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12354690 No.12354690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than truth — her great art is the lie, her highest concern is mere appearance and beauty.
~ Nietzsche

>Women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important.
~ Schopenhauer

>No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.
~ Weininger

>Women are capable of education, but they are not made for activities which demand a universal faculty such as the more advanced sciences, philosophy and certain forms of artistic production... Women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality, but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions.
~ Hegel

>The female is as it were a deformed male. The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject.
~ Aristotle

>> No.12354692

Jesus christ you fucking incel

>> No.12354703

>Aristotle and Nietzsche? WHAT INCELS!

I can bet your favorite books are Harry Potter - or worse - Infinite Jest

>> No.12354707

>From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than truth

>> No.12354819

based and blackpilled

>> No.12354829

oh my g*d has a roastie ever been more btfo?

>> No.12354928

Nietzsche, Hegel and Aristotle are my favourite philosophers.

What does Marx say about women?

>> No.12354936

Didn't he kick a roastie out of his organization for not shutting up about women's lib?

>> No.12355013

Good way to spot a evil person is to see who they hate. Women tend to be nurturing, kind, forgiving and loving (look at how the woman child Plays, vs the man child). You cannot be moral and hatefull of women, as history proves. I would not be surprised if Satan looks like Nietzsche

>> No.12355054

>muh women can do no wrong meme

>> No.12355060

This is on point but the opfers who only fall into this line of thinking because they can't get any are equally repugnant in my opinion.

>> No.12355075

>1/200 womyn are crazy, and therefore all women are evil hurrr
The prisons are filled with men, most of the massmurderers and genocidal tyrants have been men. Womens greatest weakness/strenght is their inherent neurotocism and conformity

>> No.12355079

woah didnt know Aristotle was a fucking incel

>> No.12355081

Almost all women haters ive known have been terible People, even myself at my cringy mgtow phase

>> No.12355095

I pity you anon

>> No.12355098
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sieg heil to that

>> No.12355105

Well yeah, if it takes getting deterritorialized to spur you into self-awareness its probably not a good start.

>> No.12355167

A bit off topic but...
Posting from the other thread because I couldn't get an answer:
>Okay this is going to sound dumb. But aren't there pics of him engaging in a threesome or something? I know nothing about this guy, so maybe I am mistaken, maybe the photos aren't real. But, whenever Nietzsche comes up on /lit/ some anons say that he was into wild orgies, while others talk about how he was a complete virgin. Which one of them is true?

>> No.12355171

he was a virgin

>> No.12355185

To play devils advocate, nobody is necessarily saying that OP hates woman or that the other guy thinks the majority of them are crazy but you. In general men tend to think and care about more important topics, obviously men think that, but either way the two sexes clearly operate in differently and see each other in certain ways. Interesting discussion if you'd have it outside of calling people evil

>> No.12355197

Who decides what is important?

>> No.12355199

Also, yes. These turds obviously dont know women, as they are obsessed with foolishness that they Call philosophy

>> No.12355205

I wouldn't be so quick to ascertain. While you are correct, it is a bit more complicated than that.
In order to commit a crime you must first be willing to, and most importantly, be capable of doing it. Men, by nature, are stronger, have more confidence in their physical prowess and thus, are more likely to commit violent crimes. Women, however, throughout history have shown a similar inclination to murder and abuse whenever given positions of power; no woman has taken charge of large masses of people before globalization and thus, from a historical standpoint, their capacity to perpetrate evil has been reduce. There isn't a lack of will, but of chance.
For example, baby murder is more common among women than among men, why? Because they have the strenght to kill a baby (anyone does), they have the will, and they are more likely to be around a baby than a man.
The problem is not at the source; both men and women are capable of great evil when given power. Thus, the problem lies on the disposition of said power. Evil isn't more abundant in one gender than in the order, but rather, the ways in which it is expressed.

>> No.12355220

Nobody "decides", it's just the things that remain through time over generations

>> No.12355226

Yeah maybe they should've spent all that time focusing on women instead eh? Lel

>> No.12355230

>Women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality, but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions.
Isn't that most people?

It's arbitrary. It's subjective. It depends on culture. You know that, so why did you ask?

>> No.12355253

Nietzsche isnt hateful

>> No.12355260
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>when the slave morality hits you so hard it rots your brain

>> No.12355317
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Why is it so easy to trigger 4chan by mocking women? You cannot get these responses if you do the exact same thing for Jews or blacks.

>> No.12355323


I know stories about women who coerced men to kill other men for fun, and seen one masturbating while some hapless nerd was being beaten by hunks of meat in some dark street corner (Don't worry. Called the cops on them. Hope the guys are getting dicked with knives in jail.)
Some bitch threatened to call all her male friends from all the country to teach a lesson to my classmate because he just touched her with the tip of a finger.
Another woman started a fight with my friend because she accidentally hit him and broke her fingers against him. He didn' do nothing because he was taught not to hir girls. IMO, she should have kicked her hard enough to make her gonads come out of her mouth.
When I worked in reail, I noticed that women started shit was fucking more often than men. A totally female work environment is a pain in the ass to work with beacuse of the double talk - on the surface, it looks as friendly as Ponyville, but beneath it everyone hates, shit talks, and gossips about everyone else. You had to be a grand chessmater to maneuvre yourself out of this conundrum day through day.
You know shit about women. All your knowledge probably comes from Disney movies and other similar bullshit.
If you want to ascertain, once and for all, the nature of woman, ask one simple question: out of a sensitive nerd who writes sublime poetry or a hypertophied piece of human flesh with a vocabulary of 100 words and whose only skills is torture and murdering people, who will a woman likely choose as a sexual partner?
All the sublime literature in the world was written by men who had turned towards the idea of woman because the actuality was something worse than an old, helminth ridden piece of shit.
Since you're here, on 4channel, and probably young, don't expect to get any pussy soon. Young females want exciting guys, not nice, caring, responsible - they want someone who'll make the feel alive and tingly, which is usually achieved through illegal and dangeorus and violent behaviour for some fuckign reason I can't understand. When their vulva turns kraurotic, they'll find you.
The more of an asshole you are, the more women wet become. Rid yourself of humanity, and women will prostrate before you, lifting their rears for you to dominate. That's my advice to everyone who wants women.

