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12345879 No.12345879[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be a Marxist
>discover French Marxist Psychoanalysis through Zizek
>read Deleuze
>I’m now a Nick Land Fascist
anyone else? this is a normal ideological transition right?

>> No.12345887


>> No.12345896

Hey buddy, fuck you
Not /lit/, please leave
Please do not blog here

>> No.12345908

On the one hand you questioned your own beliefs, you had the courage to do that, which is admirable.
On the other, you switched one comedy belief for another and have ascended to the rank of /lit/'s prize meme pig.

>> No.12345917

>be Christian
>discover Kierkegaard
>be better Christian

>> No.12345929

The most important part of this being how you were automatically programmed to be a Marxist. That's a result of jews running our institutions.

>> No.12345930

Shut up dumbass. Neither you nor OP reads.
Nobody cares, LARPer.

>> No.12345977

For me I was originally an anarcho-capitalist, but now I'm pretty open about being a fascist. I think it started with gamergate but I really transitioned during the election. Just being exposed to all the sjw bullshit through /pol/ really opened my eyes to the degeneracy of my generation. And reading The Culture of Critique and The Bell Curve sealed the deal for me. Currently reading Evola and Mishima.

>> No.12345999

You need to be more subtle

>> No.12346027
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you went to far anon, you missed the sweet spot

>> No.12346050

>psychoanalysis, Marx, Deleuze, Zizek, and Land are not /lit/
I think something about the post just upset you is all.

>> No.12346057

Psychoanalysis is /x/ tier

>> No.12346059

oh so you're just a pseud.
the first step is admitting you have a problem.

>> No.12346117
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>be gender dysphoric
>Get into Chapo tier demsoc activism
>Become tankie
>Get into zizek and third worldism
>Become an Assadist
>Redpilled on the Zionists
>Become relatively socially conservative, still progressive on economics, don't think multicultural societies can work in the long run
>Guess I'm NazBol now

>> No.12346140


>> No.12346176

Not really one of the fascist strengths. Its basically just gay minus the good chaotic bits you'd get in a gulag-type situation or democracy, or anything else really where rule is mythical-chaotic like Disneyland or Singapore, I mean elsewhere.

>> No.12346189
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>> No.12346207

>be a retarded waste of oxygen neet
>do literally nothing all day so my life feels empty and pointless
>latch on to radical meme political ideologies in a desperate attempt to find any semblance of meaning
>it doesn't work so i immediately jump to some other extreme ideology
>continue until inevitable suicide
wtf how does this keep happening

>> No.12346220

It absolutely is /x/tier. That's not bad, it's a creative activity.

>> No.12346226

>Thinks anomie is an individual problem

>> No.12346256
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>Nick Land Fascist
You have no idea what you're talking about (so I guess this is bait, good job).

>> No.12346284

>not fascist

>> No.12346291

>you just gotta do work at your meaningless job and you'll be happy!
lmao I have a job and it fucking sucks, you wouldn't know that since you're 15 and don't know anything about life. your amway occultism can suck a fat one.

>> No.12346297

>be me
>boring average guy
>can't take it anymore
>start taking some tests on internet to see which political ideology fits my personality
>start reading about my peculiar ideology noone heard of so I can argue about it with other people
>I slowly feel I found meaning in life and people think me interesting (but probably a little annoying at the same time). I'm certainly not that piece of plastic floating in the ocean anymore, I have a direction now
>I don't have any degree in politics and there's no way I'll ever take a position as a politician, but let me tell how we should rule the country, your life and all the rest in every detail (some people might have to die depending on my edginess)

>> No.12346329

Didn't read lmao

>> No.12346351

>>I slowly feel I found meaning in life and people think me interesting (but probably a little annoying at the same time). I'm certainly not that piece of plastic floating in the ocean anymore, I have a direction now
so much projection lmao. ask me how I know what board you're from.

