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12366885 No.12366885 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Marxism appeal to so many people? I simply can not comprehend it, especially when bookfags do it. Like, Marxism isn't conducive to the arts at all.

>> No.12366904

Probably not dissiimilar to the appeal of the early Christian church. A teleological view of history. Opposition to the status quo. Allocation of purpose. The opportunity for martyrdom. Authority. Doctrines.

>> No.12366912
File: 37 KB, 300x300, WalmartChoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the best films and modern art come out of Soviet Russia or marxism
That's a big WHOOPS from me, bucko.

>> No.12366920

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn disagrees with you.

>> No.12366924

The vast majority of people are poor and suffer from decaying economic material conditions.
The only people who see no merit in Marxism are the rich and the small business owning rich people larpers

>> No.12366926
File: 74 KB, 882x1339, Harvey - A Brief History of Neoliberalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop walking around with your nose in the air like you know anything about it.
You and Sowell have a surface level understanding of the whole picture at best. Capitalism does not work for the majority of people, it doesn't even pretend to. It is slavery and it is eating the finite resources of the world all up. Do some research.
Wolff, Harvey, Cockshott

>> No.12366933
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>> No.12366936

>Marxism isn't conducive to the arts at all.
Yeah, capitalism is really great for the arts. Just look at the state of the film industry!

>> No.12366937

Art under capitalism is soooo much better.
I cant wait for fast and the furious part 15: the squeakel.
Why would anyone ever make art for other reasons than profit.
ha ha

>> No.12366952

Your kind ain't welcome here sweetcheeks, this is a Marxist board

>> No.12366961

yikes. I like solzhenitsyn but this is a feeble refutation! don't turn solzhy into an item of mockery! and beside, what point are you trying to make? he is a product of the soviet union and socialism... you'd have been better off saying any of the great composers or writers in tsarist russia.

anyway, russian modernism and the avant garde had its peak in pre-rev and revolutionary russia. eisenstein, malevich, shostokavich, the list goes on. didn't last long. any new status quo inevitably becomes "conservative" -- the revolution always has to be "betrayed" if it's going to solidify rather than collapse.
poorfags have comparative little interest in marxism. labour movements, unions, social democracy, yes (well, in the 20th century at least). but weil was correct in calling it the "opiate of the intellectuals."

>> No.12366962

>if you're not a marxist you must be a capitalist!

>> No.12366965

by it i mean marxist theory

>> No.12366970


>> No.12366978

Weil was a fucking kike LARPer.

>> No.12366984

what art is is hard to define. What capitalism makes is surely not art. What capitalism makes if products that are meant to extract wealth and disposable income from markets.
Not even a simple definition of art as an expression or experience.
Capitalism does not make art it makes entertainment.

>> No.12367002

though i agree with some marxist diagnoses of art commodity fetishism shit, i think your definitions are idealist and puritan, art has always been involved in commerce because humans have always been involved in commerce. transactions are impossible to avoid, even if they are not market based, a state grant or commission or patronage still implies some degree of tit-for-tat, being in their pocket.

>> No.12367027

Do you think the cavemen where drawing on caves in order to make money?
Do you think the great pyramids were made for commerce?
Do you think religious icons were made for money or for faith?

Capitlists are some really low iq retards

>> No.12367052

>Marxism isn't conducive to the arts at all
Compare West German ‘film’ of the 1950s and early 1960s to DEFA films from the same period.

>> No.12367078
File: 26 KB, 479x271, 67d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest reply from a different anon incoming. I am aware of the view concerning capitalism's failures, but virtually all of them can be pinpointed to either 1) a failure in implementing capitalism completely (not taking down monopolies, backward tax policies that any thinker would disagree with, etc), or 2) some pre-existing inequalities of the world before, the system was settled on, being carried forward by their own weight (racial income differences, etc). Basically, every anti-capitalist doesn't seriously content with what actually smart capitalists say.

Give me some legitimate, modern sources critiquing capitalism, not only from a first principles perspective but also proposing concrete alternatives to some specific aspects of the current system, and I promise to make multiple threads in the future sharing my enlightenment.

>> No.12367086

How dare you pretend to be on the side of poor! Capitalism is the driving force behind lifting millions of people out of poverty in developed nations all across the world.
You sicken me.

>> No.12367093

did i say that art is always financially motivated? no. but the sistine chapel would not have been built, nor would it have been decorated, nor had its ceilings furnished with the paintings of michelangelo -- if not the exchange of coin for labour. do you think that because michelangelo received monetary incentive for his services, and that becasue his art would obviously increase the value of the church building, that his art expresses nothing? i am not making an apologia for mammon. i am not being prescriptivist. i just think you are being a psychotic moralist. too strict. treating art like a platonic form, rather than an emergent property of temporal biological existence.

humans exist in capitalism, as surely as they exist in feudalism, stalinism, hunter-gatherer societies. art, which is as dirty and as full of compromises (well, according to our standards) as the creatures who create it, seems to exist wherever humans do -- perhaps to greater or lesser degrees, but never to an extent where one can point to one sort of economic or social relationship and say unequivocally "this has not made art".

>> No.12367104

It appeals to the weak, lazy, stupid, and envious. AKA the majority among us.

>> No.12367107

You are the absolute worst namefag and plague on this board you narcissistic scum.
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

>> No.12367116
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This is the most boomer post I've read this year.

>> No.12367120

Yes you did. Your conception of art is that is only made for profit and commerce, and that art is only possible because the benevolent rich people fund it

As they say.
Van gogh only sold one painting his whole life

>> No.12367125

>Why does Marxism appeal to so many people? I simply can not comprehend it, especially when bookfags do it. Like, Marxism isn't conducive to the arts at all.

You have autism and were probably born to a rich conservative family/area.

>> No.12367137

>Van gogh only sold one painting his whole life
How did that work out for him?

>you are (class i do not like)
Spoken like a true marxist.

>> No.12367139

Not an argument

>> No.12367148

Lol this projecting

>> No.12367155

Because marxism is a lazy attempt at trying to be intellectually and morally superior.

>> No.12367158

It’s absolutely destroying the arts. It’s no coincidence that there’s no good movies, music, books, or anything fun anymore. But if you want an honest answer it’s useless college degrees and massive debt/stagnant wages. Ironically academia tells students that Marxism is an answer to the very problem they perpetuate. But even beyond them the cost of living is so high and wages so low that people are turning to not just Marxism but other fringe groups as well. Philosophically I agree with capitalism and it has worked magic for us; but I think with the economy entering into the global marketplace and technology what it is now all of the models we have are outdated.

Hell,’ Marxism and capitalism were written down before we had nuclear arms or drones. None of this shit makes sense anymore so don’t even try.

>> No.12367161
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>1) a failure in implementing capitalism completely (not taking down monopolies, backward tax policies that any thinker would disagree with, etc)
That IS capitalism. That is what happens in free markets. It frees the masters of the markets and capital to do whatever they want. It's broken from the start.
>Not real capitalism
It is! It doesn't work because it rewards an elitist crowd of sociopaths. Making a stronger government isn't the answer, making it small or trying to pretend you're doing capitalism without a government, isn't the answer

>Give me some legitimate, modern sources critiquing capitalism, not only from a first principles perspective but also proposing concrete alternatives to some specific aspects of the current system, and I promise to make multiple threads in the future sharing my enlightenment.
I already dropped three names. Read their work

>> No.12367164

boring antagonism. uncharitable mischaracterisations and reliance on exceptional factoids, as if i'm trying to argue that art always relies on commerce, rather than that art can coexist with it.

likely late adolescent, and if not, subdued transsexual - this being the only form of sexual deviatiation available to you, otherwise too milquetoast to be anything but vanilla heterosexual. authoritarian impulses. low agreeableness.

at first i thought you were profiling those drawn to marxism.

>> No.12367170


>> No.12367175

I am going to get into a rant but it's the same thing that 4channers obsessed with fascism/nazism, another system that has been proven to fail each time it's implemented: it is a compilation of the following factors:
(1) It allows a sense of identity, something the the (you) can be or aspire to be.
(2) It extensively uses the 'blame the other' argument, bourgeoisie in the case of marxism.
(3) It offers a simplified view of the world, a sort of magic manual which, if correctly followed, will lead to prosperity.

>> No.12367177

Not him but you realize most artists and poets have always have patrons to pay them to do their work. This is how it was done for centuries. I understand under hyper-capitalism most art is sterile and hallow but your hippie notion that it has only value when it’s divorced from money is childish. Don’t forget it was the rich Catholic Church that hirer Michaela gelo.

>> No.12367187
File: 34 KB, 640x392, c123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because learning Economics is hard.

>> No.12367194

Because it literally cannot fail. Whenever marxism fails the adherents simply blame capitalism. It's an idea that has been designed to perfectly insulate itself from reality while killing hundreds of millions of people as brutally as possible.

>> No.12367196

Make sure you say that capitalism doesn’t work *anymore* because it has indeed brought the world great peace and miracles like medicine and technology. Boomers only see it this way as they lived through a golden age. To deny this is disingenuous and a misunderstanding of history. Otherwise I completely agree with you.

>> No.12367202

>Van gogh only sold one painting his whole life
he wasn't that good

>> No.12367203

Don't drag Björk into this you twaddling cunt

>> No.12367216

>that has been proven to fail each time it's implemented
wait, how many times has national socialism been implemented? Can you even define fascism without condemning the concept of government itself?

>> No.12367226

or when it doesn't follow marx to a T it's no longer real socialism / communism.

>> No.12367229

Capitalism does all of these as well. Especially American capitalism.