>> No.12355328

Because we like women.

>> No.12355331


>> No.12355338

They can be fun, helpful, and attractive.

>> No.12355347
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>"Autism has become an epidemic"
-Donald Trump

>> No.12355358

I haven’t met one who has any of the first two.

>> No.12355366

Then look harder. I've never had any trouble meeting women that fit all three.

>> No.12355385

Bull. Doesnt change the fact that men tend to murder eachother all the time, with tools that is. Your muscle does not matter when youre facing a pistol. That baby example is retarded, im sure men kill their children just as much, a la single mothers, whom are left to fend for themselves after the man fucks off leaving his offspring behind

>> No.12355394

Why talk about women when you dont know them? Because you are a pseud, no Wonder at least two of those are completely clueless, even at that specific domain that they chose to pursue.

>> No.12355422

Who decides what these philosophers truly knew, or what constitutes "knowing women"? Quit while you're ahead bud

>> No.12355444

They knew nothing. God decides, and by denying God, you deny everything that is and isnt. Your hubris will be Your downfall

>> No.12355446
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>> No.12355457

4chan is so pathetic
>haha we’re the edgy side of the internet! We can say whatever we want!
Also 4chan
>wow bro that misogyny is going too far dont you know it’s the current year and women are based, fucking incel?

>> No.12355458

Ive been around a fair share of men and women. For every one evil woman ive been tempted to slay, there have been three evil men more or less. The only genuine sources of morality comes from the bible, as it trancends the material, with divine wisdom from the creator himself

>> No.12355462

>twisting what I've said to hubris and denying god
Pffft, nah, not buying it. I'm very religious though just fyi

>> No.12355471

>Women tend to be nurturing, kind, forgiving and loving
Factually wrong.

>> No.12355481

I was refering to your haughty remark. You can be religious as long as you want, but you should know that those whomst deny Christ should be disregarded as false-prophets

>> No.12355482

Muscles don't matter when handling a gun, obviously, but the psychological effect is still there. Men are more likely to be violent, regardless of their usage of guns, because since they were children they were made aware of their strenght, while women tend to be made aware of their weakness.
"Hitting girls is not okay" is a message that emphasis male strenght as well as it does female delicatessens. Thus, when violence is a solution to a problem, a man will accept it more readily than a woman.
Even then you will not deny that women can perpetrate horrible, violent crimes, won't you?
I want to make that clear; you do admit that women do in fact partake in violent crimes and aren't guiltless.
>"Infanticide is one of the few forms of violence more often done by women than men. Cross-cultural research has found that this is more likely to occur when the child has deformities or illnesses as well as when there are lacking resources due to factors such as poverty, other children requiring resources, and no male support."
Your justification for women killing their own children seems rather biased, if you allow me to say so. Are you by any chance arguing that when a mother kills their child it's the father's fault? Sorry, but no; the father is being an irresponsible dickwad in those cases, but that doesn't exempt the mother for offing her offspring. There is no such thing as a symbiotic bond that kills children when their father isn't around; the father might be an irresponsible, but the mother is both irresponsible and a murderer in those situations.

>> No.12355490

How often do you interact with women?

>> No.12355491

Everyday. You?

>> No.12355492

It's just cringey to hear virgins bitch about women.

>> No.12355494

Women prefer superficiality since they are most familiar with it as it is what they know and judge best - from telling emotion to seeing more color than a man ever could. It is this which they cling on to and to take this away from them would be like cutting legs off of a runner.

>> No.12355498

It’s so much more cringey to see you white knights actually defend and ascribe subjective extremely positive traits to all women.

>> No.12355500

They are objective truths.

>> No.12355501

You can focus on a specific crime and manipulate statistics as much as you want to justify your foolish opinions, in the grand scale, men tend to be more moraly degenerate

>> No.12355505

That is, the negative traits

>> No.12355510

Men are most degenerate and the most superior. Women are more homogeneous.

>> No.12355511

There's a difference between being a white knight and just wanting bitter virgins to shut up.

>> No.12355513

No, they OBJECTIVELY aren’t because they’re SUBJECTIVE personality traits that can’t be measured.
I know you’re really fucking desperate to ascribe some sort of objective positive trait to all women so you can justify your subconscious desire to defend them to get laid but buddy, they aren’t objective. You aren’t being objective.

>> No.12355515

On 4chan? No there really isn’t. Especially when you go off on how “evil and violent men are and how caring and compassionate women are.”

>> No.12355518

Someone needs a gf.

>> No.12355522

I didn't say that, and don't agree with it. But just generalizing all women and saying only negative things about them is ridiculous.

>> No.12355527

You're merely disregarding said truths because it isn't what you want to believe because it would make you sad. I can give you thousands of men that are better than you could ever be, say what you don't like. What would be your argument then? You are incapable of argumentation and use emotional attacks to make you feel better, because that is the only thing left for people like you.

>> No.12355530

Every person is unique. If you confuse ability With morality, then you have much to learn

>> No.12355531

Ok incel.

>> No.12355535

I corrected myself. The inferior and superior traits of women are objective truths. Women are better at discerning color and telling what someone feels, if he is thinking just by looking at his face. OP's quotes are truthful.

>> No.12355536

You confuse your opinions with truth.

>> No.12355538

What are you basing your psychoanalysis on there, Freud?
You're saying I'm incapable of argumentation and yet resort to ad hominem attacks based on nothing.

>> No.12355541

Are you the same person who called OP evil, and also the same person who said these philosophers didn't know anything because only God does?

>> No.12355542

Literally "no u"

>> No.12355545

Manipulate statistics? Of course, it's all a big conspiracy.
Also, do you think I'm denying that men tend to cause more harm than women? Of course not, it'd be foolish to deny empiric evidence that in fact, more violent crimes and actions can be tracked down to men.
However, what I don't deny, is that women are just as capable of moral degeneracy as men, and the main difference at hand here is that the evil women can and do perpetrate is just as devious, but more subtle. Violent, individual crime is more accessible to men due to, as I've said, physical prowess and the mentality that comes from that. However, when given power and confidence, evil women can be as devious as the vilest of men; Delphine Lalaurie, for example, is a notorious slaver, torturer and murderer, prolific and brutal as few have been; one particular case is how one of her slaves killed herself rather than face Lalaurie's wrath after dropping a cup at a party.
Elizabeth Bàthory took advantage of her wealth and power to murder and torture hundreds of women.
The case of Sylvia Likens shows how a matriarch used her children to torture for months a teenage girl to death.