>> No.12346409

Fuck you, Leatherman

>> No.12346415

He's talking about himself so it isn't, unless it struck a nerve in you

>> No.12346423

>Anon insults himself and talks honestly and openly about his childhood: something that has never before in this site's history has ever happened

>> No.12346458

How is that projection?

>> No.12346467

read my post to the end

>> No.12346472

I'm genuinely curious what board you think he's from and how. It could be a jab at both /pol/ and /leftypol/, if that's what you had in mind.

>> No.12346511
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>be me
>realise that communists, fascists, nazis, ancaps, ancoms, primitivists, capitalists, socdems, nazbols, tradcaths, neolibs, neocons, democrats, republicans, islamists, monarchists, utopians and any other ideologue are all stuck in samsara and are all experiencing dukkha
>realise that taking the bodhisattva vows and dedicating myself to the liberation of all sentient beings is the only logical conclusion
>become enlightened

>> No.12346520

This but unironically

>> No.12346525

no you freak

>> No.12346530

The /pol/ack's journey:

> normie liberal or neocon
> lolbertarian
> ancap (optional step)
> nazi/fascist/nazbol
> monarchist

if u took any other steps ur a faggot

>> No.12346536
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Obsessing over your identity and what labels suit you best is a symptom of social media induced narcissism. If you don't actually take part in any praxis and just read a bunch of theory (or pretend to) then you are doing the same thing as furries who spend their time online describing how cool their fursona's heterochromia is.

>> No.12346545

when u haven't discovered tantrism/shaktism yet and can't use the intense hatred and passion of political utopianism to reach moksha

fucking pleb

>> No.12346578

I just ally myself with anyone in favour of complete human eradication whether they are neghed antinatalists or u/acc antihumanists or whatever.

>> No.12346584

>the intense hatred and passion of political utopianism to reach moksha
That's not how it works, friend

>> No.12346588

>thinking praxis is still relevant

Read more theory. We are way past that point.

>> No.12346658
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I read theoretic works about divine monarchy while also spiritually arming myself to wage a Nueva Reconquista of the browned heathen West to bring all atheists and non-Catholics to their knees (ethnically cleansing all lands I go through). Jesus said he'd bring a sword. I will be that sword. Aryan-Catholic Europe will rise and convert galaxies. Catholicism is universal by definition; to the stars we will go. All pagans shall be burned and white Europe shall be restored under my banner. So there's your praxis, buddy.

>> No.12346670

wow so unique

>> No.12346686

low quality

>> No.12346735

I can tell by your sarcasm that you're both a CIA nigger and a faggot. You will burn, nerd.

>> No.12346765

you know the funny thing about "gnon" is how people have been trying to eradicate e.g. fags forever, but haven't succeeded, and now they're saying they're doing it on behalf of "gnon"

if you're crusading against something that persists despite everyone trying to eradicate it in a lot of the world, it sort of suggests that "gnon" is not on your side

>> No.12346773

Being a nick land tankie is also an option anon. You just swallow half of the landpill [sic]

>> No.12346823

>you're either a catholic neonazi crackpot or a CIA nigger

>> No.12346837

psyop detected

>> No.12346848

I don't worship "gnon"; my god is not of nature, but rather beyond nature. Thank you very much. But good point though. I dislike fags because they are annoying and too often prey upon children.

>> No.12346855


>> No.12346899

>be buddhist
>coup happens in my country
>don't care, meditating
>coup leaders mismanage food supplies
>don't care, meditating
>starve to death

>> No.12346908

>be a marxist
okay, everyone's gotta start somewhere
>psychoanalysis thru zizek
alright one step forward two steps back
>read Deleuze
>nick land fascist
what the actual fuck lmao

>> No.12346920

that's another thing: the "children" shit. like, do you not realize you're going to have to kill kids to achieve your thousand-year kingdom or whatever? do you not understand what genocide entails? what do you think those bits about dashing babies' brains out on rocks were?

and of course they on some level acknowledge that, you can catch them making jokes about shooting children, breivik did it for real, but then they get all tumblr on you and try to call you out for dating a 19-year-old

shit's dumb. why should I take orders from these fags?

