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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 300x300, giftbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1236159 No.1236159 [Reply] [Original]

1. How many books do you have on your Amazon wishlist?
I've got 56... Some I've read, some I haven't.

2. Post link.

3. Make your post stick out to me in some way, and I'll buy you a book. I'll be choosing 2-3 from the thread. Make it a really super awesome post and I may just buy you two books! Or buy me a book, post proof, and I'll buy YOU a book!

Also, wishlist thread.

>> No.1236192

Leaving my computer for a bit, when I get back I wanna see some awesome posts from people that want books.

>> No.1236224
File: 2.60 MB, 2816x2112, S6302525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80 None of which I've read.


I have nothing of interest to say to make my post stand out, so instead here's a picture of me sitting in a hole, delighted to be there.

>> No.1236240
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, England-travel-Lake-District-Langdale-Pikes-theladsweekend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a poem I've written for you:
Roger Federer,
He's very good at tennis.
Roger Federer,
That ball is not a lettuce.
Roger Federer,
Don't eat it, it will make you ill.
Roger Federer,
Why are you asking for the bill?
Roger Federer,
This is a tennis court.
Roger Federer,
Not a restaurant like you thought.

Yes, indeed.
Basically I'ma be hiking around France, Switzerland and Germany living off absolute basics. Hopefully going to start planning my own novella out there, but I need some good inspiration! Don't have any of the books on my wishlist :).

If there's anything you think particularly appropriate that's cool. If not, maybe The Cossacks? Or a bit of Goethe? Or the Romantic Revolution?

Cheers pal.

>> No.1236249

I think you forgot something.

>> No.1236254


I'm not doing anything to stand out. I'm not a clown.

>> No.1236255
File: 232 KB, 266x400, Gustav Klimt's Judith 1901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 13, lucky number

>> No.1236261


I don't even know what's in there, and there's no ship-to address, I just like wishlist comparison.

I have read 33 of the books/items on your list, OP. Please don't pay money for the Sookie Stackhouse books! There are better novels and better erotic novels. Don't let her get away with it!

>> No.1236262

I haven't read the Asimov novel; let us know how that goes.

>> No.1236266

Oops. That was me :p


>> No.1236267

There's a ship-to address now, for what it's worth.

>> No.1236268

Props for the "White Noise," I really loved that book :)
Also for the de Sade; Justine is my favourite <3

>> No.1236269
File: 26 KB, 415x600, twin_peaks_4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agent Cooper here! I have 27 books on my wishlist, none of which I've read. Now, how about a cup of coffee, black as midnight on a moonless night? Maybe with a slice of cherry pie?


>> No.1236272

it's 404ing!
Did you click the share-this link and get the link from that page?

>> No.1236275

Some of my favourite books are on that list!
I'm surprised by the way that many of the /lit/ lists have the same books on them, though!

>> No.1236276

Oh? Which are your favorites?

>> No.1236278

You have a yodelling pickle on your wishlist.
I am tempted to purchase that for you.

>> No.1236284

The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
American Gods
Pale Fire
Gravity's Rainbow
On The Road

I didn't love 'The Bell Jar' - I would recommend you read her poetry, rather. Her poetry is amaaazing. <3

>> No.1236287

I have 228 on my fiction and 114 on my nonfiction...lol do I stand out for having the most books on my wishlist? I want to read everything in the world :3 also, I have wishlists for boardgames and movies but that's cuz my family looks at this to help decide on xmas presents

non-fiction: http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/LCDJYPVJG2C3?reveal=unpurchased&filter=all&sort=prio

fiction: http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1T4EKSRFAPIDZ/ref=cm_wl_rlist_go?_encoding=UTF8&sort=priority&amp

>> No.1236288

I do wish I had the books on my list, and/or a yodeling pickle. :)

My life will probably be okay without the yodeling pickle, though.

>> No.1236293

Eh, sorry. I've just made it now, I normally just bookmark my books.


That work?

