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/lit/ - Literature

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12361054 No.12361054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fell in love with another booktuber again

>> No.12361057

Why does literally every single booktuber have a boyfriend?

>> No.12361077
File: 52 KB, 711x620, 1542257585282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Hannah

>> No.12361081

anon, please just stop. it's not healthy. there's a world beyond booktube.

>> No.12361085

Because for some reason, people get off to the idea of appearing to be single to a large majority of people while in reality being in a relationship. I want to believe it is some sort of advanced fetish.

>> No.12361087
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>> No.12361095

Most booktubers don't pretend to be single though

>> No.12361096

kek thanks for bringing this little package to my attention bro.

I'm a chad who just browses these nerd boards so I can learn the lingo and seem more sophisticated without going full autismo and actually wasting any of my time on this book shit lmao.

long story short, I'm going to be sliding into her dms this weekend. just one of the benefits of being 6'7" (those are two separate measurements) who is making six figures in his early twenties.

>> No.12361108

>Fuckopops in the shelf
Oh my how individual.

>> No.12361109
File: 50 KB, 970x545, SAVEME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Kim
>tfw don't know Korean
>have to watch with shitty auto-translate
She speaks so beautifully and I don't even know the true depths of the words spoken.
She actually is pretty /lit/ too
I fell in love with her after this vid desu
plus she knows english, is studying german, has seemingly decent taste
I'm in love

>> No.12361123

Out of the 3 Big Asian countries you choose the one with the worst literary.
Chinese and Japanese would have both been fine but you choose to follow your dick. Now you either learn a completely shit-tier language for your waifu or will be disconnected from her for eternity.

>> No.12361129

It might just be the mind wanting to believe such an attractive person is single and you have a chance at getting with them.

>> No.12361130

I rather fall in love with an anon.

>> No.12361132

Yeah but she likes western books
plus she makes Korean sound beautiful

>> No.12361138
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>> No.12361156

Young people who aren't weirdo shutins usually have relationships.

>> No.12361181

You can only fall in love with your soulmate. Which you most likely won't find among Youtubers. They are about being superficially appealing, not about revealing their soul.

>> No.12361186

Are you my soulmate?

>> No.12361187

>I don't know where the subscribers are coming from

Are you shilling her videos everywhere?

>> No.12361189

"Read no Chinese books. Or as few as you can. Read more foreign books." -lu Xun

Even the Chinese will say their fiction is the worst. Japanese has the best of the three, then Korea then china.

>> No.12361200

Deceitful cupidean malignance of the abyss, if you fall to this ruse you deserve all that climbs out of your depths and becomes the fetters that bind you to this way for all time.

>> No.12361204 [DELETED] 

No. I just post "For me its Hannah" in these daily booktuber threads.

>> No.12361205

>Read no Chinese books. Or as few as you can. Read more foreign books

What if he was just trying to trick you because he didn't want foreigners ruining his country's literature.

>> No.12361215

He said that quote during a time when Chinese literature was stagnant as fuck

>> No.12361216

I think you need a new hobby.

>> No.12361220
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Why do people do this?

>> No.12361225


>> No.12361226
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>that fucked up thumb
no thank you

>> No.12361228

Tourists with some weird psychopathy where they think they're better than us but love our content.

>> No.12361232

holy crap, wish tehre were english subs.
she seems super /lit/. i envy her study, it has a wonderful aesthetic

>> No.12361236

So incredibly cringy

>> No.12361238

For me it is Alana


>> No.12361246

Why do people cut all the pauses out of their sentences? It's exhausting

>> No.12361248

She has one video that I've found that she subbed in Korean herself so the auto translate worked really well
But the problem is that it's the auto captions for korean which are already bad which are then auto translated into english, they're bad but serviceable. Perhaps she will motivate me to pick up my korean studying and translate her vids

But yeah she's probably the most /lit/ booktuber I've found, she even speaks fluent english and seems to be studying german

>> No.12361260

she's cute

>> No.12361266


>> No.12361270

You can kind of just guess what people are saying based on the tone of their voice and body/facial language.