>> No.12367231

This isnt a hippie notion. It is Schopenhauerian aesthetic.

The aesthetic experience temporarily emancipates the subject from the Will's domination and raises them to a level of pure perception. "On the occurrence of an aesthetic appreciation, the will thereby vanishes entirely from consciousness."[7] Genuine art cannot be created by anyone who merely follows standard artistic rules. A genius is required, that is, a person who creates original art without concern for rules. The personality of the artist was also supposed to be less subject to Will than most: such a person was a Schopenhauerian genius, a person whose exceptional predominance of intellect over Will made them relatively aloof from earthly cares and concerns. The poet living in a garret, the absent-minded professor, Vincent van Gogh struggling with madness, are all (at least in the popular mind) examples of Schopenhauer's geniuses: so fixed on their art that they neglect the "business of life" that in Schopenhauer's mind meant only the domination of the evil and painful Will. For Schopenhauer, the relative lack of competence of the artist and the thinker for practical pursuits was no mere stereotype: it was cause and effect.

In proposing that art could offer deliverance from the Will, Schopenhauer elevated art from mere artisanry or decoration, and held that art potentially offered temporary deliverance from the aimless strife of the Will in nature. In effect, Schopenhauer turned art into a substitute religion by offering a doctrine of salvation through aesthetic experiences. Artists were not merely skilled hands; they were priests or prophets of this doctrine.[8] This teaching goes far to explain Schopenhauer's appeal to members of the creative communities over the second half of the nineteenth century. His doctrine of aesthetics justified artistic work as a matter of highest importance in human society.

>> No.12367234

ITT: Brainlets arguing about economic systems they don't understand while claiming to be enlightened.
Fucking pathetic all of you

>> No.12367247

No it doesn't

>> No.12367249

not him but fascism's emphasis on revanchism and irrational war for war's sake (inherited from wilhelmine germany) has tended to doom itself. then again, i try not to be a historical determinist. it would have been interesting to see how mussolini's italy would have turned out in another timeline. they might have followed the same path of squalor and decay as conservative authoritarian regimes like spain and portugal, but perhaps not.
i like schopenhauer but his views on art have always seemed anaemic to me. too ascetic. over-thought. i prefer nietzsches. more human, warm-blooded.

>> No.12367261

U gay

>> No.12367267

>self-made man
>Russian communists
>American dream
>We need more tax breaks
>supply and demand

>> No.12367272

Lebensraum was not irrational considering the 800k germans that died due to the post-war blockade a decade earlier.

>> No.12367290

That's political rhetoric you dolt

>> No.12367296

the only stable political system is one that exists atop an ethnically homogeneous society

if we stopped debating diversity meme we could make progress on the most efficient system, and have time and resources to feed the nogs just to shut them up

>> No.12367303

feeding the nogs is the most certain way to ensure the greatest amount of suffering for nogs.

>> No.12367307

Welfare doesn't work homie

>> No.12367325


To be honest, I hate Marxism OP. I am, despite being a retarded squishy meatbag, at least intelligent enough to see where this goes once everyone is allowed to eat each other "requisitioning" everyone else's stuff for themselves.

Having said that, this retarded squishy meatbag has a problem with the idea of laboring every day until I die if I don't want to starve, so I understand why people are drawn to the idea. The simple fact is, if my generation ever wants to succeed, we need the freedom to cut off the generations before us and plunder them of their wealth, so that my generation can have that wealth. Allowing the elites to continue passing down all of the centralized resources, finances and IPs to a tiny fraction of the people living means there's going to be a lot less for me and mine, and I don't particularly like that my labor will grow weaker and weaker in value as I grow older until I don't have a leg to stand on, and my only choice to sustain myself in the long term is to become one successful idea man out of a million, or a venture capitalist with pennies left for capital. I also don't appreciate not being able to afford a house ten years out of school with a solid job in the trades because all of the houses are half a million dollars and will be a cool mil by the time I save up that much cash. Inflation, you know?

Unfortunately we're mostly told that we need to stop being entitled or whining about our lot in life by the older folks who get to retire on the backs of our hard work. So our only choice is to kill them all and take their shit. Its nothing personal, you just think you're all entitled... to that shit that I also want.

>> No.12367326

>every anti-capitalist doesn't seriously content with what actually smart capitalists say
That’s because the last honest capitalist thinker was Ricardo. Then Marx provided the logical continuation and conclusion of Smith and Ricardo’s work and forced capitalist thinkers to simultaneously elevate their forbears into patron saints and ignore all but a few useful phrases from their work. The most blatant example of this is marginalism, which runs completely counter to the observations of both.

>> No.12367327

There's another choice. But it works so well that an entire mythological narrative had to be created to keep it down.

>> No.12367334

Public opinion of welfare only dropped when blacks started getting it.

>> No.12367335

And here we find the most insipid creature of all, the class collaborationist. Which flavor are you, social democrat or nazi.

>> No.12367338

Neither. Nazis never existed.

>> No.12367342

I'm brown
Welfare only keeps us down

>> No.12367347

>the productor must own the product
Sounds good, but most productor are lowbrow rats, so once again anti natalism is the answer.

>> No.12367362

Oh boy

>> No.12367366
File: 10 KB, 236x358, Bjö-772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this even a serious post?
You're unaware of all the wars capitalism causes? The real capitalists know damn well that's the cause, you know? The main thing about it is that it competes. Sure it can advance technology, mostly war applications, and medicines, usually only when it can turn a profit, but it sure as hell loves the smell of corpses and the sound of war orphans.

I look like a relative of hers, so go clean your penis off, four-chin.

>> No.12367367
File: 369 KB, 300x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of the best Russian art was critical of their regime.

>> No.12367375

what's the etymology of the word "nazi"?

>> No.12367393

Listen Gregor, I get that you’re still butthurt over that nice long knife Adolf shoved up your pooper, but your written works all talk about what a class collaborationist you are and what a good idea it is so you’re only slightly more ‘socialist’ than Adolf and friends.

>> No.12367399

You're so fucking stupid and vain
Of course you're female
You think the whole world fits neatly into your little worldview and that you really know what's going on

>> No.12367402

All the best Soviet art was banned...it's a catch-22. They produce the best artists, but those artists are dangerous to the regime.

>> No.12367404

Because its true. Sorry.

>> No.12367406

What's the etymology? Is it a german word? Is it a portmanteau of german words? Which german words?

>> No.12367422

Is there some kind of point coming here or are you really just planning on declaring that your totally ‘socialist’ TM version of National Sozialismus would be substantively different from the historical version:

>> No.12367425


News flash: Poor people dislike being poor. More at 11.

Also, strangely, we outnumber everyone who isn't poor. By a lot. A really quite absolutely huge number. For a third, the only real resistance is other poor people who have more than homeless people who are afraid that they'll also be homeless or dead once poor people kill everyone who isn't poor.

And for the low, low price of the property and inheritance rights of a small minority, and probably also their lives, a whole new group of people can finally grow up as slightly-less-poors. What a marvel!

Of course it doesn't really work that way in the real world, but as with every revolution, bread riot or mutiny, that won't stop people with nothing to lose from trying. I'm honestly surprised that you're even surprised.

>> No.12367428

I do know a lot of what's going on, anon. The world is hugely complex, and the problems you all bitch about are held in place by this systemic linchpin problem. (For which Stirner identified perfectly)
Don't make this about your dick.

>> No.12367430

>You're unaware of all the wars capitalism causes?
Wow I didn't know capitalists invented war.
>Sure it can advance technology, mostly war applications, and medicines,
You didn't even mention a fraction of what capitalist societies have produced
>usually only when it can turn a profit
Yeah that's why the United States gives millions in foreign aid to other countries
>it sure as hell loves the smell of corpses and the sound of war orphans.
Do you even read your posts before hitting send? Fucking cringey man
You are the WORST namefag

>> No.12367440

Gives no opinion or thought on the matter yet feels they are above the rest.

Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.12367448


Not that other guy, but...

>Loves the smell of corpses and the sound of war orphans

You can't really pin this on capitalism or any other ideology. Every single religeon, government, country, skin color and language is guilty of war crimes by any civilized modern standard if you go back far enough. Communists, Capitalists and Fascists all kill people with equal zeal. As long as there are two people on the planet, there will be conflict. There's never going to be any getting around that as long as everyone is allowed to be individuals, and I really hope you're not against THAT just for the sake of security.

>> No.12367466

Marxism is appealing because it's a pretty common sense framework for analyzing why workers feel alienated.
More orthodox economists spend too much time wanking off the role of the entrepreneur while belittling the role of the blue collar worker, which at the end of the day, makes enterprise possible in the first place.
What I'm saying is to be understood as distinct, to some degree, of why people find socialism and communism appealing. In these cases, it is a mix seeing the imperfections of capitalism in their every day life, such as how competition inevitably leads to winners and the killing of competition, making it so a handful of firms dominate an industry, and a naive hopefulness of what's possible via the government or even via anarchistic cooperation.
I say it's healthy for people to read Marx in the right environment, namely one in which people don't pretend laissez-faire capitalism is the best system and workers are given their fair share of dignity.
People hate all the underlying elitism in the opposition.

