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/lit/ - Literature

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12376820 No.12376820 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too much of a brainlet for plato

>> No.12376830 [DELETED] 

My dog's name is plato

>> No.12376872

same problem here, got memed into purchasing a history of Western philosophy by Bertrand Russelson but can't understand a word of it
(I mean I can read and all, but can't retain any information/create new associative links in my brain with regard to philosophy and such) any ideas how to deal with it.

>> No.12376898

Literally everyone is.
Plato is the fucking champ 2400+ years running. Anyone who says they understand him is a fucking fraud, laugh in their face. Dude was writing dialogues with himself because he knew no one else would be on his level for another few cosmic cycles.

>> No.12377038

that book is a joke so don't worry about it fren

>> No.12377086

Absolutely based, lol, and I agree completely. Plato is the only true philosopher of the West, a man undismantled even 2400 years after his writing. Unrivaled, unparalleled, undefeated - that is the man named Plato.

>> No.12377098

>dude was writing dialogues with himself
Absolutely based.

>> No.12377109

Fucking based. This is so true. OP read Nietzsche’s untimely meditation on philologists where he talks about how one is not ready to take on the Greeks when they are young.

>> No.12377133

Emerson, no slouch himself, said of him: “We have reached the mountain from which all these drift boulders were detached.”

>> No.12377143

could you please learn new adjectives? Reading books helps with that.

>> No.12377165

Cringe. If you’re going to participate in 4chan you use the vernacular.

>> No.12377167

Just reread it. Plato gets better with every rereading.

>> No.12377187

how can you be too much of a brainlet for a body of work thats aimed at brainlets

>> No.12377190

plato uses the reality expressed in homer to help him covey thought.he is always touching base with the philosophy of homer.

>> No.12377198


>> No.12377199

I can’t wait to read him in Greek. Tolstoy said it was like “spring water that sets the teeth on edge.”

>> No.12377347

what can you recommend instead for a similar purpose

>> No.12377371

What should I begin to tackle then instead of the Greeks? I am indeed young but there is a whole lot out there to read such that starting now seems almost necessary. Should I still start with Greeks to get a foundation with the understanding that I’ll need to come back to them some day?

>> No.12377375
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in yellow and blue here
when in doubt, read primary sources

>> No.12377388

Start with a writer you like and then devour them and their influences and the secondary works about them. Conquer an epoch. Very few are up to the task of starting with the Greeks, especially most of the people on this board who push that line. I started with the Elizabethans myself. Just find what you like and devote yourself to it. If you don’t know of what you like yet just wait until you read about something interesting on /lit/ and give it a try. The fact that you’re young means you can afford some mistakes and false starts.

>> No.12377431

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12377640

I’ve already started with the Greeks and really like them :o
I have a compulsion to go things chronologically so I would have wanted to start there anyways even without the meme. I guess I will be less hesitant to skip forward to something if it catches my interest though

>> No.12377663

based post, fren

>> No.12378278
File: 149 KB, 902x902, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't think Plato was dismembered by Wittgenstein?

>> No.12378298

I can’t believe there are people who can’t into Plato. That’s easy, Plato is the pleb filter, because when you get to Aristotle you’ll shit your fucking pants

>> No.12378300

Lol. One of the most insignificant people in the history of philosophy.

>> No.12378579

Why do you think that

>> No.12378713

>t-the Good and the Beautiful are just part of a g-game of language, dude!
Yeah, I think Plato has definitely been dismantled. :) Go Wittgenstein, haha! :)

>> No.12378761

I really like the thing that people do on 4chan where they take someone's statement and repeat the first letter of certain words and separate these two identical letters with a hyphen so as to mime in language stuttering, in order to represent the idea that the person making the statement is not at all confident in their own words. I am not being sarcastic, I just thought about how unique and clever it actually is (I haven't seen it outside of 4chan) and just wanted to appreciate it.

>> No.12378773

He had no original ideas and the ideas he stole were banal and easily refutable.

>> No.12378790

This post partakes in the form of the based.

>> No.12378853

This is the post of a man who doesn’t get Plato. LOL!!

