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12343458 No.12343458 [Reply] [Original]

>ree-resentement resentment!
this is the best argument fedora nihilist incel neetcheans have against Christianity....absolutely pathetic....I will pray for you all that you accept Christ as your lord and savior. Stop being depressed and resenting Christ, Christ is the truth. Stop being a depressed incel brainlet nihilist hedonist coward like neetchuh.

>> No.12343474

Christ was a Chad

>> No.12343503

I want there to be a holocaust just for christcucks the world would be so much better off without there brainletism and smugness

>> No.12343508

A Chadcel is a rare sight...but they are out there. Jesus is the most famous example of this subspecies of the volcel. Chadcels are extremely powerful. When they ascend to Godhood, as Christ did, no wizard is powerful enough to hold them back.

>> No.12343515

christ was a socialist

>> No.12343520

You’re right. I just realized that this is why I, a wizard, resent Christ. Because his very existence btfo’d me. I will now reject my hubris and bow down to my lord and savior.

>> No.12343527
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