>> No.12367485

Abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of "socialist"), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

>> No.12367499

Historically wars grew from raids, piracy, thefts from one clan over another. All this over food and then other resources. Little but the scale of it has changed. In this modern scientific economy the wars have only gotten more vicious and cruel. Guns and gunpowder are made to be sold for wartime.
>You didn't mention a fraction...
I'm not pro-capitalist, dear. I hate the thing, for what it does to you as much as me and my friends, and all those dead people
>The US gives millions to foreign countries
Yeah, look at the billions we've pumped into Syria! But seriously, I think that phase of "neocolonialism" is over now, we're now a massive paranoid surveillance state looking for a fight even though our war spending is through the roof (Yes this is how nations fall, but this time the world economy is going to fall too. China saved us the last crash, but they may not have it in them to do it again)
>Caring about the dead is cringy
You are doing a terrible impression of a human being. Go flush yourself

>> No.12367508

You’re being absolutely histrionic. People like you are the reason nobody takes criticism of capitalism seriously. You aren’t intelligent for figuring out that capitalism has a dark past that isn’t taught in public education. Yes, it has cultivated much of the world in its image and perpetuated wars. I suppose next you’ll tell me that it’s the bloodiest or worst thing to happen to humanity. It’s literally all relative. South Korea might still be a war ridden hellhole without the US forcing capitalism on it. There have been far worse things humans have done. You must take the entire picture into account and frankly human beings will go to war with eachother. Technology will now march on without capitalism. But it’s still provided more to us than ever before. Are we empty because of consumerism? Is capitalism collapsing in on itself under globalism? There are plenty of valid points to be debated but your worldview is foolish. Take your bullshit war orphans to tumblr where the plebs belong.

>> No.12367512

hi stef

>> No.12367517

The absolute power of your brain on liberalism.

>> No.12367532

You're so pathetically idiotic.
"People" like you are the reason I thank G*d every day I wasn't born a woman

>> No.12367539

I can pin it on capitalism, and I do pin it wider on legalism as a whole. If we had a better motivator for society we would be able to do away with widespread full scale wars. I guarantee.

There have been many different people with many different angles critiquing and suggesting replacements for capitalism, and this is NOT the reason that some people wont listen. The reasons are for greed's sake and for the dummies in society other spooks, like nationhood, religion, culture or w/e

>it’s the bloodiest or worst thing to happen to humanity.
It will end up killing us all off if we don't stop it. You do the math. It depresses me. Your angle depresses me. You're just being stupid, and I don't care.

>> No.12367541

Germans never called themselves nazis. That'd be like the Japanese calling themselves Japs.

the nazis and the japs were caricatures used to dehumanize. They did not exist. They're the result of wartime and post-war propaganda.

>> No.12367542

butterfly is an oldfag, and a valuable bulwark against /pol/tards, gtfo our board you disgusting 110 iq nigger

>> No.12367545

What a fool you are. YOU'RE THE LIBERAL
You're the one who believes in capitalism. I'm the anarchist, the libertarian-socialist.

>> No.12367547

Umm sweetie the poor have low class consciousness and act against their own interests (even when their life improves due to capitalism, this only decreases the incentive to resist an inherently exploitative system, so it’s bad). Emancipation of the lower classes is reactionary—Louis Napoleon, Hitler, Drumpf. The resistance doesn’t exist except in the lifeless letters of intellectuals rebelling against their bourgeois upbringing. The revolutionary potential of every oppressed group dissipates the moment they become “demographics” targeted by marketers

>> No.12367550

You've never been to a conflict zone in your life. You don't know a damn thing about what you're talking about. You don't care about war orphans or slaughtered innocents. You just want to feel good for standing up to "the Man."
Grow up

>> No.12367556

Do you even know what capitalism is?
There was no capitalism during the Renaissance dumbass

>> No.12367562

Capitalism is a spook.

>> No.12367566

Baseless strawman junk, an*n

Did you know ISIS are our troop? Our "moderate rebels", a CIA op

>Grow up
>Says the the freshman to a 47 year old

>> No.12367570
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this at white knight faggot and laugh

>I'm the anarchist, the libertarian-socialist

>> No.12367578
File: 1.13 MB, 3212x1427, Civilization & Capitalism - Fernando Braudel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The modern iteration, no. There was money, trade, and power. Much of what plagues us now plagued us then. Think of it as a Pokeman

>> No.12367582

I believe this would be less the case in a homogenous brown society, just as welfare worked fine as a social safety net in a homogenous white society. Look at the nordic countries.
Which isn't to say you can't go full retard by going past social democracy and into socialism.

>> No.12367583

Is this because you believe the over population meme or the environmental catastrophe meme? What do you think about some of your fellow comrades suggesting that these are both farces to sell us more products/worldviews? How do you square this with China’s pollution yet claim this is inherent to capitalism?

These are the things that keep me up at night. Holy shit.

>> No.12367585
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong board

>> No.12367586

God you're embarrassing, please stop posting

>> No.12367590

>Humans cint effect ther environment. Thats impossible
>Damn climate sciencetists only doing it for the research money

I'm not a big carbon tax advocate though

>> No.12367594

Scandinavian countries are many times smaller than the U.S. and their high tax rates would never fly here
And they're being culturally enriched so there's nowhere to flee too
Sorry but your dreams will never become reality

>> No.12367599

I would never side with a tripfag even if I think he's right

>> No.12367600

How much co2 do volcanoes put into the atmosphere every year? There sure are a lot of them, especially under the ocean.

>> No.12367601

I agree, but I also don't see why people on /lit/ are so fond of Thomas Sowell. I'd take Marx over him any day.

>> No.12367604

>Scandinavian countries are many times smaller than the U.S. and their high tax rates would never fly here
Only because the billionaires don't want to give back any of the money their workers make them.
Don't ever repeat that tired old rag of a statement again.

>> No.12367610

>47 years old
Wow so this the power of schizoid boomers

>> No.12367613


What motivator do you suggest other than food, wealth and resources? I've pondered on this problem for many unproductive hours and haven't come up with any solution rooted in reality. Someone is going to have to guarentee that I still get to eat in whatever we replace this with. What do I have to do to earn my food? Does my family get to eat? And is this just going to be reskinned capitalism with new people on top?

>> No.12367614

Not as much as the north pole, I'll bet

No one from /lit/ is fond of sowell

Gen Xer

>> No.12367616

I’m not a climate change denier but I like how you used that sweet ad hominem as your argument to deflect criticism from China lmao. Go ahead and explain to me how e-waste in India being thrown into rivers is more a problem of Capitalism than the local government even though consumer products touch every piece of soil on the planet. Can you even have a productive conversation without parroting bush era talking points? I’m a huge critic of capitalism myself but I’ve never seen anyone at such peak boomerism.

If capitalism disappeared tomorrow the same environmental problems would still exist.

>> No.12367619

sowell's predictions actually came true. None of marx's have.

>> No.12367623

>Only because the billionaires don't want to give back any of the money their workers make them.
Our billionaires are the most philanthropic in the world. There's a difference between charity and theft/taxation you lunatic

>> No.12367627

>Not as much as the north pole, I'll bet
wait you think melting ice with gas trapped in it releases more co2 than thousands of volcanoes?

>climate change denier
Skeptic. When it comes to science if you don't accept something that makes you a skeptic. Denier is something for religions or other dogmas.

>> No.12367628

>None of marx's have.
Then you haven't read Marx. I detest him but even I'm aware a lot of his predictions were shockingly accurate.

>> No.12367629

Again, Americans had a good perception of welfare before it was extended past white Americans. In the 50s under a republican president the top marginal tax rate was at 91% and the interstate highway was built.
People like social democracy, until their social democracy is culturally enriched, as you say.

>> No.12367636

Sowell knows what he's talking about and sources his arguments properly unlike /leftypol/ shitpostere

>> No.12367639

Do you believe Jeff Bezos to be millions of times more skilled/talented/worthy or whatever other metric you want to use than his poorest employee? If not, then why should he be worth that much?

>> No.12367645

I’m not a fan of Bezis but give me a real reason why he shouldn’t be worth that much.

>> No.12367648

I can't tel who I'm talking to.
>If capitalism disappeared tomorrow the same environmental problems would still exist.
You think I don't know that?

Research the alternatives to capitalism, imagine how we could live without the exchange of money.

Which is why we have no decent healthcare, no free schools, and a booming homeless problem. You fool no one.

Sowell hasn't read him either of course.

>> No.12367653

No he's actually billions of times more valuable

>> No.12367656
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He didn't work for it.

>> No.12367659


>Research the alternatives to capitalism

This doesn't answer my question, especially considering that most alternatives to capitalism have historically resulted in things very much akin to capitalism with different people on top.

My question was, what do you, personally, think would be a good replacement of motivation for FOOD, RESOURCES and WEALTH, the things most people enter into conflict over because we have finite amounts of these things and people need or want them.

Do you have a system under which every living person can have all the food they need? What about all the food they want?

>> No.12367661

>I detest him but even I'm aware a lot of his predictions were shockingly accurate.
Well then list all of them and then point out which ones you think have come true. I'd be surprised if he didn't predict one or two things.

>> No.12367667

You are an actual cultist. It’s clear that you have deep utopian ideals and that sort of wishful thinking tells me 60 years ago you’d be emphatically religious. You probably had an ex slip you a beat up copy of some Howard Zinn book and never looked back. You are everything that is boomeristic.

Thank god there’s a new generation here to put you out of your misery. I bet you even actively complain about the degradation of this board LMAO.

>> No.12367672

But he’s a known workaholic.

>> No.12367673
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Depends. Do we count systems that only failed because they threatened other systems with their success and were thus attacked on all sides?

>> No.12367674

Boomers won’t answer you without 12 layers of irony and the latest headline of Vox as their answer.

>> No.12367675

I can give you two easy.

1) a man with that much wealth also has a destabilizing level of power. If current trends continue, it is almost inevitable that an oligarchy will be implemented. If this isn't bad enough, it will likely lead to further instability and open revolt.