Give power to a human, be they man or female, and their depravity will shine through.

>> No.12355549

I said they where foolish, because they denied Christ.

>> No.12355551

Lie. Every person will be different but will always share traits with others. Women will always have the same, smaller IQ range. Men will always have a larger IQ range. Women are more alike, therefore.

>> No.12355553

>literally “lol u a virgin”
You deserved nothing more than “no u,” since your post was retarded in the first place.

>> No.12355560

And it really upset you clearly. You really need a gf.

>> No.12355562

You focused on a specific domain of immorality. Men are overepresented in prisons, and naturally when it comes to rape of women and even murder of eachother. Alas, you have only given fringe examples of women. The average criminal is a black/hispanic Young male

>> No.12355564

That's not what was said here >>12355444. If that is in fact you, then I'm glad you're seeing the same dissonance I am.

>> No.12355566

If I don't recall correctly, IQ distribution within genders is a tad stranger. Apparently dumb men usually are stupider than dumb women, but intelligent men tend to be brighter than intelligent women. As an average, of course.

>> No.12355568

And me calling you an incel clearly upsets you, incel. You do realize that white knighting for women on an anonymous imageboard will not get you laid, right? Women hate you.

>> No.12355569

No they wont. Every single person has different DNA, and With it a unique spirit

>> No.12355575

It needs common sense. Your argument of "you're just a virgin" is a way of saying
>"You are inferior and therefore have no say in this, thus what you say is not truthful"
You base truth on where it comes from rather than the merit of what is said

>> No.12355576

No contradiction. Where did you see me deny Christ? All of those "Philosophers" where non-Christians as far as i know

>> No.12355577

I have a gf, and I didn't white knight at all. Stop projecting so much, you might get a gf eventually too if you try.

>> No.12355579

What is disgusting is you People who create discord by spreading foolish babble.

>> No.12355580

Opinions can be truthful and not.

>> No.12355582
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>I have a gf
Lmao sure you do incel.
>I didn’t white knight at all
All your posts have been white knighting.

>> No.12355584

There are 25 posters on this thread. I just got here.
Why does it surprise you that I have a gf? Not everyone is like you. Again, stop projecting.

>> No.12355586

2 Steps to Triggering /lit/, /tv/, /pol/, /his/, /r9k/, etc:
1. Mock women
2. Sit back and collect (You)s

>> No.12355590

>not that anon
>actually that anon

>> No.12355595

I'm actually not though.
Buddy, calm down. I don't get why you're getting so worked up.
Someone anonymously said you need a gf. Relax.

>> No.12355598

>Men are overepresented in prisons
I wouldn't put that much faith in that argument, considering that men tend to receive harsher sentences than women for the same crime.

>A new study by Sonja Starr, an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan, found that men are given much higher sentences than women convicted of the same crimes in federal court.

>The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts.

>Starr also found that females arrested for a crime are also significantly more likely to avoid charges and convictions entirely, and twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted.

>Other research has found evidence of the same gender gap, though Starr asserts that the disparity is actually larger than previously suspected because other studies haven’t looked at the role of plea bargains and other pre-sentencing steps in the criminal justice system.

>A 2009 study suggested the difference in sentencing might arise because “judges treat women more leniently for practical reasons, such as their greater caretaking responsibility.”

As for the rest of your post, you seem still focused on my non existent claims that women commit more crimes than men, which is not what I have argued at any point.
Rape is an iffy subject because of how it is broadening and how certain types of rape applicable to women aren't applicable to men (a man won't usually denounce a woman for sleeping with her while he was drunk), but yes, violent acts of rape do happen more often among men, simply because they have the strenght to restrain and force a female as opposed to vice versa. I am positive that, if men and women were as strong, male rape would sky rocket, but I have no way to prove that so don't take it into account if you don't wish to.

>> No.12355602

Opinions imply imperfection. Maybe you are correct in specific cases, and or domains, but youre still disconected from reality, to a certain extenct. Especially when you parrot the drivel of blasphemers, with propaganda-tier evidence at best

>> No.12355608

Men are over represented because white knights like you in the court system give women lesser sentences for the same crimes.

>> No.12355622

Probably because you're good looking

>> No.12355623

The contradiction being, somehow you know who's evil, that most men are bad, that most women are good, and that these philosophers are pseuds, all while saying they couldn't know a single thing because only God does.

>> No.12355643

No. Men are more susceptible to evil.
We were arguing about the superiourty/inferiority of the genders. The only thing that isnt determined (ie gifts and talents, from God), is morality. Women are underepresented in immorality, as such they are superiour, as that is the most noticable non-determined factor of reality

>> No.12355649

Why are christfags such cuntshills? Wasn’t it a woman that defied God in the Garden of Eden?

>> No.12355654

Most murders are wives poisoning their husbands at least over here.

>> No.12355658

They are evil, because they deny God. To take them seriously after such blasphemy is to lead yourself away from God. Only scripture that should be taken seriously, is that which supplements the Bible.
>1 John 2:22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.

>> No.12355659

Your statement about my claims being opinions was a way to frame them as mere subjective stances that aren't truthful. Everything can be an opinion if you think about it. One day we might find out what we deem true was incorrect, and relegate those who still hold it as true to be only having an incorrect opinion. What could we say about those who thought it was true back then when it was not? We wouldn't call what they claimed to be an opinion, but now it would be deemed an opinion? Everything what we believe and say is based in opinion. We believe 2+2 is 4 because we learned mathematics. We believe our friends are good people based on what we observe of them. This we deem true. But often times opinion and truth may as well be interchangeable because truth is often based on belief, true or not. I can play the semantics game and say that those are not mere opinions but facts backed by observation and pattern-seeking.

>> No.12355663

But why? You must ask WHY? WHY are these women, these poor women, driven to mariticide?

