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12363733 No.12363733 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential Shakespeares? I haven't even read Hamet, and I am ashamed, despite my pretensions of being well read. I don't want to be like this guy https://youtu.be/85TE0K5fgJM, help. Where do I begin, and where should I end?

>> No.12363775

>What are the essential Shakespeares?

>The Merchant of Venice
>Romeo and Juliet
>Henry IV (Both parts)
>Troilus and Cressida
>Measure for Measure
>King Lear
>Antony and Cleopatra
>The Tempest

and don't forget the sonnets.

>> No.12363783

>where should I end?

and don't end anywhere. keep rereading his work over your lifetime.

>> No.12363811

You start reading and you keep re-reading and keep experiencing that shakeuphoria an immeasurable number of times in your life before you die

I got into Shakespeare watching these two adaptations of Richard III



and especially fell in love with the Laurence Olivier one. Richard III is very entertaining and has goat dialogues/monologues and from there i kept getting more and more into shakespeare and now i recite Hamlet soliloquys and twelfth night dialogues at work in my head daily. He is legit deserving of the title best writer of all time.

Dont be a fucking pseud who only wants to get shakespeare under his belt and over with, thats not the purpose of literature and you're a much bigger unread pseud pleb than George W Bush with that attitude

>> No.12365376

Lel op is a pseud

>> No.12366085

no-one chooses to be a pseud at least he wants to change

>> No.12366110

It doesn't matter where you start because you're going to read all of it. Just fucking start.

>> No.12366189

You're missing Richard III.

>> No.12366206

>excluding A Midsummer Night's Dream and Julius Caesar

>> No.12366262

I am going to reread the complete works, first time since I was 14.

What order do you guys recommend?

>> No.12366275

Holy fuck this list sucks

>> No.12366440

What about Coriolanus?

>> No.12366455

Lear, Macbeth, Timon.

Then the complete works.

>> No.12366464

Do u even know what pseud means?

>> No.12366656

do u?

>> No.12368070

desu I read Hamlet and it was damned depressing, more of a Macbeth guy myself

>> No.12368097

Absolutely essential for any lover of literature?

Ranked in terms of esteem and influence:

A Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado About Nothing
King Lear
Twelfth Night
The Tempest
Romeo and Juliet
The Merchant of Venice
Antony and Cleopatra
Julius Caesar
As You Like It

>> No.12368098

God damn Bush would haven't been so bad if we'd have kicked the Muslims out instead of invading them. Funny guy for sure.

>> No.12368327

>reading Shakespeare
What folly.
Look at how radically different and great all 4 versions are. Shakespeare is meant for the stage.

>> No.12368344

This is like saying you can't read Homer it is meant to be read to an audience.

>> No.12369380

>Shakespeare is meant for the stage
>Posts movie adaptations