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12351909 No.12351909 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the Kwisatz Haderach?

>> No.12351931
File: 488 KB, 600x450, 1546487092430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KH has to be a guy

>> No.12351944
File: 47 KB, 686x174, lit btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that literature and knowledge is inherently bougie and capitalist.

>> No.12351948

Imagine having to regularly interact with members of the Brooklyn DSA. Yikes

>> No.12351970

You can't be "socialist enough". You're either a socialist or not, and she is not. Talking about her class like she talks about being latin, namely as an identity, only proves her liberal worldview.

>> No.12351985

Had a little faith in this bitch but shes just another le epic twitter personality that totally OWNS the CONSERVATARD SNOWFLAKES.

>> No.12351995

The only thing neoliberlism offers is cosmetic.
The only thing social democracy offers is reformist.

Actual communists despised social democrats. They called them social fascists.

The goal of the democratic party is not actual change, but the absorption of so called marginalized into the machine that oppresses them.

Identity politics is not revolutionary, it is revisionist.

>> No.12352005

You had faith in an illiterate Mexican bartender SocDem?

>> No.12352017

social democracy still gives workers the freedom to organize and abolish capital in the first place. Post-Keynesian/Piketty economics can't save us but it can certainly help us.

>> No.12352025

yes. snowflake righters are SEETHING every time she opens her mouth

>> No.12352026

same. all the anti-bernie libs seem to love her new yas queen persona.

>> No.12352031
File: 56 KB, 315x475, B68C88BD-FF77-4C63-B48B-D4C36DAA470B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s like having Russel Brand in parliament. So it harmless and may actually do some good.

No government is going to bring about socialism though.

>> No.12352040

>ebil conservatives can't even let a girl dance but if a girl wants to dance, she's gonna DANCE motherfucker and drumpf ain't gonna be able to do shit about that!
this "leak" seems like guerilla pr desu.

>> No.12352044

we already know what will happen if we got a soc dem president. Just like after FDR. the capitalist will spend the next 50 years after he leaves destroying his legacy.

The communists are right. The only thing that will ever actually change anything is violent revolution

>> No.12352053

Google Bookchin!

>> No.12352056


>> No.12352088

i love how she has to keep the white boyfriend hidden to avoid angering the radlibs

>> No.12352090

a revolution born in blood always ends in more blood.
it happened with France and Napoleon. it happened with Russia and Stalin.
violent bottom-up occult violence is always a last resort and should not be treated as liberally as Leninists like to.

>> No.12352106

Holy shit, had to google this to confirm

Laughed pretty hard

>> No.12352107
File: 284 KB, 1600x1200, Blat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we got past this whole integrity thing. There is no more left; their is only right now. Whether or not she is or is not a channel for the will of the people is a matter of god's will and I would not be one to be made a fool by divinity. What America needs is austerity and a kick in the ass.

>> No.12352111

violence is good. Only under capitalism are people like you made. Soft, docile, weak cows who only allow the government a monopoly on violence

>> No.12352118

>a revolution born in blood always ends in more blood.

Based as fuck. Why have the Revolution without the Revolutionary Terror?

>> No.12352126

I mean, how come no one has even asked her if she has a boyfriend yet. I looked it up and she is dating some dude who worked for obama. I think its less that he is white, but that she is connected with the establishment by sucking an obama speech writers dick and that really bites into the whole "im just le dancing and you cant stop me" le epic rebel schtik

>> No.12352129

Lmao thats actually pitiful

>> No.12352131

The communist never built anything I'd want part of.

>> No.12352132

through the regions, probably. it's not much of a guess, but by the way populations are going, it seems likely that a subset of municipal governments could indeed bring that about within a structure that is more limited. it's really a failure of imagination on public intelectualls that you have no fesible economic solution

>> No.12352142

it's not a question of docility you brat, it's a question of how you treat a political prisoner. making demands that amount to a change in protocol doesn't require massacre.

>> No.12352156
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-communism-is-not-love-communism-is-a-hammer-which-we-use-to-crush-the-enemy-mao-zedong-32-45-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism isn't about building anything for you, it's about destroying you.

>> No.12352162

Its very simple. You learn this is prison.
If you lose an argument just beat the shit out of the person. Then you won the argument

>> No.12352182

More than that. When communists start purging themselves, communist dissenters become refugees and exilees outside their former comrade's reach. Building communism is much harder than destroying whatever comes before. Communists are good at destruction, at least.