>> No.1236295

! Yep, it works! I like your list. Props on not having The Bell Jar, Catch-22, Clockwork Orange, etc etc

>> No.1236299 [DELETED] 

I have a three volume Trotsky biography on there and some other non-fiction but other than that its just the generic vonnegut, nabokov, camus, etc.
Thanks for any and all consideration

>> No.1236306
File: 46 KB, 493x335, nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. How many books do you have on your Amazon wishlist?

19. I've only read the Odyssey and the Illad and most of Poe's work out of them which I guess is kinda sad.


3. I like books, cheesy jokes, pro wrestling (i'm from the South so I had to pick up one silly hobby from here ) and old video games. My favorite books are Catch 22 and 1984 (pretty generic I know). O and Bradbary. I love his work.


Yeah. Nachos. Nachos are really exciting. I usually like mine with just melted cheese. Sometimes if I'm feel adventurous I go for salsa instead. When things get totally crazy I pile cheese, salsa AND seasoned meat.

>> No.1236311

I see. Out of those, I'm looking forward to The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Gravity's Rainbow the most. I was rather intimidated by Gravity's Rainbow however, so I recently ordered Vineland, which I've heard is a decent way to start off with Pynchon's work. I may have made a mistake, but.. Oh well, I suppose I'll find out eventually!

I'll definitely read Plath's poetry, by the way. I need to start reading poetry anyway!

>> No.1236312

Heh, thanks. I guess I have a pretty select genre of fiction that I enjoy. Not sure if I'm going to like Ulysses but there are some books you just can't ignore.

>> No.1236315

Just to make it easy for you, OP:


The only non-predictable lists so far.

>> No.1236325

Wind Up Bird Chronicle really is one of my favourite books. Go ahead and read all the Pynchon; but just hurl yourself into Gravity's Rainbow. Don't try to find all the threads; embrace confusion and let it pull itself together as you go alone.
Yeah, poetry is amazing. Get into it!

I only made it partway through Ulysses. I have the rest of my life to weep over the loss of commas. ;)

>> No.1236345

Then again Ulysses looked positively tame after having a flick through Finnegan's Wake

>> No.1236359

Yeahhh, for sure. Also saving that one for my older age. If you're determined to take on Ulysses, start with 'Dubliners.'

>> No.1236366

Here's mine

>> No.1236371

1.36, never read any of them


3. The only /lit/ threads I ever post in are wishlist threads

>> No.1236376

Looks interesting; I want The Dead as well but 80 pages isn't really worth £10.
Got to get down to London sometime and trawl through the bookshops.

>> No.1236381

The Dead is the last story in Dubliners. Before Ulysses you should also read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. It introduces a few of the characters and locations.

>> No.1236390

Oh excellent. Interesting that Dubliners is like half the price of The Dead then, lol.
This sounds like quite a project with all the pre-reading. Last time I went to this much trouble for one book was Heidegger's Being and Time; took me months and I wasn't sure if I'd learnt anything at the end.

>> No.1236421

One does not simply walk into Ulysses

>> No.1236441

The only reason you should ever read Heidegger is if you're a philosophy PhD student. The Germans read him in English translation cause it makes more sense.

>> No.1236450

I'm a philosophy student, not at PhD level yet though. Liked the challenge of taking on the most challenging books from one of the most challenging subjects, though. Read Spinoza's Ethics after an introduction to the subject, haha - way too ambitious.

>> No.1236452

OP still around? dont like these lists? or u waitin till u go to bed?

>> No.1236468

Just got back a couple minutes ago, actually. I'm looking though posts and wishlists now. I think I'll wait until I go to bed though. Give more people a chance to win!

>> No.1236471


>This sounds like quite a project with all the pre-reading.

It's necessary to appreciate the maturation of Joyce's style. Dubliners and Portrait are great on their own, but if you don't love them, skip Ulysses. And even if you love Ulysses, you'll still want to think twice about FInnegans Wake, as it tears all the human parts of Ulysses (characters, plot, structure, style, etc.) right out and only leaves PUNS PUNS PUNS.