>> No.12355665

>being a virgin

It's your own fault that nobody wants to touch your pipi

>> No.12355667

The patriarchy obviously. Women can do no wrong.

>> No.12355669

>We were arguing about the superiourty/inferiority of the genders. The only thing that isnt determined (ie gifts and talents, from God), is morality. Women are underepresented in immorality, as such they are superiour, as that is the most noticable non-determined factor of reality
I'm not sure we'll be able to reach a consensus or learn much from each other now that I realize that you are arguing from a religious standpoint. I'm not that proficient in this field, so I'll concede rather than duel someone in their own terrain. See you around.

>> No.12355670


you need to go out more

>> No.12355671

>Genesis 3:16 To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”

And then men came and did way worse stuff

>> No.12355676

Two sides of the same coin when it comes to retorts.

>> No.12355678

Truth is from God only. All that suplements the Word is true, all that contradicts is false.

>> No.12355681

We are in the last days. I suggest you deal with the theology and repent

>> No.12355687

Yeah, ive also known demonic women, often anti-theists who found great pleasure in torturing everyone around them. But there was much suffering behind the wickedness

>> No.12355693

Absolute truths are and will always be non existent as there is only so few perspectives one can take to observe and judge the merit of truthfulness. God may as well represent an ideal we will never actually achieve because it ignores truths that hold one back from accomplishing Godhood.

>> No.12355697
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bitter incels

>> No.12355700

You don't know they are evil and deny god, you can't know if they have since repented and been forgiven. Furthermore you could not truly know about the nature of men and women as scripture does not state it plainly. Basically by your statement of everything outside the Bible being false, you made all your subjective views (founded outside the Bible) worthless in your own eyes, yet here you are

>> No.12355706

Truth is binary. Either it is or not. God is, therefore reality is. Without God there is not reality

>> No.12355712

I knew because they assaulted me after i confessed my belief, and did the stereotypical "Wheres your god now?", unbeknownst to them fullfilling a prophesy

>> No.12355716

Truth, like gender, is a spectrum.

>> No.12355720

I know them even to this day. Im sad to hear that they have ostracized me, even though i forgave them for every transgression, but had problems With the forgetting part

>> No.12355724

Women are only kind and forgiving/loving toward attractive men. You're both factually incorrect.

>> No.12355727

Sorry but I'm not sure what any of that means, the men from the OP are dead

>> No.12355747

I know they are evil, because of the ideologies that they spread. The apostasies that they have inspired, the atheism amongst my fellow inntelectuals, are mainly inspired by the pseudoscientific blasphemy spouted by these people.

>Matthew 7:15-2015 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

>> No.12355753

>2 Peter 2 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

>> No.12355760

You can only get close to truth but will never actually achieve absolute truth much like you can't achieve absolute lie. The only one who can say absolute truth is that with absolute knowledge. A god could be the one who is capable of having absolute knowledge.
There is no gender spectrum as that would mean that there is more than feminity and masculinity. The less masculine you are the more feminine you are. The less feminine you are the more masculine you are. To assume there is more is nonsensical. Genders cannot be on a spectrum as this would mean that there is more than merely feminine and masculine if otherwise. There is no third type of chromosome. Only the number of them can change.

>> No.12355766

Well congrats you succeeded in making me hate Christianity even more, by turning into feminist garbage. Hope it was worth it.

>> No.12355769

You don't understand. Gender, like time, is infinite and little understood.

>> No.12355771

what would be the negative consequences of developing artificial wombs and then holocausting the whole of the women race? Would humanity be less or more because of it?

>> No.12355775

I should write a book about what all these great men have thought about women. Title it "Philosophers on Women."

Here's another. It takes 3 braincells rubbing against one another to get this one.

We men wish that women would stop compromising themselves through enlightenment: just as male care and protection of women were at work when the church decreed: "mulier taceat in ecclesia!" It was for women’s own good, when Napoleon gave the all-too-eloquent Madame de Stael to understand: "mulier taceat in politicis!" – and I think that it is a true friend of the ladies who calls to them today: "mulier taceat de muliere!"

>> No.12355776

You are doing it to yourself buddy. God is love, peace
Indeed. God is absolute truth, and by denying God, you are throwing truth out the window, just like the average antichrist, and even Satan himself, whom delights in deception and falseness

>> No.12355779

Less because women are there to help men deal with the bullshit men don't need to waste time with and men are there to do the same but for women. Women fill their potential and men do the same. Break this and you have a shitty society.

>> No.12355780

>God is love
>except for all men because all men are violent, vicious and evil
No thanks.

>> No.12355782

Women don’t do this for men anyway.

>> No.12355785

but its already broken

>> No.12355787

We could finally overcome the superficial capriciousness of women and colonize the solar system.

>> No.12355790

Not all. Men tend to be more sinfull

>> No.12355793

Right because every teenage girl in the west fucking every Chad with a pulse until she “settles down,” is totally not sinful.
I’ve never met a pious women yet of course “men are the baddies!”

>> No.12355795

the fuck did this bible thumping come from, how do people like this even find this place and think that preaching to anonymous people on the internet is time well spent

>> No.12355801

And is do men and women do what I described? No? Oh my, what a coincidence!
I only used god as a symbol of perfection - a hypothetical.

>> No.12355805

Men still do what you described. Women dont.

>> No.12355806

Masturbation is also a sin
>1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

>> No.12355807

>Women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important.

Applies to the lower strata of men as well. Tbh 80% of both genders should be fed into a meat grinder.

>> No.12355811

Men wouldn’t have to masturbate if women didn’t constrain the marriage/sex market so much.

>> No.12355813

Also, you would end up with men filling female roles and men filling traditional female roles. The duality would be restored but it would be shittier. Feminine men and manly men. Everyone would be a gay because they would seek someone to be with and since there is no woman they will seek this company from a man and he will choose on the virtues and the superficial this partner. You won't solve much and only make it worse.

>> No.12355814

Life is short

>> No.12355818

What "female roles"? Women said gender roles dont exist anymore so there isn't anything women do that men cant once we come up with artificial wombs ;^)

>> No.12355821

Then it isn't what I described. Both need to do what I described. Women are more manlike thanks to feminism and reject notions of difference between man and woman. This breaks the symbiosis between man and woman.