>> No.12346947

>be intellectual white male
>attracted to leftism because fuck working for a living
>left decides capitalism isn't the main problem, white males are
>now reading assorted far right loonies trying to find a new identity

Fixed for accuracy.

>> No.12346954

This is scarily accurate for 90 percent of Landians holy fuck

>> No.12346971

yea i don't believe u dawg. you have read deleuze just like that, after zizek... so you started reading deleuze and then you are done. i feel to read him properly would take years, and i am not even including the other philosophers he is talking about. and then waht, it's that bong Land that tickled your fancy for some reason, away from deleuze? ok ok

>> No.12346974

What's the next thing to discover to become a betterer Christian?

>> No.12346977

You're not alone, anon. I was a conservative Christian whose love of freedom, small government, and the teachings of Jesus lead him to become a communist. Then I quit believing in God, which means I no longer have to care about freedom, equality, or universalism. I was forced to reevaluate my beliefs and think deeply about what I care about. I still oppose bigotry and I'm not a fan of capitalism as it exists today but my views have changed significantly. Now transhumanism, the nuclear family, and my love of a group that roughly corresponds to what was once called the nordic race are at the center of my political beliefs. I'm being more true to myself. I'm not a Nick Land guy but I still landed in a similar region of the political spectrum.

>> No.12346978

I don't think I'd have much problem killing nigger babies, to be honest. I really feel no empathy for blacks. I view them as less than human and less likable than animals. Some Muslims are easier to sympathize with (and frankly, Jews too), but I think that ethnically purifying lands is a good end, so the means justify it to some extent. But there are other ways to ethnically purify lands like good old deportation or even soft eugenics.

>> No.12346985

t. NIck Land

>> No.12346987

seems like hypocrisy to me
listening to hypocrites is a good way to get given all the bad shit while they take all the good shit

>> No.12346989


its hard to imagine Nick Land ever being a christian really he was just a marxist academic who decided to join the winning side and is also really into "cyber" technology

>> No.12346990

My problem with buddhists and kantians are the same; trying to live as if you are already within the kingdom of ends/Nirvana isn't doing anything to bring it about

>> No.12346998

Hypocrisy in what way?

>> No.12347012

>join the winning side
He married a jewess, which is why he is stuck in limbo and forced to make up bullshit instead of face the truth.

>> No.12347017

He might be semi-ironically shilling here, though.

>> No.12347050

it's funny how the basic human biological impulse is !!PROTECT THE WOMEN!!, so much so that it became the most successful political ideology ever, and people still think they're brave for performing that shit

like lol yeah hello small scared mammals, i'm from the "eating is good" party, our planks are
>nuts and fruits are :100:
>no loud noises :(
>eye contact is #canceled

>> No.12347074

I'm not Nick Land. I didn't even go into detail and the beliefs I describe differ from his in a number of ways.

Please don't go trying to kill innocent people, anon. It's not only atrocious but also counterproductive to the cause of European nationalism(s). You'd only push people away.

>> No.12347118

I'm peaceful. Deep down inside I've pretty much accepted that the fate of white people will pretty much be the same as that of the Neanderthals. Sad but whites deserve it if they don't fucking correct their gay ways. It's really only tragic for the more traditional whites. The liberals deserve this shitshow.

>> No.12347195

Buddhism is not apathy. On the contrary, it is a total refusal to accept distractions and hedonism as a way to cope with life ill's.

Literally everyone that has ever existed has suffered and died at the hands of this world. There is no "Kingdom of Ends" or "Kingdom of Nirvana" to bring about - there is only our inward clarity to the eternal flux of the outer world.

>> No.12347199

I'm glad to hear you're peaceful. I don't believe we will be going the way of the neanderthals. The only race that's really in danger of that at the moment are native Americans. They have abysmal birth rates, high death rates, and something like half marry someone outside their race. The situation for whites is not hopeless, especially if you count Slavs. Progressives don't have nearly as many kids and political beliefs are partially genetic so each generation, while they are voting more left-wing due to mass media and the education system, is genetically becoming more predisposed to being right-wing. Progressives don't realize it but due to their low birth rates and higher exogamy rates, they're breeding a more a nationalistic, traditionalist white race. Indoctrinating kids won't work forever. Eventually, the dam is going to bust. I just hope that when it does, we are able to rejuvenate our civilization without bloodshed.

