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12340860 No.12340860 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is better /lit/?
I've heard that GRRM is an atheist, so I already have reasons to not like his amoral fantasy

>> No.12340866

I don't enjoy fantasy so much but I read pretty much all of Tolkien out of respect.

>> No.12340868

Tolkien is better. The Fat Blob added an R to his name just so it resembled Tolkien's. That's how pathetic he is.

>> No.12340895

LoTR is good as both a book and a movie.
GoT is good as a TV show.

>> No.12340900

The TV show sucks though

>> No.12341196


>> No.12341219

Reminder that Tolkien actually finished both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, so Martin's feeble attempts to deflect criticism from his failure to finish A Song of Ice and Fire have no merit.

>> No.12341221

Martin is such a cuck..

>> No.12341249

Tolkien was racist

>> No.12341253

Is it true that Martin is against war?

>> No.12341261

Prove it beyond doubt

>> No.12341270

go back to /pol/

>> No.12341280

One is a original work of art, the other is generic genre fiction with a historical flair.

>> No.12342159

They're incomparable.
Tolkien created the mythology of an entire world, beginning with languages and then histories, and the stories of his books sprang from that. It's an incredible literary achievement. In the words of some reviewer, "How, given little over half a century of work, did one man become the creative equivalent of a people?"
Don't let the contrarians fool you into thinking it's some generic fantasy. All the generic fantasy you know is a pale imitation of the lesser bits of his work.

>> No.12342243


>> No.12342258
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Tolkien was on such a different level as both a creator and writer that it's not fair to Martin to compare the two.

Compare Martin to any other contemporary writer of fantasy and you might have a thread. Not that I read modern fantasy at all.

>> No.12342259

got is the best tv has to offer

>> No.12342276

it's not even worthy to be mentioned in the same post as the best TV shows.

>> No.12342286

High fantasy began and ended with Tolkien. Everything else that followed (Terry Brooks, GRRM, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, David Farland, etc) is absolute profane derivative trash. Tolkien's work is a major contribution to literature and will be read and studied for many generations to come. The rest is just embarrassing American crap.

>> No.12342319
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>> No.12342321

The books put the show to shame though, the books are fucking incredible I've never flew through a book that size that fast before that. Clash of Kings was so thrilling and full of surprises. So much detail in the politics and every little piece of dialogue/event ends up having some bigger impact. I don't get why the series is so underrated here.

>> No.12342460

>muh grimdark realistic fantasy
You people make me sick

>> No.12342471

What are you trying to say here exactly? Is the fact that it's realistic in nature supposed to be a bad thing? You know real history is pretty grim as well.

>> No.12342473

>true detective
>twin peaks

>> No.12342514
File: 324 KB, 608x464, SailorSailor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a better show than GoT

>> No.12342748

His books are juvenile edgy shit, it's derivative and lazy
>DUDE like people aren't good all the time GET IT ?

>> No.12342808

If only, but he goes above that, people in his books are NEVER good, at least majority of them.

>> No.12342903

>ned stark

>> No.12342924

>people in his books are NEVER good
And you actually think that's good?

>> No.12342947

True Detective was hit and miss, even in the first season. Dekalog is patrician though.

>> No.12342957

LOTR is a timeless classic and has literary merit so they're not even in the same league, but ASOIAF is a fun pulpy series although you'd do yourself a favor to read the historical events it was based on, especially The Hundred Years War, since they're much more intricate and surreal to an extent.

>> No.12342961

The Wire, HBO's Rome and The Twilight Zone are.

>> No.12342983

From what I've seen in the shows and movies, GoT seems to be more focused on the heroism of its characters while LotR has much better battle scenes.

>> No.12342988

>The Hundred Years War
Reckon War of the Roses would be closer to the mark.

>> No.12342998
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According to his grandson Simon Tolkien, Tolkien in the last years of his life was disappointed by some of the liturgical reforms and changes implemented after the Second Vatican Council:
>I vividly remember going to church with him in Bournemouth. He was a devout Roman Catholic and it was soon after the Church had changed the liturgy from Latin to English. My grandfather obviously didn't agree with this and made all the responses very loudly in Latin while the rest of the congregation answered in English. I found the whole experience quite excruciating, but my grandfather was oblivious. He simply had to do what he believed to be right.

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.12342999

>GoT seems to be more focused on the heroism of its characters
It's the exact opposite though.

That one, too, for sure, but The Hundred Years War was also a significant influence on it and featured a lot of political intrigue, as well as some rather bizarre individuals, like the French king who thought he was made of glass. History is much stranger than fiction in most cases, if only people cared enough to realize that.

>> No.12343012

Tolkien was the best kind of old geezer.

