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File: 90 KB, 320x240, Vladimir Nabokov discusses _Lolita_ part 1 of 2 3-38 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12375910 No.12375910 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think this article?
It argues that good writers are mostly are dull conversationalist. The writer uses Nabokov in a TV as one of the examples, where he was stuttering a lot to the answers of the interviewee's questions and relied on prefabricated responses written on paper to talk about his work.

>> No.12376109

Chesterton was a good writer and also a great conversationalist.

>> No.12376185
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1525638898422s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*btfos author of the article by giving a kino interview*

>> No.12376205

that's because he was a journalist
he's "good" like c. hitchens is "good"
don't be fooled by journos

>> No.12376321
File: 57 KB, 570x321, G.K.-Chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitchens bit his pillow at night wishing he could write something as good as The Napoleon of Notting Hill.

>> No.12376354

I don't know. Some of them are, some aren't. Some talk like they write. Bolaño and Cortázar come to mind. But it's not something carved in stobe.

>> No.12376437

>Some talk like they write.

Yeah. In French, Roger Peyrefitte comes to mind.


Although tbf the level of spoken French has declined so much over the past half-century that almost any interview from the 1960s sounds like it's in high-register written French.

>> No.12376560

what a stupid thing to care about

>> No.12376597

Wouldn't expect any different from a pedo like Nabokov.

"The writer of Lolita is here with us"
"Yeeesss, *snort* Lo-lee-ta"

>> No.12376635
File: 160 KB, 810x810, SmartSelect_20190109-221221_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nabby was just insecure that he'd come off rambling and wanted to give as stylish answers as in his writing.

Look here at 32:55 when he isn't scripted, he comes off well and desu adorable


>> No.12376648

>a writer is his characters
That level of plebbiness can only be found in Plebbit.

>> No.12376696

>ethnically and culturally Russian
>speaks English with a British accent
>late in life he considers himself an American writer
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12376711

He prepared his answers because he said his English was not very good in conversation

>> No.12376986

>ethnically and culturally Russian

Ethnically, he was a German-Tatar mongrel, while culturally he was more French than Russian

>> No.12376992

His stuttering was fake. He did it to seem like he was speaking naturally.

>> No.12377029

yes, he thinks like a genius but speaks like a child , I'm Russian and that's embarrassing for my nation

>> No.12377035

Wow quoting the first page of a book? You must be some kind of genius yourself.

>> No.12377137

haha, no, didn't expect that honestly!!! But it is really a very famous quote by him and it is a widely known fact that he prepared all the answers in advance for all of his interviews.
I think a better example will be DFW (good writer) who seemed to be really uncomfortable throughout his interviews and indeed sounded dull (both with Charlie Rose and that German girl). John Green is a dull writer and a dull conversationist or so it seems. H. Bloom (a good writer) is very eloquent. Brodsky is very eloquent in Russian in the documentary with Russian poet Rein, where they just walk around Venice and converse about history, art etc without any prep. I think it has more to do with the interview format. some people are good at it, some are not including writers

>> No.12377148

I was intentionally being an unreasonable dick, that’s /lit/ after all. I believe that quote is on the first page of his Strong Opinions book.