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12356618 No.12356618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

“I am of a different mind ten times in the course of a day. But I resist the devil, and often it is with a fart that I chase him away. When he tempts me with silly sins I say, 'Devil, yesterday I broke wind too. Have you written it down on your list?”
-Martin Luther

Does it bother Lutherans at all that their religion was founded and their tenets invented by a literal retard? How can someone be a Lutheran? Why don't they just become Catholics?

>> No.12356621


>> No.12356654
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>Does it bother Lutherans at all that their religion was founded and their tenets invented by a literal retard? How can someone be a Lutheran? Why don't they just become Catholics?
Because Protestantism isn't Christianity.
It's more like Satanism.
It gives permission and an excuse to sin and evil, promising eternal life even to those who do not repent. It bastardizes the Bible and takes the entire thing out of context by examining a fraction of a sentence. They are the most shallow, terrible, people you will ever meet, and it shows; they are often worse than even atheists. Their morality is completely and totally subjective because of extreme sola fide interpretation.

>> No.12356663
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>> No.12356671


>> No.12356688
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He changed his position on this 100 times and he criticized the Catholic church for being too hard on them back when he first was causing trouble.

>> No.12356892
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I'm putting a team together

>> No.12356968

chaste and breadpilled

>> No.12356981
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It doesn't bother them, because they're taught to believe he was some sort of heroic revolutionary and master theologian. I dont know about you senpai but I wouldnt follow the church founded by some shit-eating german, I'll stick to the real church, and no amount of bad popes or bishops will change my mind

>> No.12357001
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How Old Is Your Church?
>If you are a Presbyterian, John Knox (an ex-Catholic) founded your sect in Scotland in the year 1560.
>If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, an ex-monk of the Catholic Church, in approximately 1520.
>If you belong to the Church of England, your religion was founded by King Henry VIII (an ex-Catholic) in the year 1534. Henry VIII decided to create his own church when Pope Clement VII would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.
>If you are a Mennonite, Menno Simons (an ex-Catholic) created your religion in 1536.
>If you are a Congregationalist, your religion began with Robert Brown in Holland in 1582.
>If you are a Baptist, John Smyth created your sect in Amsterdam in 1605.
>If you are of the Dutch Reformed church, your church began with Michaelis Jones in New York in 1628.
>If you are a Quaker, your religion began with George Fox in 1652.
>If you are a Protestant Episcopalian, Samuel Seabury created your sect in the American colonies in the 17th century, as an offshoot of the Church of England.
>If you are Amish, Jacob Amman created your religion in 1693, as an offshoot of the Mennonites.
>If you are a Methodist, your religion was launched by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1744.
>If you are a Unitarian, Theophilus Lindley founded your sect in London in 1774.
>If you are a Mormon ("Latter Day Saints"), your religion comes from Joseph Smith, who revealed it in Palmyra, N.Y. in 1829.
>If you are a Seventh Day Adventist, your religion was created by Ellen White in 1860.
>If you worship with the Salvation Army, William Booth started your sect in London in 1865.
>If you are of the "Jehovah's Witnesses," your beliefs came from Charles Taze Russell in 1872.
>If you are a "Christian Scientist," Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy devised your religion in 1879.
>If you belong to one of the religious organizations known as "Church of the Nazarene," "Pentecostal Gospel," "Holiness Church," "Pilgrim Holiness Church," "Assemblies of God," "United Church of Christ," etc., your religion is one of the thousands of new sects founded by men in the last century.

If you are Catholic, you know that your religion was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, true God and true man; and that this one Church, to which people must belong to be saved, will exist until the end of time.

>> No.12357065

>that comfy feeling when you know that faggot is burning in hell for all eternity

>> No.12357079

Im athiest

>> No.12357086

>yeah, i'll stick to the real pedophiles!
>not those guys who thought they'd grown too large and were trying to scale back some of their corruption!

>> No.12357091

>the pedophile meme again

What of it, m8?

>> No.12357140

It's weird how you say "grown too large" and "scale back corruption", as if this somehow this excuses the most radical development of Christian doctrine in the history of the church, spanning from the childish five solas to the utterly indefensible TULIP.

It would seem to me that the Catholic Church managed to safeguard the deposit of faith just fine despite the various dark times in its history, and you can get a taste for how well they've done by comparing it to their shadow church, the Eastern Orthodox. For as far as both churches believe almost exactly the same things at the root theological level despite being separated for a thousand years, you have a measure of how delusional and heretical Protestantism is.

