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12354942 No.12354942 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right?

>> No.12354943
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>> No.12354945

Please put effort into your threads you phone-posting piece of human garbage. This is a low content thread. Read an actual thing and post some actual content about it and you can improve this board.

>> No.12354947
File: 56 KB, 175x234, kant-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Kant meme thread.

>> No.12354948

Post your rare Kants.

>> No.12355173

kant was a nigger

>> No.12355238

Kant is a moron

>> No.12355264

Yes, she deserved to kill herself

>> No.12355298

That story is not true.

>> No.12355416
File: 128 KB, 888x888, 918CC448-2DA8-402B-9315-A10A3BC6E041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see a father care for his children not out of love, but out of duty

>> No.12355427
File: 17 KB, 220x317, Immanuel_Kant_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghost of kant still restlessly haunts the streets and castles of konigsberg
>late on autumn nights, philosophical tryhards come to shout out their metaphysical preferences in the darkness, and he responds with his judgment
>on the first night, a young man calls out "buddhist process theologian!"
>voice of kant groans "dogmatism"
>on the second night, another young man yells "haeckelian monist!"
>gust of wind blows
>windows rattle
>on the third night a man with screamo tattoos and a handlebar moustache shouts "deleuzian bergsonian!"
>the response comes again, "dogmatism"
>finally, on the fourth night, a fourth man appears, but does not say anything
>after many hours the ghost of kant materializes at last, curious at his silence
>kant asks the man why he does not proclaim his metaphysics
>"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent"
>finally the ghost of kant was put to rest
>on that spot, to this day, you can still see the moral law within you and the starry heavens above

>> No.12355474
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I hate the Peter Heath translation of Kant. Not only is it obvious the man is a brainlet, but that he has both a poor grasp of German and English. The results is worse than Google Translation.

>> No.12355489

Kek, that gave me a hearty laugh, anon.

>> No.12355499
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*slow deliberate raspy inhaling laugh ensues*

>> No.12355684

And that mans name was Albert Einstein

>> No.12356592
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>> No.12357325

Yes but everyone after him was more right.

>> No.12357586

Is racism exempt from the Categorical Imperative, you hypocrite? Claiming all should only behave if their behavior would be a universal maxim, while also being a shameless racist? Is racism part of the "moral law" which you expressed such wonder at, you autistic goblin? Do not speak on matters of morality, when you have no knowledge of the concept.

>> No.12357615

No, He was left.

>> No.12358251

Kant's Über die verschiedenen Rassen der Menschen was written prior to his critical period, that is to say, before he wrote his three Critiques and came up with the categorical imperative.

>> No.12358285

Right ethnic group, wrong nationality.