>> No.1236488

How does it work when an American buys a book for someone in the UK? Does it just convert pounds to dollars? Does the shipping cost extra?

>> No.1236498

I would imagine (haven't done it before so I'm not positive) that it will just convert it automatically. Shipping certainly won't cost extra as it's still going the same distance.
Have you tried taking it to checkout? It should tell you there.

>> No.1236509


How do I stand out?

"'I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good."

And have a ton of books (224) on my list. Although, in all fairness, I already own around 800 books. Maybe another character should have the opportunity to have their collection build upon.

>> No.1236515

Sorry self-deprecating altruism doesn't work.

>> No.1236523

OP why would you want the abridged version of Les Mis? That's a damn shame.

And further, lord Christ in heaven, stay away from Harry Potter and all his vampire ilk. Those aren't books, that's pop culture excrement.

>> No.1236525


Get the Signet Classic version of Les Mis. Trust me.

>> No.1236529


Only 29. I've read none of them.

My post can probably stick out when I add a picture, which I won't.
I can try whining about my life though? No, that's kind of pathetic.
I could try adding some poetry, but I have never written poetry.
Then I could probably tell you that most of the books on my wishlist are either too expensive, or not available on bookdepository. But all of that seems like super-begging, so I won't.

>> No.1236532

Mary of Reedsport, OR: You may want to go to your wishlist and look for the drop down menu that allows you to display "purchased".

>> No.1236539

169. Thanks in advance.


>> No.1236547

Thanks, I didn't realize it was abridged when I added it. It's been fixed.
I like Harry Potter, period. I've read all the books, but don't own them all, so I want them.
The first vampire book I ever read was Dracula, and I've been into vampires ever since. I'm not going to stop liking vampire related things just because it's popular now. If you stop liking something just because it's trendy it's just as bad as starting to like something just because it's trendy.

>> No.1236554

I did...
Am I missing something?

>> No.1236624
File: 753 KB, 1009x653, amtaham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got quite a few books on my wishlist. I'm in the process of earning a welding certificate. College is great and all for most of my friends, and I love to learn, but doing something with my hands that has concrete results is very appealing to me. Also, I'm looking towards getting a scuba license and eventually doing underwater welding. I'm currently living in a transitional living center for homeless or near-homeless youth. Pretty much all I do at the end of the day (weekends aside) is read. I'm very much in poverty and would be hard-pressed to be able to find adequate means of expressing my gratitude if someone were to be kind enough to gift me a book or two. Any money I do have these days goes directly to necessities (food, toiletries, medicine, etc.) and thus I have not even been able to go find some cheap books at thrift stores. Thank you kindly, wonderful /lit/erati!


>> No.1236639
File: 6 KB, 286x257, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



My choices, for the most part are not the regular /lit/core things. Some have pretty pictures, some are actually quite terrible, and some aren't your standard literature. They run from super cheap to super 11 dollars, whether they're anti-deep or fit for scholars.

>> No.1236644

1. 20 books, havent read any of them

2. https://www.amazon.com/wishlist/18YJWPO7HN1J7/ref=cm_wl_rlist_go

3. I stand out because I joined Lit a few months ago
I have never been gifted and it would be nice to get one of those books :)

>> No.1236665

1. 96 (thanks /lit/) I've pretty much read zero of them. Some are on philosophy (which I enjoy reading) others are arguments concerning atheism (purely for pleasure), and then a bunch are Sci Fi cause I love that kind of stuff.
2. http://amzn.com/w/2IHVXH0GK6Z7A
3. I only get books around my birthday and Christmas so sharing the love is always cool! And I'm a metaphysical naturalist, if that helps.

>> No.1236685

I think you are missing something lol.

Anyhow, keep checking your mailbox for the next few days and keep being good for goodness sake!

