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/lit/ - Literature

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12342985 No.12342985 [Reply] [Original]

An unspeakable abomination curled a fetid limb in salute and garbled:
>mudda gub bidda fo tum mup nibba
It was enough to drive a man to madness.

>> No.12343251
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>> No.12344040

Or turn him into a nigger.

>> No.12344050

I took leave of my father's decrepit farmhouse in my modest Guatemalan automobile, making reasonable pace across a landscape bereft of anything resembling what I had come to know as modernity. I eventually reached the general store, a flimsy wooden structure that emitted a dark cloud of smoke from a narrow chimney. Two locals sat outside in the midday sun, accomplishing nothing and seemingly content in their doing so. Their bestial stupidity, likely the result of generations of inbreeding and race-mixing, was apparent in both their appearance and vocabulary.

My eyes were immediately drawn towards the words emblazoned above the door. These words perplexed me in such a manner that defy ordinary description. I shall not repeat them here, for I fear that anyone who stumbles upon this tome will meet the same fate as I should they read them.

I have not slept in weeks, as I have tried in increasing desperation to decipher the true meaning of that inscription. I fear that it is pointless. The fate of this city slicker is sealed.

>> No.12344063

lovecraft was the most based of authors, prove me wrong

>> No.12344077
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what did he mean by this

>> No.12344085
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Read this book to find out.

>> No.12344233

if only he had a gay relationship with Joseph Conrad it would have been amazing