>> No.12343014



>> No.12343136

wtf I love Tolkien even more now!

>> No.12343209

>at least majority of them.

No, it's what I hate about those books and the hype around them.

>> No.12343214


>> No.12343616

Just a reminder: GRRM wanted to do an historical fiction series about the war of the roses but his editor told him that shit wouldn't sell and to change a few names and add a dragon or two.

His idea is basically Abraham lincoln: Vampire hunter but 15 years before post irony was a thing. It's all about timing, man.

>> No.12343624

Holy moly, based and redpilled Tolkien,

>> No.12343645

Pathetic Martin

>> No.12343672

"racism" is just communist for "pattern recognition".

>> No.12343675

GoT is a nice tv show.
ASOIAF is the masterpiece you are probably asking about.

>> No.12343693
File: 209 KB, 2518x1024, dostol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More chad vs virgin memes author edition

>> No.12343769

This one isn't even funny.

>> No.12343779

Few, if any are.

>> No.12343785

Daily reminder that Tolstoy feld guilty for fucking his own wife. He didn't "fucked bitches left and right."

>> No.12343808

Am i just as pathetic for liking dostwhisky more than tolstoyingaround?

>> No.12343826

LOTR movies are garbage. ASOAIF everything is garbage.
True, but that's because TV degenerated into a garbage medium, it doesn't mean it's actually good.

>> No.12343835
File: 291 KB, 332x600, 1527109749251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit about generic tolkein fantasy these days? GRRM has issues but he's fucking interesting

Show is trash tho

>> No.12343853

>Daily reminder that Tolstoy feld guilty for fucking his own wife

Wait what?

>> No.12343933

Martin may be an esteemed storyteller (at least by the masses), but he is a horrible writer in the technical sense. His prose was so poor that I couldn't read more than a few pages before giving up on him.

Tolkein was a very skilled writer on top of being a fine storyteller.

>> No.12343979

Because Tolkien had stuff to talk about. What is Martin's background? Bartender?

>> No.12344019

What, asking for evidence makes you a Nazi now? I thought it was fascists who wanted to do away with due process.

>> No.12344048

that's the thing with leftism, it can only exist in a highly moderated space. It cannot hold its own with total free speech.

>> No.12344088

Write for the twilight zone

>> No.12344234

I really appreciate tolkien but don't really enjoy reading him. I'm a brainlet who doesn't get what makes most of the writing "good" though but for me he just doesn't care about getting you into a scene. He describes stuff and states stuff but i barely felt for the characters

His existential crysis appeared later in life, in his book about figuring shit out (whatever it's called) he writes that he fucked a lot of married women while young as well as obligatory duels. He was a rockstar of his times.

>> No.12344244

Someone can be a skilled writer and have nothing to talk about at all. Tolkien both has a lot to say, and the ability to say it in a refined, intelligent manner.

>> No.12344484

Incredibly based and also extremely redpilled

>> No.12344624

National Socialism is left you fucking idiot.

>> No.12344667

That's what I get too. It's basically historical fiction while the actual fantasy is uninspired.

>> No.12345327

His prose is horrendous and his themes are puerile and juvenile

>> No.12345361
File: 9 KB, 260x360, robert-jordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your paths
As successor (and greater) to Tolkien and the daddy of Martin, why shouldn't Jordan be mentioned in these debates?

>> No.12345369

>As successor (and greater)
Did you come here to start shit or do you genuine believe this? The latter is worse than the former.

>> No.12345377

I actually cringe at this

>> No.12345408
File: 34 KB, 500x481, 1523183697802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichean duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

>> No.12345429

I love Tolkien, but Jordan improved upon him in almost every way. His world is not so well thought out by any matter, but characters are more complex, villains more competent, and he allows the other half of the human race to take part in the story.
Martin is just a historical fiction author who couldn't be bothered studying history.

>> No.12345437


>> No.12345469

>He [Tolkien] once said, "It may be said that the chief purpose of life, for any one of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks."
Based and Christpilled

No point in comparison to the degenerate pornographer Martin.