>> No.1236691

I'm gonna give everyone overnight to post. Regular wishlist threads do better than this one. I'm disappointed.

More wishlist links guys!

>> No.1236694

Thank you thank you!

Post your link?

>> No.1236695
File: 8 KB, 230x251, 47236683546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1236709

Ok well I won't be around to thank you then, been awake since thread was first made but I wont be sleeping for a while. So thankyou in advance just in case!

>> No.1236718

You've just been gifted by one of /lit/'s guardian angels. Be happy and smile. I think his plan is to get each and every one of us before his day is done. I think Raven may be taking up his mantle though.


>> No.1236721

I eat dogballs for breakfast.


>> No.1236725

Trust me he wont post his link, but he did at one time and I have it bookmarked for the day he alows his shipping address to be seen. It's quite an impressive list of books, and he also has another wishlist for non-books that are equaly interesting. Good guy. Bought 2 books for me and I wish I could pay back the deed.

>> No.1236729

>wishlist thread
>ignore everything until I see this post
>Kick myself for not having my wishlist ready

>> No.1236743

No shipping address entered. Let me dial up Santa on the cell and see if he can forward your address to the mailman.

>> No.1236758

This is not a bad thing. What annoys me most about these wishlist threads is that so many people actually DO get gifted and never say "thanks"--either in the thread or when they receive their gifts. The very LEAST you can do when you get a gift is say thanks. As much as I hated summer on /lit/, there was at least one thank you thread daily from someone who got a gift. You never see them now. And I know its not from lack of gifting. I bought several books for different people over the last few weeks and I check /lit/ constantly for some story about how the gift has brightened their day. This place is already not like it was.

>> No.1236762

I fixed it. You can all start sending bags of human feces now!

>> No.1236768

Choose who you gift carefully!

>> No.1236778

I would certainly say thanks, but I've never been gifted. Hell, I've never even received recommendations.

>> No.1236788

Hold onto hope! Honestly if I could send a book to every single one of you, I would. I took my queue from jp and gifted whenever I could. I am on unemployment right now, but I have a few employers battling offers for me right now. I will be back in the game soon enough. Beyond my bitching about how nobody says thanks, I still want to give gifts. And I will, sadly it can't be today. But you guys should feel great that jp is still out there popping in. It still astonishes me that people like him and Raven do what they do. For my part, the lack of thanks has soured me some.

>> No.1236789


>> No.1236791

Hey, I still am. You're a good anon, and I totally understand the wanting to give thing. Every time I see some guy who just wants a dollar copy of Art of War or a thrift copy of Importance of Being Earnest, it irks me that I still haven't signed up for a card or something of the sort so I could get them even those small things. I'm poor as hell, but I can't help wanting to support reading in the small ways, and I could always spare a couple bucks.

>> No.1236795

Hey, wait, there are those Vanilla Visa cards I could use! I could pick up a 20$ one sometime and just gift with that. Haha, seems obvious now.

>> No.1236796
File: 4 KB, 167x167, dice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have The Dice Man on your list. That's one of my favourite books ever, it changed my whole way of thinking completely. It's a book I've read countless times already, it's just brilliant.
I'm tempted to buy it for you just because of that.

However, I've never bought a gift for anybody on Amazon before, so I'm not entirely sure how I'd go about doing this. I don't shop online often, I suppose I'm usually very old-fashioned when it comes to things like this. If you're still there and would be kind enough to walk me through the basics of how to do this (or if anybody else would be kind enough to do so), then I'd be happy to buy that book for you. I'm also not too sure if my being from the UK would affect things in any way, but I figure it shouldn't be too big a problem.
If I don't get a reply to this comment... Well, "I'll let the dice decide", I suppose.

>> No.1236800

You need an amazon account, then you'll need to add your card to that account.
It won't be a problem that you're from the UK.
Once you've made an account just open the wishlist and buy it :)

(I'm not that guy btw)

>> No.1236810

Alright, I've got the account and the card set up. Now, when I "Add to Cart" directly from the person's wishlist, that automatically realises I'm buying it as a gift for that person, and not for myself?
I'm not kidding when I say I've never done this before, so I just want to make sure I'm going about this the right way.