>> No.12357786

>>If you belong to one of the religious organizations known as "Church of the Nazarene," "Pentecostal Gospel," "Holiness Church," "Pilgrim Holiness Church," "Assemblies of God," "United Church of Christ," etc., your religion is one of the thousands of new sects founded by men in the last century.

how embarrassing!

>> No.12357854

one catholic, one prot, who's going to represent the orthos on this team?

>> No.12357905
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The Catholic Church has done more charity than any other organization in the world. It's existed for 2000 years, and its been attacked by the outside world ever since, and more recently has been attacked from within with corrupt clergy.
Hell, even some of the popes in the middle ages were completely corrupt and abusing their power. Yet, this organization has not collapsed from all this corruption, it still stands as it did thousands of years ago, people still hold loyalty to it, and some even convert to it. If you ask me, there's no way an organization like that could hold up for 2000 years, it must be at the aid of divinity. The Holy Spirit certainly. If this isn't the true church founded by Jesus Christ, then how has it managed to not collapse within the last 2000 years its existed, with all the attacks and persecution and corruption? Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church. I haven't seen the gates of hell prevail over the Catholic Church, and it has definitely tried hundreds of times, but the Catholic Church is still here, and its still the same as it was when it was founded.

>> No.12358019

lol why do you think it’s stood the test of time exactly?
>Jan Hus criticizes church
>church curbstomps half of Bohemia
>some guy writes a book that challenges the church
>church burns the book
>claim authority and gibs by making everyone think they’ll suffer in the underworld forever if they don’t do as you say
It’s a redistributive power system that gets too full of itself. I’ve got no respect for it

>> No.12358067


Honest and sincere question incoming:

I see tons of Protestant bashing on 4chan along with innumerable memes about the superiority of the RCC, but are the people who post these things actually Christian? I was born and raised in an Evangelical context and currently attend a very conservative Christian university (Wheaton College) and nowhere outside of this website have I witnessed such animosity between Roman Catholics and Protestants. It seems as though all of the Christians I encounter in real life, regardless of denomination, are far more concerned with their own spiritual connection with Jesus as well as good works of social justice. I really get the impression that the people on this website that take the Catholic-Protestant divide so seriously don’t even go to church but rather just are looking for an old conflict to troll.

What gives, you guys? Isn’t all that really matters that you can affirm the creeds and try to emulate Christ? Maybe I just find all this so weird because I have lives my entire life in a Christian context as opposed to turning to it only as a reactionary against progressive secularism, as so many on 4chan and leddit do.

>> No.12358074

>If you are a Jew, your religion was founded in the 2nd millennium BC by God himself.
>If you are

>> No.12358085

They are all just larping as Catholics. Five years ago they used to be new atheists, then someone gaslighted them into reading go Chesterton

>> No.12358102

stop christ larping you faggots no one cares that you have indoctrinated yourself into believing that a some omnipotent being and his ass hippie son, somehow are the definite and only founders of existence, and your evidence for this is a book of short stories written by uneducated early century humans. absolute morons

>> No.12358122

If I made a well written non-fiction book about how the earth was flat you would fall for it

>> No.12358145

Was (and is) Catholic, went to very proddy public university (clemson), heard several times that I was not Christian, worshipped Mary, and would burn in hell for such beliefs. Only in context of informal debates on religion, though, so it stayed civilized. But I didn't go to Church and hear about protestant beliefs, or vice-versa, I imagine.
4chan is for shitposting and argumentation. You'll get memes and shitposting (which is a good chunk of the "breadpilled" stuff) along with the genuine arguments.

Plus for some reason /lit/ is basically the only place on the internet I've seen where this stuff gets discussed, perhaps aside from individual blogs, so people come for it.

>> No.12358397


Luther is specifically talking about "sin" in regard to "grace", whereas Paul is talking about "sin" in general, directly contradicting Jesus if you're into literal reading.


I mean...worshiping Mary is absurd, idolatry aside. Respecting the Church is possibly vaguely congruent with what Jesus said, but he had utter contempt for his parents. You might as well worship Pontius Pilate or Herod.