2) People could be living better lives if he had less wealth. It's not like they haven't worked hard to earn this better life, certainly not millions of times less than Bezos, see >>12367656

>> No.12367681
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>Sowell hasn't read Marx
You're so ignorant it's embarrassing

>> No.12367688

Wealth isn’t finite. It’s created. America was dirt poor the first half of the 20th century.

>> No.12367691


Depends on nothing. I simply asked you what you thought was a good alternative for all of us to value instead of food, resources and wealth.

I'm not even asking you to prove that something else can work. Just please, for the love of god, give me an alternative, ANY practical alternative, for people to care about and work for and strive towards other than physical stuff that isn't so based on magical good feels that no society can be trusted to work towards it.

Just one.

>> No.12367692

Because of the "federal" reserve, yeah.

>> No.12367700

So? What's your point? I gave you two reasons, and I don't see how this is a response to either of them.

>> No.12367704

Break out the tin foil hats

>> No.12367705

Then you're looking at it. 30% unemployment to 2% during a global depression after financially apocalyptic war restitutions in under 6 years.

There's a reason so much time and money has been spent to paint it as evil.

>> No.12367710

Then I win.

>> No.12367711
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>printing money without limit has no effect on the value of said money

>> No.12367715

She clearly can't think for herself
Elder abuse isn't cool; lighten up
And give her enough time to change diapers in between posts

>> No.12367716

Who said anything about money? I’m talking about wealth retard.

>> No.12367718

>Research doesn't answer my question
It does! Try it.

I'm an egoist-syndicalist, and I know you people aren't going to make it. Shove rat poison up your ass.

Look up how labor vouchers work.

Watch some Richard Wolff videos. Heaven knows you wont read anything

>> No.12367720


>> No.12367722

No how bout I win?

>> No.12367724

so how exactly are you defining wealth?

>> No.12367726
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>> No.12367731

I’ll let you win a merry go round ride on my dick

>> No.12367732

newfag get out

>> No.12367733


>> No.12367736

There are some things more valuable in money. Money is for poor people.

>> No.12367737

fag get out

>> No.12367743

Why are you wasting time? Define your terms.

>> No.12367744

they need a high purpose after rejecting a religious doctrine

>> No.12367746

Make me nigger

>> No.12367748

>I can pin it on capitalism, and I do pin it wider on legalism as a whole. If we had a better motivator for society we would be able to do away with widespread full scale wars. I guarantee.
Since we're unable to get to the point without you falling back on buzzwords and tiny non-answers because you don't want to answer questions that you have no answers to, I'm going to rephrase this as a single question in reference to the post linked above that you made earlier.

What motivator in society do you suggest could be used to replace the current finite motivators of food, resources and wealth that we currently have and as you so succinctly put, cause widespread full scale wars?

Also, some secondary questions.

On the subject of food, does everyone still get to eat? Is this food still provided by some method of exchange for my labor or is it guarenteed to me by my government?

On the subject of resources, how do we determine who owns (or without ownership, who gets to use) resources? If I want to procure a hundred pounds of brass and steel scrap to continue my locksmith trade, how would I go about that without wealth?

Also, on the subject of wealth, how are we going to go about getting rid of it? Do we just declare, defacto, that the work and investment that every laborer has put into this system is null and void? Does my life savings suddenly become worthless or will I be compensated when we move to this new system? And what about everyone else's life savings?

>> No.12367751

Wealth is measured in a number of ways anon. Value. Material goods. Quality of life. These are all things that can be expounded on.

>> No.12367752

this dumb ass bitch can't argue for shit

>> No.12367756

u dont

>> No.12367757

The value of money?

>> No.12367764

are you still seeking a legitimate answer? god bless you for trying, i guess

>> No.12367765

Any reason why this board fixates on this particular member of the Chicago school?

>> No.12367772

Obviously. But to focus on that is to miss how the world turns completely. Money is just another invention, resources and wealth are not finite. It’s all about allocation. There’s nothing wrong with rich people.

Capitalism is very flawed right now but you shouldn’t be concerned with celebrities like Bezos, they give more wealth ( in this case measured in dollars ) to others than any other human beings to have ever existed. And you won’t ever be able to change these realities anyways.

>> No.12367773

Seeing the same argument from both sides. When pointed to inefficiencies in capitalism, proponents say it's because it wasn't fully implemented. The same things that communists say.
What we need is an agreement on the terms. Either we term today's society capitalist. Or we take an ideal notion of an efficient market from an economics book. Either we say that USSR was communist. Or use Marx's definition.
The only question remaining would be: if we use definitions of the ideal world that never was, what practical merit would such a discussion have.

>> No.12367775
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he says things that democrats don't like.

>> No.12367780

>Sowell hasn't read him either of course.
Sowell was literally a Marxist before he became a conservative god

>> No.12367781

Hes acnigger

>> No.12367782

bezos pays taxes? How much?

>> No.12367783

The textbook definition of Scientology sounds great too. How do people ignore praxis so easily?

>> No.12367784

It doesn't. Get off the computer for a bit, also the solution for one extreme is not to jump to another.

>> No.12367786

Sowell is an easy writer to read

>> No.12367788

>Since we're unable to get to the point without you falling back on source material recommendations ...

It's because I'm tired. Were are you, Austrella?

I suggest NOT CAPITALISM. again, I did give recs for your research.
YES, I expect you to be serious when asking these questions enough to look to the sources and not someone who knows them second hand and is about to fall asleep. GO.

>> No.12367789

Who cares?

>> No.12367791



Anon is a mess
Anon is a waste
Anon is a big

>> No.12367794

oh fuck off.

>> No.12367795

She gives out research on the internet like its 2006 HAHAHAHAGA

>> No.12367797

I’m gonna sneak into your room at night and kiss your asshole

>> No.12367798

>I have the energy to argue my points as long as I don't have to provide any sources, recommendations, answer any questions about my rhetoric, explain myself or be held accountable for my actions when I tell people to go research that thing that when told to provide research for it turns out I haven't researched because I'm too tired

>But I'm too tired to research

You suck. I wanted one measly answer that would have taken the time it took to write that post about why you didn't answer. You didn't even have to answer the secondary questions. I can't believe you made me stand up and defend capitalism even though I work like a wageslave every day just because your arguments are so nonexistant that I had to stand up and call out the sheer childishness of them.

>I'm right all the time and if you wanted to argue with me you would have done better research than I did about the bold claims that I just made!

You make me sick, you fucker.

>> No.12367799

Please tell me that's ironic.

>> No.12367802

LMAO at your life. You're so pathetic and stupid
Do us a favor and never wake up from your sleep

>> No.12367803

>Which is why we have no decent healthcare

Healthcare is the most regulated industry in America. That's partly why it sucks. Also because of government enforced insurance monopolies.

> no free schools
98% of Americans had free schooling Kindergarten through HS. Most of the universities are heavily subsidized. Federal funding on education has tripled since the 1970s (inflation-adjusted) and test scores have declined. And schooling is shit without the profit-incentive / legitimate competition.

>and a booming homeless problem. You fool no one.
This one's just false. Unless you count places like San Francisco where playgrounds are littered with syringes and the city spends $90K per homeless person

I legit can't tell if you're this stupid or just a conservative LARPing

>> No.12367808
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>> No.12367815

>Do you believe Jeff Bezos to be millions of times more skilled/talented/worthy or whatever other metric you want to use than his poorest employee? If not, then why should he be worth that much?

Because he played the game and he played it better than anyone. The game being, he raised the standard of living of literally millions. I have a fully stocked library that cost me on average 80 cents per book. I never even had to leave my apartment to get it. I found a skin creme that completely cured me of acne that I never would have found otherwise or would have trusted without their review system. I can go on and on.

>> No.12367816


>> No.12367817

>Federal funding on education has tripled since the 1970s (inflation-adjusted) and test scores have declined.
Because the demographics have been forcefully changed.

>> No.12367819

>Watch some Richard Wolff videos. Heaven knows you wont read anything

You're projecting. I guarantee you've never read anything legitimate on economics

>> No.12367822

What cream

>> No.12367823

That's really not true. Though partly the decline in education is due in part to the NCLB bill, which is fucking stupid and a product of big government.

With free market education you have free choice, not a one-size fits all approach

>> No.12367825

Way to blow this boomer cunt the fuck out
But you really should know better than to argue with namefags

>> No.12367826

Solzhenitsyn is a hack

>> No.12367827

Skin in the mf game

>> No.12367828

>free market
Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.12367832


>> No.12367833

black schools do just as well as white schools?

>> No.12367834

>>Since we're unable to get to the point without you falling back on source material recommendations ...

I can't argue my own points because they're bankrupt and fallacious, but here's a reading list to show you how I was indoctrinated and brainwashed

>> No.12367836

Jolly good show my man

>> No.12367837

marxism....capitalism, fascism...ism...ism..
Political and Economic Philosphies….
and moreover how strictly we adhere to them are irrelevant more often than not.

Pragmatic Methods are the only system that works in the end. Because It's only purpose is to work, To complete the tasks it sets out to accomplish within any given constraint or circumstance.

That means ignoring ideology and focusing on results...
results is what everyone actually cares about
because results are what we eat, what we live in, what we wear. Where we live and under what conditions.

generally people want to live day -to-day civilized lives and not struggle to survive and not have life suck...relative to living in a state of nature like animals.

But the absorption with the vivid fantasies of dusty, dead men who wrote dusty, old books has slaved naive youths and academics with soft unworked hands to the idea that they have to use The Proscribed methods they read in those books to reach the proscribed ends they believe their idols envisioned.