>> No.12345479
File: 134 KB, 1280x636, IMG_20190104_214734_902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martin Will never write an passage as good as this one

>> No.12345517

It's kinda funny that all GRRM books are solved through christianity but he is too brainlet to realize that arc so he can't finish it

>> No.12345554


>> No.12345565


Basically read any gospel and compare the anguish that GRRM tries to portray with their good characters

>> No.12345577


However GRRM already fucked up because their books read as almost irony, in the sense that it's what an atheist describes from a world that should be redeemed by a christian arc, and how from that viewpoint that redemption will never come, he focuses on all worldy matters (taxes, economy, power) and doesn't realize the struggle in his fantasy world is completely spiritual

>> No.12345634

Isn't Jon Snow's arc basically gonna be Jesus arc? Especially now after he dies and is resurrected

>> No.12345651


Except if you knew Jon Snow life you wouldn't call him the messiah because he isn't divine as Jesus, the messiah needs to be god himself or perfect like him to make the arc make sense

The power of being redeemed by god is not the same of being redeemed by a man that's selfless just sometimes

>> No.12345667

Well yes, but it doesn't have to be a perfect analogy. Besides Jon Snow is likely the reincarnation/avatar of Azor Ahai, which makes him special. Add to that he has a special origin/parentage and is most likely the prince that was promised.

>> No.12345708


I could argue that the GRRM arc is too political and it reseembles more the judaistic messiah that will rule the kingdom than the christian one

>> No.12345801

I can see that

>> No.12345899

Only seasons 1-3, with 4 being serviceable. 5-7 are total tripe.

>> No.12345971

Martin is vinegar to Tolkien's wine

it's insulting to even mention that fat fucking neckbeard.

>> No.12346023

I'm a kind-hearted person, but I really do wish a slow and agonising death on Martin

he doesn't deserve the quick heart attack that will end him

>> No.12346110

>Be a religion where majority of your text is written in Greek
>Non Greek speaking priests change the language accordingly to spread the message towards the native speakers of the era
>Fast forward years
>the language change is taken as something holy even after the tongue is spoken by no one
>people autistically screech when Vatican tries to use native language of people.

>> No.12346524


>> No.12346616

Tolkien was chaste and breadpilled, Martin is slave and fleshpilled

>> No.12346721

who the fuck cares, I've read from both authors and enjoy them equally and they're both good in their own merit.

>> No.12346724

Virgin vs Chad memes only work when the Chad is the one that's clearly inferior IMO, otherwise it's just a case of "punching down."

>> No.12346753

Because Tolkien was a devout Catholic that created a vast and detailed world to show the virtues of man and the Trasncendental
Martin is

>> No.12346757

All of these things are irrelevant; whats important is that Latin, for all intents and purposes, fulfilled the function of the "divine language" of Catholic civilisation. I'm not even a Catholic, and if anything I find dogmatic Christianity a little weird, but even I can admit that the turn from Latin to vernacular did a lot of damage to the concept of the Church being the "holy place" in the world.

>> No.12346776

Even the Jewish Messiah, whilst having obvious political aspects, still fundamentally draws his power and authority from God, not to mention how the return of the Messiah is explicitly said to coincide with a 1000-year peace institute by God himself.

ASoIaF is what happens when enlightened atheists try to make a metaphysical story without the metaphysics.

>> No.12347048
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>King so evil he reigned 6 years and 66 days.

Bravo Martin!

>> No.12347067

dear god is the prose in his novels that fucking bad?
he cant finish his novels in like a fucking month?

>> No.12347127

Wikipedia says Richard is his confirmation name from when he was 13.

>> No.12348230

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms>Everything else having to do with A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.12348268

Argh the cod-epic stuff in the later parts of LotR grinds my gears. First book is the best written because he wasn't trying to write the Bible

>> No.12348278

>generic fantasy
I never understood this.
When i think generic fantasy i think something more akin to DnD, LoTR is unique.
One of those things where the supposed "generic" setting is rarely, if ever, actually used.

>> No.12348288

He just sets the chapters out well, hitting you with a cliffhanger followed by boring shit over and over.
Its like a civilization game. You're not actually having fun but you keep pressing next turn.

>> No.12348316

Latin was the vernacular language though, If anything divine it should be Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic.
Latin only became ''divine'' because people stop speaking it.

>> No.12348351

tolkien copied shakespeare, with an eye for history and myth that gave him a unique flair
martin copied tolkien, with a cynicism that'd become blase decades ago and all the rote pedantry you'd expect from a television writer

>> No.12348669

LotR is one book dummy.
And anyways he uses the word smote in Fellowship, so I don't really know what you are talking about.

>> No.12348696

That's what he means though. Considering game designers and YA novelists are still trying to find ways to make "elves are pretty, dwarves drink a lot" interesting says a lot about how much of a sledgehammer Tolkien was to the human imagination, and how High Fantasy will never truly separate itself from him.

>> No.12348759

>LoTR is good as both a book and a movie.
>GoT is good as a TV show
100% agree with this post.

>> No.12348876

not a novel. it's his fake fucking history text.

>> No.12349068

>the land of always winter

Only a retard would think this placeholder should not be a placeholder.

>> No.12349084

True detective is SHIT. Dekalog doesn't count as a TV show. Twin peaks is alright, I guess.