>> No.12358490

I am actually Catholic, I put the banter on extra thick online, but it is actually a fact that all Protestants possess a heretical understanding of God and salvation and that, while it is not within my understanding or power to tell if this will condemn them to Hell, it is my obligation to share with them the fullness of truth that is resident in the Catholic Church alone, because it is the only Church that Jesus established, and the only Church that possesses the sacraments given to us by God as a certain means on Earth to receive His graces.

These are not mere "nice things to have," they are everything. Forgoing God's sacraments (each of which was commanded in Scripture) is a separation from God that so many people will upon themselves, and I consider that to be very risky behavior.

All that aside, Protestant/Catholic conflict has been a predominant part of Western culture for centuries. It has gone away due to the sheer lack of authentic religiosity on the part of Catholics (who have no idea what their church teaches) and Protestants (whose churches rarely teach anything at all), so there is little to be proud of there. We are all at risk of losing our souls, and the questions raised by someone like Martin Luther or John Calvin are important and need to be answered. They HAVE been answered by the Catholic Church a long time ago (and the Eastern Orthodox, if anyone cares), but are Protestants listening? Does one really go to heaven by believing falsehoods, when our God is a God of Truth?

>> No.12358529


The evidence for Christianity is manifold, and grows by the day thanks to academics. We have never known more about the origins and authorship of the Bible, the historicity of Christ, the metaphysical implications and necessity of God as the unmoved mover, outside of and first cause of all existence, and the practices of the Hebrews of the Old Testament and the early Christians of the New.

The uneducated human under consideration here is none other than yourself.

>> No.12358567

At best, these are arguments against the Church-as-state. Arguments fairly shared by people such as the Hohenstaufens of the Holy Roman Empire, Francis of Assisi, and Dante.

In other words, you may even be correct, but clearly there is a right way and a wrong way to express concerns over the role that God's Church has over worldly affairs -- leaving it is outright is an option that risks your very soul.

>> No.12358584

>claims to have shitloads of evidence
>doesn't mention any at all
definite larp

>> No.12358595

That quote is fake my dude

>> No.12358658

Luther is still a major step above Protestants of modern times. He would be repulsed by the current state of affairs.

I say this as a Baptist.

>> No.12358659

religion is a form of authority in itself, and the creation of a power system (not necessarily a state) is merely a natural product of its wide application
Media is a power system in the way it forms public opinion, but it would be a stretch to call it a state
The It that lies at that end of the world knows exactly what my intentions are, why would I care about appearances?

>> No.12358727

Catholic here. Yes, being like Christ and doing as he commanded should be everyone's goal. But Protestants have developed a very different mystical tradition, one that takes every part of the bible as literal, and rejects works of art as idolatry. I imagine it's the same aversion to depictions of the divine that Muslims have. Except they excelled at geometric art. Protestants are mostly morons in my view. Bible thumpers who don't understand the subtleties of what they've been given.

t. have several life-long Protestant friends who are basically family but were horrified when I happened to watch something Catholic on their tv while they were out

>> No.12358758

The funny thing about this picture is that both of them are liars. Pauline Christianity is not Christianity

>> No.12358824

A whole three centuries of corroborative Church Father writings say otherwise.
Valentinus >>>/out/

>> No.12358830
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>> No.12358917
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>> No.12358995

Yes, but if you're a Roman Catholic, your church, as it is today, dates only as far back as the Second Vatican Council, which met up between 1962 and 1965.

>> No.12360096

>worshiping Mary is absurd
I agree, good thing Catholics only worship God
>Jesus had utter contempt for his parents
What? What the hell are you talking about? I know you protties hate Mary, but you can't just project that onto Christ Himself.

>> No.12360200


>> No.12360237

I'm Lutheran. Member of Church of Norway.

Why? I don't know, because I was baptized there? And somewhat believe in God on a good day, and fuck the pope he's the helper of the devil. I fart on his picture every day.

>> No.12360286

Sometimes i also walk into the catholic church to fart, then I leave.

>> No.12360303

Look, if god's grace doesn't save protestants, then we are completely effing fucked, because there is no reason to think that when rome did the council of nicea the original church wasn't abolished, maybe the orthodox church is correct and the catholic church is another abomination

>> No.12360599

What is it with Lutherans and farting?

I'm the OP of this thread, and I'm not even a Roman Catholic, and all this arguing over Christianity was not my intent in making this thread. I'm a Jew. I just find Martin Luther's obsession with farting and shitting abhorrent

>> No.12360616

Because they're Germans and all Germans are stuck on the anal stage of development

>> No.12360681

What about Nicaea changed the "original Church"? Unless you're an arian or something.
Neither Catholics nor Orthodox consider the other damned, we're in schism but still both of the same valid apostolic succession.

