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File: 114 KB, 636x322, elliot-rodger-manifesto[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12339109 No.12339109 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: surprisingly poignant books

>> No.12339118

Been meaning to read this, is it really 200 pages of pure angst and autism or are there some insightful observations?

>> No.12339139


>> No.12339146

Both but also some pretty comfy/funny/autistic narratives.

>> No.12339148

I've never read beyond a few paragraphs of it because of screenshots that get posted on 4chan sometimes, but I would expect it to be poignant. Not surprising at all.

>> No.12339179

>Humanity....all of my suffering has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women.

Admit it /lit/, even if you had had the idea to write a novel from the perspective of a crazed incel shooter autist, you wouldn’t come up with an opening line as killer as this. The crazy thing about My Twisted World is that it’s a novel-long cringe meme, but even the dumbest cringe meme is full of humanity

>> No.12339483

Elliot's manifesto will unironically be remembered as one of the defining philosophical texts of the 21st century.

I'm not a misogynist in the slightest (I love women tbqh), but Elliot basically wrote the incel Bible. It will be remembered in the same way Mein Kampf is remembered-- A historically significant text that outlined the tennets of a significant political movement of it's generation.

>> No.12339490

>I love women
Physically cringed

>> No.12339502

It actually is significant for this reason: Nobody else is willing to write something like that because he was crazy and had nothing to lose. He wrote something genuine with nothing to censor his thoughts and then he killed some people and died. I think it would be considered as a useful insight because he didn't write this to sell it, or anything like that, he just wrote his feelings and it's unique to him I guess.

>> No.12339512

>that part where he thinks his friends are leaving to go fap periodically

>> No.12339538

>resentful incel

If you thinks this is poignant for any other reason than because it's tragic, you're wrong.

>> No.12339542

>Nobody else is willing to write something like that because he was crazy and had nothing to lose.

Not every author writes YA

>> No.12339701

go back to r3ddit

>> No.12339883

more like surprisingly hilarious

>> No.12339925

>Thinks Elliot Rodgers is even a cohesive thinker, let alone poignant

>hurr gb2r

You have to be 18 to post here incase you didn't know

>> No.12339949

>reddit spacing

>> No.12339971

Literally been used on this site since it's inception. Fuck off with your newfag shit memes

>> No.12340003


>> No.12340018

not when using meme arrows retard

>> No.12340024


>> No.12340026

you dabbed on him right there.

>> No.12340213

>physically cringed
psychically winced

>> No.12340251

>but even the dumbest cringe meme is full of humanity
Because it's entirely sincere.

>> No.12340271

Implying it can't be both.

>> No.12340287

>Wahhhhh i cant get laid
>Wahhh im so egotistical that I cant redirect my autismovirgin power into something productive like the pursuit of genius
>Wahhhh instead i want to blame literally everyone but me for everything
>Wahhhhhh im going to go on an autistic shooting rampage and stab my roomates out of sheer resentment because Im incapable of managing my emotions or shaking off my childish egoism like a normal human

Totally poignant. This thread is fucking embarassing.

>> No.12340309

It's interesting that some people here seem to think Elliot Rodger had meaningful things to say, assuming they're being serious.

The guy was just an overprivileged rich kid with no perspective on life. I read his manifesto a few years back, and there's really nothing interesting about it. It's more of an autobiography than anything, just a series of anecdotes about his unremarkable childhood interwoven with complaints about his sexual frustration. He barely goes into broad social "critiques," and nothing he says is original in the slightest. It's all just basic redpill/blackpill bullshit you'd hear from any incel, and he's admired in incel communities not because of his ideas, but because he killed a bunch of women.

As far as poignancy goes, maybe you could say it's tragic to see someone who was seemingly born with everything develop such a warped, self-defeating worldview, but that's it. There's nothing there worth romanticizing.

>> No.12340322

>Reductio ad absurdum

>> No.12340325

How the fuck is that post reductio ad absurdum? Youre an idiot.

>> No.12340335


>> No.12340345

It's not reductio ad absurdum. It's an accurate summary.

>> No.12340366

Read beyond the fucking text you idiots. It's a fascinating work not because you have to completely sympathize or agree with the rodge but because of its implications about western society and hilariously sincere style.

>> No.12340415

Exactly, these people just don’t get it. All the interest comes from a character like Elliott even existing in the first place

>> No.12340446

>The guy was just an overprivileged rich kid with no perspective on life.
Yeah, it's not like he went into a mental downward spiral or anything, or killed multiple people at his lowest point. The manifesto would've been more fun to read if he showcased his personality with hyperbole and exaggeration, almost relishing in his villainous role. Too bad we never got that though.

>> No.12340456
File: 66 KB, 480x360, Chadthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managing your emotions is for goyim.

>> No.12340489

There is undoubtedly a strange cult (largely among "incels") that regards him as some kind of martyr. That is certainly the context he typically comes up in. Temper my criticism against that fact.

A great character? Whats so interesting about a rich kid on the spectrum? There are plenty of people like him up to the point of considering a shooting rampage. Hell you probably went to high school with a few.

The fascination comes from the deed itself, from blood. Many serial killers have accrued interest from everyday folks drawn to the dark light of bloody curiosity.

Thats exactly what reading his manifesto is driven by. I don't think it's right to prop up interest in him by pasting his stupid face all over the place.

I get tired of seeing it. It shows how isolated and abstract people have become.

>> No.12340563

there is absolutely nothing wrong about hating women.

>> No.12340666

I hope I don't get put on some sort of watch-list for this, but I don't think his was such a bad way to log-out. There's something a little honourable and beautiful in dying a martyr for an ideology, living life as a tragic hero and dying in an almost larger-than-life way: true to his convictions--not that I condone it, but if I were him and I shared his beliefs, I would at least make sure the suicide note, or book, of sufficient literary merit to hold a place in the canon, even a minor one.

