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/lit/ - Literature

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12377897 No.12377897 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on The Tunnel by Gass aka the greatest American novel since Moby Dick?

>> No.12377940

Why is it also known as the greatest American novel since Moby Dick? Like I know it's not known as that, but you probably mean it like "I say it is and can back it up" or something.

>> No.12378176

Gaddis is better than Gass
Still good shit though

>> No.12378343

Gass once said Gaddis was 'writing the best he could' lmao what a dick

>> No.12378355

I like how in all 651 pages, he never once mentions how he met his wife.

>> No.12378373


>> No.12378381

>boomer postmodern doorstopper


>> No.12378479

Robert Alter in his review of the book in The New Republic wrote: "Some may seize on it as a postmodern masterpiece, but it is a bloated monster of a book. [...] The bloat is a consequence of sheer adipose verbosity and an unremitting condition of moral and intellectual flatulence. [...] The abjection of (Gass') hero seems less lived than written. It is an act of ventriloquism: behind the repulsive, potentially fascist narrator stands his critic, the novelist, presumably committed to humane, democratic values. But those values are nowhere intimated in the book, and what emerges is a kind of inadvertent complicity between author and protagonist. The supposedly critical novel becomes an enactment of bad faith."

>> No.12378645
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This book is prententious shit. Make fun of GR and IJ all you want but at least they have plots for fucks sake. This book is a pile of strawman bullshit praised because it is left leaning. That's the only reason anyone likes it. Also people like it for the same reason that people like House of Leaves: Muh drawings! Muh unusual typesetting! If it weren't for the political slant and the gimmicky shit, no one, and I mean no one would consider this book anything more than the author SHITTING onto the page.

>> No.12378739


>> No.12378838

This is why Peterson has a point about post-modernism

>> No.12378849

You have no idea what you ate talking about

>> No.12379090

Peterson and Gass are some of the best writers to ever grace this planet.

>> No.12379259
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>Peterson has a point about postmodernism

>> No.12379288

>the best writers to ever grace this planet

Come on man, are you actually this retarded?

>> No.12379585

i love Gass' prose. You can just feel it in the mouth as you read it, it begs to be spoken

>> No.12379777

>the repulsive, potentially fascist narrator stands his critic, the novelist, presumably committed to humane, democratic values
cringe and bluepilled
t. never read any of the books you are mentioning

>> No.12380267

jesus christ how i hate /pol/, right or left.
stop spewing buzzwords and start thinking critically by yourself

>> No.12381466

Complete and utter shit. You should feel bad for trying to meme it.

Good reviews

>> No.12381510

>the repulsive, potentially fascist narrator stands his critic, the novelist, presumably committed to humane, democratic values
completely misses the point of the book

>> No.12382613

You need to learn to spot bait

>> No.12382622

lmfao go fuck yourself kid