>> No.12360688

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.12360753

What about Orthoes

>> No.12360788

I eat rat shit to keep evil trees spirits away -6000AD
Do i win?

>> No.12360888

fuckkkkkk me no
should i sin that grace may abound

Prots take the tassels of the robes, gets rid of the idolaters, all thyne of my own works and NO.

The harlot of the 7 hills is Popish Rome.

>> No.12360896

no you go to heaven by the grace of God not works

>> No.12361016

Send him to the brap barn

>> No.12361038

imagine cherrypicking a single quote which, for the time, was extremely relevant and poignant, and then acting like youve destroyed an entire faith with it.

like, yeah, protestants are retarded, but this isnt why.

>> No.12361052

lol faggot by that logic the mandate of heaven was real shit and China has religion figured out

>> No.12361078

It was just a cultural thing. Next.

>> No.12361086


late medieval peasant culture (Luther's intended audience) was all about the poop jokes. believe me, if you were a beet farmer in 1563, this would have rocked your world.

>> No.12361091

Guys I'm having serious doubts that a virgin got pregnant because God floated down and zapped himself inside her (kinda greek sounding if you ask me)

>> No.12361100

>Ayy farts lmao
>extremely relevant and poignant
Are Germans even people?

>> No.12361120

>mr. high and mighty jew is too good for a fart joke
I think we can all see why the Germans hated them.

>> No.12361153

Adventists are offshoots of Millerites you fucking tool. Ellen White is just the lady who salvaged his wreck by being a retard. I own like 20 of her books since I was raised in that dumb fucking church.

>> No.12361192
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Actually if you look into it a bit Luther was a bit of a weirdo, he had a strange obsession with farts and pooping. There's even an old legend that he would eat a spoonful of his shit on his birthday every year. I suppose that's the origin of the scat fetish in the Germans, that or it's just something that's eternally been on the minds of the Germanic peoples.

>> No.12361207

yeah thats kinda what im saying. eating a spoonful of shit on your birthday was not that far afield for most 16th century germans. they were, like, really into shit.

it was a whole religious backlash thing. Peasant Fires: The Drummer of Niklashausen by Richard Wunderli does a great job of breaking this down.

>> No.12361239


He doesn't even mention when or how Joseph died.

>> No.12361254

>because it is the only Church that Jesus established

How do you know this?

>> No.12361261

>the only Church that Jesus established


>> No.12361264


>> No.12361272

20 bucks says he took the "rock on which i build my church" line literally

>> No.12361275


>> No.12361674


I DEMAND you to answer.

>> No.12361697

wherever I am I must also rape

>> No.12361726

I just started going back to (Catholic) church last year and I have to say this post is shaking me a bit

>> No.12362324



>> No.12362838

Not that person, but orthodox can make the same claim, sure. But the apostolic succession is pretty obvious, as is that the Anglicans were a politically based schism from it and most protestants abandoned it completely.

>> No.12363361
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>And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Both the Orthodox and the Protestant Churches have prevailed against the Catholic Church. They succeeded in challenging its authority by manifesting themselves, moreover, debasing its pretense to exception in the most decisive way. The pretense would still hold had the Church been destroyed, but having to peacefully coexist with the other Churches means its utter rebuttal.

>> No.12363528


>debasing its pretence to exception
>Exceptionalism inherent in doctrine of Calvinism

Uh, anon. . .

>> No.12363653


Say what?

>> No.12363697


>> No.12363745

Do you actually think Jesus wrote the Bible?

>> No.12363770

Read the Bible. If popes and sacraments just jumps out at you, then start going to a Catholic Church. It’s that simple.

>> No.12363852


I don't care. What are you implying? The Apocryphon of Being A Decent Human Being? That he loved Joseph but either him or the Apostles omitted it, in favor of including the assault on the merchants and the conversation with Satan?

>> No.12363889


>As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”
>He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Not even Judas and Satan are as cruelly humiliated as Mary.

>> No.12364136

>Read the Bible
>absolutely nothing about popes and praying to saints, absolutely nothing about praying to Mary
You can only stretch the “sola scruptura” argument so far before you realize you’re trying your best to defend a religion that has nothing to do with its own holy book.