>> No.12355823

What you say does not counter the possibility they have since repented and been forgiven. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, worry about the log in your eye before the speck in your neighbors, etc. These men studied and toiled for lifetimes, books being the only thing they left behind for us. At best, it's disgraceful to call their memory evil and not ignorant. You can try to judge all you want, but if they knew nothing, you know nothing. All I set out to do in my reply was to play devils advocate and help you see this in a new light, for your sake. Why choose to live in a world of evil men with evil agendas? And above all, why paint your targets at the towering philosophical intellectuals who devoted their lives to wisdom when some don't even have misguided good intentions?
Where in the scripture does it say that? How could you know?

>> No.12355825

You can thank the fall. Imagine how great the world would be if we didnt have lust

>> No.12355826

We are contrarians by nature

>> No.12355832

this place is finally interesting. all your greats have had the presence of "bible thumpers," in their lives. some more than others, but to deny the utility of this force on an artist is idiotic.

>> No.12355834

I thought r9k hated women, what changed? I thought it was a known fact women are more shallow than men

>> No.12355837

Easier solution is to destroy feminism. We need to fix the notion of what women are.

>> No.12355838

don't you know, trannies are bringing essentialism back. they are a trojan horse into the feminist camp. we should only facetiously counter transfags, for they are undoubtedly doing god's work.

>> No.12355841

I didnt say they where evil. The bible warns of those who deny Christ, and truthfully their fruits have proved to be nothing but catastrophical to mankind, unironically leading to its extermination (in the measurable materialist interpretation of reality). Cain murdered Abel

>> No.12355842

>The only thing that isnt determined (ie gifts and talents, from God), is morality. Women are underepresented in immorality
>He thinks some morals are objectively better than other morals.
What a fucking pleb christfag you are.

>> No.12355847

By i didnt say, i mean it came from the bible, not me personally. Before i read the Word from God, i used to agree With both Aristotle and Nietsche

>> No.12355849

>What changed?
Women, trannies and white knights from reddit have taken over /r9k/.

>> No.12355857

But you did say that, right there. Also where is your source that they denied Christ? How do you know what exactly has come from their fruits?

>> No.12355866

The commandements from your creator supercedes anything that you can conjure, unless you are used as a conduit that is. By denying objective morality(from your creator), you are denying morality all together.

>> No.12355874

By being an atheist, you deny Christ, God and the Holy spirit. Their worldview contradicts with holy scripture, this is why i know they are atheist

>> No.12355880

oh come on, just because ‘it’s useful sometimes’ doesn’t make one of these people less of a freak. At least they’re in character, doing something as inconsequential as preaching here is exactly what a stereotypical bible thumper would do, regardless of the why’s and who’s that it always raises. In any case any discussion is them is a fucking black hole of dimness.

>> No.12355881

Ok I got you on that first point. Thing is, way I see it, the Bible warns us but you're taking it upon yourself to judge who is who by way of condemning these people for doing the same thing. And if that wasn't enough, some of these guys aren't even atheist, like Hegel, so your point isnt so rational

>> No.12355884

>is them
with them*

>> No.12355926

Morality is placed inside your brain by the people that raised you and you grew up with by respecting them via animal instincts.
How can you prove objective morality when you have pagan tribes and other religions all over the globe that think entirely diferent from you?
Even religous morals change as time passes or else religion would have lost all their followers today.
Why am i denying morality all together by not believing in objective morality? Its impossible to not have morals, everyone does, i am just acknowledging they are diferent from person to person.

>> No.12355941

they're not freaks. liberal atheist faggots are a historical anomaly and the fact that they kill themselves at record rates, which indicates there's a great presence of spiritual suffering and misery which doesn't rise to the level of suicide as well, is proof that it's a temporary anomaly.

the allah ackbars are closer to the essence of humanity. you need to be gentler and understanding of them instead of recoiling and treating them like a used condom by the side of the street.

>> No.12355975

Oh so you’re one of them, figures.

>> No.12355978

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.12356002

I'm a nietzschean

even durkheim understood it 100 years ago faggot. read his book on suicide. if you're not convinced, look at suicide rates overall. even women are an heroing at record rates, but its nothing compared to men. then compare atheist liberal faggot suicide rates to allah ackbar suicide rates.

>> No.12356007

It probably has something to do with the prevalence of consanguinuity amongst the ackbars

>> No.12356011

People use the word trigger way too liberally

>> No.12356012

We need something to spiritually uplift ourselves without believing in nonsense. Hmmmm

>> No.12356018

>mock women
>people immediately get angry
>>b-but you’re using the word wrong!

>> No.12356019

People kill themselves more, so therefore its bad.
In what way is this objectively bad?
Do you prefer people to carry on their shit because they are being controlled by fear of being sent to hell?

>> No.12356025

my point still stands. liberal atheist faggots are an anomaly. most of the world is religious. most of the world has been even more religious. where people are irreligious there is an uneasy, homeless, feeling in people and they kill themselves because life without religion is hard to bear.

if you wanted to paint a portrait of a typical human being and say "ecce homo," this is a human being per se, you'd be an absolute moron to make them atheists.

>> No.12356041

>no sources or facts
Your point doesn't stand at all because you didn't support it all. Faggot.

>> No.12356046

there's religious retards apart from ackbars.

yes, i said i am a nietzschean, but i have no delusions about mankind having surpassed the need for god....i only think that in some corner of the world, the idea of god has been rendered unbelievable. that only compounds the problem.

i didn't say people killing themselves was bad. i said it was sign people were ill at ease, homeless, in the world, and that the human being who sees themselves more at home in this world, ironically enough, is the religious man. i'm just trying to get you all to have as much contempt for the facile atheism and liberalism which looks down upon religious natures as a good nietzschean.

>> No.12356050

I’m not sure who I hate more, christfags or women.
I shudder to think of christfag women.

>> No.12356062


2.9 seconds of google

>> No.12356063

then be attractive uncle. it isn’t hard.

>> No.12356072

you can get similar responses on /his/ and /tv/ (though half of them are people falseflagging as redditors and liberals) if you say virulently low brow antisemitic statements. but, women and their pets really do react more viciously and with far more contempt for their assailants than Jews or blacks do. You can detect a sense of pity or humerous instinct to contest the claims among Jews, Libs and Blacks but not women. They legitimately want to castrate you for the slightest, serious, critique of their sex.

