the majority of research into new drugs and treatments.

I don't care if you cherry pick some examples like Germany. They still don't have as good a cancer survival rate as in America. It is expensive as all hell in America, but quality costs and that isn't something you can go around.

>Public healthcare doesn't mean patients aren't prioritized by condition severity.
It takes a long time to even see your doctor, in which time an illness can become much worse. And seeing as how doctors only have a few minutes to see every patient before they have to see another (since, again, demand > supply when you make products like healthcare into rights), people aren't receiving adequate care.

You can now kill yourself to stop any further humiliation.

>> No.12380662

>public funding is what makes wait times long
>no, here's public funding with short times
>lul kek cherry picked idc
Are you mentally deficient or something?

>> No.12380693

Cesspool of a thread. Burgers, fuck off with your delusions of freedom, you're the laughing stock of the world.