And in pursuing those visions they fail in achieving good, tangible results. simple as that.

>> No.12367840

Students under voucher programs get worse scores than those in public education.

>> No.12367842

Did *he* do that do. Or did he and a bunch of other people do that together? Would he have not done that if we'd capped him at 99 billion?

Also what skin creme mine doesn't work too great. :(

>> No.12367848

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.12367853

Who cares?

>> No.12367854

This thread is exactly what will save American conservativism.

I really thought America was doomed. Bill Clinton was worshipped. George Bush was an idiot. Barack Obama was a god. Donald Trump is an idiot.

I assumed this meant the younger generations would never vote conservative.

But it seems this just meant the liberals (people like namefag girl) never had study politics, philosophy, or econ. They just assumed their position was naturally right. They've never tested it. The left has begun to eat itself. The liberal intellectual class is growing weaker and weaker, revealing themselves as naked as they are.

All true intellectuals will be right leaning in 15-20 years. And the republican party will be closer to libertarianism than the modern neoconservative movement.

>> No.12367855
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>> No.12367859

If anyone could have done it, anyone would have done it.

*recites man in the arena speech*

>> No.12367860

capitalism has a better track record than Marxism because it's only a system. Not a Philosophy.

Marxism takes on moral, philosophical and even religious dimensions.
Capitalism is based in private property recognized by the authority and mutual exchange...all other elements of the system are extrapolated from whatever type of government the aforementioned authority is and what the resources being allocated are.

>> No.12367861

What the hell is wrong with you
Get real

>> No.12367865



>> No.12367870

I just don't see it happening until some form of paradigm shift takes place allowing for more wealth to reach all of the people who have gotten out of school in the last 15 years only to find that all jobs are part time (So they don't have to give you any benefits) retirement is dead, one hospital bill can sink you for life and you will never own a home.

Once conservatives come up with a model, ANY model, other than the same old "Not my problem, work on it yourself" while chuckling all the way to the bank in clear view of everyone, they'll get all the votes they could ever want.

But they never will, because lording their success and the success of their forebears over everyone else is what they want, and for their real estate investments to hold up the amount of capital they invested PLUS inflation, all homes have to remain far, far out of the reach of people who actually work for a living. So... no white picket fence for me, someday.

>> No.12367872

You're right. It doesn't work for the majority of people. It works for THE VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE. Never in the history of the world have there been more free, healthy, longevitous and autonomous people than there are right now. And it isn't Marxism that's caused that, sister.

>> No.12367876

Capitalism is literally just freedom.

You have the right to your person and property because you are not a slave. You have the right to contract out your labor for whatever price you find agreeable. You don't have the rights to anyone else's person, property, or labor because that violates the first rule.

>> No.12367883

>Did *he* do that do.
Of course he did it with a team of people, ALL OF WHOM GOT THEIR OWN CUT. Otherwise they wouldn't have helped...but they DID get pay they were content with and so it was done...
and it was for the company and system jeff created and owned, and *most importantly* he was LIABLE for so yeah, he deserves every cent he gets.
Just so you know Liability is the owner's responsibility for the expenses and debt their business accrues. Most business owners operate under debt that they PERSONALLY have to service, while STILL paying their employees as a part of operating expenses.

The Employees don't bear the burden of debt when times are bad so, nor do they enjoy the expansion of proffit when times are good.
That's the Risk/Reward system of OWNERSHIP.

You shit on Bezos because he's MASSIVELY successfull and for no other reason.

>> No.12367888


I feel that this was implicitly true before everything was owned.

Now I have to compete in a capitalist market that inherently gives people whose families cornered markets and resources before they were even born a massive advantage generation after generation that enables them to continue to control those markets and resources despite increasing demand, dwindling supply and no claim on it other than aging paper.

There's nothing free about the fact that I can't get together with my buddies, determine that the ten or twelve or twenty of us have more need than that one oil baron's kid, and go shoot him and take the deed to the land.

It only really works if we all start on equal ground somehow and then rise or fall according to our merit. That's... not really what happens in capitalism, though.

>> No.12367890

>Capitalism is literally just freedom.

You have the right to your person and property because you are not a slave

TRUE, insofar as I can personally maintain those rights or those rights are defended by a government.
like I said.

>> No.12367893

>You shit on Bezos because he's MASSIVELY successfull and for no other reason.
his company pays no taxes and is fine with its employees being homeless. He's a typical kike who should burn.

>> No.12367894

>You shit on Bezos because he's MASSIVELY successfull and for no other reason.
I support markets but c'mon Bezos is a piece of shit

>> No.12367903

>I just don't see it happening until some form of paradigm shift takes place allowing for more wealth to reach all of the people who have gotten out of school in the last 15 years only to find that all jobs are part time (So they don't have to give you any benefits)
Or they'll just realize they got fucked up by the Dems who incentivized everyone to go to college and take out ridiculous loans they could never repay on their useless genders studies degrees

>retirement is dead,
Again, they'll realize the Dems fucked them by inventing social security. Created an incentive for people not to save for themselves while looting the till. Silly libs thinking you can ever rely on the government to provide for you

>one hospital bill can sink you for life and
I almost died 7 years ago. I had $20K in hospital bills. Wrote a sob story to all my doctors. Most of them said "no worries, we'll just take what insurance gave us, don't worry about the rest" (most places do this). The others just wanted me to pay monthly whatever I could (like $20/month).

>you will never own a home.
Anyone buying a home is an idiot. I could easily buy a home in cash right now entirely in cash. The market is inflated. The bubble is coming. I'll be renting happily (it's crazy affordable in comparison) until that happens

> Once conservatives come up with a model,

It's the one that was ingrained in the constitution, that led to the most prosperous time in human history. Libs fucked us. We're too far gone now. It's going to be a painful readjustment period, but we need to get back to individual and economic liberty

You've got me ramped up >>12367870

5 minutes until I start ranting about going back to the gold standard, I can feel it

>> No.12367910

The fascist principles you're criticizing also take the form of rhetoric.

I can think of more example of blame recipients that Americans resort to whenever hard work doesn't pay off, like immigrants, terrorists, welfare queens, politicians, etc.

The system is perfect. Its just that a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone else, especially you.

>> No.12367914

>There's nothing free about the fact that I can't get together with my buddies, determine that the ten or twelve or twenty of us have more need than that one oil baron's kid, and go shoot him and take the deed to the land.

Uhhh, yeah, that's a good thing. Murder and theft are bad.

> Now I have to compete in a capitalist market that inherently gives people whose families cornered markets and resources before they were even born a massive advantage generation after generation that enables them to continue to control those markets and resources despite increasing demand, dwindling supply and no claim on it other than aging paper.

My daddy worked really hard to buy me a bike. Your daddy didn't. Why should I be punished because your parents sucked?

Gotta look at the long game. Work hard, save money, so when you're a daddy you can buy a bike for your kid

Also it's a myth that the hyper-rich stay that way for very long, or the poor stay that way for very long

>> No.12367916

>insofar as I can personally maintain those rights or those rights are defended by a government.
That's not the debate. The debate is when is their immorality. It's when there's an infringement upon that right

>> No.12367917

>I can think of more example of blame recipients that Americans resort to whenever hard work doesn't pay off, like immigrants, terrorists, welfare queens, politicians, etc.
don't forget whites.

>> No.12367920

>It only really works if we all start on equal ground somehow.
There's no system, barring one capable of time travel that can mitigate the circumstances of one's birth... and it's not so much a fault of a person being born to wealth as it is the virtue of the parent who attained wealth setting it aside for their children.

>There's nothing free about the fact that I can't get together with my buddies, determine that the ten or twelve or twenty of us have more need than that one oil baron's kid, and go shoot him and take the deed to the land.

but you CAN, do that. You totally can kill and steal whatever you like...it's just incumbent on you to maintain your stolen loot and life if others come to do the same to you...
The alternative being you and your buddies offer your services for compensation that you can then use to grow your own wealth...
that way you can improve your situation without living or dying by the sword.

>> No.12367925

>you think the whole world fits neatly into your little worldview and that you know what's really going on

Can't think of a single person this doesn't apply to, especially here.

>> No.12367930

If he's not paying taxes when he should be, then he ought to be punished for it. if he's not being punished then that's a fault of the State...which I agree with you on.

>> No.12367936

"there's always a bigger jew"

>> No.12367939

WE didn't get fucked by the dems. Our parents got fucked by the dems and their parents got fucked by the dems. Even assuming you really believe its just one political party and not all of the entrenched elites on both sides playing both sides against the middle, which is more likely, or all of the elites in all of the nations on the planet playing a bunch of sides against each other, which is even more likely still. Its pretty obvious in any case to anyone without a ridiculously one-sided viewpoint that both democrats and republicans represent entrenched wealth voting for the interests of entrenched wealth. I don't see any political party working for the advancement of all of the labor that was too young to have been an influence on ANY of this when it was becoming a problem, but now have to live with the decisions and pains caused by the votes of people who were.

>> No.12367940

because the state has conceded that amazon is a bigger power than they are. They're afraid of losing their sweetheart deals and gibs should they lose amazon's favor.

you can damn well bet bezos wouldn't be as rich if his company had to pay their fair share.

>> No.12367942

you can bet that whoever the media labels as evil is the one that actually cares about the people.

>> No.12367945

>Bezos is a piece of shit

Oh yeah, he's a massive scumlord to his workers...so you have a valid point...

