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12348961 No.12348961 [Reply] [Original]

John 10:30 spells out the principle of Advaita Vedanta.

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

>> No.12348970
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The fire of Jnana you say??????

>> No.12349043
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a razor coming, a feast of luxury in loss, only dark cool, calm, announce your self, for the path is empty and I hear only now, and those I trust have gone. a razor is coming, a folly to wait. A razor but before that I know once again I eat mine end in godel's mad elusieum to which I have administered his travesty of un-concern, as trauma causes in that animal faith for searchers of bracketable, mad-making categories I need to retain, arm, select for condition of wind and another blast begone lost arrow down thunder and breathless agony again, toss bodies to and fro, a senselessness that you need to pass wholly into hellfire and keep you sane and solid, and rage a great luxury for there at least I remember I knew this hand and braced again inside myself there a distance. bring me back with a centre, and then came the cameraman to once again take that centre. brace yourselves

>> No.12349060

Good schizo thread

>> No.12349063

No it's not. Jñana (wisdom) destroys bad karma (actions and their results). Gehenna is a supernatural place of punishment for sinners.

>> No.12349073


Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta may be interesting, but will only lead one to Hell.

>> No.12349100

Hinduism is a metaphysical abomination that no philosopher would ever take seriously.

>> No.12349119
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Get into Jhana first bucko

>> No.12349121

>Hinduism is a metaphysical abomination

>that no philosopher would ever take seriously.
Except ones who heap praise on it like Schopenhauer

>> No.12349158

I agree but it's ambigious enough that Christians can still claim it's in line with the trinity and whatever remaining theological positions of the church they belong to, as is the case for much of these kinds of
'eastern-wisdom' quotes in the bible

>> No.12349226


Even in Canonical, or otherwise prissy, interpretation Gehenna is sometimes a metaphor for a dump where one discards "sin" or "illusion", the fire being "eternal" meaning no such things are too big to be done away with.

>> No.12349287

That's not canonical at all. Gehenna is a place people and demons will be sent at the final judgement. Even if it's a place of temporary suffering, it's still explicitly punitive, and closer to the hell realms in Hinduism than a more abstract principle like Jñana.

>> No.12349540


The irony of literal interpretation and the Atheist delirium of "facts" merging in a horseshoe of abject mockery is lost on you.