>> No.12356096

Ah yes totally, meanwhile obunga in Lesotho gasses himself with pesticides on his farm like all the other guys there, driving up the suicide rate to one of the highest in the world. Clearly a country terrorized by liberal atheism. Or perhaps you’re lazerfocusing on something just tp make a point even though it is statistically insignificant compared to other factors you massive melt.

>> No.12356099

only in the most fatuous and superficial ways, and their kindness is poisonous to a developing male personality
absolutely not, extremely vindictive. commit a crime or social faux pas that offends women and watch how they rail against you for the remainder of your dealings with them.
they don’t love us the way we do them and this is neither a mark against them nor an excuse for their cruelty and stupidity.

>> No.12356107
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He cute

>> No.12356118

code for petersonite

>> No.12356134

way to argue like a nigger

>> No.12356140

>If you make people believe in some jewsish god that was created in the early middle ages to spread some morals by force and fear so that even the most iliterate retarded peasant could understand and follow without question then people wouldnt do the stuff that imo i think is bad.
Religion is one massive slave a master morality at work. That was originated so tribe alphas could consolidate more power and explain shit they didnt know on their people, as its natural human instinct to do so. Christianism was simply put in a larger scale, and consulidated in europe because jew lords decided to adapt it to their pagan lifestyles and spread the rest with bribes and war.

>> No.12356148

the european progenitors of christianity weren’t racially jewish and christianity ceased to be jewish the moment the Italians legislated it as their state cult.

>> No.12356152

Literally just because of the Reddit crosspostsrs that get angry lmao fuck them

>> No.12356157

>Although religion is reported to be protective against suicide, the empirical evidence is inconsistent.
Thanks for the assist I guess

>> No.12356165

>Religiosity was found to both protect against and help individuals recover from depression. Individuals not depressed at baseline remained nondepressed 2 years later if they frequently attended religious services, whereas those depressed at baseline were less likely to be depressed at follow-up if they more frequently engaged in private prayer.

>In depressed patients, hopelessness and suicidal intent are inversely related to the level of religiosity.

>Offspring who reported at year 10 that religion or spirituality was highly important to them had about one-fourth the risk of experiencing major depression between years 10 and 20 compared with other participants.

here, easy.

>> No.12356179

thanks cringelord for your nuanced understanding of mankind and its spiritual needs.

>> No.12356193

>Need more
You don't need more, you want more, want more to perpetuate your bitter personality so that you can spend your life blaming anyone but yourself for your problems.

>> No.12356207

Do you have any counter argument or are you just going to denigrate other posters?

>> No.12356226

that was a counter argument, faggot. my point is that your "analysis" was unsophisticated and you don't take into account very real need for spiritual fulfillment which only religion (and perhaps belief that time is a flat circle which eternally recurs ever the same) can provide.

hurr durr, religion is used to oppress people. even if true, you haven't exhausted all the other uses of religion. some of them might just be absolutely necessary to living well.

>> No.12356239

>european progenitors of christianity weren’t racially jewish
What are you even talking about "european progenitors"? The guys that spread it to europe? Why should i care if they are jewish or not? Just because Christianity originated from jewish people it doesnt mean i hate jews, i just told you the truth.
>christianity ceased to be jewish the moment the Italians legislated it as their state cult.
Based on what? Just because you say it so?
What counter argument is it even that to what i said?
>It was created as a derivative from jewish religion
>n-no if the italians legislated then it means its pure european, so that way i dont hurt muh feelings

>spiritual needs
What does you religion provide that is an absolute need that we cant live without it?

>> No.12356320

Yeah, yeah, I saw that Peterson lecture on YouTube too.
Remember his famous 12 rules?
Let's go over some so you don't forget:
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't.
Be precise in your speech.

>> No.12356333

But it’s okay to blame others for your problems if the others are Jews, blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, or white men, amiright fellow 4channelers?

>> No.12356338

>Misreading and quoting Schopenhauer and Nietzsche out of context
Kek, no recovery

>> No.12356340

i'm getting a phd in philosophy, you stuipid faggot. i don't give a shit about peterson.

>> No.12356378

>Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lie

>> No.12356486

>The only possible reason for disliking women's nature is being unsatisfied with yourself
There can't seriously be people with brains this small, can there?

>> No.12356521
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Yes. They're called women.

>> No.12356668

>missing your old friends veteran
Fuck that hit me a little too hard

>> No.12356745
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>> No.12356759

Big if true.

>> No.12356777

Because this board is full of leftist college kid weaklings- and that type of person is always going to white knight.

>> No.12356785

Your mom is a woman, OP.

>> No.12356800

No shit. Giving birth doesn't redeem her gender for their shortcomings.
Not. An. Argument.

>> No.12356808

Agreed, friend. Women are soft and kind and sweet and caring, and hopefully one day one will take care of me and let me know that everything will be okay :(

>> No.12356811

>or white men
Say again?

You and I both know OP isn't mining for quotes (not even full texts) about how women suck because he's some bastion of virtue.

Poast physique faggot

>> No.12356841
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Freud is really good on this topic, OP.

>The woman who refuses to see her sexual organs as mere wood chips, designed to make the man's life more comfortable, is in danger of becoming a lesbian--an active, phallic woman, an intellectual virago with a fire of her own .... The lesbian body is a particularly pernicious and depraved version of the female body in general; it is susceptible to auto-eroticism, clitoral pleasure and self-actualization.

>> No.12356851

>You and I both know OP isn't mining for quotes (not even full texts) about how women suck because he's some bastion of virtue.
You have nothing to base that on. For all you know it’s a lazy female student writing a paper on how canonical thinkers are oppressors.

>> No.12356906

trips confirm

>> No.12356921

insert jew for woman and use them interchangeably

>> No.12356950

>Women tend to be nurturing, kind, forgiving and loving

unbelievable naivety. if only this were the case

>> No.12356961

Not personally but in the Com International, they denounced women´s lib because it was a "distraction" from labor

>> No.12356992

>4channer think he can/has to fix the notion of what women are
kek being with yourself

>> No.12357011

>he wants to have a meaningfull conversartion in 4channel

>> No.12357067

>Say again?
That’s who women get to blame all their problems on. The rest are the “acceptable” blame options according to 4chan consensus.

