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File: 136 KB, 583x960, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12360600 No.12360600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anons, we must recognize the powerful nature of 4Chan. /pol/ elected Trump to Make America Great Again. Now, it's /lit/'s turn to outdo our intellectually inferior cousin.

/lit/ is the hearth of the greatest intellectual movements promising to shake this sinful and evil world we see now. There are false shitposters who LARP as radical Catholic traditionalists, but do not be fooled!

Make no mistake, we'll make the Vatican great again. Stop at nothing. Bring the inquisition back. Resolutely denounce Protestantism as damnable heresy once and for all. Latin Mass only. Expand the Papal State to her former territorial glory. The possibilities are limitless. Now's the time to join, heads are rolling in scandal and promotions will be in order in another decade or less. The righteous have nothing to fear.

We are restoring the Church anons!

>> No.12360602
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>> No.12360609

Abstain from alcohol, drink holy frog urine instead

>> No.12360610
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yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, like God intended). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though, he’s a fake Christian). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DANTE and DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and true art. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are heretics) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board, and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, I will finally be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that I’m a fraud. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.12360611
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I ask you my fellow anons, even if you LARP as a radical catholic traditionalist but hold some affinity to the statements you make, to join a seminary.

I say better to have someone lacking in faith that wants to restore the Church to her historical glory, better to have megalomaniacal aspirations for the papacy than be some tepid lukewarm catholic pressured into this position by family or degenerate sexual inclinations!

>> No.12360617

yo those south american aboriginals who lick the psychadelic frogs know something

>> No.12360620

Really gay. You fags are actually embarrassing to real Catholics.

>> No.12360622

i was raised an athiest and have never been in a church except for a marriage, can i make it as a priest? i heard u need a masters, i only have bachelors, if i get an mba will that cover it

>> No.12360623

Just go be a Pentecostal, you don't need any credentials for that

>> No.12360624

>i heard u need a masters
You don't. Have you been baptized?

>> No.12360627

fuck those fags i know some of them real low iq outfit they run

>> No.12360629

That's a hard no, I like smoke weed and listen to music about selling drugs and killing people. It's not 1356AD anymore, you can't scare me with sky man.

>> No.12360633

not yet my parents didnt believe in original sin but in the ancient world that was normal it was only after the collapse of rome and the drop in european life expectancy that they started baptizing ppl at birth

>> No.12360635

The Pope is the Whore of Babylon, and does not reflect the original principles of early Christians
Bottom text

>> No.12360638
File: 573 KB, 1024x689, 27458183898_d9e4587834_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. lukewarm catholic


>> No.12360640

>trading a 2000 year old intellectual and aesthetic tradition for decades old commercial music

i bet u think ur woke

>> No.12360644

You have to be baptized as a Catholic to become a Catholic priest.

>> No.12360654
File: 29 KB, 469x174, brigham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for trinitarian memes
I feel bad for you, I really do

>> No.12360658

well isnt like u just show up and be like bap me up senpai or is there more to it

>> No.12360659

Just go to church. As long as you follow the gospel, repent and love the lord, then share in that message, all will be well. A whole faith is saved community by community, and each community is saved person by person.

>> No.12360664

It is in most churches but Catholics are more theatrical about it. You can google the process if you want.

>> No.12360678

what age do u have to be? im pretty old desu, and my latin is hella weak and have no greek at all, maybe id be better off just finding a catholic thot and producing as many offspring as possible

>> No.12360686

all the muslim chicks at my job act all smug when they start pumping out babies before they even finish college, cant wait to see their face when my wife starts cranking out crusaders, wipe that smug look off their face

>> No.12360690

they'll probably congratulate her because whores have no tribe loyalty.

>> No.12360691

>my latin is hella weak and have no greek at all
They teach that stuff at the seminary.
>what age do u have to be? im pretty old desu
I don't know, there is a lower and upper age limit but I don't remember what they are. You can just Google "how to become a Catholic priest" and find out.

>> No.12360696

As someone not familiar with Christianity, can you guys please explain to me what the Catholic Church does? Is it to convert people to the faith? Or is to keep present followers following the faith correctly? I just don't understand, if the people are already Catholics, what is left for the Church to do, that takes up their full-time. Is there an institution I'm familiar with that is analogous - say, a business? Is it to play that lovely music I hear? Can you guys send me some songs here, please? I like them but I don't know what their names are. There's one I heard called "Bells of Dawn" by Dmitri-something, and I liked it alot. Please send me beautiful Catholic music.