Also, what was that about a ship-to address? After proceeding to the checkout, the shipping address is listed as my own. What do I do from here?
Also, thanks for helping walk me through this.

>> No.1236814

Sure, no worries.

Yeah it will automatically add it to their address - you'll be able to check that once you get into the checkout.
Once you've added it to cart and gone to checkout the option is there to ship to your address or to theirs - so you just choose theirs.

>> No.1236821

That's strange. It's only listing my own address at the checkout.

Well in that case, I guess it can't be helped. Since that person posted their wishlist in the thread, I assume they'll be back to check on it eventually. I suppose I'll just keep watching the thread throughout the day in case they show up again, so that I can get their address to ship it to.
It says his name's "Jordan", so I'll just wait and see if he comes back. If the thread dies before then, well, I'm sure I'll see him around again eventually. But I'm a patient guy, so I'll at least wait until the thread dies.

>> No.1236826

You wouldn't be anywhere near Coolum in the southeast Queensland area would you?

>> No.1236831
File: 773 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2010-09-18-20h44m54s197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 51 items

> http://amzn.com/w/25R5PH9FL33L

>> No.1236832

You can remember his name (there's a function on amazon for that, I mean) or just bookmark his list if you like. I assume the problem is that he doesn't have a shipping address added.

>> No.1236833

I've added him to my "Interesting People" list for now. I'll still keep the thread open until it dies, but at least this way even if the thread does die before he gets back I'll be able to get in contact with him.
And yes, it looks like that's what the problem is. Looking at his wishlist, it doesn't have a "Ship-to" address entered.

>> No.1236861


OMG, that's me.
Are you serious? I honestly didn't expect to get anything out of this! It definitely looks like an amazing book.

To be honest, I've never either bought from a wishlist or had anything bought for me from it; but I did add a ship-to address. It's just hidden, so that you won't see it. I'm a bit tinfoil hat. :)

>> No.1236866

I'm afraid not. :( Honestly, I live in the NT, middle of nowhere. :)

>> No.1236872

If that's you, you have a really interesting list. Good luck with finding the Anon.

>> No.1236880

Thanks. He sounds like an amazingly generous guy. Nothing would make me happier than getting a book BECAUSE somebody loved it and it changed their life; that's the best possible sort of gift to have. I'd love knowing I was reading something somebody loved. I wish there were a way he could sign it before it sent. :)

Even if it never gets sent, when I eventually get my hands on it, I'll always think of Anon who loved this book so much he was willing to buy it for a stranger. <3

>> No.1236885

Added a load more books. List looks pretty good now :D.

>> No.1236888

I was talking to you before! Did you add some more Joyce to get you started?

>> No.1236889

32 books are on my wishlist.


I only now realized how typical my wishlist is compared to others; therefore, is seems an impossibility to stand out. If you scroll down over the first few, then I think you will find some different things.

I work with three to five year olds all day. I read during my lunch break. Buy me Lolita for the ironic twist that I wouldn't be able to take it to work.

>> No.1236894

Nothing too special about mine, except that my "reading wish list" is just meant to be read, not purchased. Most of mine concerning books are things I know I want to buy for certain, excluding the "reading" list. I just hit up the library a lot.


>> No.1236895

Why do you keep deleting things off your purchased list/making new wish lists? Are you trying to make it seem like you haven't gotten anything?

>> No.1236897

Follow up: I have a knack for killing wishlist threads.

>> No.1236898

Yeah :), I added Dubliners. Seems a good starting point. Will get Portrait if I like that one, me thinks.

>> No.1236899

No, I do that on my private wishlists too. I can stop if you want. I realize it can be taken the wrong way.

>> No.1236902


>> No.1236905

Semantics: I didn't say, "I only now realize."