>> No.12340702

kill yourself you actual biological waste. incels are the most oppressed group that should rule over the progressive stack and their existence invalidates all leftist rhetoric.

>> No.12340724

Nice try, Satan, but Rodgers is a murderer and a suicide, he's roasting forever in the fires of Hell.

>> No.12340751

I should think it more insulting to be figurative biological waste, which would suggest that even my bodily being is somehow less than real. But your point is well taken. I am awful, terrible and rotten.

>> No.12340774

It's total garbage. He can't write at all. The fact that he's 100% serious makes it an interesting read though. An unironic "page turner" to borrow a meme term that would be thrown around by critics of genre trash.

>> No.12340779

You're not fun stop posting and go away.

>> No.12341048

My god. I never post ever but this is so warped.


>> No.12341128

>The manifesto would've been more fun to read if he showcased his personality with hyperbole and exaggeration, almost relishing in his villainous role.
He said he wanted to become a dictator and put women in concentration camps, what more do you want.

>> No.12341150

>There are plenty of people like him up to the point of considering a shooting rampage. Hell you probably went to high school with a few.
Is this normal in America?

>> No.12341255


>> No.12341263
File: 158 KB, 1200x890, 1200px-Caravaggio_Judith_Beheading_Holofernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simple fact that you responded to my post means, to me, that a part of you, deep down inside of you, believes at least a modicum of what I said. What Rodger did was evil, but there is an iota of beauty in his life, and death, and even if you don't acknowledge it, a part of you admires the man.

>> No.12341269

>wahhhposting on /lit/

>> No.12341273
File: 9 KB, 236x235, IMG_4620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking incels are a political movement at all

>> No.12341287

The wierd kid no one likes fantasies about ways to get revenge at the people who shunned him.

Our supreme gentleman just acted out on the intense feelings a lot of people harbour.
That's normal everywhere. Modern industrial society will continue to exacerbate the problem.

>> No.12341522

Not at all. You are fucking wacked out bro.

>> No.12341557

Can I just say, I love the church's expression in this image. She looks like she's trying to solve a particularly difficult riddle, not lopping some dudes head off. Total disconnect.

>> No.12341568

Hey I agree even more, the divine punishment of the roastie was exacted and the wokest circles of the internet revere their beloved supreme gentleman. Can't dodge the Rodge!

>> No.12341783


there are no insightful observations, its just an extreme autist's worldview, and how he becomes narcissistic to cope with a world that rejects outcasts. which is quite sad really. it reads like some teenager's diary i guess, nothing sophisticated.

however if you read it in a meta kind of way it can be insightful? gives a glimpse into the minds and motivations of a school shooter

ted k's mainfesto was much better if you want to read something with actual substance

>> No.12341792

An opening line has never made me laugh so hard.

>> No.12341827

It's so edgy and melodramatic it makes me wonder if he was actually being 100% sincere. I think he definitely had a bit of self awareness, despite his apparent egotism

>> No.12341861

Even better is that he puts "particularly woman" at the end of the line as if it's just an extra thought he's trying to squeeze in there. It's just comically bad writing.

>> No.12341896

We live in the post-political age. Identity and sentiment are far more important to the modern person than any coherent set of values or ideas. Incels are, for all intents and purposes, an authentic social force.

>> No.12341911

>what is the alt-right

>> No.12341934

I think they like it because they get to see how he was thinking and they can read about his strange life.

>> No.12341992


It's trash.

>> No.12341998

It’s the fulfillment of everything DFW was attempting.

>> No.12342002

He was such a fucking faggot holy shit

>> No.12342004

There's a multi-video series up on the Mumkey Jones YT account but I can't get through all of it.

>> No.12342040

> Whats so interesting about a rich kid on the spectrum?
Not much. But it’s a far more interesting and sympathetic than any of the boilerplate narratives from those who belong to the so-called oppressed classes. There’s nothing fascinating or profound about the latter.

>> No.12342049

I was being sarcastic you retard.

>> No.12342064
File: 138 KB, 2900x4025, leddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My god. I never post ever but this is so warped.


>> No.12342078

He knew what he wanted and he went for it. Say what you want but I bet that final day was more lively for him than his entire life before hand.

>> No.12342390

not anymore

>> No.12342410

so many people in this thread seem like such normies incapable of abstraction and basic empathy. makes me wonder how they enjoy literature.

>> No.12342416

Beyond stupid.

Yeah, the only books out there are slapdash liberal resentment and Eliot Rodgers. Put something good in your brain, chocolate head.

>> No.12342419

holy shit, he actually got terminated by youtube?
I haven't watched that many of his videos, but from what I remember they just contained generic filthy frank-style edgy humor and he clearly condemned the actions of Supreme Gentleman

>> No.12343670

it's like Notes from Underground but with far less self awareness.

>> No.12343680
File: 52 KB, 702x186, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 2.31.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elliot's manifesto has been cited 28 times.

Have you been cited even once?


>> No.12344479

a media meme to demonize anyone outside of the neocons

>> No.12344525

anglos everyone

>> No.12345176

/lit/ is seething because some college virgin psychopath is STILL more successful than them in literature.

>> No.12345232

No actual autism, that is something very different.

>> No.12345239

>crazed incel shooter autist
Building a pile of buzzwords adds nothing to a statement. Are you sure yyou should be on /lit ?

>> No.12346246

Your reply was comically bad. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.12346269

It somehow contains less insightful observations than a women hate thread on /r9k/

>> No.12346274

Just read Mishima then