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12345632 No.12345632 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books/authors that acknowledge how heavily Catholicism drew from pagan influences and rituals, and polytheism with saints, but take a neutral or positive view on it as a fascinating syncretism or as otherwise positive in some way or another. I cant imagine a theological argument to it being positive but that would be especially interesting. This may seem like an anti-Catholic bait thread but it really isnt.

>> No.12345650

There’s interesting stuff out there on Thomas Aquinas being into / inspired by alchemy, and how it bled into the Summa.

>> No.12345657

Any specific books about this?

>> No.12345773

What is first in intention is ultimate in execution.
Ni syncretism there at all.
Pagan truth (rests from the Primordial Revelation + natural science, esp philosophy peaking with Plato and Arostotle's monotheism) is sursumed by Catholicism.

>> No.12345795

How is saints polytheism?

>> No.12345854

Probably he doesn't know about Catholic doctrine, which leads him to sloppy heterodox interpretations.
He should read something about duly and latry

>> No.12346006
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can you explain? admittedly im not very well versed but i see stuff like pic related and its hard not to think of this as a pantheon. i understand that the saints are well beneath the one God and theyre not directly worshipped but just intermediaries to God, but there are uncontroversially pagan religions with the same logic. The Ashanti have the many Abasom, who make up the pantheon at large, and then Onyame, who is the one God that created all of them and is the creator of the universe, all offerings and prayers go to him via the Abasom.

>> No.12346012

>he doesn't realize the celebration of the Mass is real live ceremonial magic
read some crowley

>> No.12346152

If someone dies and goes to heaven they are in heaven and thus can hear prayers. How does that make them a deity?

>> No.12346294

And catholicism is xyrsumed by intersectionalism.
That'll be 37 'It's Ma'aam's from you, heathen.

>> No.12346301
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>> No.12346304

Catholicism borrowed practically nothing from paganism. All the early Church fathers scoffed at it.

>> No.12346311

I’ve been interested in the same thing lately.

>> No.12346318

I hope there are earmuffs in heaven.

>> No.12346325

Purgatory comes from the celtic fairy religion. That’s just the one I know about, but it’s a big one and I’m willing to bet there are a lot more.

>> No.12346337
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>who is Sol Invictus

I shill it a lot but unironically read Campbell's Masks of God. Specifically the book about Occidental Mythology.

>> No.12346387

Why would someone being in heaven mean they can hear prayers? Are they omniscient? I guess there's some kind of time paradox going on too so that they can hear thousands of prayers at the same time and go around interceding with all of them so people can find their lost car keys.

>> No.12346392

The thing that western Christianity developed into ("Catholicism") is not the same thing as early Christianity.

>> No.12346440
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Oh boy...

>> No.12346473
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>> No.12346485

The music has nothing to do with the sentiment that was misplaced in searching for an answer to a question no one had asked.

>> No.12346617

French is such a gay and ugly language, fuck. How did this language ever reach such high esteem among Europeans? Were 18th century Europeans faggots? Was this why we got the French Revolution? Too many fags? Europe died when the lingua franca of whites switched from Latin to French. When it switched to English, it was pretty much pocking a corpse with a niggerstick.

>> No.12346768

Well, that depends, and ironically also brings up the question of ancestor worship. Can dead relatives do anything to help us out when we pray to them? Can we feel their presence on be comforted by it? Can they in any way intercede on our behalf? I am seriously in no way mocking or disparaging these or other beliefs, genuinely curious about the details and distinctions. If spirits of relatives can have any effect on us that speaks more to a polytheist system that includes ritual ancestor worship.

>> No.12346952
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Primary and secondary texts regarding the Saints are more important than the book of Acts or the epistolary of the NT, second only to the Gospels.
The Saints are proof of God.

>> No.12347368

thanks anon appreciate it

>> No.12347387
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I wrote a 50 page research paper about syncretic Mariology last year.The point I argued in my paper is that many aspects of dogmatic Mariology came from popular piety, not vice-versa. Books about Mariology are an excellent place to start for your question. Haiti has some of the most interesting Catholic syncretism in the world btw.

>> No.12347532

that sounds very interesting anon thanks