All they do is reeee about “sola scriptura” no matter how the Bible is being referenced. It’s funny because they even accuse atheist scholars of being “sola scriptura” for pointing out contradictions in the Bible against the catholic religion. I am convinced that Catholics actually hate the Bible and barely even tolerate its existence to keep up appearances.

You know what’s funny? Catholicism seems to be the most popular brand of Christianity on here and in literature, and also in Hollywood. Very rarely nowadays does fiction literature or Hollywood have anything nice to say about Christianity, but when it does, it’s about the Catholic Church. The most popular religion that everyone approves of. What are those verses again?
>The road to life is narrow, and few there be who find it
>Not everyone who says to me “Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven
>Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets

I don’t expect Catholics to even know these verses exist, but this is a literature board. You should check those out and critically examine your own religion.

>> No.12364181

What exactly do you mean by literally? Whats you interpretation of the verse?

>> No.12364188

>tell gf’s mom about this youth pastor I used to have who turned out to be gay
>tell her it was a Methodist church when she asks which denomination
>She says, “Methodists! They’re almost as bad as the Catholics. Almost!”
What did she mean by this?

>> No.12364493


They don't consider either one damned but their beliefs aren't the same, in the same way miaphysites aren't the same as catholics

>> No.12364556

This is pathetic. You would think Catholics would have a repertoire, a quip, an insult, some empty irony, anything at all about Joseph and Mary being held in contempt by Jesus given how much they insist on the "marriage of Heaven and Earth" and such. At least make something up to keep the thread going.

>> No.12364566

Catholics are some of the worst people I have ever met lol.

>> No.12364580


>> No.12364589


>> No.12364595


>> No.12364621

>Read the Bible
>absolutely nothing about popes and praying to saints, absolutely nothing about praying to Mary

>> No.12364668

I understand the argument against sola scriptura, but you’d think their own holy book would make at least some mention of what arguably makes up 90% of their religion.

>> No.12364691


The orthodox argument is that traditions must never be changed from the early christian church which knew what traditions were close to what christianity meant, that's why it's orthodox

>> No.12364702
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>> No.12364858

>Read the Bible
>absolutely nothing about popes and praying to saints, absolutely nothing about praying to Mary
There is also plenty justifying charity and works over grace alone. Also no one pays to Mary more of a reverence for a perfect woman. Furthermore Pope is just father which is mentioned plenty of times as jesus Is one with the father. It's meant to be a continued title/role for leader of catholic community.

>> No.12364993

>Furthermore Pope is just father which is mentioned plenty of times as jesus Is one with the father. It's meant to be a continued title/role for leader of catholic community.
This doesn’t make sense.

>> No.12365249

>read the bible
>"hail Mary, full of grace"
>absolutely nothing to do with sola scriptura
The Bible that gets taken as a religion in itself was only compiled by a living apostolic Church, centuries after its writers died. Sola scriptura could not possibly exist until after Nicaea.
>misapplied Bible quotes
Protestantism in a nutshell
Catholics ignore this because it's based on a blatant misreading.

>> No.12365384

>If you are a Gnostic, your religion began CA 30 AD when a bunch of Hellenized Jews hit some hashish and had a vision of a man falling from the sky into Satan's arms and being nailed to a tree


>> No.12365739
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Based and tradition-pilled.

>> No.12366253

What would Joseph have to do with his teachings? Do you think he would just say "by the way guys, I really love my foster father Joseph" during his sermon on the mount? John 21:25, not everything Jesus did was recorded in the Bible.
The first miracle Jesus did (turning water into wine) was from the suggestion of his mother. And when he was on the cross, he said to John "behold your mother", and to Mary "behold your son". If didnt like his mother, he wouldnt have made her the spiritual mother of his followers. To even say that Jesus had contempt for anyone, let alone his OWN MOTHER, is complete blasphemy and evil. This is why nobody likes you evangelicals, you distort the word of God to be however you want it to be, you mock Christ's own mother just to troll Catholics, evangelicals have ruined the image of Christianity in the west. Repent of your wicked protestant ways or burn in Hell.

>> No.12366282

Tradition is part of Catholicism, because Christianity isnt supposed to be a book religion like Islam. The Catholic Church itself is older than the Bible, and they were the ones who complied the Bible together in the first place.