>> No.1236908




>> No.1236912

It's personal preference on my private wishlist. If people want me to stop on my public list, I have all reason to stop. Simple.

>> No.1236914

I support your James Joyce dreams, but you should be reading fun books as well. So "Dubliners" and "The Name of the Wind" are now both yours. Enjoy, Anon. :)

>> No.1236915


>> No.1236916



And I'm not even capslock!anon who called you out.

>> No.1236917

Oh, and by the way: I loved 'The Name of the Wind,' but prepare to suffer with the rest of us whilst waiting for the rest of the books! Hopefully he has the courtesy not to die. :)

>> No.1236918



>> No.1236919

Logical gap, but sure.

>> No.1236928

The waiting's part of the fun. If GRRM doesn't make it at least I'll have a back up :p

You absolute hero :o, thank you so much! I'll upload a pic etc as soon as they arrive.
You have a list? I can't pay you back now but I'll get you something asap.
Seriously, thanks very much.

>> No.1236968

You're more than welcome, especially if you're the sort of person who thinks waiting is part of the fun.
I was
BUT, PLEASE don't buy me anything. That would ruin the fun. I just want you to have books I like, that's all, because I like your list and your Roger Federer-inspired poetry. :)

>> No.1236977

Ok, well thanks again and I'm glad you liked the poetry - a rare bit of lyrical beauty I doubt I can recreate :p.

>> No.1236980

Might be you'll get a random book in the post once you've forgotten completely about this conversation ;). Hopefully that would be a nice surprise.

>> No.1237008
File: 1.25 MB, 1408x4711, Garlic chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 books. 3 or so I've read and want to own. Gifted before, but have been gifted back, so this isn't a I GAVE AND GOT NOTHING response.


I don't think I'll be bought anything because I get the feeling OP isn't even here anymore, but hey, why not?

For my "stick out" post, here is a delicious recipe.

>> No.1237014


Oh, if I can "pick", I'll take A Game of Thrones, The Stranger, or The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.1237051


20 odd books. I've read most of the Shakespeare plays in one form or another, but need decent copies for university. I've read a few Stoppard plays but the collected volumes include a lot of stuff thats difficult to find elsewhere.

I'm not really expecting anything, just felt like sharing :D

>> No.1237105


>> No.1237123

The American Night
The Writings of Jim Morrison

>> No.1237143


Nice recipe anon! A lot of the classics on your list I see, but the philosophyfag part of me was happy to see Marcus Aurelius's "Meditations" on there.

>> No.1237167 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 450x669, 37574_10150220117000357_509670356_13799941_4479380_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

115. Jesus. I didn't think they'd build up so fast.
Stand out? Found out I might have thyroid cancer, that sticks out a bit.. also I do acoustic ukelele covers of gangster rap songs. Little factoid for you. If that isn't satisfactory have a picture of Sean Connery strangling his wife.



>> No.1237169
File: 136 KB, 482x600, 1262021505973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

115. Jesus. I didn't think they'd build up so fast.
Stand out? Found out I might have thyroid cancer, that sticks out a bit.. also I do acoustic ukelele covers of gangster rap songs. Little factoid for you. If that isn't satisfactory have a picture of Sean Connery strangling his wife.



>> No.1237240

OP here.
Good morning /lit/erati! I don't have time to read through new posts right now, but as soon as my little one goes down for her nap, I'll be back.

>> No.1237241

I know this is a bit of a late reply, but I just thought I'd let you know that the order has been placed, and it says it should arrive between November 23 and December 14. Since it'll be arriving around that time, please consider it a bit of an early Christmas present.

>> No.1237266


Thumbs up on Heart of Darkness and The Metamorphosis

>> No.1237283

You that choose not by the view,
Chance as fair, and choose as true.


>> No.1237316

>A Farewell To Arms
>by Joan Hohl (Paperback)

>> No.1237343

whooppppppsss.. sorrey, i was drunk with academic requirements early in the morning when I created that list..