>> No.12360698
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>> No.12360700

yo wut do u dudes think about knights of columbus? i didnt even think about it until kamala harris starting attacking that poor judge (not kavanaugh another one) for being in the knights...i was amazed that the wsj had a strong editorial against anti-catholic bigotry in the democrat party, they were like "you claim to be the party of al smith and jack kennedy? and you attack a man for being in the knights? despicable" im like bro wall street journal woke af on the catholic q

>> No.12360727

I don't know anything about this stuff, see my comment here >>12360696, but I recently Youtube'd videos of Catholicism and observed that the Catholic girls were always so cute! They always, uncannily, looked Italian or had these Med features to them - brown hair, tanned skin. They were so pretty and unique-looking. I wonder how so many of their class of features ended up Catholic. Do Protestant girls have a signature look too?

>> No.12360741


>> No.12360747

Catholics are based, lefties are not based, pretty straightforward

>> No.12360783

That was weird and I didn't like that, but the same facial archetype was there - the distinctly brunnete hair which I see on Catholic girls. How come every Catholic girl has that kind of hair and features? I can tell they're Catholic even without being told.

>> No.12360795

to get to the catholic stuff on Apple Music u gotta go in the classical section, the "christian and gospel" section has pop bullshit, in the classical section check out the "Sacred Sounds" and "Early Music: From Medieval to Renaissance"

>> No.12360806

I don't have Apple Music, sorry. Can you send me names of famous pieces free on Youtube?

>> No.12360812

catholic girls are a lot of ethnicities like irish, hispanic, italian, filipino...but you're right catholic culture has strong gender roles, like the men are manly and the chicks are sexy and fertile, you can tell catholic dudes too because they always have slick hair, open collars, etc. except poles who just slav it up despite being hardcore cath

>> No.12360889
File: 62 KB, 657x527, Helludailyremindarrtustayhydrated_5dea44_6070950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you do the rosary every night.

>> No.12360900

Can I haz Catholic gf, pls? Even if I'm not Catholic myself? Or will they never accept me desupai, and will the manly Catholic men beat me up for approaching the women that are rightfully theirs? :(

>> No.12360905

What is he holding? Milk?

>> No.12360909

depends on how catholic they are

>> No.12360948

mugwump jissum

>> No.12360956

Everyone get out.


>> No.12360969

so as a layman how can i help u besides having a shitload of kids

>> No.12360979
File: 111 KB, 655x936, apufeelsreallybadmanpopehat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the fuck jannies meme
Doomed to fail.

>> No.12360996

Nice pasta you've got there

>> No.12361113

you have to do RCIA, it's typically a few months wherein you learn about the church and her beliefs.

t. Cradle catholic with girlfriend who was recently baptised, praise Christ.

>> No.12361116

I'm a third degree knight of columbus. Ask me anything. It's a pretty based organization founded on protection of Catholics and service.

>> No.12361180

Is anyone here active on Catholic Twitter?

>> No.12361183

they need to harvest souls for the great seeding of the next planetary sphere during the new age of aquarius

>> No.12361184
File: 8 KB, 205x246, wojaktired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do not mention catholic twitter. it's got a few genuine souls, but the rest are cringeworthy larpers who poison the well. /lit/ is nicer than catholic twitter. think about that.

>> No.12361191

people who talk about this popery faggotry need to neck themselves

>> No.12361198

>he doesn't follow priests on Twitter
>he doesn't enjoy Tradical and his saintposting

>> No.12361203

can you explain why

>> No.12361241

it's just reactionary faggots just larping as catholics

>> No.12361244

and that is why you are telling them they should kill themselves?

>> No.12361281


>> No.12361294

and you are pretending to be any kind of authority on what is correct spiritual practice?

>> No.12361296

>want people to have genuine respect and knowledge of the faith and why I and other people desire it
>uneducated and dimwitted idiots make it all look like a stupid sham that isn’t worth time to anyone but old people

Fuck you OP, you’re one of these people.

>> No.12361306


>> No.12361317

Pretty nifty anon