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/lit/ - Literature

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12358892 No.12358892 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ has good tas-

>> No.12358910
File: 5 KB, 211x239, images (65).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG what a hipster list!
kys plebbitor

>> No.12359195

I've only read the good books on that list.
Rate my basededness.

>> No.12359210

I’ve read 93/100, am i /lit/? Also, Steinbeck making the list three times, though I dont agree with it, is a major upset—underrated imo

>> No.12359222

Which books have you not read/what are the best on that list?

>> No.12359224

Bloody americans voting Moby Dick to first place just because it's the only american novel (barely) worth reading.

>> No.12359235

Is it? I've been considering buying it but the 1000 pages seem daunting.

>> No.12359236

Shows your top 100, stupid cunt.

>> No.12359238

>that one De Montaigne spammer made a bunch of fake replies to get it onto the chart

haha wow

>> No.12359242

1000 pages? Mine's like 600 or so.

>> No.12359250

Europeans are the most pathetic insecurity ridden slime that has ever been on this planet. Every post you guys ever make is pure faggotry because you are all servile domesticated women.

>> No.12359251

It's a great list with the exception of estroliterature like 1984 and BNW

>> No.12359256

There were different responses, though.

>> No.12359258



>> No.12359260

I only remember the number, but off the top of my head and a quick glance at the chart, the ones of the seven I do remember were W&P, the ken kesey book, correction, spengler, clockwork orange and two others.

I like moby dick, ulysses, don quixote, the leopard, notes from underground and the idiot, celine and if on a winters night. Expected to see more latin american lit, particularly pedro paramo

>> No.12359272
File: 93 KB, 828x1034, 1546509752412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao seething american

>> No.12359278
File: 219 KB, 1033x636, MrMutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed 100%. This board would be so much better if all Americans spamming DFW, Pynchon, Moby Dick, Steinbeck and McCarthy left. They are only one step above Bukowski and King compared to the average European writer.

>> No.12359282
File: 93 KB, 576x1024, 1543555693580m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha stupid Americans don't even know the capitol of my irrelevant nation pronounced like someone hocking a spitball into a bucket
>I'm gonna show them by thinking about them every second of every day
What a life. Honestly makes me embarrassed to be even 56% white.

>> No.12359298


>> No.12359307
File: 620 KB, 1024x957, Mutt_euro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay there, champ?

>> No.12359311

Best list in years stfu

>> No.12359347
File: 49 KB, 549x440, america-fuck-yeah-team-america-july-4th-independence-day-memes-photos-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>braindrains ur nation
It's no wonder you're all such limp dick faggots though, you're best and brightest and most driven are either here, arms dealing in Africa or fucking kids in Taiwan. The remaining europeans are the descendants of the poorest, softest, most cowlike and unadventurous stock the land had to offer.

>> No.12359375

You dont know this to be true until youre in a bar in milan listening to some “hip” retard talk shit about american culture while drinking a pbr, wearing a thrasher magazine hoodie, a pair of levis, some nikes and lostening to a rap song he found on an american netflix show.

>> No.12359634

Fuck off to /pol/ nazi. Where on this list would be communist manifesto if not you faggot incels.

>> No.12359724

>the 2017 list is still the best one
delete this board

>> No.12359735

Why do people like the Iliad over the Odyssey?

>> No.12359750

Unless I missed anything or was tricked by any pen names I don't know of, there are a grand total of 2 books by women on this list (both by Virginia Woolf).

And I didn't check the race of each author I don't know, but the list seems to be made up of white guys with a couple Japanese men thrown in.

Given that it exclusively focuses on a relatively small segment of the population, I don't find it to be a very impressive or useful list. There are obviously some good books there, but there's so, so much more to literature than this.

>> No.12359769
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Decent bait

>> No.12359772

NASA uses the metric system.

>> No.12359780

Yeah and look what happened retard http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space/9909/30/mars.metric.02/

>> No.12359797

Yeah I know about that, and that happened because the Lockheed retards used imperial units. If they used metric like they were supposed to nothing bad would have happened.

>> No.12359820

Joy Williams. Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith, Alice Munro, Joan Didion, Anne Carson. Just off the top of my head

All contemporary, living authors widely considered part of the "Canon of Western Literature" and all neglected from this list.

>> No.12359867

well I guess none of them wrote books good enough to get into peoples' top 5

>> No.12359942

>some sheboon communist
>zadie fucking smith

>> No.12359970

cream rises to the top

>> No.12360065

That's because they're shit writers who only appeal to New York times midwits
Go back to plebbit you pathetic faggot