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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.91 MB, 1013x2189, lit top 100 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12378016 No.12378016 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12378050


>> No.12378051

Post your top 100, niggerfaggot.

>> No.12378058

I blame the fallout of petersonfaggots for having dosto so high

>> No.12378109

>c&p in top 3
>ulysses not in the top 3
>plato and hegel
>the bible and not the quran

probably the best chart we've had so far though. honestly though this should only be for works of fiction, the philosophy just doesnt look right in there.

>> No.12378118

>the bible and not the quran
kys muslimfag, allah is a faggot

>> No.12378124

im not a muslim i just hate christcucks ^_^

>> No.12378125

>the Bible isn't #1
The absolute state of nu-/lit/

>> No.12378131

I hate Christcucks, too, but I have to admint KJV is an epic text.

>> No.12378149

Implying he’s not the greatest author ever to have lived

>> No.12378292

there are some people that legitimately believe this

>> No.12378490

These are all immediately recognizable indicators of intellectual difficulty. That's why you picked them. And that's why they picked them. Dollars to donuts, not one in a hundred of the /lit/ 4channers have read Ulysses cover to cover, let alone Finnegans Wake, but they still get circlejerked for their reputation as difficult books. The same reason is why Infinite Jest has been on every iteration of this list since the year dot. Hence why I say that this list is aspirational literature for would-be hipsters. They don't care about the literary quality; they just care that they be recognized for being highbrows. That's how they can excuse a list that includes Plato but has no Aristotle in it. Understanding, knowledge, and a broadening of their perspectives is not the point. Indeed, it seems impossible that any broadening worth the name could take place with a list so biased to Americans, against women and writers of color, and to anything written before the 19th and 20th centuries. Even when they examine 20th century authors, their list is incomplete because lesser-known but equally heady and difficult books like The Death of Virgil by Hermann Broch and Nightwood by Djuna Barnes wouldn't suit their purpose, which is to be recognized for being intelligent rather than genuinely appreciating these works for their own merits. That's because these works are too little-known among the lay public and their fellow hipsters, who are largely ignorant of developments in Continental literature. (Barnes, though American, lived in Europe (mostly in Paris) and North Africa and was responding more to literary developments there than in her home country.)

>> No.12378493

Because they're hipsters, they also have a fetish for the new, which accounts for why only 15 of the 100 books date from before 1900 and omit even such major works as the plays of the Greek tragedians, the works of the Greek and Roman historians (indeed, ALL histories, the only nonfiction being written by philosophers or religious scribes), Beowulf, The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, any of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, The Song of Roland, the Norse and Icelandic sagas, The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory, etc., etc., etc. There are only three plays by two playwrights, Goethe and Shakespeare. There is NO lyric poetry. At all. And yet you want us to believe that this is "a list of the highest and most sublime works of art known to man". Then all I can say is that it's too bad poetry is such a washout. Personally, I thought Goethe wrote some fine verses, but unless they're recited in the context of a play they don't count. For that matter, it seems that most theater doesn't measure up either, and all history is a dead loss. Pity poor Thucydides: his recounting of Pericles' Funeral Oration became the model for the next 2,500 years of public speaking, but it just doesn't quite measure up to the standard set by Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun. And old Plutarch must be feeling chagrined, given that his Parallel Lives was the main source for Shakespeare's Roman tragedies, sometimes in near word-for-word borrowings (as in the famous description of Cleopatra by Enobarbus).

The point is not whether they read one book or another, but rather it's the recognition that what is on this list is NOT unambiguously the greatest literature ever. That the list omits much that a more serious source would definitely include, and that equally good cases could be made for hundreds or even thousands of omitted titles from every era. It's just a bunch of shitposters showing off.

>> No.12378504 [DELETED] 

>Crime and Punishment #2

>> No.12378521

its the exact same as every other top 100 with some houlbeq etc to differentiate. Total bollox. if I wanted a top 100 like this I would go to reddit.
i'm embarrassed on your behalf. cumstain

>> No.12378559

>Infinite Jest
>long, therefore, difficult

>> No.12378565

Plebbit is the other way, faggots.

>> No.12378570

>implying redd*t has this patrician taste
Go there, by all means. Stupid nigger.

>> No.12378608

no hunger games or cinder, seriously, WTF......

>> No.12379107

Why in God’s name is C&P ahead of TBK? It’s a great book, but the latter is in its own class as the greatest novel ever penned.

>> No.12379417


>> No.12379429 [DELETED] 

Crime and Punishment in the second slot is stunning. There must have been an influx of 16 year old high school students who don't have much reading experience outside of their curriculum or something. C&P shouldn't even break the top 50.

>> No.12380865


>> No.12380883

>itt people taking a top 100 list and caring about rank order within that 100

>> No.12380972
File: 85 KB, 473x427, 1526945782116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oswald spengler

>> No.12381012

>Stoner at 7
>complete absence of Middlemarch

>> No.12381122

We hate you too. That's why we had stakes. :3

>> No.12381253

Wheres the one without novels btw? Has it already been posted?

>> No.12381771
File: 191 KB, 985x700, Top 20 Plays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, here are the top plays

>> No.12381781
File: 183 KB, 896x863, Top 30 Poems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top poems (no collections)

>> No.12381788
File: 284 KB, 1003x1146, Top 40 Short Stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12381794
File: 313 KB, 1019x1083, Top 50 Non Fiction Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And non fic (dead authors only)

>> No.12381804
File: 87 KB, 1020x530, Honourable Mentions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And honorable mentions

>> No.12381807

most of that shit is already here, this the much weaker than the previous 2 years

>> No.12381846

Is Waiting for Godot that good? I have heard mix things about it.

