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12358219 No.12358219 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a first year seminary student anything.

>> No.12358224


>> No.12358237

How difficult is it?
Is knowing Latin & Greek a requirement?

>> No.12358269

It's fairly rigorous. I studied STEM at a middling university and matriculated after graduation. First years at my school take a courseload similar in volume to the one I had at uni (though far different in content, obviously). I come from a big Catholic family, so this was always in the cards for me.

We're drilled in both during the first two years, so it isn't an introductory requirement. They're very classicist when it comes to understanding things like the Latin rite, however, so it's pretty foundational. A few guys I know came in with intermediate knowledge of both, but that's by no means the norm.

>> No.12358326

/pol/ just get off fug NOW.

>> No.12358334


>> No.12358350

Are you a pedo? Do you know any pedos? Have you ever had sex?

>> No.12358365

Does your dioceses provide a monthly stipend? If so, how much?

>> No.12358373
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Is the "traddening" actually happening, or is it a meme? Also how Aquinas-heavy is your seminary? Are you in an order?

>> No.12358375

What's your day like ?
What do you read/study ?
What are some things you used to do but now you can't anymore if there are any ?
Why do you come here knowing this is a place of temptation, sin and blasphemy ?

>> No.12358377

Which order?

>> No.12358380

whens the last time you j*rked off

>> No.12358391

What do you think of young Sophia Loren?

>> No.12358403

what are you doing on 4chan lol

>> No.12358405
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I'm pretty sure I know which seminary your attending, have they dropped the French/Portuguese requirement yet?

>> No.12358412

A vast majority of priests are secular, they don't join a order.

>> No.12358436

England? If so, do you happen to know Ampleforth College? I was educated there, we had quite a few pedo priests there.

>> No.12358442

What denomination are you?

>> No.12358450

When will you start corrupting innocent young novices at your local monastery?

>> No.12358462

How difficult is matriculation compared to graduation? By which I mean, how certain is it that you will graduate and become an ordained priest once you're accepted into seminary?

>> No.12358466
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Those who LARP here as radical catholic traditionalists, provided they're decent people who actually hold some affinity toward their statements, should enter seminary. All the fun of shit posting on /lit/ but in real life. I say better to have someone lacking in faith that wants to restore the Church to her historical glory, better to have megalomaniacal aspirations for the papacy than be some tepid lukewarm catholic pressured into this position by family or degenerate sexual inclinations. Make no mistake, we'll make the Vatican great again. Stop at nothing. Bring the inquisition back. Resolutely denounce Protestantism as damnable heresy once and for all. Latin Mass only. Expand the Papal State to her former territorial glory. The possibilities are limitless. Now's the time to join, heads are rolling in scandal and promotions will be in order in another decade or less. The righteous have nothing to fear.

>> No.12358478

I, too, just rewatched The Young Pope.

>> No.12358484

t. Pius XIII

>> No.12358494

Lol you ain't doing shit.

>> No.12358496

When are you coming out of the closet?

>> No.12358498
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>Is the "traddening" actually happening
Not op, It's very dependent on the country, It isn't in places like Italy or Spain because the bishops are heavily repressing it but In France and Belgium they essentially run the place.

>> No.12358502

Gilets jaunes de merde, based priest

>> No.12358528
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Sadly The Ultra Traditionalist Fraternity of Holy Apostles of Brussells were so fucking successful they got shut down because they were attracting priests from all over Europe causing a Catholic brain drain which angered the everliving shit out of Germany.

Catholic politics are absolutely fucking insane and make Game of Thrones look like child's play.

>> No.12358549
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>> No.12358550

>all these questions and so little answers
You'll be a great priest buddy.

>> No.12358554

Bishops are against it in France too, except for some like Mgr Rey in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon. In the archdiocese of Rennes (to take an example I am familiar with) the archbishop fucking hates trads, I stopped following the scene long ago but my understanding is that has something to do eg with why the ICK has had such trouble in Rennes even though their parish is the only canonically regular alternative to the SSPX there.


The only reason the traddening is particularly successful in France is because outside of western Paris the NO parishes have 75-year-old priests with congregations of several dozen pensioners and a liturgy and mentality stuck in the 1970s, while the trad parishes are multigenerational and actually offer something different from "the world".

