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/lit/ - Literature

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12356448 No.12356448 [Reply] [Original]

If i'm a guy, should I read this?

>> No.12356455

Okay, doing /lit/'s top 100 was a mistake. It brought plebbit here. Ffs.

>> No.12356464

yeah i hate plebs

>> No.12357740

Its reddit and they actually made a great argument about /lit/. C'mon guys they are not that bad.

>> No.12358157

Whoever posted it to /r/books should unironically hang themselves

>> No.12358207

This is without doubt the single greatest piece of literature i have ever laid eyes upon and as such it transcends the gender spectrum and should be read by the collective of humanity

>> No.12358231
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>> No.12358244

I’ve read very few of the poems(about 5). I will not read anymore, it’s not worth it. It doesn’t add anything to a person, that a person shouldn’t already thought about.
The ideas in the poem are not well thought out, there is a lack of emotion and awareness. Every poem I read gave the same vibe, the same jest. There was nothing surprising in form or language. Very unoriginal.

>> No.12358294

One blurb says that it's a "book that every woman should read". I'll leave it up to you to come to a conclusion here.

People were saying this like two years ago when we made that year's top 100.
I visited r/books recently (before this most recent chart), and it was barely distinguishable from /lit/. The only difference was in the somewhat more left political inclinations. At this point I'd say 3/4 of 4chan also visits reddit, so it's pointless to complain.

>> No.12358299

uh i don't get it?

>> No.12358335
File: 336 KB, 1080x1954, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I visited r/books recently (before this most recent chart), and it was barely distinguishable from /lit/.
I swear they literally post about Harry Potter and Stephen King

>> No.12358469


>> No.12358489


>> No.12358686


>> No.12358719

is that real?
it looks so much like a parody, but you never know with rupi

>> No.12358749

Translation: Only Chad cock gets this curry pussy.

>> No.12358912

It rhymes and isn't feminist, it's not Rupi

>> No.12358927

>I visited r/books recently (before this most recent chart), and it was barely distinguishable from /lit/
Except they unironically love Goosebumps and Harry Potter, while we read the Western canon.

>> No.12358961
File: 39 KB, 640x852, 3e2f276478dcb2f42423681e5cc64329374330b6_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, it's actually real
I guess a very trashy take on sexual liberation is feminist enough
wouldn't be surprised if the rhyme was by mistake

>> No.12358984

>Except they unironically love Goosebumps and Harry Potter
Didn't really notice such preferences. They seemed middle-brow, mostly.
>while we read the Western canon
Yeah, if muh cannon is made of entry-level Greeks and Russians, and epic meme Anglos, sure.

>> No.12358989

So, time to tell us what inspired you to purchase this book.

>> No.12359045

Not that guy, but I have a copy of the book cause my gf bought it. Don’t think she read it all the way through though.

>> No.12359061

Top of r/books right now:
"Is it okay for an adult to read kids books?"
"Having a hard time reading Lord of the Rings"

>> No.12359072

same :(

>> No.12359087

The clue's in the name: it's a subreddit for books, not literature. /lit/ is a board for literature, not books.

Get over yourselves you elitist pricks.

>> No.12359097
File: 40 KB, 250x362, Well_of_Loneliness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm a guy, should I read this?

>> No.12359146

What are you talking about? They never make any great argument, though.

>> No.12359173

>defending reddit
You belong there
Fuck off and never return

>> No.12359207
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1540336170414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck plebbit

>> No.12359395

>tfw my girlfriend wanted to get me a copy of this for my birthday in addition to my actual gift as a joke
>tfw she couldn't find a copy cheaper than $15 where we live so she ended up not doing so
>tfw I always manically sort my books, even shitty ones, and I'd have to put it on my bookshelf among others if I ever got a copy
thanks capitalism

>> No.12359432
File: 34 KB, 333x540, rd.not.my.fault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has nothing on my girl Ruby.

>> No.12359539

Lot of girls got memed into buying this I think.

>> No.12359576 [DELETED] 

I believe so, every suburban teenage girl wants to have a copy so the retail price remains $15 despite production cost of such book is probably near $3

>> No.12359587

I believe so, every suburban teenage girl wants to have a copy so the retail price remains $15 despite production cost of such book being probably near $3

>> No.12359599

hmmm people defending reddit /crossposting/ looks like it's time to bring in the gore and scatfags I hear?

>> No.12359670

That poem's not bad.

>> No.12359832

Eh, looking at it again I guess you're right. (Though /lit/ is filled with horrible amounts of shitposting, on the other hand.)

I'm not defending it. Just saying it's been happening since forever and is irreversible.
>looks like it's time to bring in the gore and scatfags I hear?
Those days are bygone, my man.

>> No.12359911

Even if you were a woman I wouldn't force this garbage on you.

>> No.12359939

I read it because of my tomboy fetish. The first half is mostly solid, but the second half really drags at points.

>> No.12360214

Czeched. Dudebro just needs a few screenshots - maybe set a few to memory - to impress his naughty thotty. She would never expect him to remember all of them, and the bulk that he "forgets" have no real value to which he needs to reference anyways.

>> No.12360593

It's a bestseller I'd say it's worth it to thumb through and maybe read a couple poems

>> No.12360630

Trendsetter in the genre of thotcore

>> No.12360704

Sure, but cut off your penis first

>> No.12360746


>> No.12360797

This disgusts me.

>> No.12361496

This book is an insult to to literacy.

>> No.12361522

Fucking groce desu.

>> No.12362442