>The road to life is narrow
Yes? Being Catholic doesn't automatically mean you go to Heaven. There are very few people who are saved, whether or not they are Catholic
>Not everyone who calls me "Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven
Yes, i dont see how this contradicts Catholicism. In fact, I see this more as a contradiction to protestantism which teaches that all you need to be saved is to confess Jesus as your lord and savior.

I dont know what you're talking about when you say Catholics get the most love. All I've ever seen is Catholics being called pedos or "pagan" or corrupt or what have you.
>The most popular religion that everyone approves of
Thats a blatant lie.
You're making shit up because you are wicked, you will burn in Hell with every other protestant if you do not repent.

>> No.12366386

Retard doesn't understand prot theology. I've never met a single catholic who has actually read any reformer, even if they were raised prot. Yes retard, the Church was founded by Christ Himself, not a single prot would deny that, it's just this retarded romanist strawman
Ellis island was the worst mistake America ever made

>> No.12366674

>All these white Jews arguing which version of Judaism for white people is better

>> No.12368282


This cowardice is remarkable. That PATERNITY is the only description of the process by which Jesus is distinguished from God, and that his Earthly father is so trivial that he died in obscurity - what exactly is there to misread here? By your own thinking, you're practically alluding to "heresies", "secret sayings" and such, moreover alluding to them being integral to the Canon, which is doubly or quadruply heretical, I think.

Also, I don't see any of your comments on Mary follow from each other, or even follow from the Bible. Your quoting is also rather weaselly.

>When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son!"
>Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.

He calls her "woman", rather than "mother" or even "Mary", not a good start. Note that the first time he addresses her by any title in the Bible, John 2:4, it is also "woman". Compare Cesar being referred to as "Cesar", not "man". The chilly phrasing of "behold your son" aside, had it been a statement of love, why would it coincide with his execution, exclusively? Why did he not say it when he was proselytizing in the Temple as a young man, or even when he was born, for example? As for "behold your mother", the passing of one's mother to another has universally sordid implications, but I dread to elaborate lest you further degrade yourself rummaging for "grace" therein.

I am not a Protestant, by the way.

>> No.12368291


>> No.12368296


>> No.12368307


>> No.12368330

Luther was the Devil's counterpart to Jesus

>> No.12368783

>If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple

M-m-misreading! B-b-b-blasphemy!

>> No.12369164
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>Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

Typical misreading! He actually meant HATE when he said LOVE and LOVE when he said HATE.

>Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

You see? He loves the Pharisees! What he ACTUALLY meant was:

Grace to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you sages! You are like whitewashed churches, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the gold of the pious and everything just. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of wisdom and love.

>> No.12369539

>If you are Orthodox, you know that your religion was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, true God and true man; and that this one Church, to which people must belong to be saved, will exist until the end of time.
FTFY pal

>> No.12369595

St. Paul was a lifelong persecutor of christians who infiltrated it and introduced a bunch of no fun allowed bullshit which should be ignored.

>> No.12369601

I worship the Egyptian pantheon so my religion outranks yours by thousands of years

>> No.12369616

This desu. Paul was a subhuman and a gaywad. Idol-worshipers pls leave

>> No.12369629

Died in obscurity isn't entirely accurate. He doesn't feature much in the Gospels, but he was dead long before most of the events in them and mostly irrelevant to their teachings. Also was rather widely known in early Christian tradition.
"Woman" is a way to not call attention to Jesus on the cross as her son, and is still a respectful term- and is specifically naming someone to take His role of caring for her.
Universally sordid implications? "I'm dying, John, could you take my place in supporting my mother" is sordid?
On /lit/ and apparently can't comprehend nonliteralness.

>> No.12369650

>say something goody about religion
>someone gets mad and tells you that you should be tortured for all eternity, that their God surely would approve of you forever turning over the flames of hell for your silly remark
Why do so many of you hate humans?

>> No.12369664

because this planet rightfully belongs to the nephilim you adamite jackass with your no-wing havin can't even fly manlet ass fuckin give birth in a damn cornfield

>> No.12369675

Why are Catholics so unaccountably smug? I'm glad I converted from Catholicism to Orthodoxism. It was one of the best decisions of my life.

>> No.12369721
File: 36 KB, 585x311, annunaki-in-the-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe, if you're referencing pic attached I found this comment funny.