>> No.12358562


>> No.12358580

I just have 2 questions
What books do they let you read? I remember my priests telling me books like Harry Potter are bad because "muh sorcery", I mean, yes, they're shitty books, but because they're poorly written, not because it has "ocultism" or that kind of shit, so, again, which books are you allowed to read there?
Be honest, do you want to become the next Pope?

>> No.12358583

Tfw bumped into Père Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine in very strange circumstances — I was suicidally depressed, was crossing the parvis du Louvre and recognised him from my grandmother's "Famille chrétienne" and "Figaro Magazine" issues. I asked him if it was indeed him and before I'd even had the time to told him I'd become an atheist, he blessed me. The really weird fucking thing is that, in that couple of minutes, his demeanour was such that he made me feel like bumping into me had made his day, like he'd been waiting a long time to meet me.

>> No.12358606

T'es abonné à Valeurs actuelles aussi? lol

Joking aside, my godfather is a pretty based priest in Alsace, the bon vivant type.

>> No.12358634

Quand même pas. :^)

When I listen to Fr Michel-Marie he actually makes me want to believe again, even though I intellectually cannot. He has a very positive view of faith with his emphasis on God's love and mercy, whereas for me, although it did enchant the world (as Max Weber would say), it was a great source of anxiety owing to the possibility of eternal damnation for playing with me benis.

>> No.12358651

No offense, but what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.12358671

I've heard some pretty interesting things coming out of Britain, apparently the younger priests are so reactionary they've threatened hospital staff, called for action against the BBC and publicly challenge bishops.

>> No.12358680
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Which one are you OP?

>> No.12358683

clearly the one with the laptop

>> No.12358705


>> No.12358715

Is the recent flurry of grand jury investigations being discussed with trepidation, or are they going full "gay mafia" in a way to dispel the scandal.

>> No.12358731

Only people who looks righteous is the chink sitting by himself, perhaps some of the other people in his row, and the two people behind him. This is why more /lit/ posters need to enter. Most of these sad individuals aren't thinking about restoring the church. They're partly responsible for the decline.

>> No.12358773
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ayyy lmao

>> No.12358867

>Most of these sad individuals aren't thinking about restoring the church.
Tell me how you know so much about people who are complete strangers to you.

>> No.12358925

Are there any other priests or priests in training browsing /lit/? May you answer our questions?

>> No.12358948

>even though I intellectually cannot
Who cares? Become a Catholic because you know it's right.
Yeah, it's surreal that the traditionalists are now the young radicals and the old guard are the ones who want to be fast and loose with the Church.

>> No.12358987

Phi Grad student here:

Thoughts on Heidegger? Thoughts on Vatican 2? Thoughts on Dorothy Day? Thoughts on Plato's Symposium? Thoughts on Robert Barron? Thoughts on James Martin?

>> No.12359024

>doesn't answer

I don't think this is what the imitation of Christ meant, OP...

>> No.12359086

>What do you read/study ?
It really isn't that different from what you'll see amateur theologians on /lit/ recommend; the Church fathers + doctors of the Church, canon law, medieval history, etc.

OP mentioned he didn't study a relevant field prior, so he's probably also studying philosophy (Aristotle, Descartes, etc).

>> No.12359676

What are you thoughts on people holding different beliefs to Catholicism? People who believe in say, Lutheranism, Sunni Islam, or even Buddhism?

>> No.12359745

>Ask a first year seminary student anything.
Are you ever going to answer any of these questions?

>> No.12359758

They should all be expelled

>> No.12359765

>"If The Arbiter of the Universe merits abbreviation (“TAofU”), Nature or Nature’s God has a much greater case. A propeller escapes awkwardness, and singularity compacts its invocation. NoNG, Nong, No — surely, no. These terms tilt into NoNGod and precipitate a decision. The ‘God of Nature or (perhaps simply) Nature’ is Gnon, whose Name is the abyss of unknowing (epoche), necessarily tolerated in the acceptance of Reality.
>Gnon is no less than reality, whatever else is believed. Whatever is suspended now, without delay, is Gnon. Whatever cannot be decided yet, even as reality happens, is Gnon. If there is a God, Gnon nicknames him. If not, Gnon designates whatever the ‘not’ is. Gnon is the Vast Abrupt, and the crossing. Gnon is the Great Propeller."