>> No.12357078

My mom is also an abusive person who cheated on my dad. Nice try tho.

>> No.12357122

>>The female is as it were a deformed male

I prefer the term ''undeveloped'' myself

>> No.12357877


it was Victoria Woodhul

>> No.12357925

just as cringey to see women get mad at virgins bc they dont pamper to them

>> No.12358007

>women, the species that decides which genes reproduce

It is the opposite my friend, it is the definition of cruelty saying "you are not good enough, for this world, your life will not continue"

Men are 3 times as strong as women and could rape anyone they please this breaking this narrative. Yet we established a society based on the reduction of suffering by submitting us to it and helping the child grow up. This is kindness, this is male choice.

>> No.12358367

No one's making you post here, cunt.

>> No.12358476
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they were, all of them

"Woman are all we know of paradise on this earth" - Albert Camus

>> No.12358499

>why do you like women

let me see your forearms and I'll make the longest post you've seen conserning this matter, from an original standpoint
time stamp

>> No.12358626


This is not only tiresome but utterly wrong. Women get abused and murdered mostly by their husbands or concubines. The raw numbers are bad enough, but if we are to consider that marriage is determined by a woman holding her man to her highest standards, inasmuch as she is a rational party on par with the man likewise holding her to his standards, it would mean women actually prefer gynocidal men. Common knowledge among all men, by the way.

>> No.12358650


>> No.12358668
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>> No.12358712

>I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.

Reminder that Shopes was actually unbased and bluepilled.

>> No.12358817

Frailty, thy name is woman


>> No.12359186
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>> No.12359276

Holy shit the fucking incels in this thread

Women compete with each other for beauty and select the most competent men for mating. Men compete with each other for women by striving to be a more competent individual who's suitable to take care of a woman (so she can raise your kids, optimally). Try raising a child without a mother figure and see how it goes, it'll show case in point how master and slave morality renders women dominant in certain domains also. Google "female dominated professions" and imagine a patriarchal society where men had to fulfill them all instead.
Incels and "my ex('s) fucked me over so now i'm a sad resentful insecure little faggot" misogynists should be gassed.

>> No.12359284

Your brain is just swimming in Jordan Peterson.

>> No.12359308

if you haven't reached a stage where thinking lowly of women doesn't even feel edgy but simply natural and obvious to you, you still have a long way to go.

>> No.12359370
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>I wouldn't put that much faith in that argument, considering that men tend to receive harsher sentences than women for the same crime.
Men are obviously underrepresented in prisons because they're more aggressive and disagreeable and prone to general misconduct than women are, especially between ages 12-27 when they're developing masculinity (blacks are also over-represented as more aggressive and disagreeable, lo and behold they are over-represented in prisons as well). If you seriously think that the female lesser sentence bias statistic is skewing the data that badly you're severely autistic.

>> No.12359377

I understand that bureaucrats are necessary for the proper functioning of most societies, that doesn't mean that I am not allowed to hate or criticize bureaucracy. Just because women do many essential roles for the functioning of society, that doesn't mean one has to like them. Although without feminism there would be much less wrong with women - if they weren't allowed to share their views online, if they weren't allowed to share as many public spaces with men as they do currently and so on women would be much more bearable. Instead, we live in a society that essentially engages in a religious cult around women, whatever a woman says, in some sort of primordial natural way it must be true or right, and even if it is factually wrong, the woman is still right by intention or motivation. Couple this worship with the fact that women are much less capable of coherent, stringent, rational thought - there is an unprecedented pollution of thought going on. Once you pay attention, you will notice that almost all absolutely insane, incoherent, idiotic academic disciplines are dominated by women, the worst political movements get popular and taken seriously as soon as women are involved (Wicca, Radfemism, etc.).

>> No.12359378

>Men are obviously underrepresented in prisons
overrepresented* phoneposting my bad

>> No.12359536

and for that, we can thank women for being guillible idiots who comitted the First Sin

>> No.12359602

These are the people who post on 4chan now

>> No.12359630

This thread had great potential, now it's just a containment thread for the whiteknights and basedcucks which isn't really that bad either

>> No.12359650
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>Religiosity was found to both protect against and help individuals recover from depression. Individuals not depressed at baseline remained nondepressed 2 years later if they frequently attended religious services, whereas those depressed at baseline were less likely to be depressed at follow-up if they more frequently engaged in private prayer.
It’s a big leap to think this will work for everyone. There are just types of people who get more out of spirituality and religion so they practise it. Others can’t get that. They don’t have that ‘spiritual need’ as you claim

>In depressed patients, hopelessness and suicidal intent are inversely related to the level of religiosity.
From data you can draw numerous hypothesies, you could claim for example that religion offers community and depressed people are usually isolated and religious people are less isolated if they go to church for example. An alternative hypothesis to yours. With only this info both just stay hypothesies.

>Offspring who reported at year 10 that religion or spirituality was highly important to them had about one-fourth the risk of experiencing major depression between years 10 and 20 compared with other participants.
Same for this really. Anyway there are factors that predict depression and suicide attempts much more than irreligiousity. This way there are still high suicide rates in some highly religious countries. Factors like low socioeconomic position, social isolation(there it is again, maybe this is a likely hypothesis huh), low scores on tests of intelligence, serious mental illness, chronic psychological distress, and lower physical stature(manlets btfo) are consistently related to elevated suicide rates.
[link in pic fuck the spamfilter]
Religion might be a help but is not seen as a deciding factor in this, it doesn’t make shortlists.

>> No.12359669

>not incels

>> No.12359672

What explains the extremely polarizing view on woman this site has? I'm asking this in the most genuine and honest way possible.

Is there a good book on the history and/or psychological basis of misogyny? I just don't understand it. Men and women are not equal of course, but to say that one of the sexes is inferior than the other just strikes me as intellectually dishonest.

I can't make sense of the citations in the OP either. What do I read to make sense of this, /lit/? No diaries, please.

>> No.12359725

Reddit, wizards, whiteknights, incels and occasionaly a self identified mysogynist who reads all the authors who make quotes like this and considers himself sophisticated.