>> No.12378871

>psst, hey kid
>"beauty" is merely a term we trade, in these convulated games we play, games of language my little tot
>huh? but it obviously refers to something, we're not just using the term for no reason, and the manner of our usage again is not without specific cause
>meaning is use, kid
>what? but the essence of the referent precedes and dictates the use of its sign, else why would the word even be used as such?
>what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Engineering, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on little children, and I have over 300 confirmed cases of child-abuse. I am trained in hot-poker warfare and am...

*beats you into unconsciousness*

How, indeed, can Plato even compete...

>> No.12379019

Anon, my autism detector led me right to this post. You need to get ypur levels checked.

>> No.12379124


>> No.12379350

Allegory of the Cave is one of the most profound depictions of both reality's nature (as reflections of ultimate essences) and of humanity's collective tendencies (priding themselves for the shadows they skillfully follow, and collectively ridiculing the one among them who cannot outclass them at their game) ever found in literature. 2400 years later and it is has not lost an iota of potency to me, still a sublime summary of psychology, philosophy, and literature.

I really enjoyed the visualization of it here.

>> No.12379716

sometimes i worry when i read how i can mimic a philospophy too much, and i lose my own identity in adopting someone elses. as a man i do not disagree but it is important to think of the future always

>> No.12379719

read will durant's intro to philosophy

>> No.12379730

>tfw people on the japanese anime board saying they got redpilled by reading The Republic

>> No.12379939


>> No.12379977

>referent precedes and dictates the use of its sign
he's was autistic but you're even worse
you mean the mental construct which you have floating and whose shape construction is unverifiable to me?
>dictates the use
you mean that construct which is unverifiable inside your head is used to dictate how you use the word? no kidding?

his point was you, him, and everybody else are retards who don't get exactly how meaning is assigned to words. it's all based on how you interpret it instead IT being something objective and independent.

tl;dr words are subjective which is not understood by low iq and people with autism

>> No.12380036

Damn, I've been btfo'd. You're right anon, the mental constructs behind words are completely subjective for every individual, and it is entirely by incalculable astronomical coincidence that we all use these words exactly the same - in the same contexts, with the same connotations, and the same everything else - it is all merely arbitrary, socially-driven usage, but these constructs don't mean the same thing to each of us.

Heck, even these words you just spoke to me, and which I am speaking to you in, and the words Witlesstein wrote his works in - none of them even mean anything besides to each one of us, and we are ultimately not communicating anything. You think you just schooled me on Witlesstein's thesis on language? But you can't have anon, by his very thesis on language. You simply spoke gibberish to me, and I am returning gibberish to you - neither of us are presently communicating anything to eachother, because language is entirely "private" in nature.

Thanks though anon, you have educated me out my errors, and I can see Witlesstein's genius clearly now.

>> No.12380068

he's a shitty philosopher anyway

>> No.12380074

>anyone who says they understand him is a fucking fraud

What makes you think he's great if you don't understand him?
Philosophy isn't a competition for who can be the hardest to understand.


Can any of you post an excerpt etc that illustrates what makes him great?
I'll tell you how you're wrong.

>> No.12380092

big freaking yikes from me,
>i can use a rusted spoon to cut you open and operate on your heart
>this means i'm a doctor and my equipment is great
>WHAT? YOU DARE CRITIQUE ME? i gauged out his eye so that's proof i can operate on you
it's about the value assigned to the words and how it's flawed. i've got about 80 more iq than you so i can talk to you, but you're not ever capable of understanding my peak mental constructions. as for your mental constructs? it's like mud and sticks so the details don't matter. i just come around and kick it when i feel like it

>Witlesstein's genius clearly now.
he was autistic and trying to explain his views for others because there's a lot of you out there.

>> No.12380107

Fuck the Greeks, really don't worry about it, pick up some poetry and a good book from the last century, hell the last millennium had some pretty good stuff.

>> No.12380182

>cosmic cycles

>> No.12380442
File: 88 KB, 1119x922, ZIAxNOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>participate in 4chan you use the vernacular.

>> No.12380572

>tfw too much of an intellectual for plato

>> No.12381095
File: 72 KB, 709x765, 1qfwZyT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too much of a brainlet for playdoh

>> No.12381319

Based train nigger

>> No.12381384


>> No.12381439

Timaeus is unironically about the same as Time Cube.