And guys, here's a question for you. Why can't we put aside these religious doctrines, and simply embrace eachother in love? What would we lose, besides our differences, if we simply abandoned the dogmatic adherence to these scriptures and the impossible quest of surmising their exact meaning and historicity, along with all the innumerable organizations each considering themselves to represent the correct approach to the religion, and just loved eachother instead? Which world do you think would be better? Our present one, or the one I've just described? A world of religious division, or universal spiritualism?

>> No.12369780


>> No.12369826 [DELETED] 


Other than non-duality, John 11:30, the ONLY description of Jesus' relation to God is that of a SON to a FATHER. Not an incarnation, an avatar, an instantiation, an apparition, an emissary, an image, etc. To claim that his Earthly father is irrelevant to his teaching is moronic, when people explicitly took offense at his paternity and the issue was integral even to his execution. It's moronic in general in light of basic Reason. What are you even saying? Why would he NOT call to attention that he is Mary's son? HOW does him subsequently addressing John follow from that? This barely makes grammatical sense. Babbling robot.

>> No.12369843


Other than non-duality, John 10:30, the ONLY description of Jesus' relation to God is that of a SON to a FATHER. Not an incarnation, an avatar, an instantiation, an apparition, an emissary, an image, etc. To claim that his Earthly father is irrelevant to his teaching is moronic, when people explicitly took offense at his paternity and the issue was integral even to his execution. It's moronic in general in light of basic Reason. What are you even saying? Why would he NOT call to attention that he is Mary's son? HOW does him subsequently addressing John follow from that? This barely makes grammatical sense. Babbling robot.

>> No.12369886


On second though, don't reply.

>> No.12370632 [DELETED] 
File: 736 KB, 3000x1968, Alphonse_Osbert_-_La_Solitude_du_Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary is an inversion of Sophia. A fundamental abasement of Dialectic between the absolute and the particular, Heaven and Earth, man and woman. God neither elevating nor exegeting Mary despite endowing her so, being steadfast in this decision through Jesus receiving nothing from her, then openly contemptful of her throughout his life. It subsumes all subsequent misogyny. Mary is the initial relegation of the woman to unlife. Darwin is the only prophet who sees the woman's Ontology, from Abiogenesis, to Selection, to Asemiosis, to Amnesis upon death.

>> No.12370657
File: 736 KB, 3000x1968, Alphonse_Osbert_-_La_Solitude_du_Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary is an inversion of Sophia. A fundamental abasement of Dialectic between the absolute and the particular, Heaven and Earth, man and woman. God neither elevating nor exegeting Mary despite endowing her so, being steadfast in this decision through Jesus receiving nothing from her, then being openly contemptful of her throughout his life. It subsumes all subsequent misogyny. Mary is the initial relegation of the woman to unlife. Darwin is the only prophet who sees the woman's Ontology, from Abiogenesis, to Selection, to Asemiosis, to Amnesis upon death.

>> No.12370762

être catholique c'est pas glorieux mais alors être protestant....
'je suis riche pcq dieu l'a voulu'
'la morale c'est quand le voisin a terminé de t'espionner entre les buissons et n'a rien à raconter à sa femme le soir au diner - là t'es un mec moral'

>> No.12371169

Probably because that is the vaguest and most useless moral philosophy ever. How do we approach those who refuse to act within this universal spiritualism? Are we just expected to love them as they kill our families and rape the corpses? Should we love animals too? Does that mean we cannot eat them at all? What if my dog mauls a 6-year-old? Should I still love him? Or what if my son mauls a 6-year-old? Should my love keep me from punishing him? Should I assume that he mauled her out of love? I could go on forever. Modern Christians will simplify Jesus' message to love because it is easy to convince others of its moral rectitude, but there was so much more to His message that gets overlooked that it's no wonder there is so much disagreement now.

>> No.12371916

It’s a shame even a lot of the younger adults, mainly those denominations of Pentecostals and Eveangelicals and whatnot, continue to remain as you’ve said.