>> No.1237602

OP here, I've made my choices.

H.P. from Alberta
George from Hollywood
Addison from Fresno

Congratulations, you win!

>> No.1237638


wait...those names aren't mine.


>> No.1237642

american bias. subjective jury. prepare to get sued

>> No.1237655

OP I'll do quid pro quo with you. It's always nice to see people giving and I enjoy supporting that.

I buy a book off your list. Then you buy one of mine. The surprise is half the fun.

>> No.1237685


Congrats to the winners!

>> No.1237691

and a fiery death to the losers! because we're all going to mexico to eat spicy burritos!! hurray! all aboard the failwhale!

>> No.1237706


If this is still alive, that is. I already know nobody buys for Canadians ;_;

I'll gift when I have money, though.

>> No.1237750


Since OP isn't responding and I have a half an hour until classes, anyone else want to swap a book for a book? I do your list then you do mine? I'd prefer Americans, but I'm not against Canada-folk

>> No.1237803


Woah, really? Awesome! Was out all day, just got home to see this. Thanks a lot!

Though it doesn't say anything on my list is purchased. Is it because it was purchased as a "gift", or...?

>> No.1237806


Oh, H.P from Canada here by the way. It's just my initials because I have the most unusual name ever, and I like maintaining SOME anonymity online, haha.

>> No.1237807


guess no one's interested then. Oh well. You cheap fucks

>> No.1237813

we're not cheap we just don't like you, sorry

>> No.1237816


Anyone? I hope this isn't one of those "fill you with hope and then turns out I never actually bought it just to make you sad" scenarios ;_;

>> No.1237818

you probably have the 'surprise me' button checked in your settings so purchases wont show up on the lsit. dont worry, keep breathing, the world is still a safe place

>> No.1237820


It's not checked though, I looked.

Ah well, no biggy. Slight disappointment (if it's not just some sort of bug or something), but I have like 3 or 4 books I need to finish at the moment anyways.

>> No.1237868


>> No.1237978


But really, if OP is still around, can I get a solid answer? I don't have a problem if nothing was bought obviously, BUT I HATE GETTING MY HOPES UP ;_;

>> No.1238030
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You'll either be attracted to this post due to the nature of the image that I've chosen, or my amazingly picked Tripcode.

Or, you won't be attracted at all. Thanks if anyone purchases something!

>> No.1238113

OP here. I've had a busy day, no time for internets. My husband informed me that he just bought a game, and we're pretty much broke until the first. So you guys have to wait 5 more days before your books are ordered. No worries, I have you all bookmarked!

>> No.1238168


Alright, sounds good. I'll bookmark yours as well, I might be able to get you something back in a week or 2.

>> No.1238172

I've got 45 items on my wishlist at the moment.

Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3RADV21EEWX4Q

Basically, my to-read list far outweighs my budget. I'm in my senior year of high school and my parents would much rather me crack down on my studies than work a whole lot. I'm going to be getting a job around the holidays for some extra cash, but most of that will be for college.

Reading is simply one of my favorite things to do. I have a social life and other hobbies, of course, but there isn't much that beats a good book in my opinion. Moreover, I plan on teaching some form of Literature as a career one day, so I do my best to get my fill while I still have the time.

>> No.1238187 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1238463
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No idea if OP is around but why not

1. I have 140+ books on my wishlist. I tend to use it also as a reminded of books that seem rather interesting. It just stacks up idk.

2. http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/2R41R9315MVQJ?reveal=unpurchased&filter=all&sort=pri

>> No.1238512


Admittedly I am a cheap bastard right now; I need ten fucking dollars to go see my family doctor and I don't have that.

>> No.1238537
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I love literature, but don't have money. At all. None. I am an of-age high school senior and a child of divorce. I just picked up reading as a serious hobby this year, but would like to own some books rather than just give them back to the library, if only to share with my mom, whose love of literature is what got me started.

Pic related: my favorite book.

