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12363412 No.12363412 [Reply] [Original]

What makes someone a bad writer? Be specific.

>> No.12363420

Depends who says it, who hears it, and the broader context

>> No.12363472

True...okay let's just go with in general. What makes someone a bad writer in general?

>> No.12363495

misspelling, poor grammar and vague idiomatic language that is only there to fill up the lack of important or relevant information

>> No.12363517

Someone who is bad at expressing themselves or has nothing to say or both

>> No.12364034

Reader doesn't learn anything or experience anything that makes them come back for more.

Good "bad" writers are at least funny, and you want to read what's next.

>> No.12364695

Let's say a writer is utilizing fiction as a platform to explore a concept and the story is secondary to that. How can that be made engaging?

>> No.12364730

Let me add to that. The focus of the writing is concept first, world second, and story third. The concept is plaguing the world but the characters are only vaguely aware of it, instead transfixed on their day to day lives. The reader becomes aware of the concept alongside the characters, and how it impacts the world, then the story becomes focused on the concept. Is this bad writing?

>> No.12364731

Being a nigger. Or imitating how a nigger speaks because they think it's funny or something. OP pic extremely related.

>> No.12364746

In what regard?

Poor grammar, poor syntax, inconsistent style, unexpressive vocabulary

>> No.12364755
File: 52 KB, 787x621, good writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an example of good writing. Try to be like this author.

>> No.12364763

Being a nigger doesn't inherently make someone a bad writer. It's just that almost all niggers are bad writers because the culture panders to them and tells them to obsess over the fact that they're niggers.

Even that's kind of excusable for someone like James Baldwin, I guess. Things were pretty racist back then so it's understandable to write about racism. Nowadays though niggers just need to relax and write normal.

>> No.12364789

I was thinking more about basic day-to-day written discourse. It pisses me off how it's suddenly become the hilarious in-thing to type like a nigger. If you strip away that layer these are really just basic as fuck jokes that wouldn't be funny anyways. If you read the joke in OP's image like it was written by a normal person you can see how lame the joke is.

>> No.12364827
File: 399 KB, 3000x2000, 1546604652977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To write is to carry out a song, Anon.

>> No.12365247

Damn. That's engrossing...

>> No.12365256

Have you read Virginia Woolf? That's how she writes.

>> No.12365382

I have not. If I were to give her writing a chance what would I be in for?

>> No.12365763

Bad writing is when you don't want to read what you wrote and neither does anyone else.

>> No.12365792

To be unspecific.

>> No.12365922

Lack of practice and perspective. A lot of bad writing seems like a picture painted with no sense of where and what the focus is, or what things should look like at the angle it's being painted from, and what the painter trying to convey to their audience. Otherwise, it might be cliche, or the meaning of the words difficult to seperate from the author, hindering immersiveness, and allowing unintended bias. That's just a guess though.

>> No.12365968

She's an excellent writer. She was a modernist, and used stream of consciousness to explore psychology and other 'concepts' as you talked about above. In a lot of her novels the plot is secondary or even tertiary, and the actions and thoughts and philosophy of the characters lend more to the point she's trying to make.

Mrs Dalloway or Orlando are good starting points, and then if you're still interested move on to To The Lighthouse and The Waves.

>> No.12366007
File: 10 KB, 510x476, 1531131344806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unironically amazing.

>> No.12366093

I jack off twice and day and still have wet dreams. Should I do it more?

>> No.12366349

I feel like there's a middle ground between being a bad writer and a good one and it's a phase everyone has to go through.
If your writing is utter garbage then there may be entertainment value in how bad it is such as >>12364755 just unironically.
Once you improve your writing withers away and become mediocre. A death sentence for any book is it being boring, not the quality itself being bad.
A mediocre writer can take an amazing concept and turn it into a good or decent piece of writing while an excellent writer can make everything entertaining. This is it's recommended to branch out to different shit for experience.

>> No.12367345

"Entered her like she was a lottery"
This is good writing.
Try to write like this.

>> No.12367371

>dick aneurysm

>> No.12367414

Sounds like something I'd have written when I was a young teen ERPing in Yahoo messenger custom chat room.

>> No.12368169

Is this from that anon who got a bad review?