>> No.12367947

But the media labels EVERYONE as evil. Democratic-leaning media labels Republicans as evil, Republican-leaning media labels Democrats as evil. Its all a game to mask the fact that nobody is, or ever will be, working for the advancement of the working class or the poor. We don't HAVE representation, of any kind. Just two parties offering different carrots and sticks.

>> No.12367952

He's an uncle tom and the conservatives on the board like that he's a black harvard-educated economist who contradicts most other black writers on race.

>> No.12367953

>free, healthy, longevitous and autonomous

>> No.12367959

>But the media labels EVERYONE as evil.
Lol, no. The two party system is just smoke and mirrors.

The best way to destroy an idea is to make everyone think the idea and the people who believe in it are evil. What is the most evil idea of the last century according to the media?

>> No.12367963

It's the nature of humanity to abuse power, whether political or financial. We've mostly figured out how to keep the political power in check, but keeping financial power in check continues to elude us.

>> No.12367967

We figured it out, but we were not able to fully implement it before they struck back.

>> No.12367974


>> No.12367975

Okay, now moving right along to the rest of that post. Who exactly is it that you think is representing the interests of the working class, assuming that we're not all just "The Poor" at this point?

I don't see any party that is actually geared towards my interests.

>inb4 rights

We're talking about legislators, its their JOB to restrict rights, regardless of which side of the aisle they're on. If you're drinking the kool-aid so much that you believe any senator or congressman is there to protect your rights, there's nothing I can do to help you with your terminal case of shitforbrains.

>> No.12367978

>Has a neat little worldview involving jewish conspiracy
you proved me right. I'm disappointed.

>> No.12367979

>he's a massive scumlord to his workers

i.e. that "team of people" you were talking about. So wtf man first you talk about how they knew what they were getting and got their fair share now you're saying he's a piece of shit who screwed them over. Pick a side, my dude.

>> No.12367984

>Who exactly is it that you think is representing the interests of the working class, assuming that we're not all just "The Poor" at this point?

Well if you consider securing the existence of our people and our children to be a priority, there's really only one. But we're extremely suppressed atm. The US government as it is now is irreparably broken. Democracy itself is probably untenable in the modern era.

>> No.12367995

>Thomas Sowell is an uncle tom

By all measures and accounts Malcolm X contradicts most of contemporary black thought and politics.

In fact a lot of what Malcolm X advocated for: Black independence in economics, politics and culture are well in line with What Thomas Sowell points out would be advantageous for blacks.
Blacks rising to meet standards rather than being condescended to like they are with Aff.Act. and pragrams of the sort that treat race as a handicap rather than actual handicaps like poverty as they should.

Disagreeing with Mainstream black opinions and politics does NOT an uncle tom make.

In fact Black politics and the collective culture is a shadow of its former self...having been co-opted and bought out with government interest and interference.

>> No.12367997

>having been co-opted and bought out with government interest and interference.
Government is the closest thing to a father that most blacks know.

>> No.12368003

He's a Nazi, he's trying to get you to think Nazi. But the media hasn't successfully destroyed the concept of Nazism anymore than widespread democracy has "destroyed" the English monarchy so it's a bullshit argument.

His next post is about 'our people and our children' which is just kind of fashy who else says anything like that.

>> No.12368008


It's mostly contrarians, who need an absurd Ideology to keep being contrarians.

>> No.12368012

>disagreeing with mainstream black opinions does not an uncle tom make

It does if its meant to cater to white racists. I've never heard a black person cite Sowell as an influence. Just people on here who have hangups about welfare.

>> No.12368014

>His next post is about 'our people and our children' which is just kind of fashy who else says anything like that.
yeah who would care about families lol what a fucking asshole lets all be buried with our cats.

>> No.12368018

>Pick a side, my dude.

His Lowest Paid Workers are who I meant...

the specialist that designed the software infrastructure and helped with the automation, and laid out the logistics of the shipping and other portions of the supply chain.
The SKILLED subset of his workers who actually helped him BUILD amazon are the one I meant in the prior statement.

The common skilled, warehouse workers, are who suffer under his management.
important distinction. They deserve better than what they're getting.

Skilled labor does fine in this world, no matter what...the fact we fail to furnish EVERYONE with some form of specialty is the biggest flaw of what we're living in....but that's the educational system.

>> No.12368019

I see absolutely no evidence whatsoever that either side is any less corrupt, self-interested or willing to lie than the other.

Don't get me wrong, I can see what goes on with the whitewash in the MSM and that they're pushing an agenda, but both sides do have their media giants and both sides do crank out propaganda constantly that pretty much says the same things from two different ends.

The problem is, nobody in the real world REALLY cares about any of that shit and they all just want to be left alone to go back to whatever it is they do. The whole thing is such an obvious shitshow, meant to soak up time, effort and attention. I just can't devote any serious effort to either side of that anymore, regardless of who has "Mainstream" control.

Let me know when there's a political cantidate that's going to find some way for me to earn myself a decent future through hard work instead of giving up ALL of my money to taxes, absurd rent and piling bills, while NOT reminding me that I don't really need a car or the few meager luxuries that keep me sane and that if I was willing to give everything enjoyable or superfluous in my life I would totally be rich tomorrow even though that's never going to happen...

Someday, he'll be here. But he won't be a Republican, and he won't be a Democrat. Probably not Green Party or Labor Party either.

>> No.12368021

>our children'
regardless of origin, there's nothing wrong with that phrase.

>> No.12368027

"our people"
"we're suppressed"
"democracy is probably untenable"

Not definitively fascist but kind of suspicious. Who's "we" and who are "our children?"

>> No.12368036

Actually scratch this. Red flags went up when you said 'what's the most evil idea of the last century according to the media?'

That looks like fascist baiting.

>> No.12368037

>Who's "we"
Each race on earth.

>"our children?"
Their children.

Dems and Repubs are just two sides of the same (((coin))). The only people who want better for people are considered pure evil by the very people who would lose their monopoly on human happiness.

>> No.12368040

You sure are good at proving his point though.

>> No.12368041

>come out of Soviet Russia
like what?
19th century russia had a flourishing that rivaled the best of any other country ever. it all stopped once the commies took over.

>> No.12368044

>wah fashiosm
these are non arguments

>> No.12368045

>the closest thing to a father that most blacks know

And the Reason they don't know their fathers is because in 1965 the "Great Society" introduced assistance programs exclusively for women with children who had no men in the house.
This created a perverse incentive for women to reproduce for benefits that they'd keep preventing any male over the age of 18 from living with them...
the rate of wedlock went from the 25% it was then to the 70% it is now...

You Put the Cart before The horse.
Fathers provided for their family's before the government usurped that role as women are risk averse by nature and knew they could depend on the government...

And that dependency is the root of everything wrong with the black community in America.
Family disintegration, welfare mindset that supplants the need to gain skills to work and survive...creating a disgusting entitlement culture of unskilled, uncultured, undisciplined youth culture prone to violence and pregnancy at a young age.

Multiple people have studied and laid this fact bare but it goes against the political grain of liberal politics and black politics to say so.

>> No.12368047

B-but his jaded ex-wife said that he made it up! The USSR was actually a paradise!

Marxist /lit/ fags on suicide watch

>> No.12368048

Wasn't the case until the war on poverty

>> No.12368050

Yep. Because there are too many people, mostly on the left, who depend on the political benefits of having the races hate each other.

>> No.12368053

That's because I'm not arguing. You're trying to start an argument about how an idea is bad because its the media's fault. Is it Nazism?

>> No.12368055

Lots of things changed between 1945 and 1965.

>> No.12368056

Not just the media, though they are one of the primary mouthpieces for it. It's not like they shout about the holodomor constantly. Why is that?

>> No.12368059

well, *I* for one am a Black Man.
You'll see Sowell's name dropped every now and again if you drop into conversations with any group up of black Conservatives, Libertarians, Independents, Seperatists, Some Black Nationalists etc. etc.

him getting named dropped by white racists and white nationalists in regards to gripes about welfare is guilt by association which is fallacious...
they name drop him because he speaks truth.


>> No.12368061

>The only reason you don't like fascists is because they were the bad guys in Indiana Jones

You're too far gone man. Not arguing with you.

>> No.12368063

lit confirmed tankies

>> No.12368064

>Not arguing with you.
you don't have any arguments, strawmanning is all you have.

>> No.12368067

You said you weren't arguing to begin with, and even now you can only face your own strawmen. Is this all the strength your ideas give you?

>> No.12368068

>Capitalism is literally just freedom.
Okay, I laughed.

>> No.12368069

With no ID you cannot have a conversation fuck this I do not know who is on my side and who is the liberal commie faggot. This board is not working and /pol/ is fucked I wonder where anons will go now.

>> No.12368072

But marxism doesn't appeal to "so many people". Marxism as an ideology is mostly dead. What you have today at best is a lot of radical liberals who really really care about brown lesbian tranny immigrants.

>> No.12368073

>because he speaks the truth

I believe you about the black conservatives, but mainly the stuff I see here is white racists who already agree with Sowell on some things (including complaining about other academics) and use his views as validation for their old prejudices.

>> No.12368077

I'm pretty sure the liberal commie faggot is the one who started sweating when talk of focusing on families and providing a proper future for our children wasn't immediately demonized.

>> No.12368082

In my experience, people who are going to make arguments for fascism aren't actually interested in exchanging ideas.

Media coverage of the holocaust is to discourage fascism, and that's because there's a widespread interest in avoiding another holocaust, but from what you've already said you probably don't think it really happened anyway, so what's the point of arguing.

>> No.12368083

Marxism simply expanded the number of classes that war against each other. The "oppressed" vs the "oppressor" is still popular.

