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12361682 No.12361682 [Reply] [Original]

>he's reading primary philosophical texts

>> No.12361699

Two questions
1. Whats wrong with that
2. Are you going to stop me?

>> No.12361714

He's an insecure brainlet, needs other people's readings spoonfed to him

>> No.12361725

I'd like to spoon him, if he knows what I mean.

>> No.12361728
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>he isn't

>> No.12361729

1. It's inefficient and pointless. Most philosophers weren't good writers and their ideas are made more lucid by scholars who studied them. For example, Schopenhauer's Critique of the Kantian philosophy is a much better way to get into Kant than reading The Critique of Pure Reason, one of the most jumbled messes in history of written word.
2. No, you are a grown man with a grown penis. You are free to make your own destiny.

>> No.12361737

I'm going to stand behind Sadler, who says says reading primary is better. Good luck getting through this absolute unit.

>> No.12361742
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Forgot pic

>> No.12361835
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By the Bogdanofs this has to Be Bait

>> No.12361887

>anything that challenges my preconceived notions must be a bait
This attitude, anon, won't take you anywhere productive in life.

>> No.12361909

>he is

>> No.12361917

>he is reading ect ect

It's grammatically correct

>> No.12361923
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Sure it is easier and clearer but then you rely on the interpretation of some one different. Which can be fine as a help. But shouldn't the endgoal be to have an interpretation and view that is truly yours?

>> No.12361928

OP, every piece of scholarship on Nietzsche is neutered in some way, most likely because of the dishonesty inherent in being a state philosopher.

>> No.12361949

Nope. Ideas matter. Who they come from doesn't. Learning latin and reading Principia Mathematica isn't essential to understanding newtonian physics, why should philosophy be treated differently? Risking misinterpretation is also something I would consider unacceptable, life's too short to carry through it with erroneous ideas.

>> No.12362277

When you read the cliff notes version of a philosophical work, you generally leap to your own ideas of where the summary could lead. Generally speaking, what you think of on your own from summaries tends to be inferior in depth to what the original author himself thought.
Reading specific authors is also a good way to gain sympathy for a movement or tradition you initially balk at, as you are forced to confront the thoughts of an actual human being and not the generalities thrust upon them.

>> No.12362295
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>> No.12362459

>He reads philosophy for learning not pleasure

>> No.12362485

based and redpilled

>> No.12362623
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Is philosophy really worth studying at all if its so subjective that its meaning changes with every interpretation?

>> No.12362633

No I'm not sure. Could you elaborate?

>> No.12362706

The questions of philosophy are ones which everyone has to find an answer for, whether reflected in depth or not. You have to have an implict criterion of determing truth, for example, otherwise you can't function in the world.
It's helpful to see what the broad strokes of human thought are in these fundamental questions which have no easy answers.

>> No.12362789

god dammit im so horny and lonely

>> No.12362862

you are forgetting that there are pleasure in reading the often convoluted, flawed primary texts, and extracting meaning yourself. secondary texts are only to be used to make sure you're not going to embarass yourself in front of an obviously well read person but they should never be your primary font of knowledge.

>> No.12362892

Any foot connoisseurs? Is this a good pair of feet?

>> No.12362895

What am I if I'm not a foot nigger but like this picture?

>> No.12362898

>he's writing primary philosophical texts

>> No.12362911

>he posts images of condescending anime girls
#1 virgin identifier

>> No.12362924

>with a grown penis
Was that really necessary? Are you sexually frustrasted, anon?

>> No.12362937

no just do what other people tell you to do

>> No.12362943
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Leaving OP's shitposting behind, why is it that STEM fields use textbooks over primary sources while philosophy degrees do the opposite?

>> No.12362946

Science is more stratified

>> No.12362958

watch more anime

>> No.12363178

>Schopenhauer's Critique of the Kantian philosophy is a much better way to get into Kant than reading The Critique of Pure Reason
baits too obvious anon

>> No.12363660

Nice arches bro.

>> No.12363677
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he has dogshit taste in music, why should i believe his ideas of philosophy are any better