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12357230 No.12357230 [Reply] [Original]

People in real life don’t really have sex as indiscriminately and as often as they do in Roberto Bolaño novels....right?

>> No.12357240

Of course not. He was a lonely little pervert and he partly used his fiction to express his pathologies. That said, I have way more sex than his characters.

>> No.12357267


They do in south america. it's very hot there, you know?

>> No.12357283

South southamerica isn't hot. Chile isn't hot. People I know have a lot of sex though. I wouldn't know.

>> No.12357296

Latinos fuck a lot. Even the autistic uggos in my engineering department have gfs and fuck all the time. I don't get any though

>> No.12357400

Some fuck every day, some fuck every now and then, some fuck never.

Such is the way in our "liberal" sexual marketplace.

>> No.12357412

they don't really fuck that much in bolano, it's jus tthat any time anyone does fuck he makes sure to tell you.

>> No.12357415

I'm Latinamerican and I haven't touched a girl in three years. But I am the kind of guy who posts here so that's no surprise.

>> No.12357460

normal people have casual sex all the time. thats why tinder is so popular.

>> No.12357645

>install tinder
>swipe right on everybody for a month and a week
>still don't have any casual sex

>> No.12357671

I remember like 2 sex scenes in Savage Detectives. 0 in By Night in Chile. 0 in Distant Star. A bunch in A Little Lumpen Novel. Haven't read the rest.

>> No.12357687


im from chile and i only had drunk sex once in my 19s and then bought a hooker some years later, nothing else

>> No.12357691

Hotter than Europe

>> No.12357716

Only like 2 or 3 or his books are set in SA, though. Most happen in Mexico or Spain.

>> No.12358172

sup michel hows that yellow pussy going for you

>> No.12358260

northern europe maybe but not hotter than mediterranean countries

>> No.12358636

Chile runs the gamut through Mediterranean climates in the north to Dutch-like weather in the south

>> No.12358757

They do. All of the normies at college constantly spoke about their degenerate drinking nights, parties, and hookups. Workplace environments are no exception. I can't tell you how many times random people at work tried talking to me about their little escapades or relationship problems. Most people are shallow and thus slaves to their dicks and vaginas.

t. early 20s volcel

>> No.12358770

t. incel who got fit

>> No.12358787

Based. You mexican?

>> No.12358791

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.12358793

Not necessarily. Ugly people can get laid too. It’s fairly easy especially in this day and age.

>> No.12358810
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i can't

>> No.12358823

I'm not an incel, not even close. You could say I'm a failed normie approaching Chadlite. I've had opportunities to lose my virginity but I didn't bother acting on them. I haven't watched porn or fapped in over 2 years now and counting. I am ottermode though.

Eastern Euro.

>> No.12359285

I am from Chile and I am a 30 year old touchless virgin

>> No.12359291

I just want to kiss a girl is that too fucking much to ask

>> No.12359299

life owes you nothing bro, visit my seminar.

>> No.12359303

Work on it.

>> No.12359314


>> No.12359328

how old are you?

>> No.12359332

Yes, and I can barely manage having a relationship anymore since once you learn the game its like a fucking sampling platter out there if youre a confident white dude

>> No.12359338


>> No.12359340


>> No.12359686

Young people are having less and less sex. M/F relationships are in the shitter. Everyone's lonely.

Or maybe I'm just coping, meh

>> No.12359707

count how many can you fap per day at "18". Yeah, thats how much sex a person Stacy and Chad (Tyrone if you live in America)has in a day.

>> No.12359713

Why don’t you try leaving your parent’s basement and find out yourself?

>> No.12359736

Yeah, a lot of people are obsessed with sex from very early ages. That's why teenage pregnancy are a health issue in several countriea.
It's probably not that different in other parts of the world, at least my mental picture of Europe.

>the land of the literal Equator is not hot
>countries with million km beaches are not hot
>the continent with the Amazonian jungle is not hot
Wtf am I reading. Summers where I live are fairly humid and the avg temp is like 26 celcius.
Even around the center of Patagonia the weather is pretty hot.

>> No.12359744

Its true. I can't wait until this next crop of zoomlets hits the bar age next year. You are all such autistic faggots they're begging for it.

>> No.12359749

Yes? Of course they do lmao

fucking virgins on this website I swear to god rofl

>> No.12359774

>Even around the center of Patagonia the weather is pretty hot.
maybe in straight up summer, the rest of the time it's three layers or more time.
It's not Paraguay.

>> No.12359853

Yeah, of course. I was talking about the summer, which happens to be the current season in the Southern Hemisphere.

>> No.12360639

quick fucks are no big deal for us latinos.
cuddling is not something you want or can do in blazing hot summer nights. Also, my town is humid as fuck and we sleep naked all the time.

>> No.12360647

They can smell that desperate dick, brother. That's why.

>> No.12360650
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>> No.12360663

can you turn that off? i dont know why thats a feature in the first place

>> No.12360683

put on a dress and a wig, stop giving a fuck bro

>> No.12360754

in my experience people have far less sex with far fewer partners than they do in his novels. i have sex fairly regularly but i'm married. back when i was a teenager i never got laid.

>> No.12360848

youre ugly nigga

>> No.12361440

art types do

Source: I studied literature in a public college

>> No.12361451

>I studied literature in a public college
so did i. yrs later im still a virgin

>> No.12361457

you were prolly some otaku senpai, sorry about that.

(also I'm referring to south murka here)

>> No.12361542

Apparently if you swipe right on everything you get counted as a bot and don't get matches.

>> No.12361959

I swipe right on maybe one in 20 girls and I still get some matches, problem is I'm too autistic to do the whole sliding in the DM thing correctly

>> No.12361965

>it’s hot in summer
yeah no shit

>> No.12361994
File: 159 KB, 1078x484, 5F79A260-9378-47F4-BC1B-5F20AA626BAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did it go so wrong lads

>> No.12362020

socially apt people in latin america don't spend their time in a slow board of a US website