>> No.12368087

What does he think capitalists are? They own the capital and sit back while their employees produce. I'm no communist but his statement better serves their cause than the capitalists'.

>> No.12368086

In my experience, people who are going to make arguments for communism aren't actually interested in exchanging ideas.

>> No.12368089


this >>12368073 is the same commie faggot

>> No.12368090

>i hate women and minorities. I love billionaires

What a great thread.

>> No.12368094

>In my experience, people who are going to make arguments for fascism aren't actually interested in exchanging ideas.
What experience would that be? neo-nazi larpers who know even less than your average liberal?

> but from what you've already said you probably don't think it really happened anyway
You'd think that'd be a good thing. I'd certainly be happy if i was told that a great deal of my people weren't horribly murdered.

>> No.12368096

My point is that if you don't think the holocaust happened, we're already not going to agree on anything else. So there's no point arguing.

>> No.12368100
File: 137 KB, 804x802, 1512883818700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well obviously but I cannot see all of his posts and his way of thinking so I can btfo him. But anyways at least this board has no kikes orbiting it am I right?
>pic related

>> No.12368103

Because you've made up your mind on that and nothing can change it?

>> No.12368107

Well /Pol/acks will spam any statistic, study, or statement that can be used to bash other races...it's their only highlight in life.

I should know, I dip in /pol/ too much for my own good, lol

>> No.12368108

About the historical material fact of the holocaust, yeah.

>> No.12368111

>spam any statistic, study, or statement that can be used to bash other races
You mean like every race does? have you ever seen the koreans go at it with the japanese?

>> No.12368114
File: 329 KB, 1575x1302, 0d24e62b1f913400a783b34870914e7b2646fe7615f2f48437886f6a11428cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off retard lu rk 2 years or fuck off back to re ddit or twitter faggot

>> No.12368115

>My point is that if you don't think the holocaust happened, we're already not going to agree on anything else
So if he thinks 2+2=4 that means you don't agree with that?

>> No.12368116

Kind of silly then to accuse others of being closed-minded, isn't it?

>> No.12368120

Yeah, pretty much. I haven't actually read Sowell, so it was hasty to call him an uncle tom, but I know well enough why people here like him.

>> No.12368121

Depends on if he's taken common core math or not.

>> No.12368124

not an argument

>> No.12368127

People who own capital and operate it for profit don't just "sit back" they actively manage and hold liability for the costs including workers pay and benefits even when it drives them into debt...they also pay the lion's share of taxes.

From the Government perspective, Net Tax payers are the only contributors. It's why tax codes for the rich are so complex...

When social welfare for the poor is good when it's used to train people and get them to postions where they an earn their way out of poverty...however, I hate corporate welfare with a burning passion though, and you should too.

>> No.12368128

He makes good arguments.

>> No.12368130

ever seen the koreans go at it with the japanese?

you mean about the occupation? I bet!

>> No.12368131

More of an observation than an argument, but quoting molymeme, considering his somewhat radical shift as of late, is pretty funny in itself.

>> No.12368132

it's not bait, it's literally showing how there's an idea that is so verboten in your mind that excludes the possibility of any agreement on anything. I think the holocaust happened, that there's really not much discussion to be had on it, but that doesn't mean I start to clutch my pearls when somebody doesn't believe in it.

>> No.12368133

oh, I did know that he talked with Buckley once. I'll look into that later.

>> No.12368134

Baby tier arguments get great videos to watch

>> No.12368135
File: 474 KB, 1246x1558, 1543606949944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About everything, really. They're savage as fuck and it's goddamned hilarious.

>> No.12368142

Usually if someone doesn't believe in the holocaust they've got a reason for doing so. It's not just a quirky alternative viewpoint, its always a way to make someone's shitty worldview seem more palatable. Usually so they can try and convert somebody.

As it "Nazis aren't so bad. They didn't even kill all those jews."

>> No.12368146
File: 446 KB, 750x750, 7b31ae5468fe61bd02718cf290be427dd728272f5ea78a50dee73600c64b7ae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asshole faggots I know you are a kike show me your nose or show me your liability to understand the world around you. If you are white stand aside and leave this site or face your judgment

>> No.12368148

>its always a way to make someone's shitty worldview seem more palatable
No, it's a thing that they believe because of some mistakes either in reasoning or data acquisition.
The fact that you believe people who you disagree with are all lying in order to convince you of their evil deeds is, again, telling.

>> No.12368152

I'm the "communist fag" from earlier. Jesus Christ this made me laugh.

Not Jewish. Was raised Catholic. Am not anymore. You're just an asshole

>> No.12368158

Oh wow now two have showed up if you don't know the truth about the holocaust you don't deserve to be on this site. It's the truth and if even admire the truth then you must research into this issue or go somewhere else

>> No.12368160

You think this is ironic? >>12368146

>> No.12368164

>don't deserve to be on this site
Yeah right you've earned it

>> No.12368165

>Not Jewish. Was raised Catholic. Am not anymore. You're just an asshole
What makes you say that faggot? I was raised orthodox and I have more christian blood in me than you will ever have faggot. Raised catholic my ass then tell me the verse where the bible says that Judaism is the synagogue of satanism

>> No.12368167

>Usually if someone doesn't believe in the holocaust they've got a reason for doing so
I was told i had to believe it or i was a bigot. History doesn't fucking work like that, just about everything is a narrative, usually from the victors.

What i want to see is you explain why the holodomor isn't as well known and popularized as the holocaust.

>> No.12368168
File: 132 KB, 1023x838, barbara-spectre-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes please continue giving me info about the holohoax

>> No.12368172

"raised catholic" does not mean I've read the entire bible. Is this an attempt to win an argument? Consequentially, what verse is that?

>> No.12368173

Oh yes please continue winning the argument by calling me an asshole

>> No.12368175

I wasn't the guy who posted the other video.

>> No.12368177

One simple google search
To the church in Smyrna, Jesus says, “I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9).

>> No.12368179

If I argue with you, you're just gonna call me a libtard or something which is what you're already doing.

>> No.12368181

I am not if you were arguing correctly and truthfully we would have already finished.

>> No.12368183

"who say they are jews, but are not"
So the synagogue of satan is made up of jew impostors who are not actual Jews. Christ doesn't call all the Jews a synagogue of satan. He is a Jew at this point (he's the king of them). You misquoted it.

>> No.12368186

not an argument, strawmen once again

>> No.12368190

All I did there was reiterate that he's a Nazi

>> No.12368191

>he's a Nazi
impossible, they no longer exist

>> No.12368193

He calls the jews who do most of the things we associate with modern jews the "synagogue of satan".

It's part of the reason why the talmud says a lot of horrible things about jesus, boiling him in excrement and forbidding jews from using the toilet on xmas eve and whatnot.

>> No.12368194

>So the synagogue of satan is made up of jew impostors who are not actual Jews.
Do you seriously think that zionists are orthodox jews or jews pm that matter they will always call themselves atheists? They are not if you did you have that wrong also they never believed in judaism they just have the name and carry it around only when it's useful I didn't misquote him he tells the truth there are impostors that call themselves jews but do not believe in anything of that sort.

>> No.12368197

correction; they never existed.

>> No.12368202

So we're to believe that exactly 6,000,000 died? Not 5,953,204, not 6,000,001, but exactly 6,000,000 on the dot?

>> No.12368203

Not really concerned with all these obscure corners of religious law. I grew up Catholic; we have hell for everyone including you and your friends in the Orthodox church.
I think you just misquoted the bible, but that's just me.

>> No.12368205

Never said that.
Figure's closer to 12 million if you count non jews.

>> No.12368206

>i support for the working class proletariats and hate capitalism
>by importing their ethnic displacement with lower wage accepting minorities that benefits nobody but the bourgeois

great thread

>> No.12368208


>> No.12368211
File: 157 KB, 726x572, 1545508321088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should look it up if you think we're being deceptive.

>> No.12368212

LOL ahahahah
Ok now I am going it's certain that you are an idiot just continue believing the lies I am sure you will find great success and a lot of money oy vey so nice.

>> No.12368215

never said I was a communist either. to be honest I'm between ideologies right now, but you guys just seem fucking miserable. i'm just done with liberalism so the wage thing doesn't really bug me.

>> No.12368217

and that's the reason why the nazis are super evil and everything to do with them forever is super evil?

But the people who died to communism don't count, because it wasn't real communism? Can you explain that one to me?

>> No.12368218

you can keep assuming I'm jewish but i promise I'm not

>> No.12368220

communists killed more

>> No.12368221

Not really. I'm not a communist. Isn't killing the jews the point of Nazism though? Can we do it without killing all the disabled people this time?

>> No.12368224

>Isn't killing the jews the point of Nazism though?

>> No.12368225

so why the disparity in "evilness" levels? Why are communists okay to the media but anything within shelling distance of "nazis" is pure evil, to the point that even talking about securing a good future for children is pushing it or sending up red flags?

>> No.12368226

>Isn't killing the jews the point of Nazism though?
Not in the slightest bit. Making your race the best and happiest it possibly can be is the point.


>> No.12368227

>but you guys just seem fucking miserable
Well that's what happens when the ruling class hunts your ideology and you are castrated from every group for your opinion. Until you are not and you don't give a fuck anymore and now wait for the collapse of society which is four years away

>> No.12368228

What is it then? What's all the aryan master race/ slave race stuff about then? Do Irish Catholics count as aryans now?

>> No.12368232

Right, just like how communism is about how sharing is caring.