>> No.12359743

the original 4chan before the shills and tumblrs influx was just like OP, now we just have lots of reddit,shills and tumblrfags

>> No.12359757

People just don't give a fuck. It's fun to be edgy. To some people women do really seem like whores, but they're ignorant and don't see that women are just simple and childish and don't know any better. Hating women is stupid. It's like hating kids because they are dumb.

>> No.12359795
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>defending women

>> No.12359836

What do you think he meant by range?

>> No.12359928


shilling this book because it provides great insight into negative female behavior, as well as the faggots that they raise

>> No.12359937

The ultimate anglo-jew worldview, harsh but actually pathetic.

>> No.12359959

So Jew and anglo are the new term for hurt sperg feefees?

>> No.12359997

>but to say one of the sexes is inferior is intellectually dishonest
How so? Men never had to carry a baby for months on end, over all this time we've been adapting to be as strong and capable as possible. There are things about life and experience that one cannot speak on, and while men and women are exactly the same in some ways, sometimes women being superior in a category, largely in our modern society men are better suited for the jobs and we have more time in the day to think about these problems.

>> No.12360006


>> No.12360027

you know what? Ive dated shitty women and alright women, but all in all- I'm not sure I care to carry either on my back. Pussy is good for a few turns but their company is usually lacking in some sense. And I'm not trying to say they don't have value, I'm just trying to say they don't seem to be worth the risk or trouble after I ascertain some validation my brain seeks.

What do you get from them? What is Sophia like? Does she exist? Who was she in the past?

>> No.12360063

I have a hypothesis.
Men and women are both very, very specialized in focusing on sexually attractive things, which are mostly ancient. The new and the good, as common as it might be, is not ever seen by some.
This means that men and women play cats and dogs.

That said I have severe trust issues and I get angry from positive feedback.

>> No.12360080


My view is this

Women have more power in this world because men worship sex, since most of them have no other goal other than be important in the eyes of other, seems that having sex is the easiest way to become strong in this modern world

People that are evil, when they touch power, they become extremely wicked, that's why we see women who are extremely wicked and we can't understand it, men are potentially evil too, it's just they don't much power before the state goes against them and punishes them with jail or other social customs, meanwhile women can get around this so their wickedness can go further

but there are people that are good too, there are good women, but they need to realize their own sinful nature (same process that men go when they need to chaste themselves at least mentally to become good), and that's inherently hard for a woman in a society so liberally free for sex, it's basically the nofap-noporn version of women, to avoid showing themselves for attention because they realize it's modern society trying to corrupt them by liberating their flesh without limits

I have known good women, but they actively go against their flesh, they don't care about sex, so naturally they go under the radar and most men who are still sex-deprived ignore them. They will not settle for marriage either, they are just good and selfless, they are mostly found on places where sex-fueled capitalism hasn't given his gospel yet

>> No.12360092

Youre not kind. Youre just a pussy who would gladly rape if other men didnt stop you

>> No.12360100

Because its true. Did you have a mother, a teacher or female siblings?

>> No.12360116

They worship demons, therefore they are imoral. Stop believing the relative morality shtic. Its false, and for that they suffer imensly (read up on child abuse in tribal cultures).

>> No.12360137

If you see depreciation in Nietzsche's statement you're fucking dumb.

>> No.12360169


I don't think this is a good argument, actually my trigger to see that woman could be as evil and that most of them are evil in the same way as most males are evil was that my sister was a piece of shit that almost killed my bedridden father from cardiac arrest

>> No.12360396


>> No.12360412

was inviting them here part of your plan?

>> No.12360425

This is why we need God

>> No.12360474
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>my fellow inntelectuals,

>> No.12360488
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>read up on child abuse in tribal cultures
Because no church has ever been implicated in child abuse

>> No.12360564


Yes, I agree, in fact there is a good book about this that it isn't included in the bible but i like a lot "The Sheperd of Hermas"

>> No.12360573

He quite literally claims to hate many things and people though

>> No.12360899
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Nice one Anon

>> No.12361376




>> No.12361404

I do, obviously

>> No.12361436

Jesus Christus, zurück zur Hauptschule mit dir.

>> No.12361462



>> No.12361480

most yikes-tastic post of 2010 so far.

>> No.12361481

>poast fizzeek
you first puss boi

>> No.12361489

No, retard Christianity was spread to europe by Greeks and Syrians and adopted by romans and spread primarily to Celts and Germanics. Its not really Jewish anymore, Jews worship themselves and don’t have mercy cultism or an eternal afterlife.

>> No.12361511

Both are important but the criticisms towards women are true.

>> No.12361517

Correct. Women are more conformist, therefore won't bring change.

>> No.12361519
File: 91 KB, 750x739, 1535202400727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camus said that when women still had children. That is the miracle of paradise he is referring to. Little did he know that without men restraining women, they will not only willingly, but gladly and gleefully, kill their children with abortions. Simply because bringing a life into this world might disrupt their dead-end career, shallow social life, or degenerate hobbies.

Women rejected paradise and God when they unanimously decided that killing their own babies was an inherit right.

Literally not a single great artist or author that praised the qualities of women, back when cultures were still restrained by patriarchal laws, would still hold the same opinion today. Modern women would disgust them.

Who would've guessed that giving women complete freedom and privilege would result in them rejecting every inherit good they possessed.

>> No.12361527

lmao at anyone using the abortion argument like the have the moral highground. just pathetic

>> No.12361531

Again, the pitiful, incapable of argumentation, will rather sidetrack because he is incapable of proving the philosophers wrong. Think of this, even if they were incels, would this mean that they suddenly are incorrect? You're a dumb nigger if you think so.

>> No.12361534

ouch. cringe post.

>> No.12361539

Not an argument.

>> No.12361547
File: 17 KB, 600x600, 1536448308533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao at anyone using the abortion argument like the have the moral highground. just pathetic
"Muh body. Muh right." *sigh* So predictable. Do you ever tire of being so paint-by-numbers?

>> No.12361553

t. has killed at least one of her unborn children

Evil. Fucking. Bitch.

>> No.12361601

Women have been fucking up since Eve gave Adam the apple.