>> No.12347200

You sound like a loser. Keep your defeatest attitude to yourself in the future.

>> No.12347209

To clarify, I'm only talking about native Americans within the United States. Outside America, their numbers and birth rates may be doing better. I certainly hope so and wish them the best of luck. I don't wish to see any race perish from the Earth.

>> No.12347211

The Chinese are our Samson option. In a world without whites they will fill the power gap and brownoids will realise they have experienced easy mode oppression until then.

>> No.12347228

They've already been filling the vacuum in Africa. They may be able to more effectively encourage more responsible population management on the continent since they lack the baggage of the west. I think I heard about some Kenyan ministers or something considering a 2 child policy due to the influence of China.

>> No.12347238

>china governs itself and trades with africans, middle easterns, and everybody else cause they got enough land to manage and too many people to control while understanding the cyclical nature of the world
>europe gets one foot into the door in 3000 years of recorded history and proceeds to loot the world and subjugate everybody else and spread their abrahamic religion not out of faith but an attempt of supremacy
>2019 and people are larping chinese are gonna enslave everybody
they might get sterilized or only be allowed to make one baby but their life will be better than under western "democracy"

>> No.12347263
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>be some sort of half-assed Republican, into Freeze Peach and atheism, listen to Rush Limbaugh
>make gay friend, he's cool; realize part of the GOP actively wants to stop him having family and civil rights
>become some sort of half-assed Democrat, into muh diversity, still atheist, "fucking love science". Voted for Obama the second time round.
>Obama shits the bed; realize liberals don't care about the working class.
>Read some Marxist critiques of games/TV shows
>Become Marxist, interested in intersectionality, oppressed people of all kinds fighting The Man, etc
>Meet gf, her dad used to be in the KKK, she's into traditional (ie submissive) gender roles. Fall hard in love.
>Introduced to /pol/ and various race-realist material (crime stats, etc). Life starts to revolve around protecting, providing for a possible family in a year or two.
>Read some William Blake; realize Christianity doesn't have to be about a hierarchy with some twat getting rich off donations. Abandon fedora-ism for some sort of weird Gnostic faith.
>Also intrigued by the idea of magic, think there could be something there, but don't know.
>Still got working-class pride, chip on shoulder against the actually-existing capitalist fuckheads making life difficult for my class. But can't reduce EVERYTHING to "Capitalism did it".
>Bit more racist now, wouldn't want too much "diversity" near my home.
>Guess I'm Nazbol now? Or something?

>> No.12347269

>hurr europe was actually dumb and stupid and backwards until that one thing that happened

sure thing li fu chong

>> No.12347277
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Landian philosophy and right-accelerationism is an attempt to translate dark-synth albums into literature and as an aesthete above all else, I'll support it.

>> No.12347285

Basé et rougepillé

>> No.12347291

>then a pagan
>then a Christian
>then a Hindoo

if u took any other steps ur a faggot

>> No.12347298

It's not racist to prefer to live in a community or country that is mostly inhabited by your people. As long as you don't hate whole groups, I think you're fine. Good luck with your future family, anon. I hope you and your future wife have many happy, healthy children.

>> No.12347300


>> No.12347311


i want her to sit on my face

>> No.12347353
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>finding the coolest labels for yourself without having actually read anything
this thread is so cringe, stop buying into meme philosophy

>> No.12347359

Thanks for sharing your story anon.

>> No.12347412

literally didnt happen, liar

>> No.12347558

youre gay

>> No.12347605

I guess this is what I am, but actually racist.

>> No.12347653

If you're above 25 and still unironically invested in politics you are a waste of space

>> No.12347680

he definitely mad

>> No.12347686

top post