>> No.12352184
File: 18 KB, 300x399, Fathers and Sons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it might. I think that is actual the only legitifing source that gives hold to a long lasting value. It is magic and insanity that hold shit together, and probably a bit of sleeping around.

>> No.12352190

The future is a rainbow colored boot stamping on a human face forever.

>> No.12352225

according to this article the speechwriter is a different guy with the same name:

Cortez' boyfriend is some web developer marketing guy

>> No.12352231

>I looked it up and she is dating some dude who worked for obama

Wrong Riley Robets brah, look at the following link. I just think is funny because progressives always talk about being opposed to "old white men". Also, she literally is hiding the guy which I think is pretty funny.


>The Roberts who is dating Ocasio-Cortez is not the same Riley Roberts as the well-known speechwriter who lives in D.C.

>> No.12352233

>Cortez' boyfriend is some web developer marketing guy
so bougie dude

>> No.12352256

What a bug faced commie

>> No.12352260
File: 37 KB, 800x387, Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortex-crazy-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paul was a pussy who couldn't dare to look into the golden path

AOC has seen the light

>> No.12352269

why would they? why does it matter who she's fucking? why shouldn't be allowed to have a personal life and not subject her relatives and friends to unnecessary, invective scrutiny for something that has little to do with them?

>> No.12352356

Because she literally walks around talking about DA EVIL WHITE MAN, but then she dates a white its totally hypocritical.

>> No.12352385

american politics is the dirtiest show in the game playa.
You think you are fucking safe?
Look up the old shit talking they used to do back in the day. They would say their opponent fucked a donkey, a dead donkey, and was into incest.
The only thing that matters is winning.
You dont think this beaner bitch isnt going to come under the same scrutiny?
She would fucking kill herself if she had to take half of what the media does to trump

>> No.12352431

>what the media does to trump
Cover everything he says all day every day, which is exactly what he wants them to do?

>> No.12352444

Somebody draw this please

>> No.12352469

>She would fucking kill herself if she had to take half of what the media does to trump

She's absolutely a fucking moron and should not be a politician over anybody but don't act like Trump doesn't really bring all of the coverage on himself.

>> No.12352478

This is trumps actual genius.

A lesser man like jeb would have apologized and bent the knee to the liberal media eons ago.

>> No.12352479

the face should be joyfully ramming itself into the boot three times daily

>> No.12352480

imo she looks really cute in these goblina face pics

>> No.12352505

I wish I could crucify anti-human degenerates like you.

>> No.12352526

Thinly veiled /pol/ thread.

>> No.12352561

Trump tells lies which aren't lies because he believes them at the time of utterance and forgets them as soon as the air passes his lips. I don't think he's done anything that he said he would do. And I'm genuinely not sure why he wanted to become president. What was this thread for?

>> No.12352563
File: 104 KB, 1176x802, cortezhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The roastie has carefully curated her appearance according to the whims of the masses, yet in her personal life she feels utterly free to betray any principles she might claim to stand for in public. She is an actress, and when she takes off her mask she defaults to the psychology of the average orangutan. She has never had an original thought, though she can tell you all about how badly such and such group is suffering, and how horrible it is that her political enemy doesn't care about it. For her it is about being a player on the stage; she wants to be involved, included, loved, and admired. Besides this she has but a single qualification: that she will do anything and be anyone, so long as she has someone to put on make-up for, someone to see what she is doing and notice her. She would vanish, even to herself, the moment everyone looked away. Though she does not know it, this is what she fears most of all: to be forgotten, unnoticed. Therefore, all is a mask, a show. What is going on? Why are we here? Who are we? She doesn't know. What is this great battle of ideas and who can answer such tremendous question as: what is justice? What is truth? She has never thought about it. For her it is all theatre anyway. In public she is a strong, contentious woman--at night she is a docile doll, thirsty for affection and physical contact. The ideals she carries in her head, or rather, the ones she stores away until she needs them, do not belong to her: they are adopted from someone else. For her there are really no eternal problems, only immediate ones: someone is suffering, someone is being excluded, here and now. But what is all this? She feels no more obligated to address this question in her heart than a blind man asked to describe what he sees.