>> No.12359767

Why? For smiling for a photo?

>> No.12359805
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For being well-adjusted to a crapworld like this one.

>> No.12359822
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>> No.12359825

It is ridiculous to assume that because they smiled for one instance in a group photo they somehow love the world and all its evil. Though it may be from fiction, Dostoevsky wrote it well when he said, "All the righteous, all the saints, all the holy martyrs were happy."

I do see where you are coming from, for after all the priesthood needs serious young men as you describe, but certainly a man can smile, can he not?

>> No.12359826

I probably already know the answer, but: have you taken any vows yet? Which ones?

>> No.12359880

What is the future of the Church like in Europe? As an American impression I get is that Christianity is dead in Europe.

>> No.12359973

not OP (he's a faggot who abandoned his own thread), but europe is fucking ripe for some new nationalist movements. no doubt a return to "tradition" would be part of that. i see the church increasing.

>> No.12360185
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I'm an Ivy League student, studying math and physics - should I seriously drop out and join a seminary? I despise what this world has become and intended to become an officer in the military after graduating, but if it's true what's brewing with the young priests of today then maybe God has different plans for me

>> No.12360244

Curious outsider here, do seminary-people have to be celibate? Are you going to do that?

Other anons can answer too.

>> No.12360251

Having fun yet?

>> No.12360279
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Definitely do not drop out unless there is some extreme need to do so. The Church looks highly upon Seminarians who have previous collegiate studies and you will be viewed with more esteem in the Diocese in which you are assigned. If you drop out, you will have to prove to the seminary that you will not do the same there. That being said, once you complete your studies, certainly do not rule out the Holy Priesthood if you are so inclined to do so. Use the time you have at your institution to grow in virtue and I'm sure you will become a great man anon. The Church needs them.

>> No.12360308
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Seminarians are studying for the Priesthood and so they are assumed to not be married nor engaging in sexual relationships. At the same time though, I'm pretty sure some seminaries have programs for lay people in things like liturgical music, so in that case, the students could be married and engaging in relations with their spouses.

There are some exceptions if seminarians aren't in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. If you are a Byzantine Rite Catholic you can be married, though I believe you are supposed to find your wife before you are ordained. Could be wrong on that though.

>> No.12360328

To clarify I'm not OP

>> No.12360329

How's the young priesthood in America anon? Are there similar movements like in Europe? It doesn't matter to me if there are or not, I'll make them myself.

Thanks for the insights.

>> No.12360355

(to clarify, not OP)

Funnily enough, the abuse crisis has spawned a new generation of Seminarians who are truly committed to the Catholic faith. I'm not going to say Seminaries are perfect, but they are certainly a much different type of priest than those of the Vatican II generation. I think there is much hope in sight if enough time is given.

Just to give an example, there is a priest in my diocese who became ordained after studying at Georgetown University and is now in charge of carrying out the Latin Mass in a few parishes. He is extremely well learned and I have nothing but respect for men like him who willingly give up what could have been a very comfortable career to provide for Christ and his Church in its time of need.

>> No.12360626

how many cocks have you taken in your sweet little boypussy? please, PADREY, faver, tell me... please! for my.. absolution...

>> No.12360645

well you're going to waste you talents either way, at least as a priest you can pretend that your virginity is a choice!

>> No.12360670

disregard ortholarpers like him

>> No.12360755

even that monk you posted is smiling

>> No.12360825

Great series

>> No.12361761

>but if it's true what's brewing with the young priests of today

You mean pedophilia? It's not news senpai

>> No.12361769

>119 years after Nietzsche's death
>Still believing in imaginary friends


>> No.12361783

As soon as the parents of any given child are not religious, the chances of that kid of embracing any kind of religious thinking drop to near zero.

Religion is antinatural and irrational. It has to be indoctrinated into the minds of young kids or apprehended as a result of severe trauma.

>> No.12361794

Eyes are the gateway to the soul.
Bodies show a lack of discipline.
They look morally weak to say the least.

>> No.12361808
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>> No.12361826

cringe but a little bit based