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12361796 No.12361796 [Reply] [Original]

Best books on metaphysical nihilism?

>> No.12362795


>> No.12363876

Was I vague?

>> No.12364226

yeah check this one out *gestures in the direction of my crotch*

>> No.12364234

There are no good book on metaphysical nihilism because metaphysical nihilism is stoned teenager tier theory.

>> No.12364240

Explain to me what you think metaphysical nihilism is

>> No.12364257

belief that there is a possible world where nothing exists

>> No.12364259

holy based
stupid frognigger go read plato then shoot yourself

>> No.12364263

So is your contention that modal realism is a teenage philosophy as well?

>> No.12364280

>modal realism is a teenage philosophy as well
"If I can imagine something, it must be as real as the real world :)". I dunno, what do you think?

>> No.12364299

I don't think you've read the arguments if you think you can just handwave it away with greentext. But I don't really care enough to argue about it since I don't endorse it either.

>> No.12364522

That's not at all what it is. Read a book

>> No.12364628

Metaphysics has nothing to do with nihilism you massive pseud.

>> No.12364657

sextus empiricus

>> No.12364663

>buddhism is nihilism

shut the fucking fuck up

>> No.12364675

nice bait

>> No.12364681

it isn't? prove your claim.

>> No.12364713

he's right though

>> No.12364718

nihilism reifies nothingness, "emptiness"/sunyata in buddhism is not nullity

>> No.12364742

>nihilism reifies nothingness
No, it doesn't. You are ignorant, and probably a bead-wearing american weeb to boot.

Buddhism's ideas of transcendence and especially of our own impermanence is what nihilism is all about. Please learn about your goofy religion before arguing it.

>> No.12364770

no, nihilism doesn't advocate spiritual praxis, it is the negation of all value, especially transcendence, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.12364843

>implying the endeavor to transcend the world-illusion and denying one's own desires to escape suffering does not require a degree of nihilism
Please, get an education.

>> No.12364848

what a colossal dumbass

>> No.12364854

Not him but that's not the same claim you started with, you said buddhism IS nihilism. not that nihilism is a part of it

>> No.12364860

nice goal post shifting, insight into the impermanence of phenomena and the psycho-physical ego is not nihilism, stop trying to smuggle in your diseased thought into buddhism

>> No.12364861

negation of x is not nihilism

>> No.12364869

it often doesn’t but in the more antiquated sense >>12364657 it does
its debated if the Sunyata is a form of metaphysical nihilism, it is certainly epistemological nihilism.

>> No.12364972

>t. illiterate buddhabelly retards

it is. read nietzsche, nihilism being a mechanism of liberation was the one thing he was right about.

>> No.12364983

your mind is memed to hell and back, you keep inserting unfounded goals and meta-structures for the nihilist project

>> No.12364984

>it is. read nietzsche, nihilism being a mechanism of liberation was the one thing he was right about.

no, negation is, nihilism is just what brainlet westerners call this realization after taking the long way around (through history)

>> No.12365001

Summa theologica
>creatio ex nihilo

>> No.12365049

the western idea of nihilism is not real or even a thing conceptually. it's schizo babble for brainlets, midwits, and other retards to imagine they have a grasp on reality. it's similar to retards trying to say their abrahamic god is omnipotent while logically that's impossible and they can't even begin to articulate what omnipotent means.

you don't know what nothing is or what it means to have complete absence of everything conceptually which dumb shit western retards try to explain as nihilism.

buddhist ideas of void, empty, negation, "nothing", and "nihilism" are real. western philosophers are retards who are saying shit equal to infinite+1 and saying god exists cause they say he's omnipotent

>> No.12365066

t. has read no nihilist literature

>> No.12365092

anything by Buddha. try Nagarjuna's MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra

>> No.12365109

it was totally worthless. using shit like recursion and other semantic tricks to try and inflate or reduce things doesn't work. you need to understand completely what existence is entirely in every meaning possible to the absolute agree possible and then you talk about absolute absence of everything conceptually.

saying there isn't anything between your hands so that's nihilism and trying to scale it up a bit doesn't work. you need the foundation before you can negate the foundation. conceptually the west never reached anywhere near buddhism or dao so you're just gonna have to deal with it and never be enlightened

>> No.12365148
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>conceptually the west never reached anywhere near buddhism or dao so you're just gonna have to deal with it and never be enlightened
holy shit has there ever been a bigger pseud on lit than the burger buddhist who rejects the west because he hates his parents. how many self help books and crystals do you have on the shelf lad?

>> No.12365168

an algorithm could've been used to write your post

>> No.12365170

>but not yours
thousand pardons O king

>> No.12365177

Fuck you janny who deleted the values thread. Whassamatter, you got twiggered?

>> No.12365188

rejecting people who are wrong is natural. you're just a pea brain who tries to use them as a way to increase your own self-imagined worth by saying you're associated with somebody great. the west has lots of amazing talent in places like math who created their own amazing feats equal to eastern philosophers, but that's math. not shitty western philosophy.

they didn't even start developing anything sorta worth reading until they got translations of stuff from asia after 1600+ and they didn't understand it at all. transcendent idealism is what you get when you don't understand the real enlightened sages

>> No.12365196

>transcendent idealism is what you get when you don't understand the real enlightened sages

I've always considered kant's system an abortive subjectivist reading of the atma

>> No.12365206

>nothing worth reading before 1600
you really are ignorant. india had contact with the west well over a thousand years before then.

punching out of this dumbass conversation.

>> No.12365208

>tfw anyone calls Nagarjuna nihilist and people spaz out OHMYGOD you don't understand him, he's not nihilist etc but then they post him in nihilist thread
what did they mean by this

I don't disagree with you but if you can't at least offer some specific examples of why Madhymaka for example understands 'nothing' or 'nihilism' better than western philosophy than it doesn't help to post that and really just causes resentment towards people who are into that stuff

>> No.12365288

and christcucks managed to get their jew poison into china back in 700 but couldn't spread it anywhere until 1600+.

you saying "everything" doesn't mean you understand what it means. saying a complete negation of "everything" doesn't mean you know what it means. a - b = c works in calculus but not as a method to explain philosophy when the philosophers don't know the a, the b, or the c personally. the axiom they use aren't actually universal laws in fact they're the opposite of the universal laws because we're in constant state of impermanence/flux while they argue on an axiom there's permanence.

just the idea that we're in a constant state of impermanence destroys western ideas of nihilism because they reduce everything down not getting that it's reversed as well.