>> No.12361273
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Pedos aren't allowed itt

>> No.12361280

she's definitely been BLACKED

>> No.12361290

I'm always welcome on 4channel :^)

>> No.12361308

Because they know what the monsters on here do, having seen it before, and try to warn others before they too become victims?

>> No.12361328

no you're not, off yourself

>> No.12361341

my board faggo

>> No.12361352

my waifu

>> No.12361356

kek thanks for bringing this little package to my attention bro.

I'm a chad who just browses these nerd boards so I can learn the lingo and seem more sophisticated without going full autismo and actually wasting any of my time on this book shit lmao.

long story short, I'm going to be sliding into her dms this weekend. just one of the benefits of being 6'7" (those are two separate measurements) who is making six figures in his early twenties.

>> No.12361358

I'm learning Japanese. Can someone find me a qt Japanese booktuber please? Preferably someone like this >>12361109, but Japanese, not Korean. Thanks /lit/.

>> No.12361363

it looks like she has a boyfriend

>> No.12361373

Deja vú or is it just me. No, it's the same posters repeating themselves over and over and over. Huhhhh? Yaw, bro, these guys are always repeating themselves, always. It's meme culture, and who hates the memes more than me. Me too, friend, we're sick of it. There's no room for originality here, no room for originality whatsoever. We're stuck in a loop, like Woodchuck's Day, one of my favourite movies about repeating the same day.

>> No.12361384

lmao yeah, and people usually have some sort of crappy honda before they upgrade to a lambo.

but hey, maybe he's the kinda of dweeb (like you lol) who'll be into getting cucked.

>> No.12361387
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>> No.12361389
File: 76 KB, 882x960, FUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when she speaks english
she sounds like an angel in korean and english

>> No.12361399

I searched 'book review' and just picked three random ones. One of them is a guy just in case you're into that.


>> No.12361402

Fuck man, does she have twitter? Or instagram? Anything, please.

>> No.12361409

South Koreans are more attractive than Japanese, aren't they? Dammit, I picked the wrong language to learn... already like two weeks in though, I can't switch at this point lads. Thanks fren, though that last one is like a 4/10.

>> No.12361418

She has a foot and a finger. Between the foot and finger are horses. Horses can do prancing, but they're not go dancing. Prancing in France the country the country France.

>> No.12361421

to be reddit

>> No.12361427

>what is plastic surgery to look like an alien

>> No.12361431

Picking a language just to bone chicks is pretty dumb reason but do whatever you please.
>though that last one is like a 4/10.
I thought that the guy was kind of handsome

>> No.12361447

>Picking a language just to bone a non-degenerate trad gal
fixed, fuck western women

>> No.12361465

>but hey, maybe he's the kinda of dweeb (like you lol) who'll be into getting cucked.

Or maybe you're into getting other dude's sloppy seconds my dude.

>> No.12361471

>trad gal
doesn't exist
you'd have to take the paedopill and raise your own

>> No.12361473

>he doesn't have a hooked penor that can scoop out the semen of lesser males

l m a o

>> No.12361475

the head is what does that anon

>> No.12361476

>doesn't exist
they do, just hard to find these days, that's all. Also, thanks man for whoever found her, I can't understand a word she's saying but one day hopefully I will, I'm already in love.

>> No.12361488

>I can't understand a word she's saying but one day hopefully I will
So long as you actually study and don't just watch musingly. Best of luck!

>> No.12361526


>> No.12361528

>I don't get it, why do people unlike us have boy-

>> No.12361538

For me it's Jean. Not sure if its her cute face or adorable accent, but I could listen to her all day about "buuks". Also, she's a lit major (I think) so she always talking about a wide variety of different stuff from classics, to re-imaginings, to history, to fantasy etc.


>> No.12361545

Japanese chicks are better, unattractive South Korean chicks just kill themselves quicker.

>19th century orientalism is a great source of guidance for my sex life

The sad part is that the only mail order bride you can afford will be way past her prime.

>> No.12361551

For me it's Steve

>> No.12361565

Booktubers are trash and I hope everyone in this thread dies. Me too. Small mercies.

>> No.12361568

>The sad part is that the only mail order bride you can afford will be way past her prime.
why do you have to be so mean?

>> No.12361569

based viper