>> No.12371988

What sort of strawman have you made here? The rest of the world can remain as it is, I'm merely saying that these religious doctrines are promoting more divisions than they are unities, and that, from that angle, it would be objectively better if we universally distanced ourselves from them and simply followed the non-dogmatic principles of love and kindness towards others instead. Dogs can maul, people can behave poorly, but a world devoid of religious-clubs, and populations who see eachother as the same, would promote unity far more than the present society we find ourselves in. Look at all the divides within this thread, and imagine now that everyone distanced themselves from doctrines, and followed universal principles instead. I'm not saying "dude, just love even if someone is assaulting you" (though it seems Christ said something similar, with his "turn thy cheek" remark, unless you can correct me on that), but that these religious factions have kept our societies backwards, and this won't change so long as there are individuals carrying forward these histories into the future. There is little point saying this to Christians though, who are often too attached to their politics of identity, and have trouble conceiving the possibility that the world may be better without them.

>> No.12372170

Ok Pastor Moe Lester

>> No.12372564

First off, the principles of love and kindness are not "non-dogmatic" as you claim them to be, so your whole argument falls apart there. Yeah it would be great if everyone just agreed with one another on everything; let me know when you check into reality and see that will never happen among all rational individuals. When real people disagree, they sometimes make compromises or even arrive at new conclusions that turn out better than their initial ideas. Also, blaming religion on division in the contemporary world is becoming an increasingly outdated point of view. Non-religious ideologies have taken on a religious capacity of their own, and people are still divided over them.

>> No.12372638

Wow, another terrific response. Literally
>l-love and kindness can be dogmatic too
>o-other things beside religion can divide people too

As if I didn't know of either. My position is that organized religion is doing more harm than good at this point, your position is to just ignore the realities in front of you and avoid confronting a worldview that runs counter to your present one. Whatever, spend the rest of your days arguing among people who go to different churches than you, and at the end of it all pat yourself on the back for being such a virtuous voice for the CORRECT church.

>> No.12372651

Because the New Testament gives all signs of being a reliable testimonial to Christ's life and works, he gave Peter the keys to the kingdom, and we have an unbroken, traceable succession from Peter to Francis today, and an unbroken, traceable adherence to the deposit of faith that Christ established. Not one iota of doctrine has been altered, which is more than iota than you can say for Protestants these days.

>> No.12372659

Is it even possible to suggest that high heresy "prevails" against the Catholic Church in a logically cohesive worldview? Apparently not.

>> No.12372696

It is true that you are saved by God's grace, but you are obviously implying that you are also saved by faith alone.

To which I say:
Right, there is definitely no action anyone can take to become closer to God, and DEFINITELY no actions anyone can take to move further away from God. This is why Jesus warned us that "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH THE WILL of my Father which is in heaven", and encouraged us so that "he that endureth to the end shall be saved."

It would be pretty crazy to have a God who says to cut your hand off rather than let it lead you to sin, "for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell" if He wanted you to think that you could be saved just by believing really hard.

>> No.12372739

Not "can be", but are, as made evident by your own total incivility (i.e. saying that eliminating a massive chunk of the population would be beneficial to the world). There are obvious problems in modern organized religion, but its total abolition is not the answer.

>> No.12372873

Based and redipilled

>> No.12372969

When i was a materialist (satanism manifest in inntelectualism), i lived with a adventist. I was the bigger degenerate, and still am, but he didnt know anything about what he was preaching, even though he was a inntelectual himself. Biblical doctrine seems to me to be closest to the teachings of the orthodox church by far

>> No.12373011

Pious and truthpilled. You will realize how shit life is, including your own and everybody elses, when you compare it with the ideal

>> No.12373040

Because suffering evil brings you closer to God. God came to this world in the flesh, got abused, brutally tortured, mocked and threatened. By going trough such evil, you are experiencing what God himself experienced. But that does not mean you should watch as evil is being done, but rather fight against it, unlike the vast crowds of men whomst even assisted in comitting the evil

>> No.12373896


The Church that Jesus told Peter about has or would have invincibility against contesting Churches as a principle. I do not consider the Catholic Church having to peacefully and/or begrudgingly share the claim to Christianity with the Orthodox and Protestant Churches, and the claim to Abrahamic Monotheism with Jews and Muslims, as abiding by said principle. I am ultimately against all clergy, but for the sake of Reason alone I would rather think Jesus was not referring to the Catholic Church, rather than misspeaking about its principle of invincibility.

This is enough for me but you mentioned doctrine so I have to reply. Geocentrism to Heliocentrism and murdering "heretics" to not murdering "heretics" are pretty big changes, though no bigger or smaller than those of other Churches, which is my point.

>> No.12374191



>> No.12374197


I'm a Catholic, and I'm satisfied with that. Is it worth reading this guy? Will I get any use?