>> No.1238544

I just started my wishlist today. I didn't even realize that this feature was available (I rarely buy stuff online, and I've never bought anything from Amazon before), but after seeing the threads, I decided to check it out.

My list comprises of recommendations I've gotten in the past few days, books that get mentioned on /lit/ that seem interesting, and some books that I read when I was younger that I'm interested in rereading.


I currently have very few books. I have a decent collection, but it's at my parents' house and they kicked me out months ago (they didn't approve of the fact that I was going to live with my boyfriend, even though I'm 22), and I haven't been back since to get them or anything I left.

I really, really need to get them. I miss my books, and I've been aching for something to read. I like this thread, because I'm getting ideas of books I might want to check out from it. I start work on Thursday, and when I get my first paycheck, I'll buy someone something.

>> No.1238545

I just checked for the first time in ages and found I had over 800 books on my Amazon wish list. I've been using it since the feature launched (oldfag).

I've subsequently read some of them, but I can detect in some of the titles the youthful aspiration that I no longer have to "have read" a bunch of books that other people say are classics, regardless of whether they sound appealing to me.

I also don't have nearly the desire to own so many that I used to.

>> No.1238566
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very long wishlist thread - that's nice to see. these have become more rare as time has gone on. i, for one, have always thought they were a beautiful thing.

i only have about... 16 books, maybe, on my wishlist? i try to keep it short. the list could go on and on.... i try to keep only the "must read next," books on this one. maybe i'll post it later.

i'm going to try to find a good captcha for this. the captcha poetry threads were nice - but, the captcha isn't even fucking english half the time. what's witch that?

>> No.1238568


>> No.1238602
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Oh hey what's this, a cool wishlist thread, how neat, I'll just leave my link here

There's no such thing as used book, I consider it "well-loved" :3

>> No.1238621

Mary Beth -
I highly recommend Daniel Defoe's pirate history book. It is the best one you can get! Look into it.

>> No.1238622
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1. My list is very short, just 6 books, none of which I've read. There's a longer list I keep on my computer -- the books on Amz are the ones I fancy the most now.

2. http://www.amazon.ca/wishlist/1FCBGT2OHNJYT

3. How about a suggestion of something good to watch? BBC's new adaptation of Sherlock Holmes is quite good, with excellent casting. If you prefer documentaries, try Touching the Void, the story of 2 expert ice-climbers and a trip gone very wrong.

>> No.1238658

Wtf? Are you me? (Minus your favorite book)

>> No.1238792

Thanks, added it.

>> No.1239332

Hey, Anon; you need to see a doctor.
This is my first wishlist thread and I've found it seriously fun, but I would rather give you some cash for your doctor's trip then get somebody else another book.
Do you have a paypal address?

>> No.1239335


>> No.1240692

Bump for this dude's charity.

>> No.1240722


Doctor-seeking anon here; you are far too kind, and I am happy to report a long-time online friend has Paypal'd me already. But you good anon have restored my faith in humanity. ;_;

When I get a job I'm ttly going to be all over these wishlist threads gifting books left and right.

>> No.1240831

Hey, no problem - I'm really glad you got that sorted out. Did you post a wishlist ITT?

>> No.1240846


I did, but I won't point it out... feel like I've gotten too much attention anyway.

>> No.1240853

Go on, point it out. Please?

>> No.1240934
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This is an original wishlist thread, must post. Don't know how many people have been gifted or if OP is still around, but posting for the fun of it.


I have 110 books on my wishlist. It's more of a to-read list. I haven't read any. I add books on it that I want to read so I can keep track of them. So basically anything Anon decides to throw at me, I take. Guess it makes it easy for you to find something for me you like if you decide to gift since there is a huge selection.

Fun fact: I like to look at other people's wishlists to find interesting books to add to my own :3

Pic not related to my wishlist, but it reminds me of Tybrax's relationship with /lit/. Guess which one is which animal.

>> No.1242016


I bet /lit/ is the happy one! :D