>> No.12368237
File: 63 KB, 308x402, download (80).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's all the aryan master race/ slave race stuff about then?
War propaganda, mostly. Do you think all japanese americans during ww2 were sabotaging everything they could and leaking as much information back to the homeland as possible?

>> No.12368238
File: 144 KB, 484x1024, 1515455166028m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made you think they didn't? And what made you think slavs where not also aryans.

>> No.12368243

No, but I don't exactly consider that a shining moment for democracy either. What's the plan then? I want to hear it from you. How do we make the race happy?

>> No.12368244

If killing the jews was the point of "nazisim", why did they wait ten years?

Was killing the japanese the point of americanism? Because we sure as shit stuck them in concentration camps too. The only difference is that ours didn't get their supply lines bombed and we didn't lose the war.

Or will you honestly disagree with the statement; "History is decided by the victors"?

>> No.12368252

>How do we make the race happy?

>> No.12368254

Would you agree that the point of Nazism was to secure Germany for the Germans?
How do you get the Jews to leave then? You can't deport them all; nobody wants them.

The point of "Americanism" if you want to call it that is to get rid of the indians for the sake of capitalist land grabs.

>> No.12368257

I said I wanted to hear it from you. I'm not watching your videos.

If you want my reasons, check why you wouldn't go check Butterfly's sources.

>> No.12368261

>The point of "Americanism" if you want to call it that is to get rid of the indians for the sake of capitalist land grabs.
fuck your stupid

>> No.12368262

>Would you agree that the point of Nazism was to secure Germany for the Germans?
I would call it National Socialism, but yes. Are you aware of the staggering loss of life imposed on the country shortly after the end of WW1?

>How do you get the Jews to leave then?
The same way you get a jew to do anything; you pay them, lol.

>> No.12368270

But you can't mass deport your jewish population to a country that doesn't want them, a country that they're not originally from anyway, and where they don't even speak the language. It doesn't work in a practical sense.

Well there was a staggering loss of life during the war on all sides as well, and saying Germany got a raw deal at Versailles is not the same as justifying WWII.

>> No.12368273

>I said I wanted to hear it from you. I'm not watching your videos.
Hearing it from me is insufficient. You need to see some evidence that the methods of national socialism produced results, don't you?

Here, i skipped a bit of hitler gushing, the next few minutes cover the economic system and the results.


Again, my words and beliefs are completely empty without results.

>> No.12368280

>But you can't mass deport your jewish population to a country that doesn't want them, a country that they're not originally from anyway, and where they don't even speak the language. It doesn't work in a practical sense.
Well they ended up doing it anyway. It's still a better option than killing them, isn't it?

>saying Germany got a raw deal at Versailles is not the same as justifying WWII.
Good thing germany didn't start it. Don't tell me the world gave a shit about poland when they promptly forgot about it and let russia destroy it for a few decades after the war.

>> No.12368281

Hitler's results were the second world war. If you don't explain yourself without Hitler, I'm going to assume you're proposing big wars and mass genocides, but its ok because we'll make the race happy and the sun has a smiley face.

>> No.12368284

They didn't deport them though. Except to countries they'd already conquered anyway. You see how this doesn't work because I believe the holocaust happened.

>> No.12368294

If you're going to shut somebody down by not reading their sources because "arguments should stand on their own" then you pull this shit then fuck you hypocrite

>> No.12368305

>Hitler's results were the second world war.
Yes. But Germany did not start it. It was started to destroy what germany had become without banks.

>you're proposing big wars and mass genocides
Nope. The wars and genocides were the actions of the banks and their debt slave nations. Wars of unlimited destruction are not good for the people of any nation.

>They didn't deport them though.
Yes, they did. Read the wikipedia article i keep linking.

>You see how this doesn't work because I believe the holocaust happened.
Not that you have much choice in the matter.

>> No.12368311

>"arguments should stand on their own"
I never said that. In fact you're the only one who has said that, so i'm at a loss as to what you're referring to.

Really though, i could say all sorts of flowery nonsense about how quickly national socialism revitalized germany in just a few years, but what actual good is it without any proof of the results? Isn't that what you wanted? A system that could fix the fucked up world? Wasn't that the point of WW2? To stop the world from becoming fucked up?

>> No.12368317


Do you think they all agreed to leave right away though? They sure won't leave Palestine and they don't even have thousands of years of historical roots there. five years is not enough time tor remove your nation's entire Jewish population.

Also, Hitler definitely invaded Austria then France by going circumventing the Maginot line. My grandmother was there. Hitler started it because it was always part of the plan. Why are you still here?

>> No.12368326

>wasn't that the point of WWII
The point of WWII was that it was a shitshow because Hitler fucked everything up, and if you can't convince me you're any different from him I won't go along with you. WWII wasn't some great glorious thing. Anyway, I don't believe you have practical solutions and you haven't given me any.

The communist was higher up in the thread and the other fascists were vocally refusing to look into her sources so I assumed its you.

>> No.12368328

>Do you think they all agreed to leave right away though?
No, but they should have, especially if you believe the holocaust was real.

>They sure won't leave Palestine and they don't even have thousands of years of historical roots there.
I agree, but now you sound like a nazi for criticizing israel, lol.

>five years is not enough time tor remove your nation's entire Jewish population.
Five years was all the banker nations gave them before they declared war. Had they not interfered, it would have gone off without a hitch.

>Also, Hitler definitely invaded Austria then France by going circumventing the Maginot line.
Before or after Britain and the others declared war on germany?

>Why are you still here?
Just to suffer.

>> No.12368332

>and if you can't convince me you're any different from him I won't go along with you.
How do you even know what he was like? What would he have been like had he won? What does that mean for the popular conception? History is objective? I fucking wish it was!

>Anyway, I don't believe you have practical solutions and you haven't given me any.
I gave you a specific timestamp. Watch it or don't. Research it or don't. God knows everything has already been done to keep you from learning about it, the only thing that can change that is your own will.

>The communist was higher up in the thread and the other fascists were vocally refusing to look into her sources so I assumed its you.
Nope. I'm not a neo-nazi larper. I'm nothing like the caricatures you've seen on tv.

>> No.12368334

1. The Jews shouldn't have had to leave in the first place but that's history for you. You're point doesn't stand anymore
2. anyone can criticize Israel
3&4. They certainly invaded before France declared war.

>> No.12368341

>The Jews shouldn't have had to leave in the first place but that's history for you.
If the choices were a lot of dead jews or a lot of displaced jews, it's hard to see how the former was the more moral option.
>anyone can criticize Israel
and be labeled a nazi for it. You know how the media works.
>3&4. They certainly invaded before France declared war.
And the french lamented their departure, especially now.

How do you think the USA would have been treated had they firebombed dresden and nuked japan and lost the war? Would they still have been considered the heroes by the history written by the victors of that war? All this perfect good and evil shit is too storybook for real life.

>> No.12368346

If I posted sources on communism would you read them? I still doubt it. If you can't explain yourself without linking a video of HItler, I won't listen to you. Wouldn't listen to you anyway, I'm not an anti-semite or anything.

>> No.12368353

My Grandother is French, was there during occupation, and is still alive, what the fuck are you talking about. I'm assuming she knows more than you do, and she aided the allies during occupation. So did her father, who was kicked out of Italy by the fascists years before the war.

>> No.12368373

>If I posted sources on communism would you read them?
Sure. I've read quite a lot on it, good and bad. When it comes to the success of the ideals, you have many data points, i've only a single one. Both of ours point to failure, but i can't write mine off without more data points, probably the same as you.

>Wouldn't listen to you anyway
Again, that wasn't your choice. It can be though.

I'd love to keep this going all night but i've got to get some rest. It's been good talking to you all. I know you're coming from a place of virtue and a desire for good and i would never think of trying to change that. Just be aware of the tremendous responsibility of that desire.

>> No.12368511
File: 154 KB, 480x349, 1546887402318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our billionaires are the most philanthropic in the world

>> No.12368639

lol cuck the ugly obese woman won't even @ reply you

>> No.12368653

Seems most critics of OP's point rely on referencing low-brow media produced.

These are produced because many people choose to spend the income they worked for to consume those media - that is the source of profit for the entertainment industry. To try to paint this as a bad thing is inherently undemocratic because this is how people choose to spend their work compensation and free time.

As for the rest that do not enjoy such films, there are all possible alternatives avaiable from Oscar-bait to arthouse to indie to whathaveyou. And if you want to produce communist propaganda pieces, you can - if enough people like them, you can even earn your living that way.

There is no time or place on earth that has afforded as much creative freedom as the west, presently.

>> No.12368821

LOL my great grandfather belonged to the "White terror" who went around dragging communists from their houses, taking them into the woods and shooting them back in the good old days of Finland.

Communists BTFO!

>> No.12368875
File: 293 KB, 321x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're fucking embarrassing. don't start an argument about theoretical merits of Marxism if you can't generate your own talking points. this is /lit/ not fucking "sit watching YouTube videos about economics". it's apparent to me that's exactly what you've been doing and that you haven't genuinely read a lick of Marx or those he inspired outside the 21st century. why are you even on this board if you don't have the attention span for books? (or even writing a well-thought, effortful essay-argument on 4chan)
the fact that you're recommending Cockshott as an honest researcher sets off fire alarms for any academic that considers themselves Marxist.

>> No.12368902

you're not a Marxist

>> No.12368969
File: 54 KB, 499x499, 1457563800148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think you free but you isn't

>> No.12369292

Stupid anime poster
Organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation provide an immense amount of foreign aid

>> No.12369400

Hello Benji

>> No.12369627

Imagine believing this