>> No.12381900

Thanks, I love you.

>> No.12381914
File: 141 KB, 845x883, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagining someone just jumping through this list one by one without reading anything to understand or put these works in context

>> No.12381938


>C&P top 3 over tBK and 4 dostos in top 50
>The Stranger and 1984 ranked so high
>Catcher in the Rye
>Great Gatsby
>3 Steinbecks
>Vonnegut and Ellis
>Catch-22 ranked so high
>multiple Hesse
>including Hegel/Springer/Niezche and other philosophy in a list of best works

Proof that people here don’t actually read and just meme all day. Shit that is good but entry level is rated too high - proof it gets voted by virtue of being the few things actually read. Quality stuff is underrated or not included.

>> No.12382081

>Shit that is good but entry level is rated too high
lowest common denominator. Everybody's read 1984, but then some of them went on to read homage to catalonia, some went on to read the prince, some went on to read something else. The votes get split as you get further away from high school English you get because there are so many different avenues to walk down.

>> No.12382086
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x3242, 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The error free chart.

>> No.12382153


>> No.12382160

worst chart in recent memory
i miss 2015 - 2017 /lit/

>> No.12382224

> Bible

Influential? Sure. But a good read or even remotely passible prose? By what metric is that book even included?

>> No.12382322

It is part of western canon

>> No.12382339

>implying KJV doesn't have aesthetic value

>> No.12382361

No it doesn't. It has a historical significance and is referred in western literature several times, but that' all of it. It has no other literary value.

>> No.12382371

Doubt you've read it. Consider suicide.

>> No.12382558

>Moby Dick #1
>never see it discussed on /lit/

>> No.12382610

should be named top 100 books in the western tradition. Bible but no quran, no bhagavad gita, no tao te ching, literally no eastern literature whatsoever.

>> No.12382628

The Bible sucks dude. It's not even a good book. Plus literally no one's ever even read it

>> No.12382637

needs more books by jewish writers.

>> No.12382645

>never see it discussed on /lit/
Then you haven't been looking very hard.

>> No.12382647

It's like 60 pages dude. Just read it. And yes it's good.

>> No.12382653

I sure as fuck know nobody on /lit/ has read The Phenomenology of Spirit, let alone liked anything about it. What's even the point of these lists, it's just a circlejerk of difficult books people have heard of and will never read

>> No.12382658

danke schön

>> No.12382666


>> No.12382672

What's wrong with the text under American Psycho? It's set wrong. Fix it

>> No.12382682

Why do we even need this chart if it's just going to include terrible books no one reads just because they're "the western canon"? Why not just use the existing western canon and be done with it?

>> No.12382706

>Not understanding the context in which catcher in the rye was written

Book was a confession of his depravity

>> No.12382773
File: 203 KB, 1595x900, 2048px-Gerard_van_Honthorst_-_King_David_Playing_the_Harp_-_Google_Art_Project-1595x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible sucks dude. It's not even a good book. Plus literally no one's ever even read it
That is gonna be a Yikes! from me.

>> No.12382887
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, 1545983311299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more books by jewish writers.
fuck off

>> No.12382911

>American Psycho
Shiggy diggy

>> No.12383044


it’s very good but endgame is Beckett’s best play.

Beckett’s prose work is even better (ie the trilogy and how it is).

>> No.12383095

Thanks :)

>> No.12383236


>> No.12383468

>Pity poor Thucydides: his recounting of Pericles' Funeral Oration became the model for the next 2,500 years of public speaking, but it just doesn't quite measure up to the standard set by Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun

>> No.12383643

Fucking god, the bible is finally up there.

>> No.12383648

Hahahahaha of course the russian gets more spots now, this website's a fucking joke

>> No.12383767

t.butthurt anglo or american.
>80% of chart consist of english or american writers
>seethe about like 10 poitions of russian classics becuase muh 7 places last year and where is another Shakeskeper play AAAAAAA

>> No.12383903

By golly!

>> No.12384222

The Russians and le Came-us are basically honorary angloids at this point

>> No.12384328

Just because you don’t have it in you to read anything more complex than Redwall doesn’t mean that you have to project your failures onto others.

>> No.12385450

While I prefer Death of a Salesman, I would probably put both in the top 5. Waiting for Godot has such a wonderful inherent grasp of worship of authority. I wish it was referenced more often.

>> No.12386746

I always thought Slaughterhouse 5 was a little bit juvenile

>> No.12387923

New to /lit/, which of these top 100 books are humorous or lighthearted other than :
> Catch-22
> The Master and Margarita
> A Confederacy of Dunces
> American Psycho
> The Count of Monte Cristo

With all that depressing stuff I have read/am going to read, I'd like to keep a balance. Thanks.

>> No.12387966

Don Quixote

>> No.12388593

In other words, the same old shit, recycled for the ump-teenth time. Should have saved some time and just relabeled an old one.
That being said, it's stuff we've all read already. Where's the new stuff? The fresh blood?

>> No.12388642

no one reads half of this shit

>> No.12388648

You can read Russian?

>> No.12389259

>stoner top 10

>> No.12389265

summer was 6 months ago

>> No.12389644

>not wanting a difficult book to stimulate the grey matter
keep your rinky dink brain locked away in the dark damp moldy box it tried to crawl out of